B4X Booklets
B4X Graphics
Copyright: © 2024 Anywhere Software Edition 2.5
Last update: 2024.01.05
Table of content 2 B4X Graphics
1 B4X platforms .............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Graphics / Drawing ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Tip ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Canvas object ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Canvas initialization ......................................................................................................... 7 XUI ........................................................................................................................... 7 BC BitmapCreator .................................................................................................... 7 B4A .......................................................................................................................... 7 B4i ............................................................................................................................ 7 B4J ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Invalidation for B4A and XUI / Refresh for B4i ........................................................... 8 XUI ........................................................................................................................... 8 B4A .......................................................................................................................... 8 B4i ............................................................................................................................ 9 B4J ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Drawing methods ............................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 XUI Drawing methods ................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 B4A Drawing methods .................................................................................................. 13
2.4.3 B4i Drawing methods ................................................................................................... 16
2.4.4 B4J Drawing methods ................................................................................................... 18
2.5 BitmapCreator .................................................................................................................... 20
2.5.1 BC Drawing methods (BC = BitmapCreator) ................................................................ 22
2.5.2 BC Other methods or objects ......................................................................................... 25
2.5.3 BC Asynchronus Drawing methods ............................................................................... 26
2.5.4 BCBrush BitmapCreator brush .................................................................................... 27
2.5.5 BCPath BitmapCreator path ......................................................................................... 28
2.6 BitmapCreatorEffects b4xlib ............................................................................................ 29
2.7 Drawing program First steps .............................................................................................. 30
2.7.1 Initialization B4XMainPage module ............................................................................ 32
2.7.2 Initialization GraphicsFirstSteps module ...................................................................... 32
2.7.3 Draw a line ..................................................................................................................... 33
2.7.4 Draw a rectangle ............................................................................................................ 33
2.7.5 Draw a circle .................................................................................................................. 34
2.7.6 Draw a text ..................................................................................................................... 35
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods ........................................................................... 36
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs ..................................................................................... 41
2.9.1 BitmapCreatorDemo1 .................................................................................................... 42 Remove green......................................................................................................... 43
2.9.2 BitmapCreatorDemo2 .................................................................................................... 44 Drawing with B4XCanvas ..................................................................................... 45 Drawing with BitmapCreator methods .................................................................. 47
3 Graphs ........................................................................................................................................ 48
3.1 Definition of the Graph variables ....................................................................................... 50
3.2 Definition of the Grid variables ......................................................................................... 50
3.3 Source code ........................................................................................................................ 50
3.3.1 Platform specific code .................................................................................................... 51
3.3.2 Common code B4XMainPage module.......................................................................... 51 B4X objects declararions ....................................................................................... 51 Common variables ................................................................................................. 52 ClearGraph ............................................................................................................. 53 InitGraph ................................................................................................................ 53 InitGrid ................................................................................................................... 54
Table of content 3 B4X Graphics InitScale.................................................................................................................. 55 InitCurves ............................................................................................................... 55 DrawGrid................................................................................................................ 56 DrawScaleX ........................................................................................................... 56 DrawScaleY ....................................................................................................... 57 DrawCuves ......................................................................................................... 57 InitCurveValues ................................................................................................. 58 MeasureTextWidth ............................................................................................. 59 MeasureTextHeight ............................................................................................ 59
4 xGraph XUI CustomView ....................................................................................................... 60
5 xChart XUI CustomView .......................................................................................................... 61
6 xGauges XUI CustomView ...................................................................................................... 65
7 B4A view background drawing ................................................................................................. 67
7.1 View Drawables ................................................................................................................. 67
7.1.1 ColorDrawable ............................................................................................................... 67
7.1.2 GradientDrawable .......................................................................................................... 68
7.1.3 BitmapDrawable ............................................................................................................ 69
7.1.4 StateListDrawable .......................................................................................................... 70 Button with ColorDrawables.................................................................................. 70 Button with GradientDrawables ............................................................................. 71 Button with BitmapDrawables ............................................................................... 72 ToggleButton with BitmapDrawable ..................................................................... 73
7.1.5 NinePatchDrawable........................................................................................................ 74
Main contributors: Klaus Christl (klaus), Erel Uziel (Erel)
To search for a given word or sentence use the Search function in the Edit menu.
All the source code and files needed (layouts, images etc.) of the example projects in this guide are
included in the SourceCode folder.
Updated for following versions:
B4A version 12.80
B4i version 8.50
B4J version 10.00
B4X Booklets:
B4X Getting Started
B4X Language
B4X IDE Integrated Development Environment
B4X Visual Designer
B4X Help tools
B4XPages Cross-platform projects
B4X CustomViews
B4X Graphics
B4X XUI B4X User Interface
B4X SQLite Database
B4X JavaObject NativeObject
B4R Example Projects
You can consult these booklets online in this link [B4X] Documentation Booklets.
Be aware that external links don’t work in the online display.
1 General information 5 B4X Graphics
1 B4X platforms
B4X is a suite of programming languages for different platforms.
B4X suite supports more platforms than any other tool
• B4A Android
B4A is a 100% free development tool for Android applications, it includes all the features
needed to quickly develop any type of Android app.
• B4i iOS
B4i is a development tool for native iOS applications.
B4i follows the same concepts as B4A, allowing you to reuse most of the code and build
apps for both Android and iOS.
• B4J Java / Windows / Mac / Linux / Raspberry PI
B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions.
With B4J you can easily create desktop applications (UI), console programs (non-UI) and
server solutions.
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry
• B4R Arduino / ESP8266
B4R is a 100% free development tool for native Arduino and ESP8266 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools, providing a simple and powerful
development tool.
B4R, B4A, B4J and B4i together make the best development solution for the Internet of
Things (IoT).
• B4XPages
B4XPages is an internal library for B4A, B4i and B4J allowing to develop easily cross-
platform programs.
B4XPages is explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
Even, if you want to develop only in one platform it is interesting to use the B4XPages
library it makes the program flow simpler especially for B4A.
2 Graphics / Drawing 6 B4X Graphics
2 Graphics / Drawing
This guide covers the use of Graphics in the B4X languages.
All the source code and files needed (layouts, images etc) of the example projects in this guide are
included in the SourceCode folder.
There are three folders for each project, one for each platform B4A, B4i and B4J.
This booklet covers graphic and drawing methods for the XUI cross platform objects and for the
three platforms B4A, B4i and B4J.
The XUI cross platform objects are explained in detail in the B4X XUI Booklet.
2.1 Overview
To draw graphics, we need to use a Canvas object.
2.2 Tip
I suggest you, to use XUI graphics wherever you can, even for single platform projects.
It is cross platform, which means that the code is the same for all three platforms.
This is the reason why the XUI chapters are always the first.
2.3 Canvas object
The Canvas object is different in the different B4X platforms.
In B4A, B4i and XUI the Canvas object needs a ‘container’ object.
In B4J the Canvas is a Node and does not need a ‘container’ object.
It is possible to draw onto the following views:
XUI: A cross platform canvas, needs the XUI library.
• B4XView,
only B4A / B4i Panel or B4J Pane views, not on ImageViews!
• Activity
• ImageView
• Panel
• Bitmap (mutable)
• ImageView
• Panel
• Don’t use a Canvas with Page.RootPanel, you will get strange behaviors.
B4J: Canvas is a node on its own, it is not related to another object.
2.3 Canvas object 7 B4X Graphics
2.3.1 Canvas initialization
The place to declare the views depends on the application. XUI
Sub Process_Globals
Private xui As XUI
Private xplGraph As B4XView
Private cvsGraph As B4XCanvas
End Sub
xplGraph = xui.CreatePanel("")
cvsGraph.Initialize(xplGraph) BC BitmapCreator
Sub Process_Globals
Private xui As XUI
Private imvGraph As B4XView ' ImageView
Private bmcGraph As BitmapCreator
End Sub
bmcGraph.Initialize(Width, Height) B4A
Sub Globals
Private pnlGraph As Panel
Private cvsGraph As Canvas
End Sub
cvsGraph.Initialize(pnlGraph) B4i
Sub Process_Globals
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
Private pnlGraph As Panel
Private cvsGraph As Canvas
End Sub
cvsGraph.Initialize(pnlGraph) B4J
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private cvsGraph As Canvas
End Sub
2.3 Canvas object 8 B4X Graphics
2.3.2 Invalidation for B4A and XUI / Refresh for B4i
Depending on where and when you use drawing methods in your code you need to add an
Invalidate method for the view you draw on.
Redrawing will only happen when the program can process messages. Usually when it finishes
running the current code. XUI
The invalidation is done on the B4XCanvas object.
cvsGraph is the B4XCanvas object. B4A
Invalidation is done on the canvases parent object, a Panel, in the example below, or an ImageView.
Three different methods:
• Invalidate
Invalidates the whole view forcing the view to redraw itself.
• Invalidate2 (Rect As Rect)
Invalidates the given rectangle.
• Invalidate3 (Left As Int, Top As Int, Right As Int, Bottom As Int)
Invalidates the given rectangle.
cvsGraph.DrawLine(0, 0, 100dip, 100dip, Colors.Red, 1dip)
cvsGraph is the Canvas and pnlGraph is the Panel we draw on.
2.3 Canvas object 9 B4X Graphics B4i
The invalidation is done on the Canvas object.
cvsGraph is the B4i Canvas object. B4J
No Invalidation nor Refresh needed!
2.4.1 XUI Drawing methods 10 B4X Graphics
2.4 Drawing methods
Drawing methods summary of the Canvas objects of the different platforms (BC = BitmapCreator):
XUI and BC are cross-platform.
One big difference between B4J (Java) and B4A / B4i is the transparent color.
In B4A and B4i, when you draw with a Transparent color, the background becomes transparent, and
the underlying views become visible.
This means that you can draw almost any shape transparent.
In B4J, when you draw with a Transparent color, the specified color is drawn with Alpha = 0 onto
the canvas bitmap which means: drawing with a transparent color in B4J (Java) has no effect.
The only way, in B4J, to set the background transparent is the Canvas.ClearRect method.
That’s the reason why in the B4J project the moving transparent area is a rectangle and not a circle.
Sets the rectangle transparent
B4J DrawImage
B4J DrawImageRotated
Similar to DrawBitmap
Similar to DrawBitmap
Similar to DrawBitmapRotated
XUI with path
XUI with path
XUI with path
2.4.1 XUI Drawing methods 11 B4X Graphics
2.4.1 XUI Drawing methods
A B4XCanvas is used for drawing over a B4XView panel.
The drawings will only be updated after a call to Canvas.Invalidate.
Note that you should call Canvas.Release when it is no longer used.
If the hosting view is resized, then the canvas should be released and initialized again.
In the following methods you will find several common parameters.
• Bitmap1 as Bitmap a B4XBitmap bitmap
• x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 As Float are coordinates, Float variables.
• Color as Int are XUI color variables. Int variables
• SrcRect, DestRact, Rect1 As Rect are rectangles, Rect objects
• Filled As Boolean flag if the surface is filled (True) or not (False)
The most common drawing methods are:
• DrawBitmap (Bitmap As B4XBitmap, Destination As B4XRect)
Draws a bitmap in the given destination. Use B4XBitmap.Crop to draw part of a bitmap.
• DrawBitmapRotated (Bitmap As B4XBitmap, Destination As B4XRect, Degrees As Float)
Similar to DrawBitmap. Draws a rotated bitmap.
• DrawCircle (x As Float, y As Float, Radius As Float, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a circle.
x an y are the centre coordinates of the circle and Radius the circles radius.
• DrawLine (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, Color As Int, StrokeWidth
As Float)
Draws a straight line.
• DrawPath (Path1 As B4XPath, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth as Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawPathRotated (Path1 As B4XPath, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As
Float, Degrees As Float, CenterX As Float, CenterY As Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width, rotated by Degrees around
the given centre.
• DrawRect (Rect As B4XRect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a rectangle.
2.4.1 XUI Drawing methods 12 B4X Graphics
• DrawText (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Font As B4XFont, Color As Int,
Alignment As Align Enum)
Draws the text.
Text - The text that will be drawn.
x - The origin X coordinate.
y - The origin Y coordinate.
Font - The text font.
Color - Drawing color.
Alignment - Sets the alignment relative to the origin. One of the following values: LEFT,
• DrawTextRotated (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Font As B4XFont, Color As Int,
Alignment As Align Enum, Degree As Float)
Similar to DrawText. Rotates the text before it is drawn.
2.4.2 B4A Drawing methods 13 B4X Graphics
2.4.2 B4A Drawing methods
Canvas is used for drawing over other views.
The drawings will only be updated after a call to ParentView.Invalidate.
In the following methods you will find a number of common parameters.
• Bitmap1 as Bitmap an Android bitmap
• x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 As Float are coordinates, Float variables, use dip values.
• Color as Int are color variables. Int variables
• SrcRect, DestRact, Rect1 As Rect are rectangles, Rect objects
• Filled As Boolean flag if the surface is filled (True) or not (False)
The drawing methods are:
• DrawBitmap (Bitmap1 As Bitmap, SrcRect As Rect, DestRect As Rect)
Draws the given bitmap or only a part of it.
SrcRect = source rectangle, can be only a part of the original bitmap.
DestRect = destination rectangle, can be any size.
To draw with the same size both rectangles must have same width and same height.
If DestRect is different size than SrcRect the destination drawing is stretched or shrinked
depending on the size ratios between the two rectangles.
• Draw BitmapFlipped (Bitmap1 As Bitmap, SrcRect As Rect, DestRect As Rect, Vertically
As Boolean, Horizontally As Boolean)
Same method as DrawBitmap, but the image can be flipped vertically and/or horizontally.
• Draw BitmapRotated (Bitmap1 As Bitmap, SrcRect As Rect, DestRect As Rect, Degrees
As Float)
Same method as DrawBitmap, but with a rotation of the given Degrees angle around the
centre of the bitmap.
• DrawCircle (x As Float, y As Float, Radius As Float, Color as Int, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a circle.
x and y are the centre coordinates of the circle and Radius the circles radius.
• DrawColor (Color As Int)
Fills the whole view with the given color.
The color can be Colors.Transparent making the whole view transparent.
• DrawDrawable (Drawable1 As Drawable, DestRect As Rect)
Draws a Drawable into the specified rectangle.
• DrawDrawableRotated (Drawable1 As Drawable, DestRect As Rect, Degrees As Float)
Rotates and draws a Drawable into the specified rectangle
2.4.2 B4A Drawing methods 14 B4X Graphics
• DrawLine (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, Color as Int, StrokeWidth
As Float)
Draws a straight line.
• DrawOval (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width.
Draws an oval shape.
Filled - Whether the rectangle will be filled.
StrokeWidth - The stroke width. Relevant when Filled = False
• DrawOvalRotated (Path1 As Path, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float,
Degrees As Float)
Rotates the oval and draws it, filled or not and line width.
Draws an oval shape.
Filled - Whether the rectangle will be filled.
StrokeWidth - The stroke width. Relevant when Filled = False.
• DrawPath (Path1 As Path, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawPoint (x As Float, y As Float, Color As Int)
Draws a point (pixel) at the specified position and color.
• DrawRect (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a rectangle with given size, color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawRectRotated (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float,
Degrees As Float)
Same as DrawRect but rotated by the given angle
• DrawText (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Typeface1 As TypeFace, TestSize As
Float, Color As Int, Align1 As Align)
• DrawTextRotated (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Typeface1 As TypeFace,
TestSize As Float, Color As Int, Align1 As Align, Degrees As Float)
2.4.2 B4A Drawing methods 15 B4X Graphics
Depending on where and when you use drawing methods in your code you need to add an
Invalidate method for the view you draw on.
Redrawing will only happen when the program can process messages. Usually when it finishes
running the current code.
• Invalidate
Invalidates the whole view forcing the view to redraw itself.
• Invalidate2 (Rect As Rect)
Invalidates the given rectangle.
• Invalidate3 (Left As Int, Top As Int, Right As Int, Bottom As Int)
Invalidates the given rectangle.
cvsGraph.DrawLine(0, 0, 100dip, 100dip, Colors.Red, 1dip)
cvsGraph is the Canvas and pnlGraph is the Panel we draw on.
2.4.3 B4i Drawing methods 16 B4X Graphics
2.4.3 B4i Drawing methods
Canvas is used for drawing over other views.
The drawings will only be updated after a call to Canvas.Refresh.
Note that you should call Canvas.Release when it is no longer used.
If the hosting view is resized, then the canvas should be released and initialized again.
In the following methods you will find a number of common parameters.
• Bitmap1 as Bitmap an iOS bitmap
• x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 As Float are coordinates, Float variables.
• Color as Int are color variables. Int variables
• SrcRect, DestRact, Rect1 As Rect are rectangles, Rect objects
• Filled As Boolean flag if the surface is filled (True) or not (False)
The drawing methods are:
• DrawBitmap (Bitmap1 As Bitmap, DestRect As Rect)
Draws the given bitmap or only a part of it.
SrcRect = source rectangle, can be only a part of the original bitmap.
DestRect = destination rectangle, can be any size.
To draw with the same size both rectangles must have same width and same height.
If DestRect is different size than SrcRect the destination drawing is stretched or shrinked
depending on the size ratios between the two rectangles.
• Draw BitmapRotated (Bitmap1 As Bitmap, DestRect As Rect, Degrees As Float)
Same method as DrawBitmap, but with a rotation of the given Degrees angle around the
centre of the bitmap.
• DrawCircle (x As Float, y As Float, Radius As Float, Color as Int, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Float)
Draws a circle.
x and y are the centre coordinates of the circle and Radius the circles radius.
• DrawColor (Color As Int)
Fills the whole view with the given color.
The color can be Colors.Transparent making the whole view transparent.
• DrawLine (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, Color as Int, StrokeWidth
As Float)
Draws a straight line.
• DrawPath (Path1 As Path, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth as Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawPathRotated (Path1 As Path, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float,
Degrees As Float, CenterX As Float, CenterY As Float)
Draws a path with the given color, filled or not and line width, rotated by Degrees around
the given center.
2.4.3 B4i Drawing methods 17 B4X Graphics
• DrawPDF (Document1 As PDDocument, PageNumber As Int, DestRect As Rect)
Draws a PDF page in the DestRect rectangle.
Document - PDF Document.
PageNumber - The page to draw. Note that the first page number is 1.
DestRect - Destination rectangle.
• DrawRect (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth as Float)
Draws a rectangle with given size, color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawRectRotated (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Float,
Degrees As Float)
Same as DrawRect but rotated by the given angle
• DrawRectRounded (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As
Float, CornerRadius As Float, Degrees As Float)
Same as DrawRect but rotated by the given angle
• DrawText (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Typeface1 As TypeFace, TestSize As
Float, Color As Int, Align1 As Align)
• DrawTextRotated (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Typeface1 As TypeFace,
TestSize As Float, Color As Int, Align1 As Align, Degrees As Float)
• DrawView (View As View, DestRect As Rect)
Draws the given view in the DestRect rectangle.
2.4.4 B4J Drawing methods 18 B4X Graphics
2.4.4 B4J Drawing methods
A special node that can be drawn on.
The Canvas node will not be resized automatically when its parent is resized.
In the following methods you will find several common parameters.
• Image1 as Image a Java image.
• x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 As Double are coordinates, Double variables.
• Paint as Paint are color variables. Int variables.
• Filled As Boolean flag if the surface is filled (True) or not (False).
The drawing methods are:
• DrawCircle (x As Double, y As Double, Radius As Double, Paint As Paint, Filled As
Boolean, StrokeWidth As Double)
Draws a circle.
x an y are the centre coordinates of the circle and Radius the circles radius.
• DrawImage (Image As Image, x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double, Height As
Draws the given image.
Image - The image that will be drawn.
x - The top left corner x coordinate.
y - The top left corner y coordinate.
Width - The width of the destination rectangle.
Height - The height of the destination rectangle.
• DrawImage2 (Image As Image, SourceX As Double, SourceY As Double, SourceWidth As
Double, SourceHeight As Double, DestX As Double, DestY As Double, DestWidth As
Double, DestHeight As Double)
Draws the given image.
Image - The image that will be drawn.
SourceX - The top left corner x coordinate of the source rectangle.
SourceY - The top left corner y coordinate of the source rectangle.
SourceWidth - The width of the source rectangle.
SourceHeight - The height of the source rectangle.
DestX - The top left corner x coordinate of the destination rectangle.
DestY - The top left corner y coordinate of the destination rectangle.
DestWidth - The width of the destination rectangle.
DestHeight - The height of the destination rectangle.
• DrawImageRotated (Image As Image, x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double,
Height As Double, Degree As Double)
Draws the given image.
Image - The image that will be drawn.
x - The top left corner x coordinate.
y - The top left corner y coordinate.
Width - The width of the destination rectangle.
Height - The height of the destination rectangle.
2.4.4 B4J Drawing methods 19 B4X Graphics
• DrawLine (x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double, Paint As Paint,
StrokeWidth As Double)
Draws a straight line.
• DrawRect (x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Paint As
Paint, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Double)
Draws a rectangle with given size, color, filled or not and line width.
• DrawRectRotated (x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, Paint
As Paint, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Double, Degree As Double)
Same as DrawRect but rotated by the given angle
• DrawText (Text As String, x As Double, y As Double, Font As Font, Paint As Paint,
Alignment As TextAlignment Enum)
Draws the text.
Text - The text that will be drawn.
x - The origin X coordinate.
y - The origin Y coordinate.
Font - The text font.
Paint - Drawing color.
TextAlignment - Sets the alignment relative to the origin. One of the following values:
• DrawText2 (Text As String, x As Double, y As Double, Font As Font, Paint As Paint,
Alignment As TextAlignment Enum, MaxWidth As Double)
Similar to DrawText. MaxWidth defines the text bounds. The text will be wrapped if it is
• DrawTextRotated (Text As String, x As Double, y As Double, Font As Font, Paint As
Paint, Alignment As TextAlignment Enum, Degree As Double)
Similar to DrawText. Rotates the text before it is drawn.
2.5 BitmapCreator
20 B4X Graphics
2.5 BitmapCreator
BitmapCreator is a cross platform library.
Its core is made of:
1. An array of bytes that represents an image.
2. Platform specific code that efficiently creates a regular bitmap from the bytes array data (Bitmap
3. Platform specific code that efficiently extracts the pixels data from a bitmap and copies them to
the bytes array (CopyPixelsFromBitmap).
Reading and writing to an array of bytes are very quick operations. This allows low level access that
was previously difficult to implement and more or less impossible to implement with cross platform
Additional methods in BitmapCreator:
- Methods to get or set a pixel color in various formats.
- Methods to copy a pixel from a different BitmapCreator to this BitmapCreator.
- Methods to draw a bitmap or a different BitmapCreator to this BitmapCreator.
- Method to draw gradients.
- And a few other methods.
1. The bitmap created with the Bitmap property has a scale of 1. This means that on Android the OS
will resize the bitmap automatically based on the device scale.
Don't use 'dip' units with BitmapCreator.
Note that in the example class the "missing dip" warning is disabled with:
#IgnoreWarnings: 6
2. Depending on your use case it might be better from performance perspective to create a smaller
BitmapCreator and resize the output Bitmap with Bitmap.Resize.
When a non-opaque pixel (source) is set, the target pixel color should be combined with the source
color for the transparency to have its expected effect. This is called blending.
When you call DrawBitmap or DrawBitmapCreator you can choose whether to skip blending or
not. It is significantly faster to skip blending, though drawing with blending will be fast enough in
most cases.
There is also a BlendPixel method that you can use to blend a single pixel.
BitmapCreator vs. Canvas / B4XCanvas
Use them together. BitmapCreator returns a regular bitmap and Canvas can be used to make a
drawing that is then copied or drawn over a BitmapCreator.
2.5 BitmapCreator
21 B4X Graphics
Many of the methods that you will use with BitmapCreator are computationally intensive. The
debugger might be too slow, this is especially true if the code is in a resumable sub as the debugger
cannot optimize such subs.
As BitmapCreator is cross platform you can write the code in B4J and only test it on the other
B4A / B4J - XUI, JavaObject and ByteConverter
B4i - iXUI, iRandomAccessFile
Starting from B4J v6.30, B4i v5.0 and B4A v8.3, BitmapCreator is included as an internal library.
Note that it will not work with older versions of B4J, B4i and B4A.
2.5.1 BC Drawing methods 22 B4X Graphics
2.5.1 BC Drawing methods (BC = BitmapCreator)
BitmapCreator provides methods to manipulate Bitmaps.
• DrawArc (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Int, StartingAngle As Float, SweepAngle As Float)
Draws an arc and returns the created brush.
X / Y - Center position.
Radius - Arc radius.
Color - Drawing color.
Filled - Whether to fill the arc or not.
StrokeWidth - Stroke width (for non-full shapes).
StartingAngle - Measured in degrees, starting from hour 3.
SweepAngle - Measured in degrees. Positive is clockwise.
• DrawArc2 (X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As
Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int, StartingAngle As Float, SweepAngle As Float)
Similar to DrawArc. Expects a BCBrush instead of a color value.
• DrawBitmap (Bitmap1 As B4XBitma, TargetRect As B4XRect , SkipBlending As
Draws a bitmap to the Buffer.
SkipBlending - Whether non-opaque pixels in the source bitmap should blend with the
• DrawBitmapCreator (Source As BitmapCreator, SrcRect As B4XRect, TargetX As Int,
TargetY As Int, SkipBlending As Boolean)
Draws the image stored in the Source BitmapCreator to this BitmapCreator.
Source - Source BitmapCreator
SrcRect - Defines the region in the Source BC that will be copied.
TargetX / TargetY - Top left point in the destination BC
SkipBlending - Whether non-opaque pixels in the source bitmap should blend with the
• DrawBitmapCreatorsAsync(Target As Object, EventName As String, DrawTasks As List)
Asynchronously draws all the draw tasks. Note that no other drawings should be made until
the BitmapReady event is raised.
The 'bmp' parameter will not be initialized in B4J.
Target must be a class instance.
bc1.DrawBitmapCreatorsAsync(Me, "BC", Tasks)
Wait For BC_BitmapReady (bmp As B4XBitmap)
• DrawBitmapCreatorTransformed(Task As DrawTask)
Draws a scaled and / or rotated BitmapCreator.
Task.TargetX / TargetY define the target center. This is different than the behavior in other
Task.SkipBlending = True will treat all pixels with alpha > 0 as solid colors and other
pixels as transparent.
2.5.1 BC Drawing methods 23 B4X Graphics
• DrawCircle(X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a circle. Returns the color brush.
• DrawCircle2(X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As
Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a circle.
X an Y are the centre coordinates of the circle and Radius the circle radius.
Brush is a BCBrush
• DrawCompressedBitmap(Source As _compressedbc, SrcRect As B4XRect, TargetX As
Int, TargetY As Int)
Draws a CompressedBC object created with BitmapCreator.ExtractCompressBC.
• DrawLine(X0 As Float, Y0 As Float, X1 As Float, Y1 As Float, Color As Int, StrokeWidth
As Int)
Draws a line. Returns the color brush.
• DrawLine2(X0 As Float, Y0 As Float, X1 As Float, Y1 As Float, Brush As BCBrush,
StrokeWidth As Int
Draws a line.
• DrawPath(Path As BCPath, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a BCPath. Don't confuse with B4XPath or Path.
Returns the created color brush.
• DrawPath2(Path As BCPath, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a BCPath. Don't confuse with B4XPath or Path.
Non-full paths: Connection segments are drawn between each two lines. You can disable it
by setting BCPath.DrawConnectionSegments to False.
This will make the drawing twice as fast (in most cases it will be fast enough anyway).
• DrawRect(Rect As B4XRect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a rectangle. Returns the color brush.
• DrawRect2(Rect As B4XRect, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Draws a rectangle.
• DrawRectRounded(Rect As B4XRect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As
Int, CornersRadius As Int)
Draws a rectangle with round corners. Returns the color brush.
• DrawRectRounded2(Rect As B4XRect, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Int, CornersRadius As Int)
Draws a rectangle with round corners.
• DrawRotatedCBC(cbc As CompressedBC, Degrees As Float, Width As Int, Height As Int,
AABuffer As InternalAntialiasingBuffer)
Rotates with antialiasing.
2.5.1 BC Drawing methods 24 B4X Graphics
• FillGradient(GradColors As Int(), Rect As B4XRect, Orientation As String)
Fills the rectangle with a gradient. Skips blending.
GradColors - An array of two or more colors that define the gradient.
Rect - The region that will be filled.
Orientation - One of the following: TL_BR, TOP_BOTTOM, TR_BL, LEFT_RIGHT,
• FillRadialGradient(GradColors As Int(), Rect As B4XRect)
Fills the rectangle with a radial gradient. Skips blending.
• FlipCompressedBitmap(Source As CompressedBC, Horizontal As Boolean, Vertical As
Flips a compressed BitmapCreator.
2.5.2 BC Other methods or objects 25 B4X Graphics
2.5.2 BC Other methods or objects
• ARGBToColor(ARGB As ARGBColor)
Converts an ARGB value to a color int value.
• ARGBToPremultipliedColor(ARGB As ARGBColor, PMC As PremultipliedColor)
Converts an ARGB color to PremultipliedColor.
The Result parameter will hold the output.
• Buffer As Byte()
Gets the internal buffer, read only !
The buffer is organized in columns and rows.
Buffer(0) = B of pixel col 0 row 0
Buffer(1) = G of pixel col 0 row 0
Buffer(2) = R of pixel col 0 row 0
Buffer(3) = A of pixel col 0 row 0
Buffer(4) = B of pixel col 1 row 0
Buffer(5) = G of pixel col 1 row 0
Buffer(6) = R of pixel col 1 row 0
Buffer(7) = A of pixel col 1 row 0
• GetARGB (x As Int, y As Int, Result As ARGBColor)
Gets the color of the given point as an ARGB color
The Result parameter stores the output.
Private imvBitmap As B4XView
Private col As ARGBColor
bmcBitmapR.GetARGB(0, 0, col)
Log(col0.a) 'logs the A value
Log(col0.r) 'logs the R value
Log(col0.g) 'logs the G value
Log(col0.b) 'logs the B value
• GetColor(x As Int, y As Int)
Gets the color of the given point as an int value.
• ReplaceSemiTransparentPixels(NewColor As Int, Rect As B4XRect)
Replaces all semi-transparent pixels in the Rect with NewColor.
This can be useful to remove antialiasing effects.
• SetARGB(x As Int, y As Int, ARGB As ARGBColor)
Sets the color of the specified point.
• SetColor(x As Int, y As Int, Clr As Int)
Sets the color of the given pixel.
• SetHSV(x As Int, y As Int, alpha As Int, h As Int, s As Float, v As Float)
Sets the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color of the specified point.
2.5.3 BC Asynchronus Drawing methods 26 B4X Graphics
2.5.3 BC Asynchronus Drawing methods
• AsyncDrawCircle(X As Float, Y As Float, Radius As Float, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As
Boolean, StrokeWidth As Int)
Asynchronously draws a circle. Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of
drawing tasks.
• AsyncDrawLine(X0 As Float, Y0 As Float, X1 As Float, Y1 As Float, Brush As BCBrush,
StrokeWidth As Int)
Asynchronously draws a line.
Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of drawing tasks.
• AsyncDrawPath(Path As BCPath, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth As
Asynchronously draws a path.
Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of drawing tasks.
Note that you shouldn't modify the path while it is being drawn. You can use BCPath.Clone
to create a copy.
• AsyncDrawRect(Rect As B4XRect, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth
As Int)
Asynchronously draws a rectangle.
Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of drawing tasks.
AsyncDrawRectRounded(Rect As B4XRect, Brush As BCBrush, Filled As Boolean,
StrokeWidth As Int, CornersRadius As Int)
Asynchronously draws a rectangle with round corners.
Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of drawing tasks.
2.5.4 BCBrush BitmapCreator brush 27 B4X Graphics
2.5.4 BCBrush BitmapCreator brush
• BlendAll
• BlendBorders
• ColorPM
Premultiplied color
• Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
• IsColorSource
• IsInitialized
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
• Source
Contains: BitmapCreator
• SrcOffsetX
Contains: Int
• SrcOffsetY
Contains: Int
2.5.5 BCPath BitmapCreator path 28 B4X Graphics
2.5.5 BCPath BitmapCreator path
There are three types of paths so it can be confusing: Path (native Canvas), B4XPath (B4XCanvas)
and BCPath. As you can guess BitmapCreator works with BCPath.
A path defines a list of points.
You can either draw lines between these points or fill the polygon shape.
The shape is closed automatically if needed.
• Clone
Creates a copy of the path. This is used by BitmapCreator.AsyncDrawPath.
• DrawConnectionSegments
• FindBoundingRect
Returns the path bounding rectangle.
• Initialize(X As Float, Y As Float)
Initializes the path and sets the first point.
• InternalCounterClockWise
• Invalidate
Call Invalidate if you modifed the Points list directly.
• IsInitialized
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
• LineTo(X As Float, Y As Float)
Adds a line to the given point.
• Points
List containing the points.
• RemoveLastPoint
Removes the last point.
• Reset(X As Float, Y As Float)
Resets the path.
2.6 BitmapCreatorEffects b4xlib 29 B4X Graphics
2.6 BitmapCreatorEffects b4xlib
The BitmapCreatorEffects b4xlib library contains the following methods:
• AdjustColors (Bmp As B4XBitmap, HueOffset As Int, SaturationFactor As Float)
Returns a B4XBitmap.
• Blur (bmp As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• Brightness (Bmp As B4XBitmap, Factor As Float) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• DrawOutsideMask (Bmp As B4XBitmap, Mask As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
Assuming that mask is the same size or larger than Bmp.
• DrawThroughMask (Bmp As B4XBitmap, Mask As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
Assuming that mask is the same size or larger than Bmp.
• FadeBorders (bmp As B4XBitmap, Width As Int) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• FlipHorizontal (bmp As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• FlipVertical (bmp As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• GreyScale (bmp As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• ImplodeAnimated (Duration As Int, Bmp As B4XBitmap, ImageView As B4XView,
PieceSize As Int)
Returns a ResumableSub.
• Negate (bmp As B4XBitmap) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• Pixelate (Bmp As B4XBitmap, BoxSize As Int) Returns a B4XBitmap.
• PixelateAnimated (Duration As Int, Bmp As B4XBitmap, FromBoxSize As Int, ToBoxSize
As Int, ImageView As B4XView)
Returns a ResumableSub.
• ReplaceColor (bmp As B4XBitmap, OldColor As Int, NewColor As Int, KeepAlphaLevel
As Boolean)
Replaces OldColor with NewColor.
KeepAlphaLevel - If true then the alpha level of the source color is kept.
Returns a B4XBitmap.
• TransitionAnimated (Duration As Int, FromBmp As B4XBitmap, ToBmp As B4XBitmap,
ImageView As B4XView)
Returns a ResumableSub.
2.7 Drawing program First steps 30 B4X Graphics
2.7 Drawing program First steps
The XUI cross platform project, a B4XPages project, is in:
I left platform specific projects in:
To draw something, we need a Canvas object which is simply a drawing tool.
B4XCanvas is a cross platform Canvas, it is a wrapper of the native Canvases of B4A, B4i and B4J.
It must be ‘connected’ to a B4XView object in the Initialize method.
The example project is a B4XPages project, which has as a CustomView with the SAME module
for the three platforms.
B4A, B4i
The Canvas draws onto a Bitmap. This Bitmap can be the background bitmap of views.
The most common views to draw on are: Activity, Panel, ImageView or a Bitmap.
The Canvas must be 'connected' to a bitmap or a view background image in the Initialize method.
• Initialize(Target View)
• Initialize2(Target Bitmap) B4A only
If we want to draw on different views at the same time, we need one Canvas for each view.
In the example programs we will use several drawing methods and draw onto the Activity and onto
a Panel pnlGraph defined in the 'main' layout file. Here we need two canvases.
The Canvas is a node, it is not related to any other object like in B4A or B4i.
In the example program we'll use several drawing methods and draw onto the Canvas.
Only the XUI cross-platform project is explained!
It is much easier, even if it is for only one platform.
2.7 Drawing program First steps 31 B4X Graphics
And the result.
2.7 Drawing program First steps 32 B4X Graphics
2.7.1 Initialization B4XMainPage module
In the Class_Globals routine of the B4XMainPage module, we just initialize the Graphics custom
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private Graphics As GraphicsFirstSteps
End Sub
And call Graphics.Drawing in the B4XPage_Created routine.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
End Sub
2.7.2 Initialization GraphicsFirstSteps module
Then, in the Class_Globals routine of the GraphicsFirstSteps module, we declare a B4XView, the
XUI library, the B4XCanvas and a B4XFont.
This example is made as a CustomView.
Sub Class_Globals
Private mEventName As String 'ignore
Private mCallBack As Object 'ignore
Private xui As XUI
Private xplGraph As B4XView
Private cvsGraph As B4XCanvas
Private xFont As B4XFont
End Sub
We initialize the B4XFont to draw the text, it is a cross platform xui method.
Public Sub Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String)
mEventName = EventName
mCallBack = Callback
'define a default font with a size of 20
xFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(20)
End Sub
Here we set the Base object from the Designer to the B4XView xplGraph and ‘connect’ the
B4XCanvas to the B4XView.
Public Sub DesignerCreateVi ew (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map)
xplGraph = Base
End Sub
2.7 Drawing program First steps 33 B4X Graphics
2.7.3 Draw a line
Then we draw a horizontal line onto the Activity or MainPage:
The method is:
DrawLine (x1 As Float, y1 As Float, x2 As Float, y2 As Float, Color as Int, StrokeWidth As Float)
• x1, y1 are the coordinates of the start point in pixels
• x2, y2 are the coordinates of the end point in pixels
• Color is the line color
• StrokeWidth the line thickness in pixels
Then we draw a horizontal line onto pnlGraph with the same coordinates:
The coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the view we draw on, the Panel pnlGraph in
this case.
And the code:
' draw a horizontal line onto xplGraph
cvsGraph.DrawLine(20dip, 20dip, 160dip, 20dip, xui.Color_Red, 3dip)
2.7.4 Draw a rectangle
Then we draw an empty and a filled rectangle onto pnlGraph:
The method is:
DrawRect (Rect1 As Rect, Color As Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth as Float)
• Rect1 is a rectangle object
• Color is the border or rectangle color
• Filled: False = only the border is drawn
True = the rectangle is filled
• StrokeWidth is the line thickness of the border, not relevant when Filled = True
To draw a rectangle, we need a Rect object.
• Define it with the name rect1.
• Initialize it with the coordinates of the upper left corner and the coordinates of the lower
right corner.
• Draw it
And the code:
' draw a empty rectangle onto xplGraph
Private rect1 As B4XRect
rect1.Initialize(20dip, 40dip, 150dip, 100dip)
cvsGraph.DrawRect(rect1, xui.Color_Blue, False, 3dip)
' draw a filled rectangle onto xplGraph
rect1.Initialize(20dip, 120dip, 150dip, 180dip)
cvsGraph.DrawRect(rect1, xui.Color_Blue, True, 1dip)
2.7 Drawing program First steps 34 B4X Graphics
2.7.5 Draw a circle
Then we draw filled circle with a border with a different color onto pnlGraph:
The method is:
DrawCircle (x As Float, y As Float, Radius As Float, Color as Int, Filled As Boolean, StrokeWidth
As Float)
• x, y are the coordinates of the center in pixels.
• Radius is the radius in pixels.
• Color is the border or circle color
• Filled: False = only the border is drawn True = the circle is filled
• StrokeWidth is the line thickness of the border, not relevant when Filled = True
There is no direct method to draw a filled circle with a border with a different color.
So, we first draw the filled circle and then the circle border in two steps.
Instead of using fixed values like 220dip we can also use variables like in the code below.
When a same value is used several times it's better to use variables because if you need to change
the value you change it only once the value of the variable all the rest is changed automatically by
the variable.
And the code:
' draw a filled circle with a border onto xplGraph
Private centerX, centerY, radius As Float
centerX = 220dip
centerY = 70dip
radius = 30dip
cvsGraph.DrawCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, xui.Color_Green, True, 3dip)
cvsGraph.DrawCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, xui.Color_Red, False, 3dip)
2.7 Drawing program First steps 35 B4X Graphics
2.7.6 Draw a text
Then we draw a text.
The method is:
DrawText (Text As String, x As Float, y As Float, Typeface1 As TypeFace, TestSize As Float,
Color As Int Align1 As Align)
• Text is the text to draw
• x, y are the coordinates of the reference point (depending on the Align1 value) in pixels.
The reference point is on the texts baseline.
• TypeFace1 is the text style
• TextSize is the text size in a typographic unit called 'point'.
The text size is independent of the screen density!
Don't use dip values!
• Color is the text color
• Align1 is the alignment of the text according to the refence point.
Possible values: "LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT".
Then we draw a rotated text onto pnlGraph.
And we draw a cross on the reference point to show where it is and how the align does work.
The method is DrawTextRotated, it's the same as DrawText but with an additional parameter
Degrees, the rotation angle.
Instead of using fiyed dip values in the routine we define three variables:
refX and refY the coordinates of the reference point.
hl the half of the cross-line length.
And the code:
Private refX, refY, hl As Float
refX = 80dip
refY = 230dip
hl = 5dip
' draw texts with three alignments onto xplGraph
cvsGraph.DrawText("Test text", refX, refY, xFont, xui.Color_Black, "LEFT")
DrawCross(refX, refY, hl)
'Draw a cross on the reference point
Private Sub DrawCross(x As Int, y As Int, l As Int)
cvsGraph.DrawLine(x - l, y, x + l, y, xui.Color_Red, 1dip)
cvsGraph.DrawLine(x, y - l, x, y +l, xui.Color_Red, 1dip)
End Sub
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods 36 B4X Graphics
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods
In the second drawing program, SimpleDrawMethods, we use the other common drawing methods.
The project, a B4XPages XUI project using B4X objects like B4XView and B4XCanvas, is in the
GraphicsSourceCode\SimpleDrawMethods directory.
I left also older platform specific projects in the GraphicsSourceCode\SimpleDrawMethodsOld
directory, one project for each platform: B4A, B4i, B4J.
The program has no other purpose than to show what can be done with drawings.
The program has four Panels. One for the background image and three layers which can be shown
or hidden with B4XSwitches.
• pnlBackground: for the background image, a rose.
• pnlLayer(0) has a grey background and a movable transparent circle or square, letting see a
part of the background image.
• pnlLayer(1) has a transparent color letting also see layer0. The transparent circle or square
can still be moved.
• pnlLayer(2) has a light grey background hiding the layers behind it.
Background Layer 0 Layer 1 Layer 2
You can play with the switches to observe the different combinations of visible and hidden layers.
And you can move the circle / square.
Only the B4A version is shown.
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods 37 B4X Graphics
Analysis of the code:
There is one layout file for each project.
In the Class_Globals routine we declare the different objects and variables.
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private pnlBackground, pnlLayer0, pnlLayer1, pnlLayer2, pnlLayer(3) As B4XView
Private cvsBackground, cvsLayer(3) As B4XCanvas
Private xbmpBackground As B4XBitmap
Private xRect, xRect0 As B4XRect
Private xFont As B4XFont
Private x100, y100, xc, yc, xc0, yc0, x1, y1, x2, y2, w1, w1_2, w2, w2_2, w2_21,
Radius As Double
End Sub
We have:
• 4 Panels / Panes as B4XView
• 4 Canvases as B4XCanvas
• 3 B4XSwitches from the XUI Views library.
• 2 B4XRect, rectangles used to draw rectangles.
• 1 B4XBitmap, holding the pnlBackground image.
• different variables used for the drawing.
Note that we use arrays of views for the three layer panels and canvases.
Private pnlLayer0, pnlLayer1, pnlLayer2, pnlLayer(3) As Panel.
Private cvsBackground, cvsLayer(3) As B4XCanvas
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods 38 B4X Graphics
In the Sub B4XPage_Create routine we initialize the different views and add them to the activity:
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
pnlLayer = Array As B4XView(pnlLayer0, pnlLayer1, pnlLayer2)
'initialize the canvases
cvsBackground.Initialize(pnlBackground) '
For i = 0 To 2
'transfer the events to the underlying object
'in B4J and B4i events are not transmitted automatically to the underlying object
'when there is no event active routine for the object
#If B4J
Private jo = pnlLayer(2) As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setMouseTransparent", Array As Object(True))
Private jo = pnlLayer(1) As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setMouseTransparent", Array As Object(True))
#Else If B4i
pnlLayer(2).As(Panel).UserInteractionEnabled = False
pnlLayer(1).As(Panel).UserInteractionEnabled = False
#End If
'initialize the background bitmap
xbmpBackground = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "rose.jpg")
End Sub
• Load the layout.
• Fill the pnlLayer array.
• Initialize the Canvases.
• Load the rose.jpg image file into the bitmap.
• Initialize the background image.
• Call the Drawing routine.
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods 39 B4X Graphics
Sub Drawing we call the Drawing routine.
Private Sub Drawing
'create the default font
xFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(16)
'intialize the screen rectangle
xRect0.Initialize(0, 0,pnlBackground.Width, pnlBackground.Height)
'draw the background image
cvsBackground.DrawBitmap(xbmpBackground, xRect0)
'variables for 100%x and 100%y
x100 = pnlLayer(0).Width
y100 = pnlLayer(0).Height
End Sub
The DrawLayer routines are hopefully enough self-explanatory.
The stwLayer_ValueChanged routine. Nothing special.
' B4XSwitch VakueChanged event routine, all three B4XSwitches call this routine
Private Sub stwLayer_ValueChanged (Value As Boolean)
Dim stw As B4XSwitch
Dim index As Int
stw = Sender
index = stw.Tag
pnlLayer(index).Visible = Value
End Sub
2.8 Drawing program SimpleDrawMethods 40 B4X Graphics
The pnlLayer0_Touch routine.
Private Sub pnlLayer0_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
'redraws the background of the transparent part
xRect.Initialize(xc0 - w2_21, yc0 - w2_21, xc0 + w2_21, yc0 + w2_21)
cvsLayer(0).DrawRect(xRect, xui.Color_DarkGray, True, 1)
xc0 = X
yc0 = Y
xRect0.Initialize(xc0 - w2_2 , yc0 - w2_2, xc0 + w2_2, yc0 + w2_2)
'draws the new transparent part
#If B4J
cvsLayer(0).DrawCircle(xc0, yc0, w2_2, xui.Color_Transparent, True, 1dip)
#End If
End Select
End Sub
In B4A and B4i when we draw with a transparent color, the objects background becomes
transparent. Drawing with a transparent color does nothing in B4J. We can set the background to
transparent only with the ClearRect method, therefor a square instead of a circle.
Looking closer on the displayed texts we see the reference point for each text.
cvsLayer(2).DrawText("Rose", x1, y1, Typeface.DEFAULT,16,Colors.Red,"LEFT")
DrawCross(x1, y1, Colors.Yellow)
These are the x1 and y1 coordinates used to display the texts.
LEFT alignment.
CENTER alignment.
RIGHT alignment.
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 41 B4X Graphics
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs
Erel has written some demo projects
• [B4X] [XUI] BitmapCreator - Pixels, Drawings and More
• [B4X] BitmapCreator Effects
To find more examples, enter [B4X] [BitmapCreator] in the Search field.
I have also played a bit with BitmapCreator in the two example programs.
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 42 B4X Graphics
2.9.1 BitmapCreatorDemo1
The source code is in the GraphicsSourceCode\BitmapCreator1 folder.
Only the B4J program is shown, all the routines are valid for B4A and B4i.
The demo program shows different image processing routines:
• RGB source image.
• Gray gray scale.
• Mean colors mean values R = G = B = (R + G + B) / 3.
• Black and White black and white with a given threshold.
• Sepia colors converted to sepia.
• Inversed R = 255 - R, G = 255 - G, B = 255 - B.
• R extract red extracts the Red part.
• GB remove red removes the Red part and leaves the Green and Blue parts.
• G extract green extracts the Green part.
• RB remove green removes the Green part and leaves the Red and Blue parts.
• B extract blue extracts the Blue part.
• RG remove blue removes the Blue part and leaves the Red and Green parts.
• Brightness changes the brightness.
• Blur blurs the image.
• Gradient LR Left - Right gradient.
• Gradient TLBR Top Left - Bottom Right gradient.
• Gradient radial radial gradient.
• Flip flipped horizontally, vertically and both.
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 43 B4X Graphics
Not all routines will be explained, only two, many are similar. Remove green
The goal is to remove the green color.
'remove the Green part
Public Sub RemoveGreen (Image As B4XBitmap, Value As Double) As B4XBitmap
Private x, y As Int
Private col0, col1 As ARGBColor
Private Fact As Double
Private bmcImage, bmcResult As BitmapCreator
bmcImage.Initialize(Image.Width, Image.Height)
bmcResult.Initialize(Image.Width, Image.Height)
Fact = Value / 100
For y = 0 To Image.Height -1
For x = 0 To Image.Width -1
bmcImage.GetARGB(x, y, col0)
col1.a = col0.a
col1.r = col0.r
col1.g = col0.g * Fact
col1.b = col0.b
bmcResult.SetARGB(x, y, col1)
Return bmcResult.Bitmap
End Sub
Fill gradient Top-Bottom, FillGradientTB
Private Sub FillGradientTB(Colors() As Int, Rect As B4XRect) As B4XBitmap
Private k, x, y As Int
Private col, col1, col2 As ARGBColor
Private y1, fr, fg, fb As Double
Private bmcResult As BitmapCreator
bmcResult.Initialize(Rect.Width, Rect.Height)
y1 = Rect.Height / (Colors.Length - 1)
For y = 0 To Rect.Height - 1
k = Min(Floor(y / y1), Colors.Length - 2)
bmcResult.ColorToARGB(Colors(k), col1)
bmcResult.ColorToARGB(Colors(k + 1), col2)
fr = (col2.r - col1.r) / y1
fg = (col2.g - col1.g) / y1
fb = (col2.b - col1.b) / y1
col.a = col1.a
col.r = col1.r + fr * (y - y1 * k)
col.g = col1.g + fg * (y - y1 * k)
col.b = col1.b + fb * (y - y1 * k)
For x = 0 To Rect.Width - 1
bmcResult.SetARGB(x, y, col)
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 44 B4X Graphics
2.9.2 BitmapCreatorDemo2
This program uses some other methods from BitmapCreator, like BCPath and BCBrush.
There is only a B4J program, the principles are the same for B4A and B4i.
The upper rectangle is B4XView (Pane / Panel), the shapes are drawn with a B4XCanvas.
With Canvas.DrawBitmap.
The routines are in a Code module, called from the main module.
The lower rectangle is a B4XView (ImageView), the drawings are done with BitmapCreator
methods onto the BitmapCreator.Bitmap and this one is set to the B4XView, which must be an
This shows two drawing possibilities for BitmapCreator.
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 45 B4X Graphics Drawing with B4XCanvas
The calling code for:
'Draws a gradient round rectangle with four colors
rect1.Initialize(150, 30, 350, 90)
GradientColors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Red, xui.Color_Blue, xui.Color_Green, xui.Color_Red)
Draw.RoundRectGradient(cvsTest, rect1, 15, GradientColors, "LEFT_RIGHT")
And the drawing routine, I hope that the comments are enough self-explaining:
'Draws a rounded rectangle with gradient colors
'cvs - B4XCanvas
'Rect - The region that will be filled.
'Radius - corner radius
'GradColors - An Array of two or more colors that define the gradient.
'Orientation - One of the following: TL_BR, TOP_BOTTOM, TR_BL, LEFT_RIGHT, RIGHT_LEFT,
Public Sub RoundRectGradien t(cvs As B4XCanvas, Rect As B4XRect, Radius As Float,
GradColors() As Int, Orientation As String)
'Inner rectangle for the bitmap
Private rct1 As B4XRect
rct1.Initialize(0, 0, Rect.Width, Rect.Height)
'BitmapCreator object for the gradient
Private Gradient As BitmapCreator
Gradient.Initialize(rct1.Width, rct1.Height)
Gradient.FillGradient(GradColors, rct1, Orientation)
'Create the gradient as a brush
Private GradientBrush As BCBrush = Gradient.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(Gradient)
'Create the gradient rectangle as a bitmap
Private BC As BitmapCreator
BC.Initialize(rct1.Width, rct1.Height)
BC.DrawRectRounded2(BC.TargetRect, GradientBrush, True, 0, Radius)
'Draw the bitmap
cvs.DrawBitmap(BC.Bitmap, Rect)
End Sub
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 46 B4X Graphics
The calling routine for:
'Draw a radial gradient arc
GradientColors = Array As Int(xui.Color_Red, xui.Color_Blue)
Draw.ArcRadialGradient(cvsTest, 400, 170, 50, -45, 90, GradientColors)
And the drawing routine, I hope that the comments are enough self-explaining:
'Draws an arc with radial gradient
'cvs - B4XCanvas
'CenterX and CenterY - center coordinates
'Radius - circle radius
'StartAngle - starting angle
'SwipeAngle - swipe angle
'GradColors - An Array of two or more colors that define the gradient.
Public Sub ArcRadialGradien t(cvs As B4XCanvas, CenterX As Float, CenterY As Float,
Radius As Float, StartAngle As Float, SwipeAngle As Float, GradColors() As Int)
'Outer rectangle of the circle with destination (outer) coordinates
Private rectCircle As B4XRect
rectCircle.Initialize(CenterX - Radius, CenterY - Radius, CenterX + Radius, CenterY +
'Outer rectangle of the circle with inner coordinates
Private rb As B4XRect
rb.Initialize(0, 0, 2 * Radius, 2 * Radius)
'Path for the arc
Private mPath As B4XPath
mPath.InitializeArc(CenterX, CenterY, Radius, StartAngle, SwipeAngle)
'Set the clipping
'BitmapCreator object for the final bitmap
Private BC As BitmapCreator
BC.Initialize(2 * Radius, 2 * Radius)
BC.FillRadialGradient(GradColors, rb)
cvs.DrawBitmap(BC.Bitmap, rectCircle)
End Sub
2.9 BitmapCreator Example programs 47 B4X Graphics Drawing with BitmapCreator methods
I think that the code in the project is enough self-explanatory.
A few comments:
• The left blue V is drawn with two individual lines.
We see that the joint is not optimal.
• The second blue V is also drawn with two individual lines.
Three circles have been added to improve the start, the end and the joint.
• We could have drawn the V as a path.
The start and end would be the same as in the left V and the joints like in the upper right
• This shape is an open path .
• This shape is a closed path , the relative coordinates of both are the same.
3 Graphs 48 B4X Graphics
3 Graphs
Two-dimensional data can be drawn on a plane with a Cartesian coordinate system.
A Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions (also called a rectangular coordinate system) is
defined by an ordered pair of perpendicular lines (axes), a single unit of length for both axes, and an
orientation for each axis. The point where the axes meet, is taken as the origin for both, thus turning
each axis into a number line.
In mathematical illustrations of two-dimensional Cartesian systems, the first coordinate
(traditionally called the abscissa or x - axis) is measured along a horizontal axis, oriented from left
to right. The second coordinate (the ordinate or y - axis) is then measured along a vertical axis,
usually oriented from bottom to top (source Wikipedia).
The source code of this example program, Graph, is found in the GraphicsSourceCode folder.
It is a B4XPages project, we use a B4XView Panel and a B4XCanvas to draw the graphics, we call
it the graph.
On the graph we have the grid, the surface where the curve is drawn.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y - scale
x - scale
nb y divisions
nb x divisions
3 Graphs 49 B4X Graphics
B4A B4i
3 Graphs 50 B4X Graphics
3.1 Definition of the Graph variables
The Graph variables are the position and size of the B4XPanel on the screen.
3.2 Definition of the Grid variables
The Grid variables are the position and size of the grid insides the B4XPanel.
The dimensions are relative to the B4XPanel and not relative to the screen!
3.3 Source code
The code is commented, and I think (hope) enough self-explanatory.
It should not be considered as a project for itself but more as a demonstrator.
The code may seem complicated, but it really is not. I prefer to use a lot of variables rather than
constants because they have a meaning, and it is easier to maintain or modify the code later-on.
3 Graphs 51 B4X Graphics
3.3.1 Platform specific code
The project is a B4XPages project, the platform specific code is in the Main module.
Which is the default Main module when you create a B4XPages project, nothing to modify.
The code in the B4XMainPage module is the same for all three platforms!
All the common variables and B4X objects are declared in the Class_Globals routine.
The general initialization is done in the B4XPage_Create routine.
The object and graph sizing and the drawing is done in the B4XPage_Created routine.
3.3.2 Common code B4XMainPage module B4X objects declararions
The B4XPages objects are declared on top of the Class_Globals routine.
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
'B4X objects
Private xpnlGraph As B4XView
Private xcvsGraph As B4XCanvas
Private rectGraph As B4XRect ' Graph rectangle
Private rectGrid As B4XRect ' Grid rectangle
Private ScaleTextFont As B4XFont
Private CurveTextFont As B4XFont
3 Graphs 52 B4X Graphics Common variables
All the common variables are also declared the Class_Globals routine.
' Common variables
Public ProgName = "Graph" As String
Public ProgVersion = "V 1.0" As String
' Graph variables
Public GraphX0 As Int ' left position of the Graph
Public GraphY0 As Int ' top position of the Graph
Public GraphX1 As Int ' right position of the Graph
Public GraphY1 As Int ' bottom position of the Graph
Public GraphW As Int ' width of the Graph
Public GraphH As Int ' height of the Graph
Public GraphColor As Int ' Graph background color
' Grid variables
Public GridX0 As Int ' left position of the Grid
Public GridY0 As Int ' top position of the Grid
Public GridX1 As Int ' right position of the Grid
Public GridY1 As Int ' bottom position of the Grid
Public GridW As Int ' width of the Grid
Public GridH As Int ' height of the Grid
Public GridNbDivX As Int ' number of Grid X divisions
Public GridNbDivY As Int ' number of Grid Y divisions
Public GridDeltaX As Int ' Grid X division
Public GridDeltaY As Int ' Grid Y division
Public GridColor As Int ' Grid background color
Public GridLineColor As Int ' Grid line color
Public GridFrameColor As Int ' Grid frame color
' Curve variables
Public CurveNb = 3 As Int ' number of curves
Public CurveNbPoints = 100 As Int ' number of points in the curve
' array of curve point values,
' first index, curve index
' second index, point index
Public Curve(CurveNb, CurveNbPoints + 1) As Double
Public CurveLineColor(CurveNb) As Int
Public CurveLineStroke(CurveNb) As Float
Public CurveName(CurveNb) As String
Public CurveUnit(CurveNb) As String
Public CurveTextSize As Float
Public CurveTextHeight As Float
' Scale variables
Public ScaleX As Double ' X scale, ratio pixels / physic unit
Public ScaleY As Double ' Y scale, ratio pixels / physic unit
Public ScaleXDelta As Double ' width of one X division in physic units
Public ScaleYDelta As Double ' width of one Y division in physic units
Public ScaleXMin As Double ' min X physical scale value
Public ScaleYMin As Double ' min Y physical scale value
Public ScaleXMax As Double ' max X physical scale value
Public ScaleYMax As Double ' max Y physical scale value
Public ScaleTextColor As Int
Public ScaleTextSize As Float
Public ScaleTextHeight As Float
'Screen variables
Public ScreenWidth As Int
Public ScreenHeight As Int
3 Graphs 53 B4X Graphics ClearGraph
Clears the graph, draws a rectangle with the GraphColor.
Sub ClearGraph
' clear the graph, draw a rectangle with the background color
xcvsGraph.DrawRect(rectGraph, GraphColor, True, 1)
End Sub InitGraph
Initializes the graph.
Sub InitGraph
' initialize the Graph variables
' all dimensions are expressed in % of height
GraphX0 = .03 * ScreenHeight
GraphW = ScreenWidth - 2 * GraphX0
GraphX1 = GraphX0 + GraphW
GraphY0 = GraphX0
GraphH = ScreenHeight - 2 * GraphY0
GraphY1 = GraphY0 + GraphH
xpnlGraph.Left = GraphX0
xpnlGraph.Top = GraphY0
xpnlGraph.Width = GraphW
xpnlGraph.Height = GraphH
xcvsGraph.Resize(GraphW, GraphH)
' get the min value of the xcvsGraph canvas width or height
Private GraphSize As Int
GraphSize = Min(xcvsGraph.TargetRect.Width, xcvsGraph.TargetRect.Height)
GraphSize = GraphSize / xui.Scale 'needed for B4A, adapts to dip values
' set curve text size according to the screen size
CurveTextSize = (1 + (GraphSize - 250)/1000) * 14
CurveTextFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(CurveTextSize)
CurveTextHeight = MeasureTextHeight("Ag", CurveTextFont) + 2dip
' set scale text size according to the screen size
ScaleTextSize = (1 + (GraphSize - 250)/1000) * 14
ScaleTextFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(ScaleTextSize)
ScaleTextHeight = MeasureTextHeight("Ag", ScaleTextFont) + 2dip
rectGraph.Initialize(0, 0, GraphW, GraphH)
GraphColor = xui.Color_RGB(244, 239, 228)
End Sub
There is a difference between B4A and B4i / B4J.
To calculate the ‘standardized’ graph size, we need to consider the scale in B4A.
This done with the code below, which remains the same for all platforms:
GraphSize = GraphSize / xui.Scale
3 Graphs 54 B4X Graphics InitGrid
Initializes the grid variables.
Sub InitGrid
' initialize the Grid variables
' all dimensions are expressed proportional to the curves text height
' define the number of divisions for each axis
If ScreenWidth > ScreenHeight Then
GridNbDivX = 10
GridNbDivY = 6
GridNbDivX = 5
GridNbDivY = 12
End If
' horzontal dimensions
GridX0 = 2 * CurveTextHeight
GridW = GraphW - 2 * GridX0
' calculate the division dimensions in pixels
GridDeltaX = GridW / GridNbDivX
GridW = GridDeltaX * GridNbDivX
GridX0 = (GraphW - GridW) / 2
GridX1 = GridX0 + GridW
' verical dimensions
GridY0 = 4 * CurveTextHeight
GridH = GraphH - GridY0 - 1.5 * CurveTextHeight
GridDeltaY = GridH / GridNbDivY
GridH = GridDeltaY * GridNbDivY
GridY1 = GridY0 + GridH
' calculate the division dimensions in pixels
GridDeltaX = GridW / GridNbDivX
GridDeltaY = GridH / GridNbDivY
' assign the grid rectangle
rectGrid.Initialize(GridX0, GridY0, GridX1, GridY1)
' set the different colors
GridColor = xui.Color_White
GridLineColor = xui.Color_LightGray
GridFrameColor = xui.Color_Black
ScaleTextColor = xui.Color_Black
End Sub
3 Graphs 55 B4X Graphics InitScale
Initializes the scale values.
Sub InitScale
' initilize the scales according to the grid dimensions.
ScaleXDelta = ScaleXMax / GridNbDivX
ScaleX = GridW / (ScaleXMax - ScaleXMin)
ScaleYDelta = (ScaleYMax - ScaleYMin) / GridNbDivY
ScaleY = GridH / (ScaleYMax - ScaleYMin)
End Sub InitCurves
Initializes the curve property values.
Sub InitCurves
' set curve line color
CurveLineColor(0) = xui.Color_Red
CurveLineColor(1) = xui.Color_Blue
CurveLineColor(2) = xui.Color_RGB(10, 140, 0)
' set curve line width (stroke)
CurveLineStroke(0) = 3dip
CurveLineStroke(1) = 2dip
CurveLineStroke(2) = 1dip
End Sub
3 Graphs 56 B4X Graphics DrawGrid
Draws the graph grid.
Sub DrawGrid
' draw the Grid
Private i As Int
Private x0, y0 As Float
' draw vertical lines
For i = 1 To GridNbDivX - 1
x0 = GridX0 + i * GridDeltaX
xcvsGraph.DrawLine(x0, GridY0, x0, GridY1, GridLineColor, 1dip)
' draw horizontal lines
For i = 1 To GridNbDivY - 1
y0 = GridY0 + i * GridDeltaY
xcvsGraph.DrawLine(GridX0, y0, GridX1, y0, GridLineColor, 1dip)
' draw the frame
xcvsGraph.DrawRect(rectGrid, GridFrameColor, False, 1dip)
' draw the scales
' invalidate (update) the Graph
End Sub DrawScaleX
Draws the X scale values.
Sub DrawScaleX
' draw X scale
Private i As Int
Private txt As String
Private x, y As Float
y = GridY1 + ScaleTextHeight
For i = 0 To GridNbDivX
txt = (ScaleXMin + i * ScaleXDelta)
x = GridX0 + i * GridDeltaX
xcvsGraph.DrawText(txt, x, y, ScaleTextFont, ScaleTextColor, "CENTER")
End Sub
3 Graphs 57 B4X Graphics DrawScaleY
Draws the X scale values.
Sub DrawScaleY
' draw Y scale
Private i As Int
Private txt As String
Private x, y As Float
x = GridX0 - ScaleTextHeight / 3
For i = 0 To GridNbDivY
txt = (ScaleYMax - i * ScaleYDelta)
y = GridY0 + ScaleTextHeight/3 + i * GridDeltaY
xcvsGraph.DrawText(txt, x, y, ScaleTextFont, ScaleTextColor, "RIGHT")
End Sub DrawCuves
Draws the curves.
Sub DrawCurves(i As Int)
' draw the curve of index i
Private n As Int
Private d, x0, y0, x1, y1 As Float
' draw the curve
x0 = GridX0
y0 = GridY0 + (ScaleYMax - Curve(i, 0)) * ScaleY
d = GridW / CurveNbPoints
For n = 1 To CurveNbPoints
x1 = GridX0 + n * d
y1 = GridY0 + (ScaleYMax - Curve(i, n)) * ScaleY
xcvsGraph.DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, CurveLineColor(i), CurveLineStroke(i))
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
' draw curve name
y0 = GridY0 - CurveTextHeight / 2
xcvsGraph.DrawText(CurveName(i) & " " & CurveUnit(i), GridX0, y0 - i *
CurveTextHeight, CurveTextFont, CurveLineColor(i), "LEFT")
End Sub
3 Graphs 58 B4X Graphics InitCurveValues
Initializes the numeric values for the curves.
Sub InitCurveValues
Private i, n As Int
Private t As Double
Private Amplitude(CurveNb) As Double
Private Offset(CurveNb) As Double
Private Omega(CurveNb) As Double
' set curve amplitude
Amplitude(0) = 2.5
Amplitude(1) = 1.5
Amplitude(2) = .02
' set curve offset
Offset(0) = 0
Offset(1) = 1
Offset(2) = -1
' set curve omega
Omega(0)= 2.4 * cPI
Omega(1)= 8 * cPI
' calculate curve point values
For i = 0 To CurveNb - 1
For n = 0 To CurveNbPoints
t = n / 100
If i = 2 Then
Curve(i, n) = Offset(i) + Amplitude(i) * Rnd(-100, 100)
Curve(i, n) = Offset(i) + Amplitude(i) * Sin(Omega(i) * t)
End If
' set curve names and units
CurveName(0) = "Voltage"
CurveUnit(0) = "[V]"
CurveName(1) = "Current"
CurveUnit(1) = "[A]"
CurveName(2) = "Acceleration"
CurveUnit(2) = "[m/s2]"
' set scale values
ScaleXMax = CurveNbPoints / 10
ScaleXMin = 0
ScaleYMax = 3
ScaleYMin = -3
End Sub
3 Graphs 59 B4X Graphics MeasureTextWidth
Measures the width of the given text, it is not used in this project.
Private Sub MeasureTextWidth(Text As String, Font1 As B4XFont) As Int
Private rct As B4XRect
rct = xcvsGraph.MeasureText(Text, Font1)
Return rct.Width
End Sub MeasureTextHeight
Measures the height of the given text.
Private Sub MeasureTextHeight(Text As String, Font1 As B4XFont) As Int
Private rct As B4XRect
rct = xcvsGraph.MeasureText(Text, Font1)
Return rct.Width
End Sub
4 xGraph XUI CustomView 60 B4X Graphics
4 xGraph XUI CustomView
The image below is a screenshot of the demo program for the xGraph cross platform XUI
CustomView class, which is also available as a B4XLibrary.
What can be done:
• Draw up to 4 curves on the same graph.
• Show values when moving the cursor on the graph.
• Zooming, either with the cursor or setting in the code.
• Different scale modes.
• Different methods on curves.
o Copy a curve to another location.
o Add a value to a curve.
o Multiply a curve by a value.
o Add two curves and save the result in another curve.
o Multiply two curves and save the result in another curve.
o Calculate the integral of a curve and save the result in another curve.
o Calculate the derivative of a curve and save the result in another curve.
This picture below is a screenshot of the B4J demo program.
5 xChart XUI CustomView 61 B4X Graphics
5 xChart XUI CustomView
The charts below are drawn with the xChart cross platform XUI CustomView class.
There exist two lighter CustomViews: xChartLite and xChartMini.
They are B4XLibraries.
They allow to draw different chart types:
xChart xChartLite xChartMini
• PIE x x
• BAR x x x
• LINE x x x
• AREA x
• YX_CHART y – x chart x
• H_BAR horizontal bar x
• H_STACKED_BAR horizontal stacked bar x
• H_LINE horizontal line x
5 xChart XUI CustomView 62 B4X Graphics
The screenshots are made with the B4J xChart demo program.
5 xChart XUI CustomView 63 B4X Graphics
The code is relatively simple.
Example code to draw a Pie chart:
PieChart1 is an xChart CustomView.
Sub CreatePieData
'Initialize the pie chart data
Private i, Values(4) As Int
For i = 0 To 3
Values(i) = Rnd(50, 501)
PieChart1.AddPie("Slice #1", Values(0), xui.Color_Blue) '0 = random color
PieChart1.AddPie("Slice #2", Values(1), xui.Color_Red)
PieChart1.AddPie("Slice #3", Values(2), xui.Color_Yellow)
PieChart1.AddPie("Slice #4", Values(3), xui.Color_Cyan)
PieChart1.GradientColorsAlpha = 48
End Sub
5 xChart XUI CustomView 64 B4X Graphics
Example code to draw the Line chart in the first picture:
LineChart1 is an xChart CustomView.
Private Sub CreateLineChart1Data
' Initialize the line data
LineChart1.Title = "Three graphs"
LineChart1.XAxisName = "Degrees"
LineChart1.YAxisName = "Values"
LineChart1.YScaleMaxValue = 1
LineChart1.YScaleMinValue = -1
LineChart1.IncludeLegend = "BOTTOM"
LineChart1.AutomaticScale = True
LineChart1.XScaleTextOrientation = "45 DEGREES"
LineChart1.AddLine("Random", xui.Color_Blue) '0 = random color
LineChart1.AddLine("Cos", xui.Color_Red)
LineChart1.AddLine("Sin", xui.Color_Magenta)
' Add the line points.
Dim Ampl1, Ampl2, Ampl3 As Double
Ampl1 = Rnd(1, 10001) / 500
Ampl2 = Rnd(1, 10001) / 500
Ampl3 = Rnd(1, 10001) / 5002
For i = 0 To 490
' In the case of 2 lines or more we are adding an array of values.
' One for each line.
' Make sure to create an array for each point.
' You cannot reuse a single array for all points.
LineChart1.AddLineMultiplePoints(i, Array As Double(Rnd(-100, 101) / 300 * Ampl1 +
5, Ampl2 * CosD(3 * i) + 2, Ampl3 * SinD(i) + 4), i Mod 90 = 0)
End Sub
6 xGauges XUI CustomView 65 B4X Graphics
6 xGauges XUI CustomView
The gauges below are drawn with the xGauges cross platform XUI CustomView class.
It is also available as a B4XLibrary.
It allows to draw different chart types:
• 90° Top
• 180°
• 270°
• 90° Left
• Custom scale angles
The screenshots are made with the B4J demo program.
90° Top 270°
90° Left 180° Custom scale angles
90° Top with a bitmap needle
6 xGauges XUI CustomView 66 B4X Graphics
All properties can be set in the Designer like, properties of the Custom scale angles example:
7 B4A view background drawing 67 B4X Graphics
7 B4A view background drawing
7.1 View Drawables
The views have default backgrounds when they are defined either in the Designer or by code.
There exist four background objects.
• ColorDrawables
• GradientDrawables
• BitmapDrawables
• StateListDrawable
They can be assigned in the Designer but will need extra code to make it work properly.
The source code is in the B4ABackGrounds folder.
7.1.1 ColorDrawable
The ColorDrawable object has a solid single color, and the corners can be rounded or square.
The code below sets a ColorDrawable background to a panel.
Private pnlColor As Panel
Activity.AddView(pnlColor, 10%x, 20dip, 80%x, 80dip)
Private cdwColor As ColorDrawable
cdwColor.Initialize(Colors.Red, 5dip)
pnlColor.Background = cdwColor
cdwColor.Initialize(Colors.Red, 5dip)
The Initialize method of the ColorDrawable object needs two properties:
• Color Colors.Red
• CornerRadius 5dip
7 B4A view background drawing 68 B4X Graphics
7.1.2 GradientDrawable
The GradientDrawable object has two colors with a gradient change from the first to the second
The code below sets a GradientDrawable background to a panel.
Private pnlGradient As Panel
Activity.AddView(pnlGradient, 10%x, 120dip, 80%x, 80dip)
Private gdwGradient As GradientDrawable
Private Cols(2) As Int
Cols(0) = Colors.Blue
Cols(1) = Colors.White
gdwGradient.Initialize("TOP_BOTTOM", Cols)
gdwGradient.CornerRadius = 10dip
pnlGradient.Background = gdwGradient
gdwGradient.Initialize("TOP_BOTTOM", Cols)
The GradientDrawable Initialize method needs two parameters:
• a string with the orientation "TOP_BOTTOM"
• a color array with two colors Cols
The possible orientations are:
• TR_BL (Top - Right to Bottom - Left)
• BR_TL (Bottom - Right to Top - Left
• BL_TR (Bottom - Left to Top - Left
• TL_BR (Top - Left to Bottom - Right)
The CornerRadius is another separate property.
gdwGradient.CornerRadius = 10dip
7 B4A view background drawing 69 B4X Graphics
7.1.3 BitmapDrawable
The BitmapDrawable object has two properties a Bitmap and a Gravity property.
The BitmapDrawable object has no rounded corner property, if you want rounded corners these
must be part of the bitmap.
The code below sets a BitmapDrawable background to a panel.
Private pnlBitmap As Panel
Activity.AddView(pnlBitmap, 10%x, 220dip, 80%x, 80dip)
Private bdwBitmap As BitmapDrawable
bdwBitmap.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "background.png"))
bdwBitmap.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
pnlBitmap.Background = bdwBitmap
Aletsch glacier, picture taken from the Jungfraujoch.
bdwBitmap.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "background.png")
Sets the bitmap property, in this case a file loaded from the File.DirAssets folder.
But it could be any bitmap.
It is also possible to draw onto the panel’s background with a Canvas which has this Panel as the
target. The Canvas.Bitmap property points to the bdwBitmap.Bitmap property.
bdwBitmap.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
Sets the Gravity property.
The Gravity property values can be:
The Gravity property can be a combination of above values.
Examples: bdwBitmap.Gravity = Gravity.TOP + Gravity.LEFT
bdwBitmap.Gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM + Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL
In the Designer there are only three values available: Fill, Center and Top-Left.
7 B4A view background drawing 70 B4X Graphics
7.1.4 StateListDrawable
The StateListDrawable is a drawable that holds other drawables and chooses the current one based
on the view's state.
The Background property of Buttons is a StatelistDrawable, it can be defined either in the Designer
or in the code.
In the Designer there are two options:
• DefaultDrawable default colors set by default
• StatelistDrawable custom colors
The button StatelistDrawable has three states.
• Enabled Drawable
• Disabled Drawable
• Pressed Drawable
Each state has its own Drawable, that could be one of the three ColorDrawable, GradientDrawable
or BitmapDrawable. Button with ColorDrawables
Example code for a Button with a ColorDrawable:
The source code is the in the ButtonStateDrawables folder.
Private btnColor As Button
Activity.AddView(btnColor, 10%x, 320dip, 25%x, 60dip)
btnColor.Text = "Color"
' Define a color for Enabled state
Private cdwGreenColorEnabled As ColorDrawable
' Define a color for Pessed state
Private cdwGreenColorPressed As ColorDrawable
' Define a StateListDrawable
Private stdColor As StateListDrawable
stdColor.AddState(stdColor.State_Pressed, cdwGreenColorPressed)
stdColor.AddState(stdColor.State_Enabled, cdwGreenColorEnabled)
' Set StateListDrawable to button background
btnColor.Background = stdColor
7 B4A view background drawing 71 B4X Graphics Button with GradientDrawables
Example code for a Button with a GradientDrawable:
Private btnGradient As Button
Activity.AddView(btnGradient, 40%x, 320dip, 25%x, 60dip)
btnGradient.Text = "Gradient"
' Define two gradient colors for Enabled state
Private colsEnabled(2) As Int
colsEnabled(0) = Colors.RGB(255,196,196)
colsEnabled(1) = Colors.RGB(255,10,10)
' Define a GradientDrawable for Enabled state
Private gdwEnabled As GradientDrawable
gdwEnabled.CornerRadius = 5dip
' Define two gradient colors for Pressed state
Private colsPressed(2) As Int
colsPressed(0) = Colors.RGB(10,255,10)
colsPressed(1) = Colors.RGB(255,255,255)
' Define a GradientDrawable for Pressed state
Private gdwPressed As GradientDrawable
gdwPressed.CornerRadius = 5dip
' Define a StateListDrawable
Private stdGradient As StateListDrawable
stdGradient.AddState(stdGradient.State_Pressed, gdwPressed)
stdGradient.AddState(stdGradient.State_Enabled, gdwEnabled)
' Set stdRedGradient to button background
btnGradient.Background = stdGradient
7 B4A view background drawing 72 B4X Graphics Button with BitmapDrawables
Example code for a Button with BitmapDrawables:
Private btnBitmap As Button
Activity.AddView(btnBitmap, 70%x, 320dip, 60dip, 60dip)
' Define a bitmap for Enabled state
Private bdwEnabled As BitmapDrawable
bdwEnabled.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "btnArrowDown0.png"))
' Define a bitmap for Pressed state
Private bdwPressed As BitmapDrawable
bdwPressed.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "btnArrowDown1.png"))
' Define a StateListDrawable
Private stdBitmap As StateListDrawable
stdBitmap.AddState(stdBitmap.State_Pressed, bdwPressed)
stdBitmap.AddState(stdBitmap.State_Enabled, bdwEnabled)
' Set stdBitmap to button btnBitmap
btnBitmap.Background = stdBitmap
7 B4A view background drawing 73 B4X Graphics ToggleButton with BitmapDrawable
Example code for a ToggleButton with BitmapDrawables:
The ToggleButoon states are:
• UnChecked
• Checked
Private btnToggleBitmap As ToggleButton
btnToggleBitmap.TextOff = ""
btnToggleBitmap.TextOn = ""
Activity.AddView(btnToggleBitmap, 10%x, 400dip, 60dip, 60dip)
' Define a bitmap for Enabled state
Private bdwUnChecked As BitmapDrawable
bdwUnChecked.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "btnArrowDown0.png"))
' Define a bitmap for Pressed state
Private bdwChecked As BitmapDrawable
bdwChecked.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "btnArrowDown1.png"))
' Define a StateListDrawable
Private stdBitmap As StateListDrawable
stdBitmap.AddState(stdBitmap.State_UnChecked, bdwUnChecked)
stdBitmap.AddState(stdBitmap.State_Checked, bdwChecked)
' Set stdBitmap to button btnBitmap
btnToggleBitmap.Background = stdBitmap
7 B4A view background drawing 74 B4X Graphics
7.1.5 NinePatchDrawable
This is a copy of Erel's tutorial in the forum.
The example code is NinePatchExample in the SourceCode folder.
Android supports a special format of PNG images that can be
resized by replicating specific parts of the image.
These images also include padding information.
These images are named nine-patch images.
You can read more about this format here: Canvas and
Drawables | Android Developers
In the example three labels use the same background nine-
patch image and three button using another nine-patch image.
Android SDK includes a tool named draw9patch.bat that can
help you with building and modifying such images. This tool
is available under: <android>\Tools
You can read more about it here:
Draw 9-patch | Android Developers
The following steps are required to use a nine patch image as a view background:
- Copy the image to <project folder>\Objects\res\drawable
- Set the image to be read-only (otherwise it will be deleted during compilation).
- Add the following sub to your code (requires Reflection library):
Sub SetNinePatchDrawable(Control As View, ImageName As String)
Dim r As Reflector
Dim package As String
Dim id As Int
package = r.GetStaticField("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA", "packageName")
id = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", ImageName)
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
Control.Background = r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", id, "java.lang.int")
End Sub
7 B4A view background drawing 75 B4X Graphics
For buttons you should use this sub which creates a StateListDrawable from two nine-patch images:
Sub SetNinePatchButton(Btn As Button, DefaultImage As String, PressedImage As String)
Dim r As Reflector
Dim package As String
Dim idDefault, idPressed As Int
package = r.GetStaticField("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA", "packageName")
idDefault = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", DefaultImage)
idPressed = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", PressedImage)
r.Target = r.GetContext
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
Dim sd As StateListDrawable
sd.AddState(sd.State_Pressed, r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", idPressed, "java.lang.int"))
sd.AddCatchAllState( r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", idDefault, "java.lang.int"))
Btn.Background = sd
End Sub
Now you should use this sub to set the views backgrounds:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
SetNinePatchDrawable(Label1, "label_bg")
SetNinePatchDrawable(Label2, "label_bg")
SetNinePatchDrawable(Label3, "label_bg")
End Sub
- Don't modify the image files located under res\drawable directly with the draw9patch tool. It
removes the read-only attribute and then the image will be deleted.
- The image name must be lower case (allowed characters a - z, 0 - 9, . , _ ).
- After adding a new image you should clean the project by choosing Tools - Clean Project. This
causes a generated file (R.java) to be recreated and include the new resources.