B4J Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:






  Begin (NumberOfColumns As Byte, NumberOfRows As Byte) As void

  Blink As Boolean [write only]

  Clear As void

  CursorOn As Boolean [write only]

  DisplayOn As Boolean [write only]

  Initialize (RS As Byte, RW As Byte, Enable As Byte, DataPins() As Byte) As void

  SetCursor (Column As Byte, Row As Byte) As void

  Write (Message As Object) As void

Members description:

Begin (NumberOfColumns As Byte, NumberOfRows As Byte) As void
Sets the number of columns and rows.
Blink As Boolean [write only]
Sets whether the cursor should blink.
Clear As void
Clears the screen and sets the cursor to (0,0).
CursorOn As Boolean [write only]
Sets the cursor state.
DisplayOn As Boolean [write only]
Sets the display state.
Initialize (RS As Byte, RW As Byte, Enable As Byte, DataPins() As Byte) As void
Initializes the object. Note that you should also call Begin.
RS - RS Pin
RW - RW Pin. Pass 255 if not required.
Enable - Enable pin.
DataPins - Array of bytes with 4 or 8 bytes for the data pins.
lcd.Initialize(8, 255, 9, Array As Byte(4, 5, 6, 7))
SetCursor (Column As Byte, Row As Byte) As void
Sets the cursor position.
Write (Message As Object) As void
Writes the message. The message can be a string, a number or an array of bytes.