- Make sure to set the video resolution to 1080P (gear icon).
- It is recommended to view the videos on a desktop, in full screen mode.
- Most of the videos were recorded during 2018. Many improvements were made to B4X since then, especially in regarding to cross platform features (XUI, B4XPages, XUI Views and more). Check the online booklets for more information.
- If you are having trouble playing a video then try to play it on vimeo.com: B4X Video Channel or YouTube.
- The video tutorials code is available here. The 'SOURCE' link in the video player is for downloading the video itself.
- We have a special forum for teachers and any one who likes to teach programming with B4X.
Code Flow
Subs and Variables
Objects & Custom Types
Collections Example
First UI Program
Visual Designer
Explains the cross platform B4XPages framework.
Recursive Subs
Codes Modules and Classes
IDE Tips
B4X IDE Tips