B4X Booklets
Integrated Development Environment
Copyright: © 2024 Anywhere Software Edition 2.5
Last update: 2024.01.05
Table of contents 2 B4X IDE
1 B4X platforms .............................................................................................................................. 7
2 IDE General ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Create a new project ............................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Create a new B4A or B4i project ..................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Create a new B4J project.................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Open existing project ......................................................................................................... 10
3 Titlebar, Menu and Toolbar ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Titlebar ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Recent code positions (AutoBookmarks)....................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Quick Search field .......................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Toolbar ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 File menu ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.4 Edit menu ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Project menu....................................................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Add a new module ......................................................................................................... 15 Class modules ........................................................................................................ 15
3.5.2 Add an existing module ................................................................................................. 16
3.5.3 B4J Build Standalone Package...................................................................................... 17 Tips and special cases ............................................................................................ 18
3.6 Tools menu ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.1 IDE Options ................................................................................................................... 20 Language ................................................................................................................ 21 Themes ................................................................................................................... 22 Font Picker ............................................................................................................. 23 Word wrap ........................................................................................................ 23 Auto Save ............................................................................................................... 23 Auto Backup .......................................................................................................... 24 Configure Process Timeout .................................................................................... 24 Disable Implicit Auto Completion ......................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Take Screenshot B4A only ....................................................................................... 25
3.6.3 Create Video B4A only ................................................................................................. 26
3.6.4 Clean Files Folder (unused files) ................................................................................... 27
3.6.5 Clean Project .................................................................................................................. 27
3.6.6 Configure Paths .............................................................................................................. 28 B4A ........................................................................................................................ 28 B4i .......................................................................................................................... 28 B4J ......................................................................................................................... 29 B4R ........................................................................................................................ 29 java.exe B4A / B4i / B4J ................................................................................. 30 Additional Libraries ......................................................................................... 30 Shared Modules ................................................................................................ 30
3.6.7 SDK Manager B4A only ............................................................................................... 31
3.6.8 Jetifier AndroidX B4A only .......................................................................................... 32
3.7 Windows menu .................................................................................................................. 34
3.8 Help menu .......................................................................................................................... 35
3.8.1 Online Help .................................................................................................................... 35
3.8.2 About .............................................................................................................................. 35
3.8.3 Like B4A? Support us by contributing ......................................................................... 36
3.9 Right click menu ................................................................................................................ 37
3.10 Compiler mode ................................................................................................................... 38
3.10.1 B4A and B4J .............................................................................................................. 39 Release and Release (obfuscated) modes B4A and B4J .................................... 39
3.10.2 B4i .............................................................................................................................. 40
Table of contents 3 B4X IDE
3.10.3 B4R ............................................................................................................................ 40
4 Code area .................................................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Split the code area .............................................................................................................. 41
4.2 New version available ........................................................................................................ 42
4.3 IDE text size ....................................................................................................................... 42
4.4 Code header Project Attributes / Activity Attributes ......................................................... 43
4.4.1 B4A ................................................................................................................................ 43 Project Attributes ................................................................................................... 43 Activity Attributes .................................................................................................. 43 Service Attributes ................................................................................................... 43
4.4.2 B4i .................................................................................................................................. 45
4.4.3 B4J ................................................................................................................................. 45
4.4.4 B4R ................................................................................................................................ 45
4.5 Undo Redo .......................................................................................................... 46
4.6 Collapse a subroutine ......................................................................................................... 46
4.7 Collapse the entire code ..................................................................................................... 47
4.8 #Regions ............................................................................................................................. 48
4.9 Toggle Outlining Ctrl + 0 ................................................................................................. 49
4.10 Copy a selected bloc of text ............................................................................................... 50
4.11 Move line(s) up / down Alt + Up / Alt + Down ................................................................ 50
4.12 Find / Replace .................................................................................................................... 51
4.13 Commenting and uncommenting code ................................................................. 52
4.14 Bookmarks ................................................................................................................... 53
4.15 Indentation ............................................................................................................. 54
4.16 Auto format ........................................................................................................................ 56
4.17 Documentation tool tips while hovering over code elements ............................................ 57
4.17.1 Hovering over a subroutine name .............................................................................. 57
4.17.2 Hovering over a subroutine call ................................................................................. 58
4.17.3 Hovering over a keyword ........................................................................................... 58
4.17.4 Hovering over an object name ................................................................................... 59
4.17.5 Hovering over a variable type .................................................................................... 59
4.17.6 Hovering over a View type ........................................................................................ 60
4.18 Auto Completion ................................................................................................................ 62
4.19 Copy Code Snippets ........................................................................................................... 66
4.20 Built-in documentation....................................................................................................... 67
4.20.1 Copy code examples .................................................................................................. 68
4.20.2 Create Type routine .................................................................................................... 69
4.20.3 Navigate in the IDE, jump to recent positions of the cursor ...................................... 70 Navigate back ..................................................................................................... 70 Navigate forward ................................................................................................ 70 Jump to a given location .................................................................................... 70
4.21 Jump to a code line ............................................................................................................. 71
4.22 Jump to a subroutine .......................................................................................................... 72
4.23 Highlighting occurrences of words .................................................................................... 73
4.24 Breakpoints ........................................................................................................................ 74
4.25 Color Picker ...................................................................................... 76
4.26 Icon Picker ............................................................................................... 77
4.27 Colors in the left side ......................................................................................................... 78
4.28 Comment links (ctrl-clickable) ......................................................................................... 79
4.28.1 http(s):// - Link will be opened with the browser ....................................................... 80
4.28.2 file:// - Link will be opened with the default program ............................................... 80
4.28.3 ide:// - Link will be handled by the IDE .................................................................... 81
Table of contents 4 B4X IDE goto : .................................................................................................................. 81 run : .................................................................................................................... 81
4.29 Ctrl + Click on layout file name opens the Designer ......................................................... 82
5 Tabs ............................................................................................................................................ 83
5.1 Floating Tab windows ........................................................................................................ 84
5.2 Float ............................................................................................................................ 85
5.3 Auto Hide ................................................................................................................... 88
5.4 Close ................................................................................................................................... 90
5.5 Modules and subroutine lists .......................................................................... 91
5.5.1 Modules with relative or absolute links ......................................................................... 95
5.5.2 Context menus ................................................................................................................ 96 Add a Group ........................................................................................................... 97
5.5.3 Find Sub / Module / Line number (Ctrl + E) ................................................................. 98
5.6 Files Manager B4A, B4i and B4J only .................................................. 99
5.6.1 Add files ....................................................................................................................... 100
5.6.2 Remove files................................................................................................................. 100
5.6.3 Synchronize files. ......................................................................................................... 101
5.6.4 Filter files. .................................................................................................................... 101
5.6.5 Context menus .............................................................................................................. 102
5.6.6 Add a Group ................................................................................................................. 103
5.7 Logs ................................................................................................................... 104
5.7.1 Jump to … .................................................................................................................... 105
5.7.2 Compile Warnings ....................................................................................................... 106 Ignoring warnings ................................................................................................ 107 List of warnings ................................................................................................... 108
5.8 Libraries Manager ............................................................................ 115
5.8.1 Search function............................................................................................................. 116
5.8.2 Online version number ................................................................................................. 118
5.8.3 Filter function ............................................................................................................... 119
5.8.4 Context menu ............................................................................................................... 119
5.8.5 Where do I find libraries? ............................................................................................ 120 Online libraries index ........................................................................................... 120
5.9 Quick Search .......................................................................................... 121
5.10 Find All References (F7) .......................................................... 123
6 Open a layout file directly from the IDE ................................................................................. 124
6.1 Directly in the code .......................................................................................................... 124
6.2 From the Files Manager Tab ............................................................................................ 124
7 Navigation in the IDE .............................................................................................................. 125
7.1 Alt + Left / Alt + Right Move backwards and forwards ................................................ 125
7.2 Alt + N Navigation stack menu ............................................................................... 125
7.3 Split the screen ................................................................................................................. 125
7.4 Multiple windows ............................................................................................................ 126
7.5 Ctrl + E Search for sub or module .................................................................................. 126
7.6 Ctrl + Click on any sub or variable .................................................................................. 127
7.7 F7 - Find all references .................................................................................................... 127
7.8 Ctrl + F Quick Search ..................................................................................................... 127
7.9 Scrolling module Tabs ..................................................................................................... 128
8 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J ...................................................................................................... 129
8.1 B4A, B4i, B4J .................................................................................................................. 129
8.1.1 Debug mode ................................................................................................................. 130 Debug Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 130
Table of contents 5 B4X IDE Run F5 .................................................................................................... 130 Step In F8 ............................................................................................... 131 Step Over F9 ........................................................................................... 132 Step Out F10 ........................................................................................... 132 Stop .......................................................................................................... 133 Restart F11 ............................................................................................. 133
8.1.2 Debug window ............................................................................................................. 134 The status button .................................................................................................. 134 The breakpoint window........................................................................................ 134 The Watch window .............................................................................................. 135 The object window ............................................................................................... 136
8.1.3 Breakpoints .................................................................................................................. 137
8.1.4 With Logs ..................................................................................................................... 139
8.1.5 Modifying code in the Debugger ................................................................................. 140
8.1.6 Debug (legacy) mode B4A only ................................................................................ 141
8.2 Debugging B4R ................................................................................................................ 142
8.2.1 Debug example with the TrafficLight project .............................................................. 142
Table of contents 6 B4X IDE
Main contributors: Klaus Christl (klaus), Erel Uziel (Erel)
To search for a given word or sentence use the Search function in the Edit menu.
All the source code and files needed (layouts, images etc.) of the example projects in this guide are
included in the SourceCode folder.
Updated for following versions:
B4A version 12.80
B4i version 8.50
B4J version 10.00
B4R version 4.00
B4X Booklets:
B4X Getting Started
B4X Language
B4X IDE Integrated Development Environment
B4X Visual Designer
B4X Help tools
B4XPages Cross-platform projects
B4X CustomViews
B4X Graphics
B4X XUI B4X User Interface
B4X SQLite Database
B4X JavaObject NativeObject
B4X Cross-platform projects
B4R Example Projects
You can consult these booklets online in this link [B4X] Documentation Booklets.
Be aware that external links don’t work in the online display.
1 B4X 7 B4X IDE
1 B4X platforms
B4X is a suite of programming languages for different platforms.
B4X suite supports more platforms than any other tool
B4A Android
B4A is a 100% free development tool for Android applications, it includes all the features
needed to quickly develop any type of Android app.
B4i iOS
B4i is a development tool for native iOS applications.
B4i follows the same concepts as B4A, allowing you to reuse most of the code and build
apps for both Android and iOS.
B4J Java / Windows / Mac / Linux / Raspberry PI
B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions.
With B4J you can easily create desktop applications (UI), console programs (non-UI) and
server solutions.
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry
B4R Arduino / ESP8266
B4R is a 100% free development tool for native Arduino and ESP8266 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools, providing a simple and powerful
development tool.
B4R, B4A, B4J and B4i together make the best development solution for the Internet of
Things (IoT).
B4XPages is an internal library for B4A, B4i and B4J allowing to develop easily cross-
platform programs.
B4XPages is explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
Even, if you want to develop only in one platform it is interesting to use the B4XPages
library it makes the program flow simpler especially for B4A.
2 IDE General 8 B4X IDE
2 IDE General
The Integrated Development Environment.
When you run the IDE you will get a form like the image below.
All the images are made with the B4A IDE.
The IDEs of the other products look similar with different themes.
Specific images are shown if needed.
You see 3 main areas:
Code area The code editor
Tab area The content of this area depends on the selected Tab.
Tabs Tabs for different settings.
Everything is empty, you can:
Create a new project.
Open an existing project.
2 IDE General 9 B4X IDE
2.1 Create a new project
To start a new project, you must click on:
The New Project icon or New in the File menu.
You will be asked what kind of project you want to create.
Specific templates will be loaded depending on the kind or project.
2.1.1 Create a new B4A or B4i project
B4XPages Explained in the B4X Cross-platform booklet
Default Default Android project.
X2 Game X2 Game project
2.1.2 Create a new B4J project
B4XPages Explained in the B4X Cross-platform booklet.
B4XTurtle Explained in the Forum tutorial.
Console (non-User Interface).
Server Server project.
UI User Interface project.
X2 Game X2 Game project
2 IDE General 10 B4X IDE
The window below will be shown:
The project type is recalled in the title bar.
Enter the Project Name.
As soon as you type the
Project Name it is
replicated at the end of
the Project Folder name.
Enter the Project Folder
name or use the
button to select it.
The Project Folder name is memorized for future projects.
To create a new folder for the project check: .
2.2 Open existing project
To open an existing project, click on:
The Open Project icon or click on Open in the File menu.
3 Menu and Toolbar 11 B4X IDE
3 Titlebar, Menu and Toolbar
3.1 Titlebar
In the Titlebar you find:
Recent code positions and designer layouts.
The search field for Quick Search.
3.1.1 Recent code positions (AutoBookmarks)
Recent code positions and designer layouts appear as tabs in the window title.
The IDE decides on the list of tabs based on several factors (recency, modifications and others).
The list is saved together with the project and restored when the project is loaded.
Each field contains the name of the routine and the module .
In the example above, to move to the third position you can either:
Click on the third rectangle.
Press Ctrl + 3
To disable the AutoBookmarks:
1. Close the IDE.
2. Edit either:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\Basic4andriod\b4xV5.ini
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4i\b4xV5.ini
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4J\b4xV5.ini
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Anywhere Software\B4R\b4xV5.ini
3. Set ShowAutoBookmarks to False.
3.1.2 Quick Search field
Quick search is explained in the Quick Search chapter.
3 Menu and Toolbar 12 B4X IDE
3.2 Toolbar
Generates a new empty project [Ctrl + N].
Loads a project.
Saves the current project [Ctrl + S].
Export As Zip.
Copies the selected text to the clipboard [Ctrl + C].
Cuts the selected text and copies it to the clipboard [Ctrl + X].
Pastes the text in the clipboard at the cursor position [Ctrl + V].
Undoes the last operation [Ctrl + Z].
Redoes the previous operation [Ctrl + Shift + Z].
Toggle Bookmark
Navigate backwards [Alt + Left].
Navigation history [Alt + N].
Navigate forwards [Alt + Right].
Block Comment [Ctrl + Q].
Block Uncomment [Ctrl + W].
Decrease the indentation of the selected lines.
Increase the indentation of the selected lines.
Runs the compiler [F5].
Step In [F8].
Step Over [F9].
Step Out [F10]. These 5 functions are active only when the debugger is active.
Restart [F11].
Compiler options list and Debugging.
Conditional compiling options.
3 Menu and Toolbar 13 B4X IDE
3.3 File menu
New Generates a new empty project.
Open Source Loads a project.
Save Saves the current project.
Export As Zip Exports the whole project in a
zip file.
Print Preview Preview of the print.
Print Prints the whole code of the
selected Module.
Exit Leaves the IDE.
List of last loaded programs.
When you hover over the File menu, you’ll
see the full file name.
3.4 Edit menu
Cut Cuts the selected text and copies it to the
Cut Line Cuts the line at the cursor position.
Duplicate Line Duplicates the line at the cursor position
Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the text in the clipboard at the cursor
Undo Undoes the last operation.
Redo Redoes the previous operation.
Move Line(s) Up Moves the selected lines upwards.
Move Line(s) Down Moves the selected lines
Find / Replace Activates the Find and Replace
Quick Search Quick Search
Find All References Find All References
Find Sub Find Sub
Block Comment
Block Uncomment
Comment / Uncomment the selected lines.
Auto Format Auto Format
Remove All Breakpoints Breakpoints.
Outlining Collapse the whole code.
3 Menu and Toolbar 14 B4X IDE
3.5 Project menu
Adds a new module
Adds an existing module
Changes the module name
Removes the current module
Chooses an icon for the program.
Changes the package name.
Runs the Manifest Editor.
Compile and run the project.
Compile and run the project in the background.
Compile to a library.
Build App Bundle.
B4i, B4R
Adds a new module
Adds an existing module
Changes the module name
Removes the current module
Changes the package name.
Compile and run the project.
Compile and run the project in the background.
Adds a new module
Adds an existing module
Changes the module name
Removes the current module
Changes the package name.
Compile and run the project.
Compile and run the project in the background.
Compile to a library.
Build Standalone Package
3 Menu and Toolbar 15 B4X IDE
3.5.1 Add a new module
Activity module
Class module
Code module
Service module
B4i, B4J
Class module
Code module
Only Code module Class modules
There exist two Class modules:
Standard Class
Custom View
Custom Views are explained in detail in the B4X CustomViews Booklet.
If you have selected the If you have selected the
XUI, jXUI or the iXUI library, B4XPage library
then you get another option then you get another option
Custom View (XUI). B4XPage
CustomViews XUI are explained in detail in the B4X CustomViews Booklet.
The XUI library is explained in the B4X XUI Booklet.
The B4XPage library is explained in the B4X Cross-platform projects Booklet.
3 Menu and Toolbar 16 B4X IDE
3.5.2 Add an existing module
Click on in the menu, or right click in the Module Tab.
The file chooser will be shown, select the module(s) and click Open.
Then, you will be asked the following:
Copy to project folder. Copies the file(s) to the Files folder of the project.
Copy to parent folder. Copies to the parent folder of the project,
useful for B4XPages projects.
Link relative path.
Links the file(s) to a path belonging to the project path. The files are not copied.
Link absolute path. Links the file(s) to any path,
In the Files Tab you will see the difference, for linked modules their path is added.
Relative path
Absolute path
3 Menu and Toolbar 17 B4X IDE
3.5.3 B4J Build Standalone Package
You can generate a standalone package for your project. It needs Java 11 or Java 14.
If you don’t have installed Java 11or Java 14 yet, nor set it in the Tools/Configure Paths menu, you
need to do it before being able to build a standalone package.
Click on .
The *.exe file is saved in the project folder in the Objects\temp\build folder.
Example with a TestB4J8_30 project:
You need to distribute the executable together with the 4 folders.
The run_debug.bat batch file is useful to test the program and see the logs.
An Inno Script template is created in the parent folder. You can use it together with Inno Script to
build a single file installer.
The integrated packager creates a Windows package. You can however use the external tool with
the generated json file (in the project folder) to create Linux and Mac packages.
3 Menu and Toolbar 18 B4X IDE
The packager supports all kinds of settings. You can set them with the new #PackagerProperty
For example to set the icon file, assuming that the icon file is in the Files tab and is named
#PackagerProperty: IconFile = ..\Files\turtle.ico
Also set the executable name:
#PackagerProperty: IconFile = ..\Files\turtle.ico
#PackagerProperty: ExeName = Turtle Tips and special cases
If using jPOI library add:
#PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = opens
#PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = jdk.charsets
If using WebView add:
#PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = javafx.web
If using jGoogleMaps add:
#PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = javafx.web
#PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = exports
There is an issue with Java 14 and Google Maps. Use Java 11 for now if using
You can use #CustomBuildAction with the new After Packager step to copy files after the
package is built. The default target folder should be: temp\build\bin\
If using jSerial put the attached jssc.dll file in the project folder and add:
#CustomBuildAction: After Packager, %WINDIR%\System32\robocopy.exe, ..\
temp\build\bin\ jssc.dll
Note that it is a Windows 64 bit dll.
Each key should appear at most once. So for example if using both WebView and jPOI add:
#PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = jdk.charsets, javafx.web
3 Menu and Toolbar 19 B4X IDE
3.6 Tools menu
B4A B4i
IDE Options see below
B4A Bridge, connection with Wifi B4A
Clean Files Folder (unused files) B4A, B4i, B4J
Clean Project All
Configure Paths All
SDK Manager B4A
Jetifier AndroidX B4A
Run ADB Manager B4A Used to create Android Emulators, not recommended.
Take Screenshot B4A
Capture a video B4A
Show the Color Picker All
Show the Icon Picker B4A, B4i, B4J
Board Selector B4R
3 Menu and Toolbar 20 B4X IDE
3.6.1 IDE Options
B4i, B4J, B4R
Font Picker.
Auto Save Saves the program every time you run it.
Auto Backup
Configure Process Timeout
Clear Logs When Deploying Removes all Log statements when compiled in Release mode.
Disable Implicit Auto Completion.
Auto Format When Pasting
B4A only
Use Legacy Debugger Use the legacy Debugger instead of the rapid Debugger.
Auto Discover Devices Detects automatically the connected devices.
3 Menu and Toolbar 21 B4X IDE Language
You can select the language of the IDE in the menu Tools / IDE Options / Language.
Select the desired language in the list of the currently available languages.
3 Menu and Toolbar 22 B4X IDE Themes
You can select different
themes for the IDE.
The default theme is
different for the different
B4X products.
When you select one you
see directly the new colors.
3 Menu and Toolbar 23 B4X IDE Font Picker
You can select the target Code Editor,
Logs or Search.
Different fonts.
Enter the text size.
Select WordWrap
Enter the Tab size. Word wrap
Without word wrap. The end of the line is hidden.
With word wrap. The end of the line is wrapped to the next line. Auto Save
Saves the project at each run when checked.
3 Menu and Toolbar 24 B4X IDE Auto Backup
Auto Backup saves a backup project as a zip file.
The zip file created is the same zip that you will get with File - Export as zip.
It creates a new zip every 10 minutes (when there are changes).
It automatically deletes older backups based on a set of internal rules.
The frequency of kept files is lowered based on the files age. It starts with one file per 10 minutes
and ends with one file every two months after 6 months.
It can be disabled if needed.
These backup files are saved in the AutoBackups folder in the project folder.
The folder name includes the program name and the update date. Configure Process Timeout
Sometimes the compilation needs more
time. If you get a message ‘Process
timeout’ you can increase the time. Disable Implicit Auto Completion
is unchecked you will see a drop-down list
with possible words during typing.
If checked, you won’t see the auto completion list.
3 Menu and Toolbar 25 B4X IDE
3.6.2 Take Screenshot B4A only
The function can be called from the:
Tools menu when the IDE is in edit mode
Debug menu when the IDE is in debug mode
Note: This function works only with USB connection not with B4A-Bridge!
Clicking on
shows this window.
Click on to take the screenshot
picture from the device.
You can resize the image with the cursor on the
left side.
You can save the image with
as a PNG file.
And you can change the
of the picture.
Right click on the image to copy the image to
the clipboard.
3 Menu and Toolbar 26 B4X IDE
3.6.3 Create Video B4A only
You can run your program and record a video when you use it.
Note: This function works only with USB connection not with B4A-Bridge!
In the menu click on .
The screen below will be displayed:
Click on to
begin recording.
A screen like this one will be displayed:
Click on to
stop recording.
You will be asked where
you want to save the file
on the computer.
3 Menu and Toolbar 27 B4X IDE
3.6.4 Clean Files Folder (unused files)
Deletes files that are located under the Files folder but are not used by the project (it will not delete
any file referenced by any of the project layouts). A list of unused files will be displayed before
deletion (and you may cancel the operation).
If there are no unused files, the message below will be displayed.
If there are unused files, a window like the one below will be displayed.
3.6.5 Clean Project
Deletes all files that are generated during compilation in Debug mode.
Sometimes it is useful to ‘clean’ the project if the compilation or the program slows down.
Or if you have two or more IDEs open at the same time and want to run the projects on the same
3 Menu and Toolbar 28 B4X IDE
3.6.6 Configure Paths
You need to configure several paths for the IDE to run. B4A
Explained in the
B4X Getting
Started Booklet.
Shared Modules B4i
Explained in the
B4X Getting Started
Additional Libraries
Shared Modules
3 Menu and Toolbar 29 B4X IDE B4J
Additional Libraries
Shared Modules B4R
Explained in the
B4X Getting Started Booklet.
Additional Libraries
Shared Modules
3 Menu and Toolbar 30 B4X IDE java.exe B4A / B4i / B4J
This is the location of the java.exe file.
This has already been done when you installed one of the products.
Depending on which version of Java you installed (8 or 11), it should look similar to this:
Java 11:
or C:\java\bin\javac.exe depending in which folder you installed Java 11.
Java 8:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.x.xxx\bin, 64 bit version.
or C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.x.xxx\bin 32 bit version. Additional Libraries
You must define a folder for additional libraries.
This folder must have followed structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then
in the additional libraries folders.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files for B4X libraries (b4xlib).
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraries not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet. Shared Modules
You can add a folder for Shared Modules.
Shared Modules are almost not needed anymore.
This can be better replaced with classes or CustomViews.
3 Menu and Toolbar 31 B4X IDE
3.6.7 SDK Manager B4A only
The SDK Manager can be used to update the Android SDK.
Click on to show the SDK Manager window, which can look like the image
If you see Installed on top, it means that your SDK is up to date.
Even if you see on top Recommended, do not click on to install the
recommended files, until Erel does recommend it in the Forum!
3 Menu and Toolbar 32 B4X IDE
3.6.8 Jetifier AndroidX B4A only
Android Support Library was implemented and maintained in the last 8 years by Google. It includes
a wide range of features, and it hides many of the differences between the various Android versions.
Android Support Library was replaced by AndroidX SDK. It is no longer maintained and new
versions of Firebase SDK depend on AndroidX. This is a good time to switch to AndroidX.
It is simple to switch to AndroidX as the IDE takes care of most of the things:
- Libraries references (DependsOn / #AdditionalJar) are updated automatically.
- The compiler automatically chooses the androidx libraries if such are available.
- References to support classes in #Extends declarations, JavaObject calls and to a less extent in the
manifest editor code are converted during compilation.
Most of the libraries will work as-is, however libraries that directly call methods from the support
library need to be "jetified". This is done with the Jetifier tool (Tools - Jetifier). It will go over all
the additional libraries and will jetify all the libraries that need to be jetified. The output of this tool
is libraries with androidx.jar (or .androidx.aar) extension.
The B4A compiler will then use those libraries automatically.
Note that the internal libraries already include the jetified versions.
To conclude:
1. Open Tools - B4A Sdk manager.
2. Install all recommended items. This will make the switch to AndroidX. You can always go back
to the previous SDK.
3. Open Tools - Jetifier.
4. Click on Jetify. It is possible that the jetifier will fail to jetify a few libraries. In most cases you
can ignore it as those libraries don't need to be jetified.
5. Run your project. The compilation dialog will tell you which SDK was used:
B4A Version: 9.30 BETA #2
Java Version: 11
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Building folders structure. (0.01s)
Compiling code. (0.02s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.01s)
Organizing libraries. (0.00s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Generating R file. (0.96s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (0.73s)
Compiling generated Java code. (1.36s)
Convert byte code - optimized dex. (1.06s)
Packaging files. (0.83s)
Copying libraries resources (0.01s)
Signing package file (private key). (0.61s)
ZipAlign file. (0.04s)
Installing file to device. (0.03s)
Installing with B4A-Bridge.
Completed successfully.
3 Menu and Toolbar 33 B4X IDE
When you click on , you will be
shown the window below.
After clicking on , I got this, the AcceleratedSurface.jar was not ‘jetified’ because of
its length.
3 Menu and Toolbar 34 B4X IDE
3.7 Windows menu
The windows menu shows the Tabs.
Click on to get the default setting.
3 Menu and Toolbar 35 B4X IDE
3.8 Help menu
Online Help.
Like B4A? Support us by contributing.
3.8.1 Online Help
Leads you to the Documentation page of B4X site.
3.8.2 About
Shows the About window with the Version number and a link to the B4X site.
3 Menu and Toolbar 36 B4X IDE
3.8.3 Like B4A? Support us by contributing
Leads you to the main platform page of the B4X site where you can contribute to help Anywhere
Software continuing the development of the B4X products.
3 Menu and Toolbar 37 B4X IDE
3.9 Right click menu
When you right click in the code area the menu below is displayed.
Cut Line
Duplicate Line
Find All References
Move Line(s) Up
Move Line(s) Down
Toggle Outlining
Block Comment
Block Uncomment
Auto Format
Goto identifier
Toggle Breakpoint
Toggle Bookmark
Previous Bookmark
Next Bookmark
Clear Bookmark
Color Picker
Icon Picker Not in B4R.
3 Menu and Toolbar 38 B4X IDE
3.10 Compiler mode
Besides the toolbar there is a drop-down list to select the compiler mode.
B4A / B4J B4i B4R
Debugging is explained in detail in the Debugging chapter.
3 Menu and Toolbar 39 B4X IDE
3.10.1 B4A and B4J
Compiling modes:
Release (obfuscated) Release and Release (obfuscated) modes B4A and B4J
To distribute your project, you must compile it with:
The debugger code will not be added to the apk file.
Release (obfuscated)
The debugger code will not be added to the apk file,
but the program file will be modified. See below.
During compilation B4A generates Java code which is then compiled with the Java compiler and
converted to Dalvik (Android byte code format).
There are tools that allow decompilation of Dalvik byte code into Java code.
The purpose of obfuscation is to make the decompiled code less readable, harder to understand and
make it more difficult to extract strings like developer account keys.
It is important to understand how the obfuscator works.
The obfuscator does two things:
Strings obfuscation
Any string written in Process_Globals sub (and only in this sub) will be obfuscated, making it much
harder to extract important keys. The strings are deobfuscated at runtime.
Note that several keys are used during obfuscation including the package name, version name and
version code. Modifying these values with the manifest editor will break the deobfuscation process.
Variables renaming
The names of global variables and subs are converted to meaningless strings. Local variables are
not affected as their names are lost anyway during the compilation.
The following identifiers are not renamed:
- Identifiers that contain an underscore (required for the events handlers).
- Subs that appear in CallSub statements. When a sub name appears as a static string, the identifier
be kept as it is.
- Designer views names.
Tip: If, for some reason, you wish to prevent obfuscation of an identifier, include an underscore
character in the name.
A file named ObfuscatorMap.txt will be created under the Objects folder. This file maps the
original identifiers names to the obfuscated names. This mapping can be helpful in analysing crash
3 Menu and Toolbar 40 B4X IDE
3.10.2 B4i
To distribute a project, you must compile it in Release mode.
Click on in the Tools / Build Server menu.
3.10.3 B4R
Only Default mode.
4 Code area 41 B4X IDE
4 Code area
The code of the selected module is displayed in this area and can be edited.
The examples below are based on the code of the SecondProgram in the GettingStarted booklet.
4.1 Split the code area
It is possible to split the code area into two or four parts allowing to edit two or four different code
parts at the same time.
Move the small rectangle below the zoom level or in the lower left corner.
And the result.
4 Code area 42 B4X IDE
4.2 New version available
When a new version is available you are informed at the bottom of the IDE.
If you click on B4A v10.0 is available for download, and you will be led to the download page in the
B4X site.
4.3 IDE text size
The IDE text size can be changed with the FontPicker or directly in the IDE:
Click on 100% and select one of
the zoom values.
4 Code area 43 B4X IDE
4.4 Code header Project Attributes / Activity Attributes
A code header, with general settings, is added at the beginning of the code.
4.4.1 B4A Project Attributes
Attributes that are valid for the whole project. Displayed only in the Main module.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: SecondProgram
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#ApplicationLabel: The name which will be displayed below the program icon on the device.
#VersionCode: The version of the code, it is not displayed.
#VersionName: You can add a name for the version.
#SupportedOrientations: You can limit the whole program to a given orientation.
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: If you want to install the program on an external storage card
you must set this attribute to True.
You can add or change the values to your needs. Activity Attributes
Valid for the current activity.
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
When you add a new Activity, you'll find the Activity Attributes region on top.
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region Service Attributes
When you add a new Service, you will find the Service Attributes header.
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: False
#End Region
4 Code area 44 B4X IDE
When you want to add a new Attribute, you can just write # and the inline help shows all
Note the two different icons:
Conditional compilation and region keywords.
When you load a project saved with a version of B4A older than 2.5 then the header will look like
#Region Module Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#ApplicationLabel: MyFirstProgram
#VersionCode: 1
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
4 Code area 45 B4X IDE
4.4.2 B4i
Only the Attributes below. No other Attributes in modules.
'Code module
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: B4i Example
#Version: 1.0.0
'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and
#iPhoneOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight
#iPadOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, PortraitUpsideDown
#Target: iPhone, iPad
#ATSEnabled: True
#MinVersion: 7
#End Region
4.4.3 B4J
Only the two Attributes below. No other Attributes in modules.
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
4.4.4 B4R
Only the Attributes below. No other Attributes in modules.
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
4 Code area 46 B4X IDE
4.5 Undo Redo
In the IDE it is possible to undo the previous operations and redo undone operations.
Click on to undo and on to redo.
4.6 Collapse a subroutine
A subroutine can be collapsed to minimize the number of lines displayed.
The btnAction_Click routine
Click on to collapse the subroutine.
The btnAction_Click routine
Hovering with the mouse over the collapsed routine
name shows its content.
4 Code area 47 B4X IDE
4.7 Collapse the entire code
In the Edit / Outlining menu there
are three functions:
- Toggle All
Expands the collapsed routines and
collapses the expanded routines and
- Expand All
Expands the entire code.
- Collapse All
Collapses the entire code.
Click on Collapse All.
The whole code collapsed.
Hovering with the mouse over a
subroutine shows the beginning
of its content.
4 Code area 48 B4X IDE
4.8 #Regions
You can define ‘Regions’ in the code, which can be collapsed.
#Region GPS sets the beginning of a region and
#End Region the end.
Then you can add subroutines between the two limits.
Then click on to collapse the whole region.
Hovering over #Region GPS
shows the code. For big regions not all the code is displayed.
The regions are also displayed in the Modules Tab.
4 Code area 49 B4X IDE
4.9 Toggle Outlining Ctrl + 0
You can toggle code outlining.
Sub btnAction_Click
If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then
If lblResult.Text="" Then
Msgbox("No result entered","E R R O R")
End If
btnAction.Text = "O K"
lblResult.Text = "" & Chr(0xE632)
End If
End Sub
Click insides the routine and press Ctrl + 0.
Or right click insides the routine to show the pop-up menu and click on to collapse
the routine.
And the result.
It is the same as clicking on .
4 Code area 50 B4X IDE
4.10 Copy a selected bloc of text
It is possible to copy a selected bloc of text to the clipboard, not only entire lines.
To select the bloc press Alt and move the mouse cursor.
4.11 Move line(s) up / down Alt + Up / Alt + Down
You can move selected lines up or down.
Either with Alt + Up or Alt + Down.
Or right click on the selected lines and select or .
4 Code area 51 B4X IDE
4.12 Find / Replace
The example uses the code from the SecondProgram project.
Let’s replace lblResult by edtResult.
In the code select lblResult.
Press F3 or click on in the menu.
This window will be displayed
Enter edtResult in the ‘Replace with’ field.
Now, you can either:
find the next occurrence.
replace the current occurrence and find the next
replace all occurrences.
You can search either in a Selection or in the Document, which
means in the selected module not the whole document.
You can select Find options, click on .
These options are self-explanatory.
4 Code area 52 B4X IDE
4.13 Commenting and uncommenting code
A selected part of the code can be set to comment lines or set to normal.
Original code
Select the code.
Click on or Ctrl + Q.
The selected lines set as comments.
To set the lines to normal,
select the lines and click on or Ctrl + W.
Or right click on the selected code and select or .
4 Code area 53 B4X IDE
You can set 'bookmarks' anywhere in the code and jump forward and backwards between these
To set or clear a bookmark, select the line and press Alt + B.
Click on in the toolbar, or right click on the line where you want to set a bookmark.
You will get a pop-up menu, click on
to activate or deactivate a bookmark.
You will see this mark on the left of the line and a small black line in the right slider:
To jump to the next bookmark press Alt + PageDown
or right click and click on
To jump to the previous bookmark press on Alt + PageUp
or right click and click on
To clear all bookmarks, click on in the toolbar or right click and click on
You find the bookmarks also in the Modules Tab.
Click on a bookmark to jump to its line.
4 Code area 54 B4X IDE
4.15 Indentation
A good practice is to use indentation of code parts.
For example, for subroutines, loops, structures etc.
You should also have a look at Auto Format.
This code is difficult to read
because the structure of the code
is not obvious.
This code is much easier to
read, the structure of the
code is in evidence.
A tabulation value of 2 for
the indentation is a good
Example with an
indentation of 4.
I prefer a value of 2.
4 Code area 55 B4X IDE
Whole blocks of code can be indented forth and back at once.
Original code.
Select the code block.
Click on .
The whole block has moved one tabulation to
the right.
To move a block to the left.
Select the code block and click on .
The indentation value can be changed in the Tools menu IDE Options / Font Picker.
Enter the value and click on .
4 Code area 56 B4X IDE
4.16 Auto format
You can auto format the code.
This code is not easy to read.
Select the code.
Right click in the code area to
show this pop-up menu.
And click on .
And the result.
The Tab size depends on your
settings, see previous page.
4 Code area 57 B4X IDE
4.17 Documentation tool tips while hovering over code elements
When you hover over code elements the on-line help and other options are displayed.
Examples with the MyFirstProgram code:
4.17.1 Hovering over a subroutine name
Hovering over Globals:
Hovering over Find references or Show in window highlights the link.
Find references
Shows all references in the Find All References Tab:
Show in window
Sows the routine in
a window:
4 Code area 58 B4X IDE
4.17.2 Hovering over a subroutine call
Hovering over NewProblem:
Shows Find references and Show in window and shows the content of the routine in the same
4.17.3 Hovering over a keyword
Hovering over Private shows the help from the documentation:
4 Code area 59 B4X IDE
4.17.4 Hovering over an object name
Hovering over btnAction:
Find references
Shows all lines where btnAction is used.
4.17.5 Hovering over a variable type
Hovering over Int shows the help:
4 Code area 60 B4X IDE
4.17.6 Hovering over a View type
Hovering over Label shows the window below:
Search Online:
Shows the search result with Label:
Clicking on shows the online Help:
4 Code area 61 B4X IDE
Clicking on (copy):
Puts Private Sub EventName_Click into the clipboard, which you can copy to the code.
The best way to discover all the options is to test this functionality.
4 Code area 62 B4X IDE
4.18 Auto Completion
A very useful tool is the Auto Completion function.
Attention: Make sure that , in the Tools / IDE Options menu, is not
Example with the MyFirtsProgram code:
Let us write lblN.
All variables, views and property names
beginning with the letters already written are
shown in a popup menu with the online help for
the highlighted variable, view or property name.
To choose lblNumber1 press Return.
The selected name is completed.
To choose lblNumber2 double click on it or press the down arrow and press Return.
After pressing "." all properties and methods of the
view are displayed in a popup menu.
When selecting an item, the internal help
is displayed
Pressing on the up / down arrows selects
the previous or next item with its help.
Pressing a character updates the list and
shows the parameter beginning with that
4 Code area 63 B4X IDE
Structures are also completed.
For / Next
Type Fo
You get For with the help.
Press Return.
For is completed.
Write the rest of the instruction.
And press Return.
Next is automatically added and the
cursor is in the next line idented.
If / Then
Type ‘if’.
You get If with the help.
Press Return and continue typing like
in the example.
After th you get Then with its help.
Press Return.
And press Return again.
End If is automatically added
and the cursor is in the next line idented.
The best way to learn it is to 'play' with it.
4 Code area 64 B4X IDE
Another very powerful Autocomplete function allows you to create event subroutines.
In the example below we want to create the Click event for the bntOK button.
Write ’Su’ and the Auto Completion displays all keywords containing the two characters.
Press Return to select Sub.
Press blank.
Press Tab and select the view type, select Button.
All events for a Button are displayed, select .
4 Code area 65 B4X IDE
The subroutine frame is generated.
Modify 'EventName' to the event name of the button, in our example btnOK.
Press Return and the routine is ready.
4 Code area 66 B4X IDE
4.19 Copy Code Snippets
When you type ‘co’ in the IDE you may see several items in the list beginning with Code_.
These items are code snippets.
When you click on them you will see a comment if there is one.
In the example above, you see two snippets.
A code in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder.
A code snippet in the xChartMini b4xlib library.
When you click on Code_MsgBoxWaitFor the code snippet is copied in the editor.
Code snippets are explained in detail in the B4X Language booklet.
4 Code area 67 B4X IDE
4.20 Built-in documentation
Another useful function is the built-in documentation.
Comments above subs, such as:
'Draws a cross at the given coordinates with the given color
'x any y = coordinates in pixels
'Color = color of the two lines
Sub DrawCross(x As Int, y As Int, Color As Int)
Private d = 3dip As Int
cvsLayer.DrawLine(x - d, y, x + d, y, Color, 1)
cvsLayer.DrawLine(x, y - d, x, y + d, Color, 1)
End Sub
Will automatically appear in the auto complete pop-up window:
If you want to add a code example you can use <code> </code> tags:
'Draws a cross at the given coordinates with the given color
'x any y = coordinates in pixels
'Color = color of the two lines
'Code example: <code>
'DarwCross(20dip, 50dip, Colors.Red)
Sub DrawCross(x As Int, y As Int, Color As Int)
Private d = 3dip As Int
cvsLayer.DrawLine(x - d, y, x + d, y, Color, 1)
cvsLayer.DrawLine(x, y - d, x, y + d, Color, 1)
End Sub
The code will be syntax highlighted:
4 Code area 68 B4X IDE
4.20.1 Copy code examples
You can copy the code example in your code.
When hovering over (copy) you can copy the code example to the clipboard.
Remove Draw
And copy.
4 Code area 69 B4X IDE
4.20.2 Create Type routine
If you have a Type variable declaration, you can create a routine to generate a variable with its
When you hover over the Type declaration, you will see the link below.
When you click on the link the CreatePoint3D routine below will be created.
Public Sub CreatePoint2D (x As Double, y As Double, Color As Int) As Point2D
Dim t1 As Point2D
t1.x = x
t1.y = y
t1.Color = Color
Return t1
End Sub
And in the code:
Private Point0 As Point2D = CreatePoint2D (10dip, 20dip, xui.Color_Red)
4 Code area 70 B4X IDE
4.20.3 Navigate in the IDE, jump to recent positions of the cursor
You can easily navigate in the IDE to recent positions. Navigate back
In the toolbar click on to jump to the previous position of the cursor. Navigate forward
In the toolbar click on to jump to the next position of the cursor. Jump to a given location
In the toolbar, click on to show the latest positions of the cursor in the IDE.
Click on the position where you want to jump.
4 Code area 71 B4X IDE
4.21 Jump to a code line
Press Ctrl and E.
Enter the line number:
And press Return.
4 Code area 72 B4X IDE
4.22 Jump to a subroutine
Sometimes it is useful to jump from a subroutine call to the subroutine definition.
This can easily be done:
Hover over the text of the subroutine call or
select it.
Press Ctrl and Click.
And you are there.
Another method.
Select the text of the subroutine call.
Right click on the selected text.
Click on .
And you are there.
4 Code area 73 B4X IDE
4.23 Highlighting occurrences of words
When you select a single word, it is highlighted in dark blue and all the other occurrences in the
code are highlighted in light blue and in the scroll view on the right side.
With the slider you can move up or down the code to go to the other occurrences.
4 Code area 74 B4X IDE
4.24 Breakpoints
Clicking on a line in the left margin adds a breakpoint. When the program is running it stops at the
first breakpoint.
Breakpoints are ignored in Globals, Process_Globals and Activity_Pause.
The position of the breakpoints is shown on the right side with a light red bar:
Run the program, the program stops at the breakpoint and the IDE looks like below. The line where
the program stops is highlighted in yellow.
At the bottom of the IDE you find other information.
The Debugger is connected. In the left part of the Debugger window, we find:
A button to update the program after a code modification.
The name of the routine where the Debugger stopped the
program. New in the module Main in line 46.
Caller of the Newroutine:
Activity_Create in the module Main routine in line 32.
Clicking on these links moves the cursor to the given line.
4 Code area 75 B4X IDE
In the right part of the Debugger window, we find the list of all Views and Variables with their
In the Toolbar, at the top of the IDE the navigation buttons are enabled.
Step In F8 Executes the next statement.
Step Over F9 Steps over the subroutine call but executes its code.
Step Out F10 Executes the rest of the routine and leaves it.
Stop Stops the program.
Restart F11 Restarts the program.
More details in chapter Debugging.
The Breakpoints are listed in the Modules Tab.
Click on a Breakpoint to jump to its line.
4 Code area 76 B4X IDE
4.25 Color Picker
In the code, right click to show the popup
menu below. Or, in the menu Tools.
Click on to show the Color Picker.
You can:
- Move the cursor in the
outer circle and in the
square to select the color.
- Enter directly
A R G B values or
A H S B values.
- Copy the value to the
You can then paste the
value into the code.
You can select either RGB or HSB values.
RGB Red, Green, Blue
HSB Hue, Saturation, Lightness
4 Code area 77 B4X IDE
4.26 Icon Picker
Right click in the IDE code area to show the pop-up
menu and click on .
You can choose between Font Awesome and Material icons.
Font Awesome icons. Material icons.
Click on an icon to copy it to the clipboard.
Then you can paste it into the code like below.
The icon is given with its character number, Chr(0xE632).
lblResult.Text = Chr(0xE632)
We need also to change the font type to:
lblResult.Typeface = Typeface.FONTAWESOME
or lblResult.Typeface = Typeface.MATERIALICONS
You can filter the icons.
4 Code area 78 B4X IDE
4.27 Colors in the left side
Sometimes, you will see yellow or green vertical lines in the left side of the IDE.
As soon as you modify a line it will be marked with a yellow vertical line on the right of the line
number meaning that this line was modified.
If we click on to save the project the yellow lines become green showing a modified code but
already saved. You can also press Ctrl + S to save the project.
If we leave the IDE and load the project again the green lines disappear.
4 Code area 79 B4X IDE
4.28 Comment links (ctrl-clickable)
Code comments can include clickable links.
When you hover over one of these links, they are highlighted in blue.
Example with this comment:
The following schemes are supported:
o goto:
o run:
Spaces should be replaced with +.
The parameters values are url decoded.
The parameter values can include the following case sensitive aliases:$
o %B4X% - installation folder.
o %PROJECT% - project folder (location of the project .B4? file).
o %PROJECT_NAME% - project name.
o %JAVABIN% - configured java bin folder (not available in beta #1)
o %ADDITIONAL% - Platform specific additional libraries folder.
o Any other environment variable.
4 Code area 80 B4X IDE
4.28.1 http(s):// - Link will be opened with the browser
Link will be opened with the browser.
In a comment:
If the cursor is on the line and you press Ctrl the url is highlighted in blue and if you click on it the
url it is executed. Hovering over the line with Ctrl pressed does also highlight the url.
In a String:
The cursor must be over the String variable and not over text.
4.28.2 file:// - Link will be opened with the default program
Link will be opened with the default program.
'see the presentation: file://C:\Users\H\Documents\Presentation+With+Spaces.pptx
4 Code area 81 B4X IDE
4.28.3 ide:// - Link will be handled by the IDE
Link will be handled by the IDE.
There are currently two types of methods: goto :
Clicking on link will move the cursor to the specified target.
'called from: ide://goto?Module=B4XMainPage&Sub=Button1_Click
Module is optional, the current module is set by default.
Line can be used instead of Sub to jump to a specific line. run :
Runs an external program.
It can be a batch file, a B4J jar file (UI or non-UI) or an executable.
You can pass arguments with the Args parameter, which can be used multiple times.
For example the B4XPages templates includes this line:
'Ctrl + click to export as zip: ide://run?File=%B4X%\Zipper.jar&Args=ZoomIVExample.zip
It calls a B4J program from the internal installation folder named Zipper.jar. It is similar to the
built-in 'export as zip' feature but works with cross platform projects.
Note that the external program working directory will be the current project Objects folder.
The ide://run method supports these additional arguments:
FilesSync=True - Causes the IDE to sync the Files folder after operation completes.
CleanProject=True - Causes the IDE to clean the project after operation completes.
VMArgs - Similar to Args but added as a JVM argument.
You can add: VMArgs=-DZeroSharedFiles%3DTrue to a zipper call to delete the content of
the platform specific copies of shared files (the content will be added back when the
program runs, because of the custom build action).
4 Code area 82 B4X IDE
4.29 Ctrl + Click on layout file name opens the Designer
When you hover over a layout filename in the code, with CTRL key pressed like this:
The layout filename color is changed to blue, the mouse cursor becomes a hand and if you click on
it, the Designer is opened with that layout file.
5 Tabs 83 B4X IDE
5 Tabs
There are 6 tabs at the bottom right corner of the IDE that displays different windows.
The short version.
The wide version.
The 6 Tabs are:
Files Manager
Libraries Manager
Find All References
Quick Search
Each Tab has its own window.
By default, they are displayed in the Tab area on the right side of the IDE, only one at the same
These windows can be closed, hidden or floating, see next chapter.
Only 5 Tabs, no Files Manager Tab
5 Tabs 84 B4X IDE
5.1 Floating Tab windows
When you start the default IDE all Tab windows are docked in the Tab area.
You can set each Tab window as a separate floating window.
5 Tabs 85 B4X IDE
5.2 Float
To set the Modules Tab window to floating click in the title on .
Click on .
The Modules Tab Window is now floating, you can
place it where you want on the screen even on a second
To dock it back to the Tab area, click on .
To show the Tabs again click either on Dock in the Options or on Reset in the IDE Window menu.
5 Tabs 86 B4X IDE
You can also click on a Tab and while maintaining the mouse down, move the Tab.
This will show you all the possible ‘docking’ areas.
Docking areas:
5 Tabs 87 B4X IDE
If you move the mouse onto one of the docking area symbol, the Tab window will be either on top,
on the left, the right or on the bottom.
And the result.
To bring it back to the Tabs, click on the
window title and move it back to the Tabs.
5 Tabs 88 B4X IDE
5.3 Auto Hide
Click on in the title or click on in the Options.
The Tabs move from the bottom of the screen vertically on the right side of the
screen and the Tab window is hidden.
Hovering over a Tab highlights it in green.
Click on a Tab to show it.
The selected Tab is displayed.
As soon as you click somewhere else in the IDE the Tab is hidden again.
5 Tabs 89 B4X IDE
To move the Tabs back to the lower right corner:
Click on in the Options.
Or click on in the IDE Windows menu.
5 Tabs 90 B4X IDE
5.4 Close
You can close a window, hide it.
Click on in the title or on in the Options.
To show it again, in the Windows menu click on the module
name you want to show, in our example.
5.5 Modules Tab 91 B4X IDE
5.5 Modules and subroutine lists
All the modules of the project and all subroutines of the selected module are listed in the Modules
window. The picture below has been reduced in height.
On top you see Default Group and Main. Click on Main to show the routines contained in Main.
Find Sub / Module / Line number (Ctrl + E)
Module list on top.
Clicking on a module shows its code in the code area.
Find Sub Tool (Ctrl + E) see below
Subroutine list of the selected module.
Clicking on a subroutine shows its code in the middle of the code area.
To show a hidden module, click on the module name in the module list.
5.5 Modules Tab 92 B4X IDE
Example with several Modules:
In the Modules Tab you find all the modules listed.
The active module is highlighted.
Clicking on a module shows it in the code area.
When the cursor is on top of a Tab like in the picture above and you move the mouse wheel, the
Tabs scroll horizontally.
5.5 Modules Tab 93 B4X IDE
Click on , to show the routines Once you ‘openeda module, it remains open.
in a given module. You can scroll through the list.
A double click on a module, sets this module as the active one and shows its content.
Clicking on a routine, even in a nonactive module, sets the module as the active one and shows the
routine in the editor.
5.5 Modules Tab 94 B4X IDE
Show a routine in a separate window.
Click on the small icon near the routine name to display it.
You can modify the code in this window, it will also be modified in the main window.
5.5 Modules Tab 95 B4X IDE
5.5.1 Modules with relative or absolute links
When you add an existing module, you will be asked what kind of link you want.
Three options are available.
If you choose one of the links, you will see it in the Modules Tab.
Is a relative link. In the example, another folder at the same level as the project.
The project is in the B4A folder.
The xChart Module is in the B4J folder.
Is an absolute link, with the full name.
5.5 Modules Tab 96 B4X IDE
5.5.2 Context menus
What you can do:
Right click on a Group :
Paste a selected Module.
Rename the Group.
Add a Group.
Add a new Module (same as in the Project menu).
Add an existing Module (same as in the Project menu).
Right click on a Module :
Copy the Module.
Rename the Module.
Remove the Module.
Open the File Explorer to select any Module.
Right click on a Subroutine , or somewhere else:
Copy the Subroutine
Paste a Subroutine from the clipboard.
Expand all the Tab content.
Collapse all the Tab content.
Toggle all the Tab content.
Add a Group
Add a new Module (as in the Project menu).
Add an existing Module (as in the Project
Auto expand the current sub.
Expands automatically the sub when you click
on it.
5.5 Modules Tab 97 B4X IDE Add a Group
There are several modules for the ‘Edit’ function.
We want to create a group for these modules.
Right click on and click on
Enter ‘Edit’.
Select the three ‘Edit…’ modules and move them to the
Edit Group.
The files remain in the Files folder of the project, they
are not moved somewhere else.
The result expanded and collapsed.
5.5 Modules Tab 98 B4X IDE
5.5.3 Find Sub / Module / Line number (Ctrl + E)
The Find Sub / Module / Line number function is a search engine, on the Top of the Modules Tab,
to find subroutines or Modules with a given name or with a given part of the name.
You can press Ctrl + E in the code to select the Modules Tab with the Find Sub / Module function.
Example with the code of the SecondProgram example.
No text only the character ‘a’ text ‘act’
Shows all modules and all Shows all modules and Shows all modules and
routines of the selected routines containing ‘a’. routines containing ‘act’.
Clicking on one item shows the code of the selected module or routine.
To jump to a given line number, enter the line number:
Then, press Return or click on .
5.6 Files Manager Tab 99 B4X IDE
5.6 Files Manager B4A, B4i and B4J only
This window lists all the files that have been added to the project with the button.
These files are saved in the Files’ subfolder under your main project folder.
These can be any kind of files: layouts, images, texts, etc.
All files you need in your project must be added with the button, just copying any file in
the projects Files folder is not enough.
You can add, remove, synchronize or filter files.
Or click on to add all the files from the projects
Files folder into the File Tab.
For layout files, you can click on to
open the Designer with the selected file.
Different file types have different file icons.
png file
db database file
csv file
ttf font file
bal layout file
5.6 Files Manager Tab 100 B4X IDE
5.6.1 Add files
Click on to add files to the list.
The files in that subfolder can be accessed from your program by using the reference
The file chooser will be shown. Select one or more files and click on Open.
5.6.2 Remove files
To delete files, select the files you want to delete and
click on the button.
Clicking on this button removes the selected files
from the list and, if you want, from the Files folder
of the project.
You are asked if you want to move the files
from the 'Files' folder to the Recycle Bin.
Oui = Yes
Non = No
Annuler = Cancel
The removed files are moved to the Recycle Bin and, if necessary, can be recuperated from there.
5.6 Files Manager Tab 101 B4X IDE
5.6.3 Synchronize files.
If you have added files into the projects Files folder from outsides the IDE, you can add those to the
IDE Files Tab with the button.
All files in the projects Files folder will be added to the Files Tab of the IDE.
5.6.4 Filter files.
On top of the Files Manager window, you can filter the files list.
Enter ‘bal’ to filter all layout files, and the result:
Or enter ‘flag’, and the result:
To remove the filter, click on .
5.6 Files Manager Tab 102 B4X IDE
5.6.5 Context menus
What you can do:
Right click on a Group :
Paste a selected Module.
Rename the Group.
Add a Group. Adds a new group into the selected group.
Right click on a file :
Copy the file.
Rename the file.
Remove the file.
Open the File Explorer to select any files.
Configure external editors.
Open the file with its default program
Right click on an empty area of the Files Tab
Copy the Subroutine
Paste a Subroutine from the clipboard.
Expand all the Tab content.
Collapse all the Tab content.
Toggle all the Tab content.
Add a Group. Adds a new group on the top level.
Add Files
Remove Selected Remove the selected files.
Open the projects Files folder.
Sync Folder.
5.6 Files Manager Tab 103 B4X IDE
5.6.6 Add a Group
To add a group:
Right click in an empty part of the Files Tab to add a group at the top level.
Right click on a Group inside the Tab to add a ‘subgroup’ in the selected group.
Right click on an empty area of the Files Tab and
click on .
Enter ‘Layouts’ and move all the layout files into the Layout group.
And the result:
Expanded and collapsed.
Example with several groups:
Images, on the top level with two subgroups
Layouts, on the top level.
5.7 Logs Tab 104 B4X IDE
5.7 Logs
Display of Log comments generated by the program when it is running.
Log(Message) displays the message in black.
LogColor(Message, Color) displays the message in the given color.
The color can be given with different formats.
We add the three lines 46, 47 and 48 in the program 'SecondProgram' in the 'New' routine.
The number of the lines may be different from yours.
Run the program.
Click on to connect the logger.
The top area of the window shows Compile Warnings
see next page.
In the lower area of the window, we see the flow of the
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
Number1 = 9 First log message
Number2 = 1 Second log message
Number2 = 1 Second log message
** Activity (main) Resume **
When Filter is checked you will only see
messages related to your program. When it is unchecked,
you will see all the messages running in the system. If you
are encountering an error and do not see any relevant
message in the log, it is worth unchecking the filter option and looking for an error message
Click on to clear the Logs window.
The arrow at the beginning of the Log allows to jump to the code line of the Log, see next page.
5.7 Logs Tab 105 B4X IDE
5.7.1 Jump to
Logs in the code:
And in the Logs you will see this:
Click on an arrow to jump to the Log line in the code.
On top of the Logs Tab, if there are warnings or errors, hovering over a line shows the full message
and clicking on it jumps to the concerned code line in the editor.
5.7 Logs Tab 106 B4X IDE
5.7.2 Compile Warnings
B4X includes a warning engine. The purpose of the warning engine is to find potential
programming mistakes as soon as possible. The examples are from the Warnings project.
The compile-time warnings appear above the logs and in the code itself when hovering with the
cursor above the code line.
The code lines which cause a warning are underlined like this .
Clicking on the warning in the list will take you to the relevant code.
The warning engine runs as soon as you type.
Typing for example ‘lbl’ at the beginning of a line shows immediately:
lbl in red, because lbl was not declared.
a warning
the auto complete pop-up window with suggestion containing the written characters.
5.7 Logs Tab 107 B4X IDE Ignoring warnings
You, as the developer, can choose to ignore any warning. Adding an "ignore" comment will disable
all the warnings for that specific line:
You can also disable warnings from a specific type in the module by adding the #IgnoreWarning on
the top in one of the codes in the Attribute regions.
For example, to disable warnings #10 and #12:
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#IgnoreWarnings: 10, 12
#End Region
You find the warning numbers at the end of each warning line.
5.7 Logs Tab 108 B4X IDE List of warnings
The warning may be different in the four products, the list is not exhaustive.
1: Unreachable code detected.
2: Not all code paths return a value.
3: Return type (in Sub signature) should be set explicitly.
4: Return value is missing. Default value will be used instead.
5: Variable declaration type is missing. String type will be used.
6: The following value misses screen units ('dip' or %x / %y): {1}.
7: Object converted to String. This is probably a programming mistake.
8: Undeclared variable '{1}'.
9: Unused variable '{1}'.
10: Variable '{1}' is never assigned any value.
11: Variable '{1}' was not initialized.
12: Sub '{1}' is not used.
13: Variable '{1}' should be declared in Sub Process_Globals.
14: File '{1}' in Files folder was not added to the Files tab. You should either delete it or add it to
the project. You can choose Tools - Clean unused files.
15: File '{1}' is not used.
16: Layout file '{1}' is not used. Are you missing a call to Activity.LoadLayout?
17: File '{1}' is missing from the Files tab.
18: TextSize value should not be scaled as it is scaled internally.
19: Empty Catch block. You should at least add Log(LastException.Message).
20: View '{1}' was added with the designer. You should not initialize it.
21: Cannot access view's dimension before it is added to its parent.
22: Types do not match.
23: Modal dialogs are not allowed in Sub Activity_Pause. It will be ignored.
24: Accessing fields from other modules in Sub Process_Globals can be dangerous as the
initialization order is not deterministic.
25: Sub '{0}' not found.
26: Add android:targetSdkVersion="19" to the manifest editor (after minSdkVersion).
27: AndroidManifest.xml is read-only or do not overwrite manifest file option is checked. Use the
manifest editor instead.
28: It is recommended to use a custom theme or the default theme.
Remove SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, “@android:style/Theme.Holo”) from the manifest
32: Library '{0}' is not used.
33: DoEvents is deprecated. It can lead to stability issues. Use Sleep(0) instead (if really needed).
34: Msgbox and other modal dialogs are deprecated. Use the async methods instead.
35: Comparison of Object to other types will fail if exact types do not match. Better to put the
object on the right side of the comparison.
Runtime warnings
1001: Panel.LoadLayout should only be called after the panel was added to its parent.
1002: The same object was added to the list. You should call Dim again to create a new object.
1003: Object was already initialized.
1004: FullScreen or IncludeTitle properties in layout file do not match the activity attributes
5.7 Logs Tab 109 B4X IDE
1: Unreachable code detected.
There is some code which will never be executed.
This can happen if you have some code in a Sub after a Return statement.
2: Not all code paths return a value.
Sub Calc(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double, Operation As String) As Double
Select Operation
Case "Add"
Return (Val1 + Val2)
Case "Sub"
Return (Val1 - Val2)
Case "Mult"
Return (Val1 * Val2)
Case "Div"
End Select
End Sub
In the Case "Div" path no value is returned!
Another example:
Wrong code
Sub Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Private Answ As Int
Private Txt As String
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then' Checks if the KeyCode is BackKey
Txt = "Do you really want to quit the program ?"
Answ = Msgbox2(Txt,"A T T E N T I O N","Yes","","No",Null) ' MessageBox
If Answ = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then ' If return value is Yes then
Return False ' Return = False the Event will not be consumed
Else ' we leave the program
Return True ' Return = True the Event will be consumed to avoid
End If ' leaving the program
End If
End Sub
Correct code
Sub Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Private Answ As Int
Private Txt As String
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then' Checks if the KeyCode is BackKey
Txt = "Do you really want to quit the program ?"
Answ = Msgbox2(Txt,"A T T E N T I O N","Yes","","No",Null) ' MessageBox
If Answ = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then ' If return value is Yes then
Return False ' Return = False the Event will not be consumed
Else ' we leave the program
Return True ' Return = True the Event will be consumed to avoid
End If ' leaving the program
Return True ' Return = True the Event will be consumed to avoid
End If ' leaving the program
End Sub
5.7 Logs Tab 110 B4X IDE
3: Return type (in Sub signature) should be set explicitly.
Wrong code
Sub Calc(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double, Operation As String)
Correct code
Sub Calc(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double, Operation As String) As Double
The return type must be declared!
4: Return value is missing. Default value will be used instead.
Wrong code
Sub CalcSum(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double) As Double
Private Sum As Double
Sum = Val1 + Val2
End Sub
Correct code
Sub CalcSum(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double) As Double
Private Sum As Double
Sum = Val1 + Val2
Return Sum
End Sub
5: Variable declaration type is missing. String type will be used.
Wrong code
Sub Calc(Val1, Val2 As Double, Operation As String) As Double
Correct code
Sub Calc(Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double, Operation As String) As Double
In sub declarations each variable needs its own Type declaration.
But in Private, Public or Dim declarations it's allowed, in the line below both variables are Doubles:
Private Val1, Val2 As Double
6: The following value misses screen units ('dip' or %x / %y): {1}.
Wrong code
Activity.AddView(lblTest, 10, 10, 150, 50)
Correct code
Activity.AddView(lblTest, 10dip, 10dip, 150dip, 50dip)
In the example above you will get four warnings, one for each value.
For view dimensions you should use dip, %x or %y values.
7: Object converted to String. This is probably a programming mistake.
5.7 Logs Tab 111 B4X IDE
8: Undeclared variable '{1}'.
Wrong code
Sub SetHeight
h = 10dip
End Sub
Correct code
Sub SetHeight
Private h As Int
h = 10dip
End Sub
The variable h was not declared. You see it also with the red color.
9: Unused variable '{1}'.
Sub SetHeight
Private h As Int
h = 10dip
End Sub
This warning tells that the variable h is not used.
It is declared and assigned a value, but it is not used!
This code gives no warning because variable h is used:
Sub SetHeight
Private h As Int
h = 10dip
lblTest.Height = h
End Sub
10: Variable '{1}' is never assigned any value.
Sub Test
Private h As Int
End Sub
This warning shows that the variable h is declared but not assigned any value.
Correct code, see above.
11: Variable '{1}' was not initialized.
Wrong code
Private lst As List
Correct code
Private lst As List
Variables (objects) like List or Map must be initialized before they can be used.
Views added by code must also be initialized before they can be added to a parent view.
5.7 Logs Tab 112 B4X IDE
12: Sub '{1}' is not used.
This warning is displayed if a Sub routine is never used.
13: Variable '{1}' should be declared in Sub Process_Globals.
Wrong code:
Sub Globals
Public Timer1 As Timer
Public GPS1 As GPS
Correct code:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Timer1 As Timer
Public GPS1 As GPS
Certain objects like Timers and GPS should be declared in Process_Globals, not in Globals.
14: File '{1}' in Files folder was not added to the Files tab.
You are using a file which is in the Files folder, but was not added to the Files tab.
You should:
- Delete it from the Files subfolder. Don’t forget to make a backup copy before deleting it.
- Add it to the project in the Files tab.
- Use Clean Files Folder (unused files) in the Tools menu.
15: File '{1}' is not used.
You have files in the Files folder that are not used.
You should remove them from the Files folder.
Or you can clean the Files folder from within the Tools menu (see above).
16: Layout file '{1}' is not used. Are you missing a call to Activity.LoadLayout?
You have a layout file in the Files folder that is not used.
You should add LoadLayout or you can remove the layout file from the Files folder.
Or you can clean the Files folder in the Tools menu.
5.7 Logs Tab 113 B4X IDE
17: File '{1}' is missing from the Files tab.
The given file is in the Files tab but is missing in the Files folder. You should add it.
See chapter Add Files
18: TextSize value should not be scaled as it is scaled internally.
Wrong code
lblTest.TextSize = 16dip
Correct code
lblTest.TextSize = 16
TextSize values are pixel and density independent. Their unit is the typographic point, a
typographic unit, and must be given absolute values and not dip values.
19: Empty Catch block. You should at least add Log(LastException.Message).
Wrong code
imvImage.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirRootExternal, "image.jpg")
End Try
Correct code
imvImage.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirRootExternal, "image.jpg")
End Try
It is recommended to add at least Log(LastException.Message) in the Catch block instead of
leaving it empty.
20: View '{1}' was added with the designer. You should not initialize it.
A View defined with the Designer in a layout file must not be initialized!
Only views added by code need to be initialized.
21: Cannot access view's dimension before it is added to its parent.
You must add a view to a parent view before you can access its dimensions.
When you add a view by code its dimensions are defined when you add it with AddView.
22: Types do not match.
23: Modal dialogs are not allowed in Sub Activity_Pause. It will be ignored.
Modal dialogs like MessageBox should not be used in the Activity_Pause routine.
24: Accessing fields from other modules in Sub Process_Globals can be dangerous as the
initialization order is not deterministic.
5.7 Logs Tab 114 B4X IDE
25: Sub '{0}' not found.
The specified sub has not been found.
26: Add android:targetSdkVersion="19" in the ManifestEditor (after minSdkVersion).
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/>
Instead of:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5""/>
27: AndroidManifest.xml is read only. Use the Manifest Editor.
28: It is recommended to use a custom theme or the default theme.
Remove SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, “@android:style/Theme.Holo”) from the
manifest editor.
This was set automatically in older versions of B4A. No more needed.
32: Library ‘xxxx’ is not used.
Remove the unused library.
33: DoEvents is deprecated.
It can lead to stability issues. Use Sleep(0) instead (if really needed).
34: Msgbox and other modal dialogs are deprecated.
Use the async methods instead.
35: Comparison of Object to other types will fail if exact types do not match.
Better to put the object on the right side of the comparison.
Runtime warnings:
1001: Panel.LoadLayout should only be called after the panel was added to its parent.
1002: The same object was added to the list. You should call Dim again to create a new object.
1003: Object was already initialized.
1004: FullScreen or IncludeTitle properties in layout file do not match the activity attributes
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 115 B4X IDE
5.8 Libraries Manager
The “Libraries Manager” Tab contains a list of the available libraries that can be used in the project.
The content of the list depends on the available libraries in the given IDE.
The images are an example with B4A.
Libraries are explained in detail in the
B4X Language Booklet.
Check the libraries you need for your project.
Make sure that you have the latest version of the libraries.
If there does exist a newer version in the forum, the version number in the Online column is
displayed in bold characters, like the xChart library in the image.
The used libraries are shown on top of the list.
As soon as you select one it moves to the top of the list.
Additional information is provided for all selected libraries:
Name Name of the library.
Version Version number of the library on your computer.
Online Shows the number of the latest version in the forum.
Path Path of the library.
o Internal Internal library, shipped with the platform.
o Additional Additional library you copied to your AdditionalLibraries folder.
Platforms The library is valid for the given platforms.
Comment Comment of the library.
Comments can be added by the library developers.
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 116 B4X IDE
5.8.1 Search function
When you hover over the library names you see this:
When you click on , the search function of the forum is launched.
The result is the same as if you searched in the forum with:
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 117 B4X IDE
You may see on top of the list: Library documentation: Library name
Click on the link to show to the online documentation of the library.
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 118 B4X IDE
5.8.2 Online version number
When you see an Online version number in bold characters, this means that there is a newer version
in forum!
Click on the version number.
You get directly to the first post of the library thread where you can download the new version
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 119 B4X IDE
5.8.3 Filter function
On the top of the Tab you find a field to filter the libraries.
Enter ‘AH’ and you get all libraries containing the text AH.
Clicking on a link in the list shows the documentation.
5.8.4 Context menu
Right click in the Libraries Manager Tab:
You can:
Refresh the Tab content. Useful if you updated an internal or additional library.
Open the Internal Libraries Folder.
Open the Additional Libraries Folder.
5.8 Libraries Manager Tab 120 B4X IDE
5.8.5 Where do I find libraries?
To find libraries you can either:
Search in the forum with its name.
Or look at the online libraries index. Online libraries index
You can look at the online libraries index with this link:
Screen shot:
You find:
Library Name.
Short Description.
File Names (without extension) and the relevant platforms.
Last update: With the latest Version and update date.
IDE Comment this comment will appear in the IDE in the Libraries Manager.
Forum Link: This link leads you to the forum thread where you find the library.
5.9 Quick Search Tab 121 B4X IDE
5.9 Quick Search
Quick Search allows to search for any text occurrences in the code of the whole project.
Examples with the SecondProgram code.
Several possibilities to select the Quick Search function:
Ctrl + F, the easiest and most efficient way.
Click on the Tab in the lower right corner of the IDE.
Click on in the Edit menu.
In the code double click on btnAction to select it and
press Ctrl + F.
You get the window below in the Tab area.
The selected text is shown in the title bar.
The list shows the occurrences in all Modules.
In each line you find the Module name and the line
Clicking on a line in the list moves the cursor directly to
the selected occurrence in the code.
To remove the selection, click on on the top right of
the title bar.
5.9 Quick Search Tab 122 B4X IDE
You can also enter any text in the search field:
As an example, enter lbl in the Search field and you get the window below where you find all lines
containing the text you entered, lbl in this example.
The search text is highlighted in all code Clicking on one of the lines in the list
lines containing this text. jumps directly to this line in the IDE.
Click on to remove a search.
You will see a list of the last searches.
Click on to remove all recent searches.
Items are added to the recent items when:
1. You select one of the results or you click Return which selects the first result.
2. You select text in your code and click on Ctrl + F to search for it.
You can replace a text either in the selected code, in the current module or in all modules.
Enter the new name and click either on , or .
5.10 Find All References Tab 123 B4X IDE
5.10 Find All References (F7)
This is a search engine to find all references for a given object (view, variable).
Click on the Tab or press F7 to get the screen below showing a list of all
code lines with the selected reference or the first object in the current line.
Example with the code of SecondProgram.
Select in the code in line 46 Number1.
Click on Find references or press F7 and you get the list below with all code lines containing the
selected object.
The first words are the module name. Clicking on it, jumps to that line in the IDE code area.
Clicking on a line in the list shows that line in
the middle of the IDE code area.
At the bottom of the Tab, you can Rename the selected object.
Enter a new name and click on .
6 Open a layout file directly from the IDE 124 B4X IDE
6 Open a layout file directly from the IDE
The ‘normal’ way to open the Designer is to click on Open Designer in the Designer menu.
Two other methods exist to open a specific layout file directly from the IDE.
6.1 Directly in the code
When you hover over a layout name, in the code with the Ctrl key pressed, the layout name is
highlighted like a link.
When you click on it, the Designer will be opened with the selected layout.
6.2 From the Files Manager Tab
In the Files Manager Tab, you see at the end of each layout filename (open designer).
When you hover over it, the mouse cursor changes to the hand and when you click on it the
Designer is opened with the selected layout file.
7 Navigation in the IDE 125 B4X IDE
7 Navigation in the IDE
Advices given by Erel in the forum
7.1 Alt + Left / Alt + Right Move backwards and forwards
Moves backwards and forwards based on the navigation stack. This is useful to jump back and forth
between the last recent subs.
7.2 Alt + N Navigation stack menu
Opens the navigation stack menu. You can then choose the location with the up and down keys.
7.3 Split the screen
If you are working on two locations in the same module then you can split the code editor (it can be
split again vertically):
Horizontally Vertically
You can also double click on the small rectangles to split the screen.
7 Navigation in the IDE 126 B4X IDE
7.4 Multiple windows
If you are working with multiple modules, you can move the modules out of the main IDE as
separate windows.
7.5 Ctrl + E Search for sub or module
Ctrl + E - searches for sub or module. Very useful when working with large projects.
On top of the Modules Tab enter characters to search for subroutines.
In the list you find the module name and the subroutines containing the characters you entered.
Click on to unfilter.
7 Navigation in the IDE 127 B4X IDE
7.6 Ctrl + Click on any sub or variable
Ctrl + Click on any sub or variable to jump to the declaration location.
In the example above, YXChart1 is a CustomView Class module xChart and DrawChart is a
subroutine in this module, and the editor jumps directly to the DrawChart subroutine in the xChart
7.7 F7 - Find all references
Not exactly related to navigation but is also useful when working with large projects.
Details in Find all references.
7.8 Ctrl + F Quick Search
Ctrl + F - Index based quick search. Details in Quick Search.
7 Navigation in the IDE 128 B4X IDE
7.9 Scrolling module Tabs
In a project with a certain number of modules, not all are visible at the same time.
Point the mouse cursor on a module Tab like in the picture.
Then move the mouse wheel, the Tabs will scroll horizontally.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 129 B4X IDE
8 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J
Debugging is an important part when developing.
Debugging is different in B4R than in B4A, B4i and B4J.
8.1 B4A, B4i, B4J
To allow debugging you must activate the debugging mode Debug on top of the IDE.
Notes about the debugger (B4A only):
Breakpoints in the following subs will be ignored: Globals, Process_Globals and
Services - Breakpoints that appear after a call to StartService will be ignored. Breakpoints
set in Service_Create and Service_Start will pause the program for up to a specific time
(about 12 seconds). This is to prevent the OS from killing the Service.
Events that fire when the program is paused will be executed. Breakpoints in the event code
will be ignored (only when the program is already paused).
The data sent from the device to the IDE is limited in size. Long strings may be truncated.
The two major utilities for debugging are:
Breakpoints - You can mark lines of codes as breakpoints. This is done by pressing on the grey area
left of the line.
The program will pause when it reaches a breakpoint and will allow you to inspect the current state.
Logging - The Logs tab at the right pane is very useful. It shows messages related to the
components life cycle and it can also show messages that are printed with the Log keyword. You
should press on the Connect button to connect to the device logs. Note that there is a Filter
checkbox. When it is checked you will only see messages related to your program. When it is
unchecked, you will see all the messages running in the system. If you are encountering an error
and do not see any relevant message in the log, it is worth unchecking the filter option and looking
for an error message.
Note that the log is maintained by the device. When you connect to a device you will also see
previous messages.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 130 B4X IDE
8.1.1 Debug mode
The debugging modes are different in the in the products:
B4A, B4J B4i, only Debug Debug Toolbar
The debug toolbar is at the right side of the IDE toolbar.
Debug Toolbar:
Run the program F5 Runs the program, no action in Debug (rapid)
Step In F8 Executes the next statement.
Step Over F9 Executes a routine without jumping in it.
Step Out F10 Finishes executing the rest of a routine.
Stop Stops the program.
Restart F11 Restarts the program.
The examples below are shown in the SecondProgram project. Run F5
Runs the program.
If the program is stopped at a breakpoint the program runs until the next breakpoint or completes
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 131 B4X IDE Step In F8
The debugger executes the code step by step.
In the SecondProgram project
we set a Breakpoint at line
32 New.
We run the program; it will stop
executing at line 32 New.
Click on .
The debugger executes the next
line, Sub New in this case.
Click once more on .
The debugger executes the next
line, Number1 =
Click once more on .
The debugger executes the next
line, Number2 =
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 132 B4X IDE Step Over F9
If the current line is a sub calling line the debugger executes the code in this subroutine and jumps
to the line after the calling line.
In the SecondProgram project
we set a Breakpoint at line
32 New.
We run the program; it will stop
executing at line 32 New.
Click on .
The debugger executes the code
in New and jumps directly to the
next line which is
End Sub of Activity_Create. Step Out F10
If the current line is in a subroutine the debugger finishes executing the rest of the code and jumps
to the next line after the subs’ calling line.
In the SecondProgram project
we set a Breakpoint at line
32 New.
We run the program; it will stop
executing at line 32 New.
We go step by step with to a
line in the subroutine.
Click on .
The debugger executes the rest
of the code in the subroutine and
jumps to the next line which is
End Sub of Activity_Create.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 133 B4X IDE Stop
Stops the program and leaves the Rapid Debugger. Restart F11
Restarts the program remaining in the Rapid Debugger.
B4A Process_Globals, Globals, Activity_Create and reloads the layout.
B4i Process_Globals,
B4J Process_Globals,
This is useful if you changed a layout file.
It is different from explained in the next chapter.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 134 B4X IDE
8.1.2 Debug window
In the debug window we have, example with the SecondProgram, and a breakpoint in line 45: The status button
Shows that the program is running, the button border is green.
When you change the code the button border changes to red.
To update the code click on the button or hit Ctrl + S. The breakpoint window
The breakpoint window shows where the program has stopped.
The program stopped in line 45,
in routine New in the main module.
The calling routine is AppStart,
and the calling line is not shown.
When you click on one of the lines the cursor jumps to that line.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 135 B4X IDE The Watch window
The Watch window allows to check more complex functions for testing and debugging.
In the SecondProgram code add two Log lines
and set a breakpoint in line 47.
Run the program.
In the Add Watch field enter:
Number1 + Number2
Click on to show the result on top of the list.
As we left the two Log lines in the code, we still
see the values of Number1 and Number2.
You can enter a new watch line
Number1 - Number2
and show it.
Click on to remove the watch functions. This removes all the functions.
We could, of course, also have done this test with Logs:
Log(Number2 + Number2)
Log(Number2 - Number2)
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 136 B4X IDE The object window
Shows all variables and objects in
the list ordered by alphabetical
Click on to show the details of
the object:
Shows the current value (3).
Shows all properties of the object, a Label
in the example.
You get the same
information when you hover
over the object in the code:
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 137 B4X IDE
8.1.3 Breakpoints
One important feature to make debugging easier are breakpoints. You can set breakpoint almost
wherever you want in the code.
Breakpoints, in Process_Globals are ignored.
Clicking on a line in the left margin adds a breakpoint. When the program is running it stops at the
first encountered breakpoint.
The breakpoints are shown on the right side with a small light red line:
Run the program, the program stops at the breakpoint and the IDE looks like below. The breakpoint
line is highlighted in yellow.
On the bottom of the window, you see the debug window.
The Breakpoints are listed in the Modules Tab.
Click on a Breakpoint to jump to its line.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 138 B4X IDE
Example with the SecondProgram:
Set a breakpoint in line 44 and run the program.
In the variable window look at Number1 and
The values are 0 for both.
If you see this at the left side of Number1 or
Number2 click on it to show the details.
Click on .
The program jumps to the next line.
Click on .
You see that the value of
Number1 has changed.
Click on again.
The program jumps to the next line.
Click on .
You see that the value of
Number2 has changed.
The best way to learn debugging is testing, testing and testing!
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 139 B4X IDE
8.1.4 With Logs
Example with the SecondProgram.
We add the two lines with the Log keyword to
display the two numbers in the Log Tab.
We and add a breakpoint in line 44 to watch
what happens.
Run the program, it stops at line 44.
In the Log Tab we see at the moment only
Waiting for debugger to connect...
and saying that
the program has started.
Click four times on till the program reaches
line 48.
In the Log Tab we see the values of the two
Click on to run to the end.
Nothing new is displayed
When you are using the program the two new
values will be shown every time the program
runs the New routine.
The arrow at the beginning of the Log allows to jump to the code line of the Log, see Jump to.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 140 B4X IDE
8.1.5 Modifying code in the Debugger
It is possible to change the code in the Debugger and see the new behaviour without restarting the
Still with SecondProgram and the two Logs and the breakpoint in line 47.
Run the program till it stops at the breakpoint.
In the two lines with Rnd(1, 10)
we change the numbers from 10 to 20.
The status button color has changed confirming a code change.
To rerun the program, click on Ctrl + S.
Using the program, we see now that the numbers can be between 1 and 19.
The arrow at the beginning of the Log allows to jump to the code line of the Log, see Jump to.
8.1 Debugging B4A, B4i, B4J 141 B4X IDE
8.1.6 Debug (legacy) mode B4A only
In some cases, the legacy Debugger can be useful, you can select it in the Tools menu under IDE
Debug(legacy): When this option is selected then the compiled code will contain debugging code.
The debugging code allows the IDE to connect to the program and inspect it while it runs.
The name of the compiled APK file will end with _DEBUG.apk. You should not distribute this apk
file as it contains the debugging code which adds a significant overhead.
To distribute files, you must select the Release or the Release (obfuscated) option.
The navigation buttons in the Toolbar are enabled .
They work similar to the Debug (rapid) mode.
8.2 Debugging B4R 142 B4X IDE
8.2 Debugging B4R
Debugging is an important part when developing.
In B4R there is no Debug mode like in the other B4X languages.
Debugging can only be done with Logs.
The Logs tab in the right pane shows messages related to the components life cycle and it can also
show messages that are printed with the Log keyword. You should press on the Connect button to
connect to the device logs.
8.2.1 Debug example with the TrafficLight project
In the TrafficLight project I added several Log statements which show the evolution of the program.
When we run the program, the Logs is empty.
We press the button > State: 0
The light is set to ON > Light: 1 red light ON
We release the button > State: 1
The logs of the timers:
In TimerGreenRed_Tick change from red to green:
> TimerGreenRed_Tick LightGreen
We set the light to yellow and enable TimerYellow:
> TimerGreenRed_Tick LightYellow
In TimerYellow_Tick we set yellow OFF and red ON
> TimerYellow_Tick LightRed
End of first cycle
Begin of next cycle: > TimerGreenRed_Tick LightGreen
We press the button > State: 0
The light is set to OFF > Light: 0
We release the button > State: 1