B4X Booklets
B4X Language
Copyright: © 2024 Anywhere Software Edition 2.5
Last update: 2024.01.05
Table of contents 2 B4X Language
1 B4X platforms .............................................................................................................................. 8
2 Variables and objects ................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Variable Types ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Names of variables ............................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Declaring variables............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.1 Simple variables ............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.2 Array variables ............................................................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Constant variables Const keyword ................................................................................ 14
2.3.4 Array of views / nodes (objects) .................................................................................... 15
2.3.5 Type variables B4A, B4i and B4J only ........................................................................ 18
2.4 Casting ............................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 As method ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.6 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 21
2.6.1 Process variables ............................................................................................................ 21
2.6.2 Activity variables B4A only ......................................................................................... 22
2.6.3 Local variables ............................................................................................................... 22
2.7 Tips ..................................................................................................................................... 22
3 Program flow / Process life cycle .............................................................................................. 23
3.1 B4XPages program flow .................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Program flow B4A ............................................................................................................ 25
3.2.1 Program Start ................................................................................................................. 26
3.2.2 Process global variables ................................................................................................. 27
3.2.3 Activity variables ........................................................................................................... 27
3.2.4 Starter service ................................................................................................................. 28
3.2.5 Program flow .................................................................................................................. 29
3.2.6 Sub Process_Globals / Sub Globals ............................................................................... 30
3.2.7 Sub Activity_Create (FirstTime As Boolean) ................................................................ 30
3.2.8 Variable declaration summary ....................................................................................... 31
3.2.9 Sub Activity_Resume Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) .......................... 32
3.2.10 Activity.Finish / ExitApplication ............................................................................. 33
3.3 Program flow B4i ............................................................................................................... 34
3.4 Program flow B4J .............................................................................................................. 35
3.5 Program flow B4R ............................................................................................................. 36
3.6 Program flow comparison B4A / B4i / B4J ...................................................................... 37
3.6.1 Program start B4A / B4i / B4J ...................................................................................... 37
3.6.2 Rotating device B4A / B4i ............................................................................................ 37
4 B4X Language ........................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 Expressions ........................................................................................................................ 38
4.1.1 Mathematical expressions .............................................................................................. 38
4.1.2 Relational expressions .................................................................................................... 39
4.1.3 Boolean expressions ....................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Standard keywords ............................................................................................................. 40
Abs (Number As Double) As Double .......................................................................... 42
ACos (Value As Double) As Double ........................................................................... 42
ACosD (Value As Double) As Double ........................................................................ 42
Array ............................................................................................................................. 42
Asc (Char As Char) As Int .......................................................................................... 42
ASin (Value As Double) As Double ............................................................................ 42
ASinD (Value As Double) As Double ......................................................................... 42
ATan (Value As Double) As Double ........................................................................... 42
ATan2 (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double ........................................................ 42
ATan2D (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double ...................................................... 42
ATanD (Value As Double) As Double ........................................................................ 42
Table of contents 3 B4X Language
BytesToString (Data() As Byte, StartOffset As Int, Length As Int, CharSet As
String) As String ............................................................................................................... 43
CallSub (Component As Object, Sub As String) As Object..................................... 43
CallSub2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object) As Object
............................................................................................................................................ 43
CallSub3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object,
Argument2 As Object) As Object ................................................................................... 43
CallSubDelayed (Component As Object, Sub As String) ......................................... 43
CallSubDelayed2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object) . 43
CallSubDelayed3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object,
Argument2 As Object) ..................................................................................................... 43
Similar to CallSubDelayed. Calls a sub with two arguments. ........................................... 43
Catch ............................................................................................................................. 44
cE As Double ................................................................................................................. 44
Ceil (Number As Double) As Double .......................................................................... 44
Chr (UnicodeValue As Int) As Char .......................................................................... 44
Continue ........................................................................................................................ 44
Cos (Radians As Double) As Double .......................................................................... 44
CosD (Degrees As Double) As Double ........................................................................ 44
cPI As Double ............................................................................................................... 44
CreateMap .................................................................................................................... 44
CRLF As String ............................................................................................................ 45
Dim ................................................................................................................................ 45
Exit ................................................................................................................................. 45
Floor (Number As Double) As Double ....................................................................... 45
For.................................................................................................................................. 45
GetType (object As Object) As String ........................................................................ 46
If ..................................................................................................................................... 46
IIf ................................................................................................................................... 46
Is ..................................................................................................................................... 46
IsNumber (Text As String) As Boolean ...................................................................... 46
LoadBitmapSample (Dir As String, FileName As String, MaxWidth As Int,
MaxHeight As Int) As Bitmap ........................................................................................ 47
Log (Message As String) .............................................................................................. 47
Logarithm (Number As Double, Base As Double) As Double ................................. 47
LogColor (Message As String, Color As Int) ............................................................. 47
Max (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double .................................. 47
Me As Object ................................................................................................................ 47
Min (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double .................................. 47
Not (Value As Boolean) As Boolean ........................................................................... 48
Null As Object .............................................................................................................. 48
NumberFormat (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int,
MaximumFractions As Int) As String ............................................................................ 48
NumberFormat2 (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int,
MaximumFractions As Int, MinimumFractions As Int, GroupingUsed As Boolean)
As String ............................................................................................................................ 48
Power (Base As Double, Exponent As Double) As Double ....................................... 48
QUOTE As String ........................................................................................................ 48
Regex As Regex ............................................................................................................ 48
Return ........................................................................................................................... 48
Rnd (Min As Int, Max As Int) As Int ......................................................................... 48
Table of contents 4 B4X Language
RndSeed (Seed As Long) ............................................................................................. 48
Round (Number As Double) As Long ........................................................................ 48
Select .............................................................................................................................. 49
Sender As Object .......................................................................................................... 49
Sin (Radians As Double) As Double Calculates the trigonometric sine function.
Angle measured in radians. ................................................................................................ 49
SinD (Degrees As Double) As Double ......................................................................... 49
Calculates the trigonometric sine function. Angle measured in degrees. .......................... 49
Sleep (Value As Double) As Double ............................................................................ 49
Sqrt (Value As Double) As Double ............................................................................. 49
Sub ................................................................................................................................. 50
SubExists (Object As Object, Sub As String) As Boolean ........................................ 50
TAB As String .............................................................................................................. 50
Tan (Radians As Double) As Double .......................................................................... 50
TanD (Degrees As Double) As Double ....................................................................... 50
True As Boolean ........................................................................................................... 50
Try ................................................................................................................................. 50
Type ............................................................................................................................... 51
Until ............................................................................................................................... 51
While ............................................................................................................................. 51
4.3 Conditional statements ....................................................................................................... 52
4.3.1 If Then Else .............................................................................................................. 52 Boolean evaluation order ....................................................................................... 53
4.3.2 IIf Inline If .................................................................................................................. 54
4.3.3 Select Case .................................................................................................................. 55
4.4 Loop structures ................................................................................................................... 57
4.4.1 For Next ...................................................................................................................... 57
4.4.2 For - Each ....................................................................................................................... 58
4.4.3 Do - Loop ....................................................................................................................... 59
4.5 Inline casting As ................................................................................................................ 61
4.6 Subs .................................................................................................................................... 62
4.6.1 Declaring ........................................................................................................................ 62
4.6.2 Calling a Sub .................................................................................................................. 62
4.6.3 Calling a Sub from another module ............................................................................... 62
4.6.4 Naming ........................................................................................................................... 63
4.6.5 Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 63
4.6.6 Returned value ............................................................................................................... 64
4.7 Resumable Subs ................................................................................................................. 65
4.7.1 Sleep ............................................................................................................................... 65
4.7.2 Wait For ......................................................................................................................... 66
4.7.3 Code Flow ...................................................................................................................... 68
4.7.4 Waiting for a resumable sub to complete ....................................................................... 69
4.7.5 Resumable Sub return value........................................................................................... 70
4.7.6 B4A only KeyPress and Wait For MsgBox2Async .................................................... 72
4.7.7 DoEvents deprecated ! .................................................................................................. 73
4.7.8 Dialogs ........................................................................................................................... 74
4.7.9 SQL with Wait For ......................................................................................................... 75 Queries ................................................................................................................... 75 B4J ......................................................................................................................... 76
4.7.10 Notes & Tips .............................................................................................................. 76
4.8 Events ................................................................................................................................. 77
4.8.1 B4A ................................................................................................................................ 77
Table of contents 5 B4X Language
4.8.2 B4i .................................................................................................................................. 80
4.8.3 B4J ................................................................................................................................. 82
4.8.4 B4R ................................................................................................................................ 86
4.8.5 User interface summary ................................................................................................. 87
4.9 Libraries ............................................................................................................................. 88
4.9.1 Standard libraries ........................................................................................................... 89
4.9.2 Additional libraries folder .............................................................................................. 89 Paths configuration B4A ........................................................................................ 90 Paths configuration B4i .......................................................................................... 90 Paths configuration B4J ......................................................................................... 91 Paths configuration B4R ........................................................................................ 91
4.9.3 B4X Libraries *.b4xlib.................................................................................................. 92
4.9.4 Load and update a Library ............................................................................................. 93
4.9.5 Error message "Are you missing a library reference?" .................................................. 93
4.9.6 Where do I find libraries? .............................................................................................. 94 Online libraries index ............................................................................................. 94
4.10 String manipulation ............................................................................................................ 95
4.10.1 B4A, B4i, B4J String ................................................................................................ 95
4.10.2 String concatenation ................................................................................................... 96
4.10.3 B4A, B4i, B4J StringBuilder .................................................................................... 97 StringBuilder Methods ....................................................................................... 97 Simple example .................................................................................................. 97 Speed comparison between Strings and StringBuilder ...................................... 98
4.10.4 Smart String Literal .................................................................................................... 99 String Interpolation ............................................................................................ 99 Number Formatter .............................................................................................. 99 Other Formatters .............................................................................................. 100
4.10.5 B4A, B4i CharSequence CSBuilder ...................................................................... 101 Text .................................................................................................................. 101 With FontAwesome or MaterialIcons .............................................................. 103 Images .............................................................................................................. 103 Clickable text ................................................................................................... 104 Highlight text ................................................................................................... 104 Center aligned text ........................................................................................... 105 CSBuilder Methods .......................................................................................... 106 B4A / B4i ...................................................................................................... 106 B4A only ...................................................................................................... 107 B4i only ........................................................................................................ 108
4.10.6 B4J TextFlow class ................................................................................................. 109
4.10.7 B4R .......................................................................................................................... 110
4.11 Number formatting ........................................................................................................... 113
4.11.1 B4A, B4i, B4J .......................................................................................................... 113
4.11.2 B4X NumberFormatter ............................................................................................ 113
4.11.3 B4R .......................................................................................................................... 113
4.12 Timers .............................................................................................................................. 114
4.13 Files B4A, B4i, B4J ........................................................................................................ 116
4.13.1 File object ................................................................................................................. 116 File locations .................................................................................................... 116 B4X .............................................................................................................. 116 B4A only ...................................................................................................... 117 B4i only ........................................................................................................ 119 B4J only ........................................................................................................ 119 File exists ? B4A, B4i, B4J ............................................................................. 120
Table of contents 6 B4X Language Common methods B4A, B4i, B4J .................................................................. 120
4.13.2 Filenames ................................................................................................................. 122
4.13.3 Subfolders ................................................................................................................ 122
4.13.4 B4A, B4J TextWriter .............................................................................................. 123
4.13.5 B4A, B4J TextReader ............................................................................................. 124
4.13.6 Text encoding ........................................................................................................... 125
4.14 Lists B4A, B4i and B4J only .......................................................................................... 127
4.14.1 Non-dynamic Lists ................................................................................................... 129
4.15 Maps B4A, B4i and B4J only ......................................................................................... 130
4.16 Class modules .................................................................................................................. 132
4.16.1 Getting started .......................................................................................................... 132 Adding a Class module .................................................................................... 134 Polymorphism .................................................................................................. 135 Self-reference ................................................................................................... 137 Activity object B4A only ............................................................................... 137
4.16.2 Standard Class module ............................................................................................. 138 Structure ........................................................................................................... 138
5 Find object methods, properties, events ................................................................................... 140
5.1 B4X Help Viewer ............................................................................................................. 140
5.2 Hovering over an object ................................................................................................... 141
5.3 Define an event routine. ................................................................................................... 142
6 Code Snippets .......................................................................................................................... 143
6.1 Add a snippet in the IDE .................................................................................................. 143
6.2 Code Snippet examples .................................................................................................... 144
6.2.1 Simple code snippet in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder ......................... 144
6.2.2 Code snippet in a b4xlib library ................................................................................... 145
6.3 Locations for code snippets .............................................................................................. 147
6.3.1 In a special Snippets subfolder in the AdditionalLibraries folder................................ 147
6.3.2 In a b4xlib library ......................................................................................................... 147
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided ............................................................................................ 148
7.1 Initializing an object and then assigning a different object to the same variable ............ 148
7.2 Deprecated methods - DoEvents, Msgbox ....................................................................... 148
7.3 Deprecated methods - Map.GetKeyAt / GetValueAt ...................................................... 148
7.4 File.DirDefaultExternal - This is always a mistake. ........................................................ 149
7.5 Not using parameterized queries ...................................................................................... 149
7.6 Using Cursor instead of ResultSet - Cursor ..................................................................... 149
7.7 Building the complete layout programmatically .............................................................. 149
7.8 Repeating the code ........................................................................................................... 150
7.9 Long strings without using smart strings ......................................................................... 150
7.10 Using global variables when not needed .......................................................................... 150
7.11 Not using Wait For when possible ................................................................................... 150
7.12 Using code modules instead of classes ............................................................................ 151
7.13 Understanding booleans ................................................................................................... 151
7.14 Converting "random" bytes to strings .............................................................................. 151
7.15 Generating or parsing XML / JSON by hand................................................................... 151
7.16 Assuming that Maps preserve order ................................................................................. 152
8 Features that Erel recommends to avoid .................................................................................. 153
9 Tips ........................................................................................................................................... 156
9.1 Separate data from code ................................................................................................... 156
9.2 Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY principle). .......................................................................... 156
9.3 Map collection .................................................................................................................. 156
9.4 New technologies and features......................................................................................... 156
9.5 Logs .................................................................................................................................. 156
Table of contents 7 B4X Language
9.6 B4A Avoid calling DoEvents.......................................................................................... 157
9.7 Strings are made of characters not bytes. ......................................................................... 157
9.8 B4A Use services, especially the Starter service ............................................................ 157
9.9 UI Layouts ........................................................................................................................ 157
9.10 B4J as a backend solution. ............................................................................................... 157
9.11 Search. .............................................................................................................................. 158
9.12 Notepad++. ....................................................................................................................... 158
9.12.1 Encoding .................................................................................................................. 158
Main contributors: Klaus Christl (klaus), Erel Uziel (Erel)
To search for a given word or sentence use the Search function in the Edit menu.
Updated for following versions:
B4A version 12.80
B4i version 8.50
B4J version 10.00
B4R version 4.00
B4X Booklets:
B4X Getting Started
B4X B4X Language
B4X IDE Integrated Development Environment
B4X Visual Designer
B4X Help tools
B4XPages Cross-platform projects
B4X CustomViews
B4X Graphics
B4X XUI B4X User Interface
B4X SQLite Database
B4X JavaObject NativeObject
B4R Example Projects
You can consult these booklets online in this link [B4X] Documentation Booklets.
Be aware that external links don’t work in the online display.
1 B4X platforms 8 B4X Language
1 B4X platforms
B4X is a suite of programming languages for different platforms.
B4X suite supports more platforms than any other tool
B4A Android
B4A is a 100% free development tool for Android applications, it includes all the features
needed to quickly develop any type of Android app.
B4i iOS
B4i is a development tool for native iOS applications.
B4i follows the same concepts as B4A, allowing you to reuse most of the code and build
apps for both Android and iOS.
B4J Java / Windows / Mac / Linux / Raspberry PI
B4J is a 100% free development tool for desktop, server and IoT solutions.
With B4J you can easily create desktop applications (UI), console programs (non-UI) and
server solutions.
The compiled apps can run on Windows, Mac, Linux and ARM boards (such as Raspberry
B4R Arduino / ESP8266
B4R is a 100% free development tool for native Arduino and ESP8266 programs.
B4R follows the same concepts of the other B4X tools, providing a simple and powerful
development tool.
B4R, B4A, B4J and B4i together make the best development solution for the Internet of
Things (IoT).
B4XPages is an internal library for B4A, B4i and B4J allowing to develop easily cross-
platform programs.
B4XPages is explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
Even, if you want to develop only in one platform it is interesting to use the B4XPages
library it makes the program flow simpler especially for B4A.
2 Variables and objects 9 B4X Language
2 Variables and objects
A variable is a symbolic name given to some known or unknown quantity or information, for the
purpose of allowing the name to be used independently of the information it represents. A variable
name in computer source code usually associated with a data storage location and thus also its
contents, and these may change during program execution (source Wikipedia).
There are two types of variables: primitives and non-primitive types.
Primitives include the numeric types: Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double.
Primitives also include Boolean and Char.
2.1 Variable Types
B4A, B4i, B4J
List of types with their ranges:
min value
max value
integer 8 bits
- 2
- 1
integer 16 bits
- 2
- 32768
integer 32 bits
- 2
long integer 64 bits
- 2
floating point
32 bits
- 2
(2 -2
) * 2
3.4028235 E 38
double precision
64 bits
- 2
(2 -2
) * 2
2.2250738585072014 E -
1.7976931348623157 E
array of characters
2.1 Variable types 10 B4X Language
List of types with their ranges:
Numeric types:
Byte 0 - 255
Int (2 bytes) -32768 - 32768. Similar to Short type in other B4X tools.
UInt (2 bytes) 0 - 65535. B4R specific.
Long (4 bytes) -2,147,483,648 - 2,147,483,647. Similar to Int type in other B4X tools.
ULong (4 bytes) 0 - 4,294,967,295 B4R specific.
Double (4 bytes) 4 bytes floating point. Similar to Float in other B4X tools.
Float is the same as Double. Short is the same as Int.
The above is true on all boards, including the Arduino Due.
Other types:
Boolean True or False. Practically it is saved as a byte with the value of 1 or 0.
String Strings are made from an array of bytes that end with a null byte (byte with the value of 0).
Object Objects can hold other types of values.
2.1 Variable types 11 B4X Language
Primitive types are always passed by value to other subs or when assigned to other variables.
For example:
Sub S1
Private A As Int
A = 12 The variable A = 12
S2(A) It's passed by value to routine S2
Log(A) ' Prints 12 Variable A still equals 12, even though B was changed in routine S2.
End Sub
Sub S2(B As Int) Variable B = 12
B = 45 Its value is changed to B = 45
End Sub
All other types, including arrays of primitive types and strings are categorized as non-primitive
When you pass a non-primitive to a sub or when you assign it to a different variable, a copy of the
reference is passed.
This means that the data itself isn't duplicated.
It is slightly different than passing by reference as you cannot change the reference of the original
All types can be treated as Objects.
Collections like lists and maps work with Objects and therefore can store any value.
Here is an example of a common mistake, where the developer tries to add several arrays to a list:
Private arr(3) As Int
Private List1 As List
For I = 1 To 5
arr(0) = I * 2
arr(1) = I * 2
arr(2) = I * 2
List1.Add(arr) 'Add the whole array as a single item
arr = List1.Get(0) 'get the first item from the list
Log(arr(0)) 'What will be printed here???
You may expect it to print 2. However, it will print 10.
We have created a single array and added 5 references of this array to the list.
The values in the single array are the values set in the last iteration.
To fix this we need to create a new array each iteration.
This is done by calling Private each iteration:
Private arr(3) As Int 'This call is redundant in this case.
Private List1 As List
For i = 1 To 5
Private arr(3) As Int
arr(0) = i * 2
arr(1) = i * 2
arr(2) = i * 2
List1.Add(arr) 'Add the whole array as a single item
arr = List1.Get(0) 'get the first item from the list
Log(arr(0)) 'Will print 2
2.2 Names of variables 12 B4X Language
2.2 Names of variables
It is up to you to give any name to a variable, except reserved words.
A variable name must begin with a letter and must be composed by the following characters A-Z, a-
z, 0-9, and underscore "_", no spaces, no brackets etc.
Variable names are case insensitive, that means that Index and index refer to the same variable.
But it is good practice to give them meaningful names.
Interest = Capital * Rate / 100 is meaningful
n1 = n2 * n3 / 100 not meaningful
For Views (B4A, B4i), Nodes (B4J), it is useful to add to the name a three characters prefix that
defines its type.
lblCapital lbl > Label Capital > purpose
edtInterest edt > EditText Interest > purpose
btnNext btn > Button Next > purpose
2.3 Declaring variables
2.3.1 Simple variables
Variables are declared with the Private or the Public keyword followed by the variable name and
the As keyword and followed by the variable type. For details look at chapter Scope.
There exist the Dim keyword, this is maintained for compatibility.
Private Capital As Double Declares three variables as Double,
Private Interest As Double double precision numbers.
Private Rate As Double
Private i As Int Declares three variables as Int, integer numbers.
Private j As Int
Private k As Int
Private lblCapital As Label
Private lblInterest As Label Declares three variables as Label views.
Private lblRate As Label
Private btnNext As Button Declares two variables as Button views.
Private btnPrev As Button
The same variables can also be declared in a short way.
Private Capital, Interest, Rate As Double
Private i, j, k As Int
Private lblCapital, lblInterest, lblRate As Label
Private btnNext, btnPrev As Button
The names of the variables separated by commas and followed by the type declaration.
2.3 Declaring variables 13 B4X Language
Following variable declarations are valid:
Private i = 0, j = 2, k = 5 As Int
Private txt = "test" As String, value = 1.05 As Double, flag = False As Boolean
View names must be declared if we want to use them in the code.
For example, if we want to change the text in a Label view in the code, like
lblCapital.Text = "1200",
we need to reference this Label view by its name lblCapital, this is done with the Private
If we never make any reference to this Label view anywhere in the code no declaration is needed.
Using an event routine for that view doesn't need a declaration either.
To allocate a value to a variable write its name followed by the equal sign and followed by the
value, like:
Capital = 1200
LastName = "SMITH"
Note that for Capital we wrote just 1200 because Capital is a number.
But for LastName we wrote "SMITH" because LastName is a string.
Strings must always be written between double quotes.
2.3.2 Array variables
Arrays are collections of data or objects that can be selected by indices. Arrays can have multiple
The declaration contains the Private or the Public keyword followed by the variable name
LastName, the number of items between brackets (50), the keyword As and the variable type String.
For details look at chapter Scope. There exist the Dim keyword, this is maintained for compatibility.
Note: B4R supports only single dimension arrays !
Public LastName(50) As String One dimension array of strings, total number of items 50.
Public Matrix(3, 3) As Double Two dimensions array of Doubles, total number of items 9.
Public Data(3, 5, 10) As Int Three dimensions array of integers, total number of items 150.
The first index of each dimension in an array is 0.
LastName(0), Matrix(0,0), Data(0,0,0)
The last index is equal to the number of items in each dimension minus 1.
LastName(49), Matrix(2,2), Data(2,4,9)
Public LastName(10) As String
Public FirstName(10) As String
Public Address(10) As String
Public City(10) As String
Public LastName(10), FirstName(10), Address(10), City(10) As String
2.3 Declaring variables 14 B4X Language
This example shows how to access all items in a three-dimensional array.
Public Data(3, 5, 10) As Int
For i = 0 To 2
For j = 0 To 4
For k = 0 To 9
Data(i, j, k) = ...
A more versatile way to declare arrays is to use variables.
Public NbPers = 10 As Int
Public LastName(NbPers) As String
Public FirstName(NbPers) As String
Public Address(NbPers) As String
Public City(NbPers) As String
We declare the variable Public NbPers = 10 As Int and set its value to 10.
Then we declare the arrays with this variable instead of the number 10 as before.
The big advantage is if at some point we need to change the number of items, we change only ONE
For the Data array we could use the following code.
Public NbX = 2 As Int
Public NbY = 5 As Int
Public NbZ = 10 As Int
Public Data(NbX, NbY, NbZ) As Int
And the access routine.
For i = 0 To NbX - 1
For j = 0 To NbY - 1
For k = 0 To NbZ - 1
Data(i, j, k) = ...
Filling an array with the Array keyword:
Public Name() As String
Name = Array As String("Miller", "Smith", "Johnson", "Jordan")
2.3.3 Constant variables Const keyword
Const variables are constant variables which cannot be changed anywhere in the code.
For this, we use the Const keyword after Private or Public like below,
Private Const Size As Int = 10
Public Const ItemNumber As Int = 100
2.3 Declaring variables 15 B4X Language
2.3.4 Array of views / nodes (objects)
Views / nodes or objects can also be in an Array. The following code shows an example:
In B4A and B4i user interface objects are called views and called nodes in B4J.
In the example below the Buttons are added to the parent view / node by code.
Sub Globals
Private Buttons(6) As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Private i As Int
For i = 0 To 5
Activity.AddView(Buttons(i), 10dip, 10dip + i * 60dip, 150dip, 50dip)
Buttons(i).Tag = i + 1
Buttons(i).Text = "Test " & (i + 1)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
Sub Process_Globals
Private Buttons(6) As Button
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
Private i As Int
For i = 0 To 5
Page1.RootPanel.AddView(Buttons(i), 10dip, 10dip + i * 60dip, 150dip, 50dip)
Buttons(i).Tag = i + 1
Buttons(i).Text = "Test " & (i + 1)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
2.3 Declaring variables 16 B4X Language
Sub Process_Globals
Private Buttons(6) As Button
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
Private i As Int
For i = 0 To 5
MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(Buttons(i), 10, 10 + i * 60, 150, 50)
Buttons(i).Tag = i + 1
Buttons(i).Text = "Test " & (i + 1)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
The Buttons could also have been added in a layout file, in that case they must neither be initialized,
nor added to the parent view / node and the Text and Tag properties should also be set in the
In that case the code would look like this:
Sub Globals
Private b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 As Button
Private Buttons() As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Buttons = Array As Button(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
2.3 Declaring variables 17 B4X Language
Sub Process_Globals
Private b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 As Button
Private Buttons(6) As Button
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
Buttons = Array As Button(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
Sub Process_Globals
Private b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 As Button
Private Buttons(6) As Button
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
Buttons = Array As Button(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7)
End Sub
Sub Buttons_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender
Log("Button " & btn.Tag & " clicked")
End Sub
2.3 Declaring variables 18 B4X Language
2.3.5 Type variables B4A, B4i and B4J only
A Type cannot be private. Once declared it is available everywhere (similar to Class modules).
The best place to declare them is in the Process_Globals routine in the Main module.
Let us reuse the example with the data of a person.
Instead of declaring each parameter separately, we can define a personal type variable with the
Type keyword:
Public NbUsers = 10 As Int
Type Person(LastName As String, FirstName As String. Address As String, City As String)
Public User(NbUsers) As Person
Public CurrentUser As Person
The new personal type is Person , then we declare either single variables or arrays of this personal
To access a particular item use following code.
The variable name, followed by a dot and the desired parameter.
If the variable is an array then the name is followed by the desired index between brackets.
It is possible to assign a typed variable to another variable of the same type, as shown below.
CurrentUser = User(1)
2.4 Casting 19 B4X Language
2.4 Casting
B4X casts types automatically as needed. It also converts numbers to strings and vice versa
In many cases you need to explicitly cast an Object to a specific type.
This can be done by assigning the Object to a variable of the required type.
For example, Sender keyword references an Object which is the object that raised the event.
The following code changes the color of the pressed button.
Note that there are multiple buttons that share the same event sub.
Sub Globals
Private Btn1, Btn2, Btn3 As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.AddView(Btn1, 10dip, 10dip, 200dip, 50dip)
Activity.AddView(Btn2, 10dip, 70dip, 200dip, 50dip)
Activity.AddView(Btn3, 10dip, 130dip, 200dip, 50dip)
End Sub
Sub Btn_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender ' Cast the Object to Button
btn.Color = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255))
End Sub
The above code could also be written more elegantly:
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Private i As Int
For i = 0 To 9 ' create 10 Buttons
Private Btn As Button
Activity.AddView(Btn, 10dip, 10dip + 60dip * i, 200dip, 50dip)
End Sub
Sub Btn_Click
Private btn As Button
btn = Sender ' Cast the Object to Button
btn.Color = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255))
End Sub
2.5 As method 20 B4X Language
2.5 As method
You can easily convert an object into another one with the ‘As’ method.
This can be useful when you want to convert a platform specific object into a cross-platform object
and vice and versa.
Example, the Rotation property does exist for the B4XView but not for a ‘standard’ Label.
Label1.As(B4XView).Rotation = 90
The line above is the short way, the three lines below do the same but on the long way:
Private xLabel1 As B4XView
xLabel1 = Label1
xLabel1.Rotation = 90
You can also go back to set a platform specific property:
xLabel1.As(Label).Padding(Array As Int(10dip, 0, 10dip, 0))
2.6 Casting 21 B4X Language
2.6 Scope
2.6.1 Process variables
These variables live as long as the process lives.
You should declare these variables inside Sub Process_Globals.
This sub is called once when the process starts (this is true for all modules, not just the main
These variables are the only "public" variables. Which means that they can be accessed from other
modules as well.
However, in B4A, not all types of objects can be declared as process variables.
For example, views / nodes cannot be declared as process variables.
The reason is that we do not want to hold a reference to objects that should be destroyed together
with the activity.
In other words, once the activity is being destroyed, all the views which are contained in the activity
are being destroyed as well.
If we hold a reference to a view, the garbage collector would not be able to free the resource and we
will have a memory leak. The compiler enforces this requirement.
To access process global variables in other modules than the module where they were declared their
names must have the module name they were declared as a prefix.
Variable defined in a module with the name: MyModule
Sub Process_Globals
Public MyVar As String
End Sub
Accessing the variable in MyModule module:
MyVar = "Text"
Accessing the variable in any other module:
MyModule.MyVar = "Text"
Variables can be declared with:
Dim MyVar As String
In this case the variable is public same as Public.
It is good practice to declare the variables like this:
Public MyVar As String
This variable is public.
It is possible to declare private variables in Sub Process_Globals like this:
Private MyVar As String
The variable is private to the activity or the module where it is declared.
For Activities it is better to declare them in Sub Globals.
For variables declared in Class modules in Sub Class_Globals the same rules as above are valid.
Public MyVarPublic As String ' public
Private MyVarPublic As String ' private
Dim MyVar As String ' public like Public
Using Dim in Sub Class_Globals is not recommended !
2.6 Casting 22 B4X Language
2.6.2 Activity variables B4A only
These variables are contained by the activity.
You should declare these variables inside Sub Globals.
These variables are "private" and can only be accessed from the current activity module.
All object types can be declared as activity variables.
Every time the activity is created, Sub Globals is called (before Activity_Create).
These variables exist as long as the activity exists.
2.6.3 Local variables
Variables declared in a subroutine are local to this subroutine.
They are "private" and can only be accessed from within the subroutine where they were declared.
All object types can be declared as local variables.
At each call of the subroutine the local variables are initialized to their default value or to any other
value you have defined in the code and are 'destroyed' when the subroutine is exited.
2.7 Tips
A view / node can be assigned to a variable so you can easily change the common properties of the
For example, the following code disables all views that are direct children of a Panel / Pane:
For i = 0 To MyPanel.NumberOfViews - 1
Private v As View
v = MyPanel.GetView(i)
v.Enabled = False
If we only want to disable buttons:
For i = 0 To MyPanel.NumberOfViews - 1
Private v As View
v = MyPanel.GetView(i)
If v Is Button Then ' check whether it is a Button
v.Enabled = False
End If
Note: MyPanel is a Panel in B4A and B4i but it is a Pane in B4J.
3 Program flow / Process life cycle 23 B4X Language
3 Program flow / Process life cycle
Each platform has its own program flow.
To make cross-platform projects and even mono-platform projects it is much easier with B4XPages.
B4XPages is explained in detail in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
3.1 B4XPages program flow 24 B4X Language
3.1 B4XPages program flow
For B4XPages projects the program flow is the same for all three platforms. All the platform
specific code is hidden in the B4XPages library and transparent to the programmer.
The B4XPagesThreePages project in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet shows the
program flow when navigating between Pages.
Start of the project, the routines below are executed:
MainPage Create
MainPage Foreground
MainPage Appear
MainPage Resize
Opening a Page, Page2 in the example:
Page2 Create
Page2 Foreground
Page2 Appear
Closing a Page, Page2 in the example:
Page2 Disappear
3.2 Program flow B4A 25 B4X Language
3.2 Program flow B4A
Let's start simple:
Each B4A program runs in its own process.
A process has one main thread which is also named the UI thread which lives as long as the process
lives. A process can also have more threads which are useful for background tasks.
A process starts when the user launches your application, assuming that it is not running already in
the background.
The process end is less determinant. It will happen sometime after the user or system has closed all
the activities.
If for example you have one activity and the user pressed on the back key, the activity gets closed.
Later when the phone gets low on memory (and eventually it will happen) the process will quit.
If the user launches your program again and the process was not killed, then the same process will
be reused.
A B4A application is made of one or more activities.
Activities are somewhat similar to Windows Forms.
One major difference is that, while an activity is not in the foreground it can be killed in order to
preserve memory. Usually, you will want to save the state of the activity before it gets lost. Either in
a persistent storage or in memory that is associated with the process.
Later this activity will be recreated when needed.
Another delicate point happens when there is a major configuration change in the device. The most
common is an orientation change (the user rotates the device). When such a change occurs, the
current activities are destroyed and then recreated. Now it is possible to create the activity according
to the new configuration (for example, we now know the new screen dimensions).
3.2 Program flow B4A 26 B4X Language
3.2.1 Program Start
When we start a new program, we get following template:
On the top left we see two module Tabs :
Main Activity
Starter Service
The Starter Service is used to declare all ProcessGlobal variables, and these variables are accessible
from any module in the project.
The Main Activity is the starting activity, it cannot be removed.
Variables can be either global or local. Local variables are variables that are declared inside a sub
other than Process_Globals or Globals.
Local variables are local to the containing sub or module. Once the sub ends, these variables no
longer exist.
Global variables can be accessed from all subs in the containing module.
There are two types of global variables.
Process variables (accessible from all modules) and activity variables (accessible from a single
3.2 Program flow B4A 27 B4X Language
3.2.2 Process global variables
These variables live as long as the process lives.
You should declare these variables as Public inside Sub Process_Globals of the Starter Service like.
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public MyVariable = "Test" As String
This sub is called once when the process starts.
These variables are the only "public" variables. Which means that they can be accessed from other
modules as well.
There is also a Process_Globals routines in each Activity module.
If you need variables, valid only in the Activity, which are initialized only once when the program
is launched you should put them in the Activity’s Process_Globals routine (this is true for all
activities, not just the first activity).
However, not all types of objects can be declared as process variables.
All of the views for example cannot be declared as process variables.
The reason is that we do not want to hold a reference to objects that should be destroyed together
with the activity.
In other words, when the activity is destroyed, all of the views that are contained in the activity are
destroyed as well. If we didn't do this and kept a reference to a view after the Activity was
destroyed, the garbage collector would not be able to free the resource and we would have a
memory leak.
The compiler enforces this requirement.
3.2.3 Activity variables
These variables are owned by the activity.
You should declare these variables inside Sub Globals.
These variables are "Private" and can only be accessed from the current activity module.
All object types can be declared as activity variables.
Every time the activity is created, Sub Globals is called (before Activity_Create).
These variables exist as long as the activity exists.
3.2 Program flow B4A 28 B4X Language
3.2.4 Starter service
One of the challenges that developers of any non-small Android app need to deal with, is the
multiple possible entry points.
During development in almost all cases the application will start from the Main activity.
Many programs start with code similar to:
Sub Activity_Create (FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
SomeBitmap = LoadBitmap(...)
'additional code that loads application-wide resources
End If
End Sub
Everything seems to work fine during development. However, the app "strangely" crashes from
time to time on the end user device.
The reason for those crashes is that the OS can start the process from a different activity or service.
For example, if you use StartServiceAt and the OS kills the process while it is in the background.
Now the SQL object and the other resources will not be initialized.
Starting from B4A v5.20 there is a new feature named Starter service that provides a single and
consistent entry point. If the Starter service exists then the process will always start from this
The Starter service will be created and started, and only then, the activity or service that were
supposed to be started will start.
This means that the Starter service is the best place to initialize all the application-wide resources.
Other modules can safely access these resources.
The Starter service should be the default location for all the public process global variables. SQL
objects, data read from files and bitmaps used by multiple activities should all be initialized in the
Service_Create sub of the Starter service.
The Starter service is identified by its name. You can add a new service named Starter to an
existing project and it will be the program entry point.
This is done by selecting Project > Add New Module > Service Module.
This is an optional feature. You can remove the Starter service.
You can call StopService(Me) in Service_Start if you don't want the service to keep on
running. However, this means that the service will not be able to handle events (for example
you will not be able to use the asynchronous SQL methods).
The starter service should be excluded from compiled libraries. Its #ExcludeFromLibrary
attribute is set to True by default in the Service Attributes region.
3.2 Program flow B4A 29 B4X Language
3.2.5 Program flow
The program flow is the following:
Main Process_Globals Process_Globals routines of the Main modules
Here we declare all Private variables and objects for the Main module.
Starter Sevice Process_Globals If the service exists, it is run.
Here we declare all Public Process Global variables and objects like SQL, Bitmaps etc.
Other Activity Main Process_Globals Process_Globals routines of other modules
Here we declare all Private variables and objects for the given module.
Starter Service Service_Create If the service exists, it is run.
Here we initialize all Public Process Global variables and objects like SQL, Bitmaps etc.
Starter Sevice Service_Start If the service exists, it is run.
We can leave this routine empty.
Here we declare all Private variables for the given Activity.
Sub Activity_Create
Here we load layouts and initialize activity objects added by code
This routine is run every time the activity changes its state.
This routine is run when the Activity is paused, like orientation change, lauch of another
activity etc.
3.2 Program flow B4A 30 B4X Language
3.2.6 Sub Process_Globals / Sub Globals
In any Activity, Process_Globals and Globals should be used to declare variables.
You can also set the values of "simple" variables (numeric, strings and Booleans).
You should not put any other code there.
You should instead put the code in Activity_Create.
3.2.7 Sub Activity_Create (FirstTime As Boolean)
This sub is called when the activity is created.
The activity is created
when the user first launches the application
the device configuration has changed (user rotated the device) and the activity was
when the activity was in the background and the OS decided to destroy it in order to free
The primary purpose of this sub is to load or create the layout (among other uses).
The FirstTime parameter tells us if this is the first time that this activity is created. First time relates
to the current process.
You can use FirstTime to run all kinds of initializations related to the process variables.
For example, if you have a file with a list of values that you need to read, you can read it if
FirstTime is True and store the list as a process variable by declaring the list in Sub
Now we know that this list will be available as long as the process lives and there is no need to
reload it even when the activity is recreated.
To summarize, you can test whether FirstTime is True and then initialize the process variables that
are declared in the Activity’s Sub Process_Globals.
3.2 Program flow B4A 31 B4X Language
3.2.8 Variable declaration summary
Which variable should we declare where and where do we initialize our variables:
Variables and none user interface objects you want to access from several modules.
Like SQL, Maps, Lists, Bitmaps etc.
These must be declared as Public in Starter Process_Globals like:
Sub Process_Globals
Public SQL1 As SQL
Public Origin = 0 As Int
Public MyBitmap As Bitmap
End Sub
And initialized in Starter Service_Create like:
Sub Service_Create
End Sub
Variables accessible from all Subs in an Activity which should be initialized only once.
These must be declared as Private in Activity Process_Globals like:
Sub Process_Globals
Private MyList As List
Private MyMap As Map
End Sub
And initialized in Activty_Create like:
Sub Activity_Create
End Sub
Variables in a Class or Code module
These are mostly declared as Private; you can declare them as Public if you want them
being accessible from outsides the Class or Code module.
Class modules are explained in detail in the B4X CustomViews Booklet.
User interface objects
These must be declared in the Activity module where they are used in Globals like:
Sub Globals
Private btnGoToAct2, btnChangeValues As Button
Private lblCapital, lblInterest, lblRate As Label
End Sub
Simple variables like Int, Double String and Boolean can be initialized directly in the declaration
line, even in Process_Globals routines.
Public Origin = 0 as Int
No code should be written in Process_Globals routines !
3.2 Program flow B4A 32 B4X Language
3.2.9 Sub Activity_Resume
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
Activity_Resume is called right after Activity_Create finishes or after resuming a paused activity
(activity moved to the background and now it returns to the foreground).
Note that when you open a different activity (by calling StartActivity), the current activity is first
paused and then the other activity will be created if needed and (always) resumed.
Each time the activity moves from the foreground to the background Activity_Pause is called.
Activity_Pause is also called when the activity is in the foreground and a configuration change
occurs (which leads to the activity getting paused and then destroyed).
Activity_Pause is the last place to save important information.
Generally, there are two types of mechanisms that allow you to save the activity state.
Information that is only relevant to the current application instance can be stored in one or more
process variables.
Other information should be stored in a persistent storage (file or database).
For example, if the user changed some settings, you should save the changes to a persistent storage
at this point. Otherwise, the changes may be lost.
Activity_Pause is called every time the activity moves from the foreground to the background. This
can happen because:
1. A different activity was started.
2. The Home button was pressed.
3. A configuration changed event was raised (orientation changed for example).
4. The Back button was pressed.
In scenarios 1 and 2, the activity will be paused and for now kept in memory as it is expected to be
reused later.
In scenario 3 the activity will be paused, destroyed and then created (and resumed) again.
In scenario 4 the activity will be paused and destroyed. Pressing on the Back button is similar to
closing the activity. In this case you do not need to save any instance specific information (the
position of pacman in a PacMan game for example).
The UserClosed parameter will be true in this scenario and false in all other. Note that it will also be
true when you call Activity.Finish. This method pauses and destroys the current activity, similar to
the Back button.
You can use UserClosed parameter to decide which data to save and also whether to reset any
related process variables to their initial state (move PacMan position to the centre if the position is a
process variable).
3.2 Program flow B4A 33 B4X Language
3.2.10 Activity.Finish / ExitApplication
Some explanations on how and when to use Activity.Finish and ExitApplication.
An interesting article about the functioning of Android can be found here:
Multitasking the Android way.
Most applications should not use ExitApplication but prefer Activity.Finish which lets the OS
decide when the process is killed.
You should use it only if you really need to fully kill the process.
When should we use Activity.Finish and when not ?
Let us consider following example without any Activity.Finish:
Main activity
o StartActivity(SecondActivity)
SecondActivity activity
o StartActivity(ThirdActivity)
ThirdActivity activity
o Click on Back button
o The OS goes back to previous activity, SecondActivity
SecondActivity activity
o Click on Back button
o The OS goes back to previous activity, Main
Main activity
o Click on Back button
o The OS leaves the program
Let us now consider following example with Activity.Finish before each StartActivity:
Main activity
o Activity.Finish
o StartActivity(SecondActivity)
SecondActivity activity
o Activity.Finish
o StartActivity(ThirdActivity)
ThirdActivity activity
o Click on Back button
o The OS leaves the program
We should use Activity.Finish before starting another activity only if we don't want to go back to
this activity with the Back button.
3.3 Program flow B4i 34 B4X Language
3.3 Program flow B4i
The program flow in B4i is much simpler than the B4A program flow.
When we run a new project, we get the template below:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
'SetDebugAutoFlushLogs(True) 'Uncomment if program crashes before all logs are
NavControl = Nav
Page1.Title = "Page 1"
Page1.RootPanel.Color = Colors.White
End Sub
Private Sub Page1_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Background
End Sub
When you start the program, the routines are executed in the order above.
Be aware that the dimensions of Page1 are not known in Application_Start, they are only known in
the Page1_Resize routine in the Width and Height parameters.
If you want to adjust views, you must do it here.
3.4 Program flow B4J 35 B4X Language
3.4 Program flow B4J
The program flow in B4J is much simpler than the B4A program flow, similar to B4i.
When we run a new project, we get the template below:
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.
End Sub
'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
When you start the program, the routines are executed in the order above.
If you want to adjust Nodes when the user resizes a form you must add a Resize routine for this
form, like:
Private Sub MainForm_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
' Your code
End Sub
If you use anchors in the Designer, the Resize event will not be necessary in most cases.
3.5 Program flow B4R 36 B4X Language
3.5 Program flow B4R
The program flow in B4R is straight forward.
When we run a new project, we find this code template:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public Serial1 As Serial
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
End Sub
When you run the program, Process_Globals and then AppStart are executed.
Serial1.Initialize(115200) Initializes the bit rate.
Log("AppStart") Writes “AppStart” in the Logs.
3.6 Program flow comparison 37 B4X Language
3.6 Program flow comparison B4A / B4i / B4J
There is no comparison for B4XPages because the program flow for all three platforms is the same.
This is the big advantage of B4XPages.
3.6.1 Program start B4A / B4i / B4J
B4A B4i B4J
Main Process_Globals Main Process_Globals Main Process_Globals
Starter Process_Globals
Other modules Process_Globals Other modules Process_Globals Other modules Process_Globals
Starter Service_Create Main Application_Start Main AppStart
Starter Service_Start Main Page1_Resize Main MainForm_Resize
Main Globals
Main Activity_Create
FirstTime = True
Main Activity_Resume
3.6.2 Rotating device B4A / B4i
B4A B4i
Main Activity_Pause
Main Globals Main Page1_Resize
Main Activity_Create
FirstTime = False
Main Activity_Resume
4 B4X Language 38 B4X Language
4 B4X Language
4.1 Expressions
An expression in a programming language is a combination of explicit values, constants, variables,
operators, and functions that are interpreted according to the particular rules of precedence and of
association for a particular programming language, which computes and then produces (returns)
another value. This process, like for mathematical expressions, is called evaluation. The value can
be of various types, such as numerical, string, and logical (source Wikipedia).
For example, 2 + 3 is an arithmetic and programming expression which evaluates to 5. A variable is
an expression because it is a pointer to a value in memory, so y + 6 is an expression. An example of
a relational expression is 4 = 4 which evaluates to True (source Wikipedia).
4.1.1 Mathematical expressions
x + y
x - y
x * y
x / y
x Mod y
Power(x,y) x
Precedence level: In an expression, operations with level 1 are evaluated before operations with
level 2, which are evaluated before operations with level 3.
4 + 5 * 3 + 2 = 21 > 4 + 15 + 2
(4 + 5) * (3 + 2) = 45 > 9 * 5
(4 + 5)
* (3 + 2) = 405 > 9
* 5 > 81 * 5
Power(4 + 5, 2) * (3 + 2)
11 Mod 4 = 3 > Mod is the remainder of 11 / 4
Power(23, 3) > 23 at the power of 3
- 2
= - 4
= 4
4.1 Expressions 39 B4X Language
4.1.2 Relational expressions
In computer science in relational expressions an operator tests some kind of relation between two
entities. These include numerical equality (e.g., 5 = 5) and inequalities (e.g., 4 >= 3).
In B4X these operators return True or False, depending on whether the conditional relationship
between the two operands holds or not.
Used to test
x = y
the equivalence of two values
x <> y
the negated equivalence of two values
x > y
if the value of the left expression is greater than that of the right
x < y
if the value of the left expression is less than that of the right
x >= y
if the value of the left expression is greater than or equal to that of the right
x <= y
if the value of the left expression is less than or equal to that of the right
4.1.3 Boolean expressions
In computer science, a Boolean expression is an expression that produces a Boolean value when
evaluated, i.e. one of True or False. A Boolean expression may be composed of a combination of
the Boolean constants True or False, Boolean-typed variables, Boolean-valued operators, and
Boolean-valued functions (source Wikipedia).
Boolean operators are used in conditional statements such as IF-Then and Select-Case.
Boolean Or Z = X Or Y Z = True if X or Y is equal to True or both are True
Boolean And Z = X And Y Z = True if X and Y are both equal to True
Not ( )
Boolean Not X = True Y = Not(X) > Y = False
4.2 Standard keywords 40 B4X Language
4.2 Standard keywords
Not all keywords are available in B4R.
Abs (Number As Double) As Double
ACos (Value As Double) As Double
ACosD (Value As Double) As Double
Asc (Char As Char) As Int
ASin (Value As Double) As Double
ASinD (Value As Double) As Double
ATan (Value As Double) As Double
ATan2 (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double
ATan2D (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double
ATanD (Value As Double) As Double
BytesToString (Data() As Byte, StartOffset As Int, Length As Int, CharSet As String) As String
CallSub (Component As Object, Sub As String) As Object
CallSub2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object) As Object
CallSub3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object, Argument2 As Object)
As Object
CallSubDelayed (Component As Object, Sub As String)
CallSubDelayed 2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object)
CallSubDelayed 3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object, Argument2
As Object)
cE As Double
Ceil (Number As Double) As Double
CharsToString (Chars() As Char, StartOffset As Int, Length As Int) As String
Chr (UnicodeValue As Int) As Char
Cos (Radians As Double) As Double
CosD (Degrees As Double) As Double
cPI As Double
CRLF As String
False As Boolean
Floor (Number As Double) As Double
GetType (object As Object) As String
IsNumber (Text As String) As Boolean
LoadBitmap (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Bitmap
LoadBitmapResize (Dir As String, FileName As String, Width As Int, Height As Int,
KeepAspectRatio As Boolean) As Bitmap
4.2 Standard keywords 41 B4X Language
LoadBitmapSample (Dir As String, FileName As String, MaxWidth As Int, MaxHeight As
Int) As Bitmap
Log (Message As String)
Logarithm (Number As Double, Base As Double) As Double
LogColor (Message As String, Color As Int)
Max (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
Me As Object
Min (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
Not (Value As Boolean) As Boolean Null As Object
NumberFormat (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int) As
NumberFormat2 (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int,
MinimumFractions As Int, GroupingUsed As Boolean) As String
Power (Base As Double, Exponent As Double) As Double
QUOTE As String
Regex As Regex
Rnd (Min As Int, Max As Int) As Int
RndSeed (Seed As Long)
Round (Number As Double) As Long
Round2 (Number As Double, DecimalPlaces As Int) As Double
Sender As Object
Sin (Radians As Double) As Double
SinD (Degrees As Double) As Double
Sleep (Milliseconds As Int)
SmartStringFormatter (Format As String, Value As Object) As String
Sqrt (Value As Double) As Double
SubExists (Object As Object, Sub As String) As Boolean
TAB As String
Tan (Radians As Double) As Double
TanD (Degrees As Double) As Double
True As Boolean
4.2 Standard keywords 42 B4X Language
Abs (Number As Double) As Double
Returns the absolute value.
ACos (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arccosine function. Returns the angle measured with radians.
ACosD (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arccosine function. Returns the angle measured with degrees.
Creates a single dimension array of the specified type.
The syntax is: Array [As type] (list of values).
If the type is omitted then an array of objects will be created.
Dim Days() As String
Days = Array As String("Sunday", "Monday", ...)
Asc (Char As Char) As Int
Returns the unicode code point of the given character or first character in string.
ASin (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arcsine function. Returns the angle measured with radians.
ASinD (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arcsine function. Returns the angle measured with degrees.
ATan (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arctangent function. Returns the angle measured with radians.
ATan2 (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arctangent function. Returns the angle measured with radians.
ATan2D (Y As Double, X As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arctangent function. Returns the angle measured with degrees.
ATanD (Value As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric arctangent function. Returns the angle measured with degrees.
4.2 Standard keywords 43 B4X Language
BytesToString (Data() As Byte, StartOffset As Int, Length As Int, CharSet As String) As String
Decodes the given bytes array as a string.
Data - The bytes array.
StartOffset - The first byte to read.
Length - Number of bytes to read.
CharSet - The name of the character set.
Dim s As String
s = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF-8")
CallSub (Component As Object, Sub As String) As Object
Calls the given sub. CallSub can be used to call a sub which belongs to a different module.
However the sub will only be called if the other module is not paused. In that case an empty string
will be returned.
You can use IsPaused to test whether a module is paused.
This means that one activity cannot call a sub of a different activity. As the other activity will be
paused for sure.
CallSub allows an activity to call a service sub or a service to call an activity sub.
Note that it is not possible to call subs of code modules.
CallSub can also be used to call subs in the current module. Pass Me as the component in that case.
CallSub(Main, "RefreshData")
CallSub2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object) As Object
Similar to CallSub. Calls a sub with a single argument.
CallSub3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object, Argument2 As Object) As Object
CallSubDelayed (Component As Object, Sub As String)
CallSubDelayed is a combination of StartActivity, StartService and CallSub.
Unlike CallSub which only works with currently running components, CallSubDelayed will first
start the target component if needed.
CallSubDelayed can also be used to call subs in the current module. Instead of calling these subs
directly, a message will be sent to the message queue.
The sub will be called when the message is processed. This is useful in cases where you want to do
something "right after" the current sub (usually related to UI events).
Note that if you call an Activity while the whole application is in the background (no visible
activities), the sub will be executed once the target activity is resumed.
CallSubDelayed2 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument As Object)
Similar to CallSubDelayed. Calls a sub with a single argument.
CallSubDelayed3 (Component As Object, Sub As String, Argument1 As Object, Argument2 As Object)
Similar to CallSubDelayed. Calls a sub with two arguments.
4.2 Standard keywords 44 B4X Language
Any exception thrown inside a try block will be caught in the catch block.
Call LastException to get the caught exception.
End Try
cE As Double
e (natural logarithm base) constant.
Ceil (Number As Double) As Double
Returns the smallest double that is greater or equal to the specified number and is equal to an
CharsToString (Chars() As Char, StartOffset As Int, Length As Int) As String
Creates a new String by copying the characters from the array.
Copying starts from StartOffset and the number of characters copied equals to Length.
Chr (UnicodeValue As Int) As Char
Returns the character that is represented by the given unicode value.
Stops executing the current iteration and continues with the next one.
Cos (Radians As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric cosine function. Angle measured in radians.
CosD (Degrees As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric cosine function. Angle measured in degrees.
cPI As Double
PI constant.
Creates a Map with the given key / value pairs.
The syntax is: CreateMap (key1: value1, key2: value2, ...)
Dim m As Map = CreateMap("January": 1, "February": 2)
4.2 Standard keywords 45 B4X Language
CRLF As String
New line character. The value of Chr(10).
Declares a variable.
Declare a single variable:
Dim variable name [As type] [= expression]
The default type is String.
Declare multiple variables. All variables will be of the specified type.
Dim [Const] variable1 [= expression], variable2 [= expression], ..., [As type]
Note that the shorthand syntax only applies to Dim keyword.
Example: Dim a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 As Int
Declare an array:
Dim variable(Rank1, Rank2, ...) [As type]
Example: Dim Days(7) As String
The actual rank can be omitted for zero length arrays.
Exits the most inner loop.
Note that Exit inside a Select block will exit the Select block.
False As Boolean
Floor (Number As Double) As Double
Returns the largest double that is smaller or equal to the specified number and is equal to an integer.
For variable = value1 To value2 [Step interval]
If the iterator variable was not declared before it will be of type Int.
For Each variable As type In collection
For i = 1 To 10
Log(i) 'Will print 1 to 10 (inclusive).
For Each n As Int In Numbers 'an array
Sum = Sum + n
Note that the loop limits will only be calculated once before the first iteration.
4.2 Standard keywords 46 B4X Language
GetType (object As Object) As String
Returns a string representing the object's java type.
Single line:
If condition Then true-statement [Else false-statement]
If condition Then
Else If condition Then
End If
Inline If - returns TrueValue if Condition is True and False otherwise. Only the relevant expression
is evaluated.
IIf (Condition As BOOL, TrueValue As Object, FalseValue As Object)
Tests whether the object is of the given type.
Note that when a number is converted to object it might change its type to a different type of
(for example a Byte might be converted to an Int).
For Each v As View in Page1.RootPanel.GetAllViewsRecursive
If v Is Button Then
Dim b As Button = v
b.Color = Colors.Blue
End If
IsNumber (Text As String) As Boolean
Tests whether the specified string can be safely parsed as a number.
LoadBitmap (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Bitmap
Loads the bitmap.
Note that the Android file system is case sensitive.
You should consider using LoadBitmapSample if the image size is large.
The actual file size is not relevant as images are usually stored compressed.
Activity.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "SomeFile.jpg"))
4.2 Standard keywords 47 B4X Language
LoadBitmapResize (Dir As String, FileName As String, Width As Int, Height As Int, KeepAspectRatio As
Boolean) As Bitmap
Loads the bitmap and sets its size.
The bitmap scale will be the same as the device scale.
Unlike LoadBitmapSample which requires the container Gravity to be set to FILL,
LoadBitmapResize provides better results when the Gravity is set to CENTER.
Dim bd As BitmapDrawable = Activity.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets,
"SomeFile.jpg", 100%x, 100%y, True))
bd.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Activity.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "SomeFile.jpg", 100%x, 100%y,
True)).Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
LoadBitmapSample (Dir As String, FileName As String, MaxWidth As Int, MaxHeight As Int) As Bitmap
Loads the bitmap.
The decoder will subsample the bitmap if MaxWidth or MaxHeight are smaller than the bitmap
This can save a lot of memory when loading large images.
Panel1.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "SomeFile.jpg",
Panel1.Width, Panel1.Height))
Log (Message As String)
Logs a message. The log can be viewed in the Logs tab.
Logarithm (Number As Double, Base As Double) As Double
LogColor (Message As String, Color As Int)
Logs a message. The message will be displayed in the IDE with the specified color.
Max (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
Returns the larger number between the two numbers.
Me As Object
For classes: returns a reference to the current instance.
For activities and services: returns a reference to an object that can be used with CallSub,
CallSubDelayed and SubExists keywords.
Cannot be used in code modules.
Min (Number1 As Double, Number2 As Double) As Double
Returns the smaller number between the two numbers.
4.2 Standard keywords 48 B4X Language
Not (Value As Boolean) As Boolean
Inverts the value of the given boolean.
Null As Object
NumberFormat (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int) As String
Converts the specified number to a string.
The string will include at least Minimum Integers and at most Maximum Fractions digits.
Log(NumberFormat(12345.6789, 0, 2)) '"12,345.68"
Log(NumberFormat(1, 3 ,0)) '"001"
NumberFormat2 (Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int,
MinimumFractions As Int, GroupingUsed As Boolean) As String
Converts the specified number to a string.
The string will include at least Minimum Integers, at most Maximum Fractions digits and at least
Minimum Fractions digits.
GroupingUsed - Determines whether to group every three integers.
Log(NumberFormat2(12345.67, 0, 3, 3, false)) '"12345.670"
Power (Base As Double, Exponent As Double) As Double
Returns the Base value raised to the Exponent power.
QUOTE As String
Quote character ". The value of Chr(34).
Regex As Regex
Regular expressions related methods.
Returns from the current sub and optionally returns the given value.
Syntax: Return [value]
Rnd (Min As Int, Max As Int) As Int
Returns a random integer between Min (inclusive) and Max (exclusive).
RndSeed (Seed As Long)
Sets the random seed value.
This method can be used for debugging as it allows you to get the same results each time.
Round (Number As Double) As Long
Returns the closest long number to the given number.
4.2 Standard keywords 49 B4X Language
Round2 (Number As Double, DecimalPlaces As Int) As Double
Rounds the given number and leaves up to the specified number of fractional digits.
Compares a single value to multiple values.
Dim value As Int
value = 7
Select value
Case 1
Case 2, 4, 6, 8
Case 3, 5, 7, 9
Log("Odd larger than one")
Case Else
Log("Larger than 9")
End Select
Sender As Object
Returns the object that raised the event.
Only valid while inside the event sub.
Sub Button_Click
Dim b As Button
b = Sender
b.Text = "I've been clicked"
End Sub
Sin (Radians As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric sine function. Angle measured in radians.
SinD (Degrees As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric sine function. Angle measured in degrees.
Sleep (Value As Double) As Double
Pauses the current sub execution and resumes it after the specified time.
SmartStringFormatter (Format As String, Value As Object) As String
Internal keyword used by the Smart String literal.
Sqrt (Value As Double) As Double
Returns the positive square root.
4.2 Standard keywords 50 B4X Language
Declares a sub with the parameters and return type.
Syntax: Sub name [(list of parameters)] [As return-type]
Parameters include name and type.
The lengths of arrays dimensions should not be included.
Sub MySub (FirstName As String, LastName As String, Age As Int, OtherValues() As
Double) As Boolean
End Sub
In this example OtherValues is a single dimension array.
The return type declaration is different than other declarations as the array parenthesis follow the
type and not
the name (which does not exist in this case).
SubExists (Object As Object, Sub As String) As Boolean
Tests whether the object includes the specified method.
Returns false if the object was not initialized or not an instance of a user class.
TAB As String
Tab character.
Tan (Radians As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric tangent function. Angle measured in radians.
TanD (Degrees As Double) As Double
Calculates the trigonometric tangent function. Angle measured in degrees.
True As Boolean
Any exception thrown inside a try block will be caught in the catch block.
Call LastException to get the caught exception.
End Try
4.2 Standard keywords 51 B4X Language
Declares a structure.
Can only be used inside sub Globals or sub Process_Globals.
Type type-name (field1, field2, ...)
Fields include name and type.
Type MyType (Name As String, Items(10) As Int)
Dim a, b As MyType
a.Items(2) = 123
Loops until the condition is true.
Do Until condition
Loops while the condition is true.
Do While condition
4.3 Conditional statements 52 B4X Language
4.3 Conditional statements
Different conditional statements are available in B4X.
4.3.1 If Then Else
The If-Then-Else structure allows to operate conditional tests and execute different code sections
according to the test result.
General case:
If test1 Then
' code1
Else If test2 Then
' code2
' code3
End If
The If-Then-Else structure works as follows:
1. When reaching the line with the If keyword, test1 is executed.
2. If the test result is True, then code1 is executed until the line with the Else If keyword.
And jumps to the line following the End If keyword and continues.
3. If the result is False, then test2 is executed.
4. If the test result is True, then code2 is executed until the line with the Else keyword.
And jumps to the line following the End If keyword and continues.
5. If the result is False, then code3 is executed and continues at the line following the End If
The tests can be any kind of conditional test with two possibilities True or False.
Some examples:
If b = 0 Then
a = 0 The simplest If-Then structure.
End If
If b = 0 Then a = 0 The same but in one line.
If b = 0 Then
a = 0 The simplest If-Then-Else structure.
a = 1
End If
If b = 0 Then a = 0 Else a = 1 The same but in one line.
Personally, I prefer the structure on several lines, better readable.
An old habit from HP Basic some decades ago, this Basic accepted only one instruction per line.
4.3 Conditional statements 53 B4X Language
Note. Difference between:
Else If ElseIf
In B4X there is a blank character between Else and If.
Some users try to use this notation:
If b = 0 Then a = 0 : c = 1
There is a big difference between B4X and VB that gives errors:
The above statements is equivalent to:
If b = 0 Then If b = 0 Then
a = 0 a = 0
End If c = 1
c = 1 End If
The colon character ' : ' in the line above is treated in B4X like a CarriageReturn CR character.
This structure throws an error.
Sub Plus1 : x = x + 1 : End Sub
You cannot have a Sub declaration and End Sub on the same line. Boolean evaluation order
In this example:
If InitVar2(Var1) and Var1 > Var2 then ....
If InitVar2(Var1) returns false does it stops evaluation or there is no rule ?
It goes from left to right and stops immediately when the result is determined (short circuit
This is very important.
It allows writing code such as:
If i < List.Size And List.Get(i) = "abc" Then
4.3 Conditional statements 54 B4X Language
4.3.2 IIf Inline If
IIf - Inline If, also called ternary if as it is an operator with three arguments.
Label1.Text = IIf(EditText1.Text <> "", EditText1.Text, "Please enter value")
IIf is mostly equivalent to this sub:
Sub PseudoIIf (Condition As Boolean, TrueValue As Object, FalseValue As Object) As
If Condition = True Then Return TrueValue Else Return FalseValue
End Sub
Unlike this sub, the IIf keyword will only evaluate the relevant expression. This means that this
code will work properly:
Return IIf(List1.Size > 0, List1.Get(0), "List is empty")
(There is another minor difference related to the return type. If it is set explicitly with the new As
method, the compiler will avoid casting the values to Object and back to the target type. This is only
significant in very tight and long loops).
4.3 Conditional statements 55 B4X Language
4.3.3 Select Case
The Select - Case structure allows to compare a TestExpression with other Expressions and to
execute different code sections according to the matches between the TestExpression and
General case:
Select TestExpression TestExpression is the expression to test.
Case ExpressionList1
' code1 ExpressionList1 is a list of expressions to compare
Case ExpressionList2 to TestExpression
' code2 ExpressionList2 is another list of expressions to compare
Case Else to TestExpression
' code3
End Select
The Select - Case structure works as follows:
1. The TestExpression is evaluated.
2. If one element in the ExpressionList1 matches TestExpression then executes code1
and continues at the line following the End Select keyword.
3. If one element in the ExpressionList2 matches TestExpression then executes
code2 and continues at the line following the End Select keyword.
4. For no expression matches TestExpression executes code3
and continues at the line following the End Select keyword.
TestExpression can be any expression or value.
ExpressionList1 is a list of any expressions or values.
Select Value
Case 1, 2, 3, 4 The Value variable is a numeric value.
Select a + b The TestExpression is the sum of a + b
Case 12, 24
Select Txt.CharAt(Index) The TestExpression is a character at the given index.
Case "A", "B", "C"
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
Case Activity.ACTION_UP
End Select
End Sub
4.3 Conditional statements 56 B4X Language
Note. Differences between:
Select Value Select Case Value
Case 1,2,3,4,8,9,10 Case 1 To 4 , 8 To 9
In VB the keyword Case is added after the Select keyword.
VB accepts Case 1 To 4 , this is not implemented in B4X.
4.4 Loop structures 57 B4X Language
4.4 Loop structures
Different loop structures are available in B4X.
4.4.1 For Next
In a ForNext loop, the code bloc will be executed a certain number of times.
For i = n1 To n2 Step n3 i incremental variable
n1 initial value
' Code bloc n2 final value
n3 step
The ForNext loop works as below:
1. At the beginning, the incremental variable i is equal to the initial value n1.
i = n1
2. The specific code between the For and Next keywords is executed.
3. When reaching Next, the incremental variable i is incremented by the step value n3.
i = i + n3.
4. The program jumps back to For, compares if the incremental variable i is lower or equal to
the final value n2.
test if i <= n2
5. If Yes, the program continues at step 2, the line following the For keyword.
6. If No, the program continues at the line following the Next keyword.
If the step value is equal to '+1' the step keyword is not needed.
For i = 0 To 10 For i = 0 To 10 Step 1
is the same as
Next Next
The step variable can be negative.
For i = n3 To 0 Step -1
It is possible to exit a For Next loop with the Exit keyword.
For i = 0 To 10 In this example, if the variable a equals 0
' code
If A = 0 Then Exit Then exit the loop.
' code
4.4 Loop structures 58 B4X Language
Note: Differences between
Next Next i
Exit Exit For
In VB:
The increment variable is added after the Next Keyword.
The loop type is specified after the Exit keyword.
4.4.2 For - Each
It is a variant of the For - Next loop.
For Each n As Type In Array n variable any type or object
Type type of variable n
' Specific code Array Array of values or objects
The ForEach loop works as below:
1. At the beginning, n gets the value of the first element in the Array.
n = Array(0)
2. The specific code between the For and Next keywords is executed.
3. When reaching Next, the program checks if n is the last element in the array.
4. If No, the variable n gets the next value in the Array and continues at step 2, the line
following the For keyword.
n = Array(next)
5. If Yes, the program continues at the line following the Next keyword.
Example For - Each:
Private Numbers() As Int
Private Sum As Int
Numbers = Array As Int(1, 3, 5 , 2, 9)
Sum = 0
For Each n As Int In Numbers
Sum = Sum + n
Same example but with a For - Next loop:
Private Numbers() As Int
Private Sum As Int
Private i As Int
Numbers = Array As Int(1, 3, 5 , 2, 9)
Sum = 0
For i = 0 To Numbers.Length - 1
Sum = Sum + Numbers(i)
4.4 Loop structures 59 B4X Language
This example shows the power of the For - Each loop:
For Each lbl As Label In Activity
lbl.TextSize = 20
Same example with a For - Next loop:
For i = 0 To Activity.NumberOfViews - 1
Private v As View
v = Activity.GetView(i)
If v Is Label Then
Private lbl As Label
lbl = v
lbl.TextSize = 20
End If
4.4.3 Do - Loop
Several configurations exist:
Do While test test is any expression
' code Executes the code while test is True
Do Until test test is any expression
' code Executes the code until test is True
The Do While -Loop loop works as below:
1. At the beginning, test is evaluated.
2. If True, then executes code
3. If False continues at the line following the Loop keyword.
The Do Until -Loop loop works as below:
1. At the beginning, test is evaluated.
2. If False, then executes code
3. If True continues at the line following the Loop keyword.
It is possible to exit a Do-Loop structure with the Exit keyword.
Do While test
' code
If a = 0 Then Exit If a = 0 then exit the loop
' code
4.4 Loop structures 60 B4X Language
Do Until Loop:
Private i, n As Int
i = 0
Do Until i = 10
' code
i = i + 1
Do While Loop:
Private i, n As Int
i = 0
Do While i < 10
' code
i = i + 1
Read a text file and fill a List:
Private lstText As List
Private line As String
Private tr As TextReader
tr.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal, "test.txt"))
line = tr.ReadLine
Do While line <> Null
line = tr.ReadLine
Note: Difference between:
Exit Exit Loop
In VB the loop type is specified after the Exit keyword.
VB accepts also the following loops, which are not supported in B4X.
Do Do
' code ' code
Loop While test Loop Until test
4.5 Inline casting As 61 B4X Language
4.5 Inline casting As
As - Inline casting. Allows inline casting from one type to another. Some examples:
Dim Buttons As List = Array(Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5)
Dim s As String = Buttons.Get(2).As(B4XView).Text
Buttons.Get(2).As(B4XView).Text = "abc"
Dim j As String = $"{
data: {
key1: value1,
complex_key2: {key: value2}
items: [0, 1, 2]
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim m As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim value1 As String = m.Get("data").As(Map).Get("key1")
Dim value2 As String = m.Get("data").As(Map).Get("complex_key2").As(Map).Get("key")
And, for B4J:
Button1.As(JavaObject).RunMethod("setMouseTransparent", Array(True))
It can also be used with numbers, which is especially useful when calling external APIs with
JavaObject, as the types need to be exact (for B4J):
Log(Me.As(JavaObject).RunMethod("sum", Array((10).As(Float), (20).As(Double))))
'equivalent to:
Dim jme As JavaObject = Me
Dim f As Float = 10
Dim d As Double = 20
Log(jme.RunMethod("sum", Array(f, d)))
#if Java
public double sum(float n1, double n2) {
return n1 + n2;
#End If
4.6 Subs 62 B4X Language
4.6 Subs
A Subroutine (“Sub”) is a piece of code. It can be any length, and it has a distinctive name and a
defined scope (in the means of variables scope discussed earlier). In B4X code, a subroutine is
called “Sub”, and is equivalent to procedures, functions, methods and subs in other programming
languages. The lines of code inside a Sub are executed from first to last, as described in the program
flow chapter.
It is not recommended to have Subs with a large amount of code, they get less readable.
4.6.1 Declaring
A Sub is declared in the following way:
Sub CalcInterest(Capital As Double, Rate As Double) As Double
Return Capital * Rate / 100
End Sub
It starts with the keyword Sub, followed by the Sub’s name, followed by a parameter list, followed
by the return type and ends with the keywords End Sub.
Subs are always declared at the top level of the module, you cannot nest two Subs one inside the
4.6.2 Calling a Sub
When you want to execute the lines of code in a Sub, you simply write the Sub’s name.
For example:
Interest = CalcInterest(1234, 5.2)
Interest Value returned by the Sub.
CalcInterest Sub name.
1235 Capital value transmitted to the Sub.
5.25 Rate value transmitted to the Sub.
4.6.3 Calling a Sub from another module
A subroutine declared in a code module can be accessed from any other module but the name of the
routine must have the name of the module where it was declared as a prefix.
Example: If the CalcInterest routine is declared in module MyModule then calling the routine
must be:
Interest = MyModule.CalcInterest(1234, 5.2)
instead of:
Interest = CalcInterest(1234, 5.2)
4.6 Subs 63 B4X Language
4.6.4 Naming
Basically, you can name a Sub any name that’s legal for a variable. It is recommended to name the
Sub with a significant name, like CalcInterest in the example, so you can tell what it does from
reading the code.
There is no limit on the number of Subs you can add to your program, but it is not allowed to have
two Subs with the same name in the same module.
4.6.5 Parameters
Parameters can be transmitted to the Sub. The list follows the sub name. The parameter list is put in
The parameter types should be declared directly in the list.
Sub CalcInterest(Capital As Double, Rate As Double) As Double
Return Capital * Rate / 100
End Sub
In B4X, parameters are transmitted by value and not by reference.
4.6 Subs 64 B4X Language
4.6.6 Returned value
A sub can return a value, this can be any object.
Returning a value is done with the Return keyword.
The type of the return value is added after the parameter list.
Sub CalcInterest(Capital As Double, Rate As Double) As Double
Return Capital * Rate / 100
End Sub
You can return any object.
Sub InitList As List
Private MyList As List
For i = 0 To 10
MyList.Add("Test" & i)
Return MyList
End Sub
If you want to return an array then you need to add a parenthesis at the end of the object type.
Sub StringArray As String ()
Public strArr(2) As String
strArr(0) = "Hello"
strArr(1) = "world!"
Return strArr
End Sub
If you want to return a multidimentional array you need to add comma per supplementary
One comma for a two-dimensional array.
Sub StringMatrix As String (,)
Public strMatrix(2,2) As String
strMatrix(1,1) = "Hello world!"
Return strMatrix
End Sub
4.7 Resumable Subs 65 B4X Language
4.7 Resumable Subs
Resumable subs is a new feature added in B4A v7.00 / B4i v4.00 / B4J v5.50. It dramatically
simplifies the handling of asynchronous tasks.
(This feature is a variant of stackless coroutines.)
You find more examples in the forum.
The special feature of resumable subs is that they can be paused, without pausing the executing
thread, and later be resumed.
The program doesn't wait for the resumable sub to be continued. Other events will be raised as
Any sub with one or more calls to Sleep or Wait For is a resumable sub.
The IDE shows this indicator next to the sub declaration:
Private Sub CountDown(Start As Int)
For i = Start To 0 Step -1
Label1.Text = i
End Sub
4.7.1 Sleep
Pauses the current sub execution and resumes it after the specified time.
Sleep (Milliseconds As Int) Milliseconds, time delay in milliseconds.
Using Sleep is simple:
The sub will be paused for 1000 milliseconds and then be resumed.
You can call Sleep(0) for the shortest pause. This can be used to allow the UI to be refreshed. It is a
good alternative to DoEvents (which doesn't exist in B4J and B4i and should be avoided in B4A).
Sub VeryBusySub
For i = 1 To 10000000
'do something
If i Mod 1000 = 0 Then Sleep(0) 'allow the UI to refresh every 1000 iterations.
End Sub
4.7 Resumable Subs 66 B4X Language
4.7.2 Wait For
B4X programming languages are event driven. Asynchronous tasks run in the background and raise
an event when the task completes.
With the new Wait For keyword you can handle the event inside the current sub.
For example, this code will wait for the GoogleMap Ready event (B4J example):
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("1") 'Load the layout file.
Pane1.AddNode(gmap.AsPane, 0, 0, Pane1.Width, Pane1.Height)
Wait For gmap_Ready '<----------------
gmap.AddMarker(10, 10, "Marker")
End Sub
A bit more complicated example with FTP:
Listing all files in a remote folder and then downloading all the files:
Sub DownloadFolder (ServerFolder As String)
Wait For FTP_ListCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean, Folders() As
FTPEntry, Files() As FTPEntry) '<----
If Success Then
For Each f As FTPEntry In Files
FTP.DownloadFile(ServerPath & f.Name, False, File.DirApp, f.Name)
Wait For FTP_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath2 As String, Success As Boolean) '<----
Log($"File ${ServerPath2} downloaded. Success = ${Success}"$)
End If
End Sub
When the Wait For keyword is called, the sub is paused and the internal events dispatcher takes care
to resume it when the event is raised. If the event is never raised then the sub will never be resumed.
The program will still be completely responsive.
If Wait For is later called with the same event then the new sub instance will replace the previous
4.7 Resumable Subs 67 B4X Language
Lets say that we want to create a sub that downloads an image and sets it to an ImageView:
'Bad example. Don't use.
Sub DownloadImage(Link As String, iv As ImageView)
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("", Me) 'note that the name parameter is no longer needed.
Wait For JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
iv.SetImage (job.GetBitmap) 'replace with iv.Bitmap = job.GetBitmap in B4A / B4i
End If
End Sub
It will work properly if we call it once (more correctly, if we don't call it again before the previous
call completes).
If we call it like this:
DownloadImage("https://www.b4x.com/images3/android.png", ImageView1)
DownloadImage("https://www.b4x.com/images3/apple.png", ImageView2)
Then only the second image will show because the second call to Wait For JobDone will overwrite
the previous one.
This brings us to the second variant of Wait For.
To solve this issue, Wait For can distinguish between events based on the event sender.
This is done with an optional parameter:
Wait For (<sender>) <event signature>
'Good example. Use.
Sub DownloadImage(Link As String, iv As ImageView)
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("", Me) 'note that the name parameter is no longer needed.
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
iv.SetImage (job.GetBitmap) 'replace with iv.Bitmap = job.GetBitmap in B4A / B4i
End If
End Sub
With the above code, each resumable sub instance will wait for a different event and will not be
affected by other calls.
The difference is in the Wait For lines:
Bad: Wait For JobDone(job As HttpJob)
Good: Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
4.7 Resumable Subs 68 B4X Language
4.7.3 Code Flow
Sub S1
Log("S1: A")
Log("S1: B")
End Sub
Sub S2
Log("S2: A")
Log("S2: B")
End Sub
The output is:
S1: A
S2: A
S1: B
S2: B
Whenever Sleep or Wait For are called, the current sub is paused. This is equivalent to calling
4.7 Resumable Subs 69 B4X Language
4.7.4 Waiting for a resumable sub to complete
When one sub calls a second resumable sub, the code in the first sub will continue after the first
Sleep or Wait For call (in the second sub).
If you want to wait for the second sub to complete then you can raise an event from the second sub
and wait for it in the first:
Sub FirstSub
Log("FirstSub started")
Wait For SecondSub_Complete
Log("FirstSub completed")
End Sub
Sub SecondSub
Log("SecondSub started")
Log("SecondSub completed")
CallSubDelayed(Me, "SecondSub_Complete")
End Sub
FirstSub started
SecondSub started
SecondSub completed
FirstSub completed
- It is safer to use CallSubDelayed than CallSub. CallSub will fail if the second sub is never paused
(for example if the sleep is only called based on some condition).
- There is an assumption here that FirstSub will not be called again until it is completed.
4.7 Resumable Subs 70 B4X Language
4.7.5 Resumable Sub return value
Resumable subs can return a ResumableSub value.
Sub Button1_Click
Sum(1, 2)
Log("after sum")
End Sub
Sub Sum(a As Int, b As Int)
Sleep(100) 'this will cause the code flow to return to the parent
Log(a + b)
End Sub
after sum
This is the reason why it is not possible to simply return a value.
Resumable subs can return a new type named ResumableSub. Other subs can use this value to wait
for the sub to complete and get the desired return value.
Sub Button1_Click
Wait For(Sum(1, 2)) Complete (Result As Int)
Log("result: " & Result)
Log("after sum")
End Sub
Sub Sum(a As Int, b As Int) As ResumableSub
Log(a + b)
Return a + b
End Sub
result: 3
after sum
The above Button1_Click code is equivalent to:
Sub Button1_Click
Dim rs As ResumableSub = Sum(1, 2)
Wait For(rs) Complete (Result As Int)
Log("result: " & Result)
Log("after sum")
End Sub
4.7 Resumable Subs 71 B4X Language
The steps required are:
1. Add As ResumableSub to the resumable sub signature.
2. Call Return with the value you like to return.
3. In the calling sub, call the resumable sub with Wait For (<sub here>) Complete (Result As
<matching type>)
Notes & Tips:
If you don't need to return a value but still want to wait for the resumable sub to complete
then return Null from the resumable sub and set the type in the calling sub to Object.
Multiple subs can safely call the resumable sub. The complete event will reach the correct
You can wait for resumable subs in other modules (in B4A it is relevant for classes only).
The Result parameter name can be changed.
4.7 Resumable Subs 72 B4X Language
4.7.6 B4A only KeyPress and Wait For MsgBox2Async
In B4A, the Back key is often checked to prevent the user to exit the program inadvertently.
You can use this code:
Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean 'Return True to consume the event
Select KeyCode
Return True
Case Else
Return False
End Select
End Sub
Sub OpenMsgBox
Private Answ As Int
Msgbox2Async("Do you want to exit?", "E x i t", "Yes", "", "No", Null, False)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Answ As Int)
If Answ = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
End Sub
4.7 Resumable Subs 73 B4X Language
4.7.7 DoEvents deprecated !
Starting from B4A v7.0 the following warning will appear for DoEvents calls:
DoEvents is deprecated. It can lead to stability issues. Use Sleep(0) instead (if really needed).
The purpose of DoEvents was to allow the UI to be updated while the main thread is busy.
DoEvents which shares the same implementation as the modal dialogs implementation, is a low
level implementation. It accesses the process message queue and runs some of the waiting
As Android evolved, the handling of the message queue became more sophisticated and fragile.
The reasons for deprecating DoEvents are:
1. It is a major source for instability issues. It can lead to hard to debug crashes or ANR (application
not responding) dialogs. Note that this is also true for the modal dialogs (such as Msgbox and
2. There are better ways to keep the main thread free. For example use the asynchronous SQL
methods instead of the synchronous methods.
3. It doesn't do what many developers expect it to do. As it only handles UI related messages, most
events could not be raised from a DoEvents call.
4. It is now possible to call Sleep to pause the current sub and resume it after the waiting messages
are processed. Sleep implementation is completely different than DoEvents. It doesn't hold the
thread. It instead releases it while preserving the sub state.
Unlike DoEvents which only processed UI related messages, with Sleep all messages will be
processed and other events will be raised.
(Note that using Wait For to wait for an event is better than calling Sleep in a loop.)
With that said, DoEvents is still there and existing applications will work exactly as before.
4.7 Resumable Subs 74 B4X Language
4.7.8 Dialogs
Modal dialogs = dialogs that hold the main thread until the dialog is dismissed.
As written above, modal dialogs share the same implementation as DoEvents. It is therefore
recommended to switch to the new async dialogs instead.
Using Wait For, is really a simple change:
Instead of:
Dim res As Int = Msgbox2("Delete?", "Title", "Yes", "Cancel", "No", Null)
If res = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
You should use:
Msgbox2Async("Delete?", "Title", "Yes", "Cancel", "No", Null, False)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
Wait For doesn't hold the main thread. It instead saves the current sub state and releases it. The
code will resume when the user clicks on one of the dialog buttons.
The other similar new methods are: MsgboxAsync, InputListAsync and InputMapAsync.
With the exception of MsgboxAsync, the new methods also add a new cancelable parameter. If it is
true then the dialog can be dismissed by clicking on the back key or outside the dialog. This is the
default behavior of the older methods.
As other code can run while the async dialog is visible, it is possible that multiple dialogs will
appear at the same time.
If this case is relevant for your app then you should set the sender filter parameter in the Wait For
Dim sf As Object = Msgbox2Async("Delete?", "Title", "Yes", "Cancel", "No", Null, False)
Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
This allows multiple messages to be displayed and the result events will be handled correctly.
4.7 Resumable Subs 75 B4X Language
4.7.9 SQL with Wait For
The new resumable subs feature, makes it simpler to work with large data sets with minimum effect
on the program responsiveness.
The new standard way to insert data is:
For i = 1 To 1000
SQL1.AddNonQueryToBatch("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (?)", Array(Rnd(0, 100000)))
Dim SenderFilter As Object = SQL1.ExecNonQueryBatch("SQL")
Wait For (SenderFilter) SQL_NonQueryComplete (Success As Boolean)
Log("NonQuery: " & Success)
The steps are:
- Call AddNonQueryToBatch for each commands that should be issued.
- Execute the commands with ExecNonQueryBatch. This is an asynchronous method. The
commands will be executed in the background and the NonQueryComplete event will be raised
when done.
- This call returns an object that can be used as the sender filter parameter. This is important as there
could be multiple background batch executions running. With the filter parameter the event will be
caught by the correct Wait For call in all cases.
- Note that SQL1.ExecNonQueryBatch begins and ends a transaction internally. Queries
In most cases the queries will be fast and should therefore be issued synchronously with
SQL1.ExecQuery2. However if there is a slow query then you should switch to
Dim SenderFilter As Object = SQL1.ExecQueryAsync("SQL", "SELECT * FROM table1", Null)
Wait For (SenderFilter) SQL_QueryComplete (Success As Boolean, rs As ResultSet)
If Success Then
Do While rs.NextRow
End If
As in the previous case, the ExecQueryAsync method returns an object that is used as the sender
filter parameter.
1. ResultSet type in B4A extends the Cursor type. You can change it to Cursor if you prefer. The
advantage of using ResultSet is that it is compatible with B4J and B4i.
2. If the number of rows returned from the query is large then the Do While loop will be slow in
debug mode. You can make it faster by putting it in a different sub and cleaning the project (Ctrl +
4.7 Resumable Subs 76 B4X Language
Wait For (SenderFilter) SQL_QueryComplete (Success As Boolean, rs As ResultSet)
If Success Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub WorkWithResultSet(rs As ResultSet)
Do While rs.NextRow
End Sub
This is related to a debugger optimization that is currently disabled in resumable subs.
The performance of both solutions will be the same in release mode. B4J
- Requires jSQL v1.50+ (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/updates-to-internal-
- Recommended to set the journal mode to WAL: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ent-
4.7.10 Notes & Tips
The performance overhead of resumable subs in release mode should be insignificant in
most cases. The overhead can be larger in debug mode. (If this becomes an issue then take
the slow parts of the code and move them to other subs that are called from the resumable
Wait For events handlers precede the regular event handlers.
Resumable subs do not create additional threads. The code is executed by the main thread,
or the handler thread in server solutions.
4.8.1 Events B4A 77 B4X Language
4.8 Events
In Object-oriented programming we have objects which can react on different user actions called
The number and the type of events an object can raise depend on the type of the object.
4.8.1 B4A
User interface objects are called 'Views' in Android.
Summary of the events for different views:
4.8.1 Events B4A 78 B4X Language
The most common events are:
Click Event raised when the user clicks on the view.
Sub Button1_Click
' Your code
End Sub
LongClick Event raised when the user clicks on the view and holds it pressed for a while.
Sub Button1_LongClick
' Your code
End Sub
Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Event raised when the user touches the screen.
Three different actions are handled:
- Activity.ACTION_DOWN, the user touches the screen.
- Activity.ACTION_MOVE, the user moves the finger without leaving the screen.
- Activity.ACTION_UP, the user leaves the screen.
The X an Y coordinates of the finger position are given.
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
' Your code for DOWN action
Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
' Your code for MOVE action
Case Activity.ACTION_UP
' Your code for UP action
End Select
End Sub
CheckChanged (Checked As Boolean)
Event raised when the user clicks on a CheckBox or a RadioButton
Checked is equal to True if the view is checked or False if not checked.
Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
If Checked = True Then
' Your code if checked
' Your code if not checked
End If
End Sub
4.8.1 Events B4A 79 B4X Language
KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Event raised when the user presses a physical or virtual key.
KeyCode is the code of the pressed key, you can get them with the KeyCodes keyword.
The event can return either:
- True, the event is 'consumed', considered by the operating system as already executed and
no further action is taken.
- False, the event is not consumed and transmitted to the system for further actions.
Sub Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Private Answ As Int
Private Txt As String
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then ' Checks if KeyCode is BackKey
Txt = "Do you really want to quit the program ?"
Answ = Msgbox2(Txt,"A T T E N T I O N","Yes","","No",Null)' MessageBox
If Answ = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then ' If return value is Yes then
Return False ' Return = False the Event will not be consumed
Else ' we leave the program
Return True ' Return = True the Event will be consumed to avoid
End If ' leaving the program
End If
End Sub
4.8.2 Events B4i 80 B4X Language
4.8.2 B4i
User interface objects are called 'Views' in iOS.
Summary of the events for different views:
4.8.2 Events B4i 81 B4X Language
The most common events are:
Click Event raised when the user clicks on the view.
Private Sub Button1_Click
' Your code
End Sub
LongClick Event raised when the user clicks on the view and holds it pressed for a while.
Private Sub Button1_LongClick
' Your code
End Sub
Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Event raised when the user touches a Panel on the screen.
Three different actions are handled:
- Panel.ACTION_DOWN, the user touches the screen.
- Panel.ACTION_MOVE, the user moves the finger without leaving the screen.
- Panel.ACTION_UP, the user leaves the screen.
The X and Y coordinates of the finger positions are given in Points not in Pixels.
Private Sub Panel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
' Your code for DOWN action
' Your code for MOVE action
Case Panel.ACTION_UP
' Your code for UP action
End Select
End Sub
4.8.3 Events B4J 82 B4X Language
4.8.3 B4J
User interface objects are called 'Nodes' in Java.
Summary of the events for different nodes:
H / VScrollChanged
4.8.3 Events B4J 83 B4X Language
The most common events are:
Action Event raised when the user clicks on the node (Button or TextField).
Private Sub Button1_Action
' Your code
End Sub
FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean) Event raised when the node gets or looses focus.
Private Sub TextField1_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user clicks on the node.
Private Sub Pane1_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseDragged (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user draggs over the node (moves with a button pressed).
Similar to ACTION_MOVE in B4A Touch events.
Private Sub Pane1_MouseDragged (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseEntered (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user enters the node.
Private Sub Pane1_MouseEntered (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseExited (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user exits the node.
Private Sub Pane1_MouseExited (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseMoved (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user moves over the node (without a button pressed).
Private Sub Pane1_MouseMoved (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
4.8.3 Events B4J 84 B4X Language
MousePressed (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user presses on the node.
Similar to ACTION_DOWN in B4A Touch events.
Private Sub Pane1_MousePressed (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
MouseReleased (EventData As MouseEvent)
Event raised when the user releases the node.
Similar to ACTION_UP in B4A Touch events.
Private Sub Pane1_MouseReleased (EventData As MouseEvent)
' Your code
End Sub
Data included in the MouseEvent object:
ClickCount Returns the number of clicks associated with this event.
Consume Consumes the current event and prevent it from being
handled by the nodes parent.
MiddleButtonDown Returns true if the middle button is currently down.
MiddleButtonPressed Returns true if the middle button was responsible for raising
the current click event.
PrimaryButtonDown Returns true if the primary button is currently down.
PrimaryButtonPressed Returns true if the primary button was responsible for raising
the current click event.
SecondaryButtonDown Returns true if the secondary button is currently down.
SecondaryButtonPressed Returns true if the secondary button was responsible for
raising the current click event.
X Returns the X coordinate related to the node bounds.
Y Returns the Y coordinate related to the node bounds.
Private Sub pnlMain_MouseMoved (EventData As MouseEvent)
Private x, y As Int
If EventData.MiddleButtonPressed = True Then
x = EventData.X
y = EventData.Y
' other code
End If
End Sub
4.8.3 Events B4J 85 B4X Language
Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Event raised when the user touches the screen.
This event is similar to the Touch events in B4A and B4i.
Three different actions are handled:
- Pane1.TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN, the user touches the screen.
- Pane1.TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE, the user moves the finger without leaving the screen.
- Pane1.TOUCH_ACTION_UP, the user leaves the screen.
The X an Y coordinates of the mouse cursor position are given.
Sub Pane1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
' Your code for DOWN action
' Your code for MOVE action
' Your code for UP action
End Select
End Sub
Sub Pane1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
Case 0 'DOWN
' Your code for DOWN action
Case 2 'MOVE
' Your code for MOVE action
Case 1 'UP
' Your code for UP action
End Select
End Sub
4.8.4 Events B4R 86 B4X Language
4.8.4 B4R
In B4R, the Pin and Timer objects are the only ones raising an event:
StateChanged (State As Boolean) Event raised when the pin changes its state.
Sub Pin1_StateChanged(State As Boolean)
' Your code
End Sub
Tick Event raised at every given interval
Private Timer1 As Timer
Sub Timer1_Tick
' Your code
End Sub
Be aware that in B4R the initialize method is different from the other B4X products.
You must declare the full sub name like "Timer1_Tick", and not "Timer1" like in the other
4.8.5 User interface summary 87 B4X Language
4.8.5 User interface summary
The ‘standard’ user interface objects.
This shows the difference between the three operating systems.
Some views / nodes which don’t exist as standard objects can exist as CustomViews in other
operating systems. You should look in the forums.
View / node
ScrollView different from B4A 2D
Canvas a node on its own
Pane similar to Panel in B4A and B4i
ScrollPane similar to ScrollView
For cross-platform projects you might look at the B4X Cross-platform projects booklet and more
specific Compatibilities B4A B4i B4J XUI.
4.9 Libraries 88 B4X Language
4.9 Libraries
Libraries add more objects and functionalities to B4X.
Some of these libraries are shipped with the B4X products and are part of the standard development
Other, often developed by users, can be downloaded (by registered users only) to add
supplementary functionalities to the B4X development environments.
When you need a library, you have to:
- Check it in the Libs Tab, if you already have the library.
- For additional libraries, check if it's the latest version.
You can check the versions in the documentation page B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R
Or in the Libraries Google sheet in the forum.
To find the library files use a query like
in your internet browser.
- If yes, then check the library in the list to select it.
- If no, download the library, unzip it and copy the
<LibraryName>.jar and <LibraryName>.xml files to the additional libraries folder for the
give product.
If it’s a B4XLibrary, copy the <LibraryName>.b4xlib file To AdditionalLibraries\B4X
- Right click in the Lib area and click on and check the library in the list to select it.
4.9 Libraries 89 B4X Language
4.9.1 Standard libraries
The standard B4X libraries are saved in the Libraries folder in the B4X program folder.
Normally in:
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4A\Libraries
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4i\Libraries
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4J\Libraries
C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4R\Libraries
4.9.2 Additional libraries folder
Additional Libraries are composed of two files: an xxx.jar and an xxx.xml file.
B4X libraries have only one file xxx.b4xlib.
For the additional libraries it is necessary to setup a special folder to save them somewhere else.
This folder must have the following structure:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for Code Snippets. A subfolder in the B4X folder.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
One subfolder for each product: B4A, B4i, B4J, B4R and another B4X for B4X libraries.
When you install a new version of a B4X product, all standard libraries are automatically updated,
but the additional libraries are not included. The advantage of the special folder is that you don't
need to care about them because this folder is not affected when you install the new version of B4X.
The additional libraries are not systematically updated with new version of B4X.
When the IDE starts, it looks first for the available
libraries in the Libraries folder of B4X and then in the
additional libraries folders.
To setup the special additional libraries folder, click in
the IDE menu on Tools / Configure Paths.
In my system, I added a B4XlibXMLFiles folder for XML help files.
The standard and additional libraries have an XML file. B4X Libraries do not.
But, if you use the B4X Help Viewer you would be interested in having these help files if they are
available. The B4X Help Viewer is explained in the B4X Help tools booklet.
You can create xml files for b4xlib libraries with this tool: b4xlib XML generation.
4.9 Libraries 90 B4X Language Paths configuration B4A
Enter the folder names and click on . Paths configuration B4i
4.9 Libraries 91 B4X Language Paths configuration B4J Paths configuration B4R
4.9 Libraries 92 B4X Language
4.9.3 B4X Libraries *.b4xlib
B4X libraries are cross platform libraries introduced in B4A 8.80, B4i 5.50 and B4J 7.00.
These libraries contain cross platform classes which do not need to be compiled as libraries.
B4XLibraries are explained in the B4X Custom Views Booklet.
A B4X library is a simple zip file with the following structure:
Code modules. All types are supported including Activities and Services.
Files, including layout files.
Optional manifest file with the following fields:
o Version
o Author
o DependsOn (list of required libraries), Supported Platforms. Fields can be shared
between the platforms or be platform specific.
Snippets folder which will contain Code Snippets specific to the library.
Files and code modules can also be platform specific.
Creating a b4x library is very simple. You just need to create a zip file with these resources. The zip
file extension should be b4xlib. That's all.
Note that the source code can be extracted from a b4x library.
b4x libraries appear like all other libraries in the Libraries tab.
Example: The AnotherDatePicker.b4xlib
The zip file structure:
Files contains all the needed files, the three layout files in the example.
AnotherDatePicker.bas is the crossplatform Custom View file.
Manifest.txt contains:
Version=2.00 version number.
B4J.DependsOn=jXUI, jDateUtils libraries used for B4J.
B4A.DependsOn=XUI, DateUtils libraries used for B4A.
B4i.DependsOn=iXUI, iDateUtils libraries used for B4i.
Copy the xxx.b4xlib file to the AdditionalLibaries\B4X folder.
If there is an xxx.xml file, you must not save it there but in another folder.
4.9 Libraries 93 B4X Language
4.9.4 Load and update a Library
A list of the official and additional libraries with links to the relevant help documentation can be
found on the B4X site in the:
B4A Documentation page: List of Libraries.
B4i Documentation page: List of Libraries.
B4J Documentation page: List of Libraries.
B4R Documentation page: List of Libraries.
Or in the B4X Libraries Google sheet.
To find the library files use a query like http://www.b4x.com/search?query=betterdialogs+library
in your internet browser.
To load or update a library follow the steps below:
Download the library zip file somewhere.
Unzip it.
Copy the xxx.jar and xxx.xml files to the
o B4X Library folder for a standard B4X library
o Additional libraries folder for an additional library.
Right click in the libraries list in the Libraries Manager Tab and click on and
select the library.
4.9.5 Error message "Are you missing a library reference?"
If you get a message similar to this, it means that you forgot to check the specified library in the Lib
Tab list !
4.9 Libraries 94 B4X Language
4.9.6 Where do I find libraries?
To find libraries you can either:
Search in the forum with its name.
Or look at the online libraries index. Online libraries index
You can look at the online libraries index with this link:
Screen shot:
You find:
Library Name.
Short Description.
File Names (without extension) and the relevant platforms.
Last update: With the latest Version and update date.
IDE Comment this comment will appear in the IDE in the Libraries Manager.
Forum Link: This link leads you to the forum thread where you find the library.
4.10 String manipulation 95 B4X Language
4.10 String manipulation
4.10.1 B4A, B4i, B4J String
B4A, B4i and B4J allow string manipulations like other Basic languages but with some differences.
These manipulations can be done directly on a string.
txt = "123,234,45,23"
txt = txt.Replace(",", ";")
Result: 123;234;45;23
The different functions are:
CharAt(Index) Returns the character at the given index.
CompareTo(Other) Lexicographically compares the string with the Other string.
Contains(SearchFor) Tests whether the string contains the given SearchFor string.
EndsWith(Suffix) Returns True if the string ends with the given Suffix substring.
EqualsIgnoreCase(Other) Returns True if both strings are equal ignoring their case.
GetBytes(Charset) Encodes the Charset string into a new array of bytes.
IndexOf(SearchFor) Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the
string. The index is 0 based. Returns -1 if no occurrence is found.
IndexOf2(SearchFor, Index) Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor
in the string. Starts searching from the given index.
The index is 0 based. Returns -1 if no occurrence is found.
LastIndexOf(SearchFor) Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the
string. The search starts at the end of the string and advances to the beginning.
The index is 0 based. Returns -1 if no occurrence is found.
LastIndexOf2(SearchFor) Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the
string. The search starts at the given index and advances to the beginning.
The index is 0 based. Returns -1 if no occurrence is found.
Length Returns the length, number of characters, of the string.
Replace(Target, Replacement) Returns a new string resulting from the replacement of
all the occurrences of Target with Replacement.
StartsWith(Prefix) Returns True if this string starts with the given Prefix.
Substring(BeginIndex) Returns a new string which is a substring of the original string.
The new string will include the character at BeginIndex and will extend to the end of the
Substring2(BeginIndex, EndIndex) Returns a new string which is a substring of the
original string. The new string will include the character at BeginIndex and will extend to
the character at EndIndex, not including the last character.
Note that EndIndex is the end index and not the length like in other languages.
ToLowerCase Returns a new string which is the result of lower casing this string.
ToUpperCase Returns a new string which is the result of upper casing this string.
Trim Returns a copy of the original string without any leading or trailing
white spaces.
Note: The string functions are case sensitive.
If you want to use case insensitive functions you should use either ToLowerCase or ToUpperCase.
Example: NewString = OriginalString.ToLowerCase.StartsWith("pre")
4.10 String manipulation 96 B4X Language
4.10.2 String concatenation
The concatenation character to join Strings is: &
Private MyString As String
MyString = "aaa" & "bbb" & "ccc" result: aaabbbccc
String and number
MyString = "$: " & 1.25 result: $: 1.25
String and variable, it can be either another string or a number.
Private Val As Double
Val = 1.25
MyString = "$: " & Val result: $: 1.25
Don’t confuse with VB syntax:
MyString = "aaa" + "bbb" + "ccc"
This doesn’t work!
4.10 String manipulation 97 B4X Language
4.10.3 B4A, B4i, B4J StringBuilder
StringBuilder is a mutable string, unlike regular strings which are immutable.
StringBuilder is especially useful when you need to concatenate many strings. StringBuilder Methods
Append (Text As String) As StringBuilder
Appends the specified text at the end.
Returns the same object, so you can chain methods.
sb.Append("First line").Append(CRLF).Append("Second line")
Initializes the object.
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb.Append("The value is: ").Append(SomeOtherVariable).Append(CRLF)
Insert (Offset As Int, Text As String) As StringBuilder
Inserts the specified text at the specified offset.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Length As Int [read only]
Returns the number of characters.
Remove (StartOffset As Int, EndOffset As Int) As StringBuilder
Removes the specified characters.
StartOffset - The first character to remove.
EndOffset - The ending index. This character will not be removed.
ToString As String
Converts the object to a string. Simple example
Private sb As StringBuilder 'declare the StringBuilder
sb.Initialize 'initialize the StringBuilder
sb.Append("First line") 'adds a first line
sb.Append(CRLF) 'adds a line feed
sb.Append("Second line") 'appends a second line
'you can set the StringBuilder directly to a Text property of a View
lblPage1.Text = sb
'you can convert the StringBuilder into a String
Private text As String 'declare a text variable
text = sb.ToString 'convert the StringBuilder into a String
4.10 String manipulation 98 B4X Language Speed comparison between Strings and StringBuilder
The following code demonstrates the performance boosting of StringBuilder:
Dim start As Long
start = DateTime.Now
'Regular string
Dim s As String
For i = 1 To 5000
s = s & i
Log(DateTime.Now - start)
start = DateTime.Now
Private sb As StringBuilder
For i = 1 To 5000
Log(DateTime.Now - start)
Tested on a real device, the first 'for loop' took about 20 seconds and the second took less than a
tenth of a second.
The reason is that the code: s = s & i creates a new string each iteration (strings are immutable).
The method StringBuilder.ToString converts the object to a string.
4.10 String manipulation 99 B4X Language
4.10.4 Smart String Literal
The "smart string" literal is a more powerful version of the standard string literal.
It has three advantages:
1. Supports multi-line strings.
2. No need to escape quotes.
3. Supports string interpolation.
The smart string literal starts with $" and ends with "$.
Dim s As String = $"Hello world"$
Dim query As String = $"
SELECT value_id FROM table3
WHERE rowid >= random()%(SELECT max(rowid)FROM table3)
AND second_value ISNOTNULL
Log($"No need to escape "quotes"! "$) String Interpolation
Smart strings can hold zero or more placeholders with code. The placeholders can be easily
A placeholder starts with $[optional formatter]{ and ends with }:
Log($"5 * 3 = ${5 * 3}"$) '5 * 3 = 15
You can put any code you like inside the placeholders.
Dim x = 1, y = 2, z = 4 As Int
Log($"x = ${x}, y = ${y}, z = ${Sin(z)}"$) 'x = 1, y = 2, z = -0.7568024953079282
This is a compile time feature. You cannot load the strings from a file for example. Number Formatter
The number formatter allows you to set the minimum number of integers and the maximum number
of fractions digits. It is similar to NumberFormat keyword.
The number formatter structure: MinIntegers.MaxFractions. MaxFractions component is optional.
Dim h = 2, m = 15, s = 7 As Int
Log($"Remaining time $2{h}:$2{m}:$2{s}"$) 'Remaining time 02:15:07
Log($"10 / 7 = $0.3{10 / 7}"$) '10 / 7 = 1.429
Log($"$1.2{"The value is not a number!"}"$) 'NaN
4.10 String manipulation 100 B4X Language Other Formatters
Note that the formatters are case insensitive.
Date - Equivalent to DateTime.Date:
Log($"Current date is $date{DateTime.Now}"$) 'Current date is 02/02/2015
Time - Equivalent to DateTime.Time:
Log($"Current time is $time{DateTime.Now}"$) 'Current time is 11:17:45
DateTime - Equivalent to DateTime.Date & " " & DateTime.Time:
Log($"Current time is $DateTime{DateTime.Now}"$) 'Current time is 02/02/2015 11:18:36
XML - Escapes the five XML entities (", ', <, >, &):
Dim UserString As String = $"will it break your parser ><'"&?"$
Log($"User input is: $xml{UserString}"$)
'User input is: will it break your parser &gt;&lt;&#39;&quot;&amp;?
This is also useful for html content.
4.10 String manipulation 101 B4X Language
4.10.5 B4A, B4i CharSequence CSBuilder
CharSequence is a native interface in Android SDK.
A String is one implementation of CharSequence.
There are other implementations of CharSequence that provide more features and allow us to format
the string, add images and even make parts of the text clickable.
Starting from B4A v6.80 many methods accept CharSequence instead of String. Existing code will
work properly as you can pass regular strings. However you can now also pass more interesting
Note to library developers, if your library makes calls to APIs that work with CharSequences then
you should change your method signatures to expect CharSequence instead of String. This will
allow developers to format the text.
This tutorial covers the CSBuilder object.
CSBuilder is similar to StringBuilder. Instead of building strings, it builds CharSequences that
include style information.
The examples are made with B4A, but the principles are the same for B4i
Using it is quite simple. Text
Private cs As CSBuilder
cs = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello World!").PopAll
Label1.Text = cs
The default background color can be different depending on the Android
Almost all methods of CSBuilder return the object itself. This allows us to chain the method calls.
Text is always appended with the Append method.
There are various attributes that can be set. Setting an attribute marks the beginning of a style span.
Calling Pop ends the last span that was added (and not ended yet).
Calling PopAll ends all open spans. It is convenient to always call PopAll at the end to ensure that
all spans are closed.
'example of explicitly popping an attribute:
Label1.Text = cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello
4.10 String manipulation 102 B4X Language
'It doesn't matter whether the methods are chained or split into several lines:
Private cs As CSBuilder
cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello ")
cs.Bold.Color(Colors.Green).Append("Colorful ").Pop.Pop
'two pops: the first removes the green color and the second removes the bold style
Label1.Text = cs
'can also be set as the activity title
Activity.Title = cs
'and Toast messages and in other places...
ToastMessageShow(cs, True)
4.10 String manipulation 103 B4X Language With FontAwesome or MaterialIcons
Private cs As CSBuilder
Label1.Text = cs.Initialize.Append("Text with FontAwesome:
'Using the same builder multiple times. Note that it is initialized each time.
'Note that we vertically align the material icon character.
cs.Initialize.Append("Text with MaterialIcons:
Activity.Title = cs
Note: The hex values of Materialicons characters begin with 0xE and FontAwesome characters
begins with 0xF Images
Private cs As CSBuilder
cs.Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "edelweiss.jpg"), 60dip, 40dip, False).Append("
cs.Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "gentiane.jpg"), 60dip, 40dip, False).Append("
cs.Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "lys_martagon.jpg"), 60dip, 40dip, False).Append("
Lys martagon").Append(CRLF)
cs.Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "rose.jpg"), 60dip, 40dip, False).Append("
Label1.Text = cs
4.10 String manipulation 104 B4X Language Clickable text
The Clickable method creates clickable text.
For the event to be raised you must call cs.EnableClickEvents.
The Append method accepts a CharSequence. In the following code the CreateClickableWord sub
returns a CharSequence that is then appended to the other CharSqeuence. Highlight text
Example from the SearchView class.
Private Sub AddItemsToList(li As List, full As String)
If li.IsInitialized = False Then Return
Dim cs As CSBuilder
For i = 0 To li.Size - 1
Dim item As String = li.Get(i)
Dim x As Int = item.ToLowerCase.IndexOf(full)
If x = -1 Then
End If
x)).Color(highlightColor).Append(item.SubString2(x, x + full.Length)).Pop
cs.Append(item.SubString(x + full.Length))
End Sub
4.10 String manipulation 105 B4X Language Center aligned text
Msgbox(cs.Initialize.Alignment("ALIGN_CENTER").Append($"Lorem ipsum dolor sit am
et, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nam tristique metus eget sem sollicitudin, vel pulvinar nisl interdum. In sed ul
lamcorper lacus.
Duis ultricies urna eget faucibus ullamcorper. Donec maximus egestas tortor, vit
ae suscipit est varius in
Donec at arcu ut odio hendrerit molestie. Curabitur molestie felis enim, ac soda
les sapien posuere sit amet."$).PopAll, _
hr(0xF17B) & " " & Chr(0xF17B) & " "& Chr(0xF17B)).PopAll)
4.10 String manipulation 106 B4X Language CSBuilder Methods B4A / B4i
Alignement (Alignment As Alignment Enum)
Starts an alignment span.
Alignment - One of the following strings:
Append (Text As CharSequence)
Appends the provided String or CharSequence.
BackgroundColor (Color As Int)
Starts a background color span.
Color (Color As Int)
Starts a foreground color span.
Initializes the builder. You can call this method multiple times to create new
Note that like most other methods it returns the current object.
Tests whether this object was initialized. Returns a Boolean.
Closes the most recent span. All spans must be closed. You can call PopAll to close all open
Closes all open spans.
It is convenient to always call PopAll at the end to ensure that all spans are closed.
Starts a strikethrough span.
Returns a string with the characters.
Starts an underline span.
VerticalAlign (Shift As Int)
Starts a vertical alignment span (positive = downwards).
4.10 String manipulation 107 B4X Language B4A only
Starts a bold span.
Clickable (EventName As String, Tag As Object)
Starts a clickable span. For the event to be raised you need to call the EnableClickEvents
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim cs As CSBuilder
cs.Initialize.Size(30).Append("Some ").Append(CreateClickableWord("words"))
cs.Append(" are ").Append(CreateClickableWord("clickable")).Append(".").PopAll
Label1.Text = cs
End Sub
Sub CreateClickableWord(Text As String) As CSBuilder
Dim cs As CSBuilder
Return cs.Initialize.Underline.Color(0xFF00D0FF).Clickable("word", Text).Appen
End Sub
Sub Word_Click (Tag As Object)
Log($"You have clicked on word: ${Tag}"$)
End Sub
EnableClickEvents (Label As TextView)
This method should be called when using clickable spans.
Image (Bitmap As Bitmap, Width As Int, Height As Int, Baseline As Boolean)
Adds an image span. This method will add a space character as a placeholder for the image.
Unlike the other methods you do not need to call Pop to close this span as it is closed
Bitmap - The image.
Width / Height - Image dimensions, use ‘dip’ units.
Baseline - If true then the image will be aligned based on the baseline. Otherwise it will be
aligned based on the lowest descender in the text.
RelativeSize (Proportion As Float)
Starts a relative size span. The actual text size will be multiplied with the set Proportion.
ScaleX (Proportion As Float)
Starts a scale X span. It horizontally scales the text.
Size (Size As Int)
Starts a text size span. Note that you should not use 'dip' units with text size dimensions.
TypeFace (Typeface As Typeface)
Starts a custom typeface span.
Similar to Font for B4i.
4.10 String manipulation 108 B4X Language B4i only
Font (Font As B4IFontWrapper)
Starts a font span.
Note that when AutoScaleAll is called the font is reset.
You should change the font in the parent Resize event or remove the call to AutoScaleAll
from the layout designer script.
Similar to TypeFace for B4A.
KerningScale (Scale As Float)
Sets the kerning (horizontal spacing) scale.
Link (URL As NSString)
Creates a link. Links will be clickable in non-editable TextViews.
4.10 String manipulation 109 B4X Language
4.10.6 B4J TextFlow class
The TextFlow Class uses JavaObject to create a TextFlow node. With a TextFlow you can display
rich text with different colors, fonts and other attributes.
- Add the TextFlow class module to your project (Tools - Add Existing Module).
- Create a TextFlow object.
- Call AddText to add a text section and set its attributes.
- Eventually you should call CreateTextFlow to create the node that will be added to the layout.
Note that the set attributes return the class instance which allows chaining the calls.
Example code:
Dim tf As TextFlow
tf.AddText("1 2 3").SetColor(fx.Colors.Red).SetUnderline(True)
tf.AddText(" 4 5 6 ").SetColor(fx.Colors.Green).SetFont(fx.CreateFont("", 17, True, Tru
tf.AddText("7 8 9").SetColor(fx.Colors.Blue).SetStrikethrough(True).SetFont(fx.DefaultF
Dim pane As Pane = tf.CreateTextFlow
MainForm.RootPane.AddNode(pane, 10, 10, 200, 100)
4.10 String manipulation 110 B4X Language
4.10.7 B4R
B4R doesn’t support string manipulations like other Basic languages.
These kind of manipulations can be done with the ByteConverter object in the rRandomAccesFile
B4R strings are different than in other B4X tools. The reasons for these differences are:
Very limited memory.
Lack of Unicode encoders.
A String object in B4R is the same as a C language char* string. It is an array of bytes with an
additional zero byte at the end.
The requirement of the last zero byte makes it impossible to create a substring without copying the
memory to a new address.
For that reason, arrays of bytes are preferable over Strings.
The various string related methods work with arrays of bytes.
Converting a string to an array of bytes is very simple and doesn't involve any memory copying.
The compiler will do it automatically when needed:
Private b() As Byte = "abc" 'equivalent to Private b() As Byte = "abc".GetBytes
Only two functions are supported:
These functions are:
GetBytes(Charset) Returns the string content as an array of bytes.
Note that the array and string share the same memory
Length Returns the length, number of characters, of the string.
4.10 String manipulation 111 B4X Language
String Methods
The standard string methods are available in ByteConverter type (rRandomAccessFile library).
They are similar to the string methods in other B4X tools:
Private Sub AppStart
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Log("IndexOf: ", bc.IndexOf("0123456", "3")) 'IndexOf: 3
Dim b() As Byte = " abc,def,ghijkl "
Log("Substring: ", bc.SubString(b, 3)) 'Substring: c,def,ghijkl
Log("Trim: ", bc.Trim(b)) 'Trim: abc,def,ghijkl
For Each s() As Byte In bc.Split(b, ",")
Log("Split: ", s)
'Split: abc
'Split: def
'Split: ghijkl
Dim c As String = JoinStrings(Array As String("Number of millis: ", Millis, CRLF, "N
umber of micros: ", Micros))
Log("c = ", c)
Dim b() As Byte = bc.SubString2(c, 0, 5)
b(0) = Asc("X")
Log("b = ", b)
Log("c = ", c) 'first character will be X
End Sub
Note how both strings and array of bytes can be used as the compiler converts strings to arrays of
bytes automatically.
With the exception of JoinStrings, none of the above methods make a copy of the original string /
This means that modifying the returned array as in the last three lines will also modify the original
It will also happen with string literals that all share the same memory block:
Private Sub AppStart
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Dim b() As Byte = bc.Trim("abcdef ")
b(0) = Asc("M") 'this line will change the value of the literal string
Dim s as String = "abcdef "
Log(s) 'Mbcdef
End Sub
4.10 String manipulation 112 B4X Language
String manipulations in the ByteConverter object in the rRandomAccessFile library:
EndsWith(Source As Byte(), Suffix As Byte())
Returns True if the string ends with the given Suffix substring.
IndexOf(Source As Byte(), SearchFor As Byte())
Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the string.
IndexOf2(Source As Byte(), SearchFor As Byte(), Index As UInt)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the string. Starts searching from the
given index.
LastIndexOf(Source As Byte(), SearchFor As Byte())
Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the Source string. Starts searching
from the end of the string.
LastIndexOf2(Source As Byte(), SearchFor As Byte(), Index As UInt)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of SearchFor in the Source string. Starts searching
from the given index and advances to the beginning.
StartsWith(Source As Byte(), Prefix As Byte())
Returns True if this string starts with the given Prefix.
Substring(Source As Byte(), BeginIndex As UInt)
Returns a new string which is a substring of the original string.
The new string will include the character at BeginIndex and will extend to the end of the
Substring2(Source As Byte(), BeginIndex As UInt, EndIndex As UInt)
Returns a new string which is a substring of the original string. The new string will include
the character at BeginIndex and will extend to the character at EndIndex, not including the
last character.
Trim(Source As Byte())
Returns a copy of the original string without any leading or trailing white spaces.
4.11 Number formatting 113 B4X Language
4.11 Number formatting
4.11.1 B4A, B4i, B4J
Number formatting, display numbers as strings with different formats, there are two keywords:
NumberFormat(Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int)
NumberFormat(12345.6789, 0, 2) = 12,345.68
NumberFormat(1, 3 ,0) = 001
NumberFormat(Value, 3 ,0) variables can be used.
NumberFormat(Value + 10, 3 ,0) arithmetic operations can be used.
NumberFormat((lblscore.Text + 10), 0, 0) if one variable is a string add parentheses.
NumberFormat2(Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As
Int, MinimumFractions As Int, GroupingUsed As Boolean)
NumberFormat2(12345.67, 0, 3, 3, True) = 12,345.670
NumberFormat2(12345.67, 0, 3, 3, False) = 12345.670
4.11.2 B4X NumberFormatter
B4XFormatter is an alternative to NumberFormat / NumberFormat2 keywords. It is implemented in
B4X as a b4xlib and it is cross platform.
There are two types in the library:
B4XFormatter - The main class.
B4XFormatData - A type with various configurable fields.
The formatter holds a list of format data objects. A new formatter starts with a single format data
which acts as the default format.
4.11.3 B4R
Number formatting, display numbers as strings with different formats:
NumberFormat(Number As Double, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int)
NumberFormat(12345.6789, 0, 2) = 12,345.68
NumberFormat(1, 3 ,0) = 001
NumberFormat(Value, 3 ,0) variables can be used.
NumberFormat(Value + 10, 3 ,0) arithmetic operations can be used.
NumberFormat((lblscore.Text + 10), 0, 0) if one variable is a string add parentheses.
4.12 Timers 114 B4X Language
4.12 Timers
A Timer object generates Tick events at specified intervals. Using a timer is a good alternative to a
long loop, as it allows the UI thread to handle other events and messages.
Note that the timer events will not fire while the UI thread is busy running other code.
Timer events will not fire when the activity is paused, or if a blocking dialog (like Msgbox) is
It is also important, in B4A, to disable the timer when the activity is pausing and then enable it
when it resumes. This will save CPU and battery.
A timer has:
Three parameters.
o Initialize Initializes the timer with two parameters, the EventName and the
Timer1.Initialize(EventName As String, Interval As Long)
Ex: Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 1000)
o Interval Sets the timer interval in milli-seconds.
Timer1. Interval = Interval
Ex: Timer1.Interval = 1000, 1 second
o Enabled Enables or disables the timer. It is False by default.
Ex: Timer1.Enabled = True
One Event
o Tick The Tick routine is called every time interval.
Ex: Sub Timer1_Tick
The Timer must be declared in a Process_Global routine, or in B4XMainPage.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Timer1 As Timer
4.12 Timers 115 B4X Language
But it must be initialized in one of the following routines in the module where the timer tick
event routine is used.
B4XPages: Globals routine
Sub Class_Globals
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 1000)
B4A: Activity_Create routine
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime = True Then
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 1000)
End If
B4i: Application_Start routine
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 1000)
B4J: AppStart routine
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1_Tick", 1000)
B4R: AppStart routine
Private Sub AppStart
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 1000)
And the Timer Tick event routine.
This routine will be called every second (1000 milli-seconds) by the operating system.
Private Sub Timer1_Tick
' Do something
End Sub
4.13 Files 116 B4X Language
4.13 Files B4A, B4i, B4J
Many applications require access to a persistent storage. The two most common storage types are
files and databases.
Android and iOS have their own file system. B4A nor B4i programs have access to files in the
Windows system.
To add files to your project you must add those in the IDE in the Files Tab. These files will be
added to the project Files folder.
4.13.1 File object
The predefined object File has a number of functions for working with files. File locations
There are several important locations where you can read or write files.
The assets folder includes the files that were added with the file manager in the IDE.
It's the Files folder in the project folder.
These files are read-only !
You can not create new files in this folder (which is actually located inside the apk file).
If you have a database file in the Dir.Assets folder you need to copy it to another folder before you
can use it. B4X
To save data generated by the application and used only by the application you might use the xui,
(jxui or ixui) library get the default folder.
This folder is the same as:
B4A - Same as File.DirInternal.
B4i - Same as File.DirDocuments.
B4J - Same as File.DirData.
You must first call SetDataFolder once before you can use this folder.
xui.SetDataFolder(AppName As String)
4.13 Files 117 B4X Language B4A only
File.DirInternal / File.DirInternalCache
These two folders are stored in the main memory of the device and are private to your application.
Other applications cannot access these files.
The cache folder may get deleted by the OS if it needs more space.
File.DirRootExternal Use this folder only if you really need it.
The storage card root folder. In most cases this is an internal storage card and not an external SD
The default folder for your application in the SD card.
The folder is: <storage card>/Android/data/<package>/files/
It will be created if required.
Note that calling any of the two above properties will add the EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission
to your application.
Tip: You can check if there is a storage card and whether it is available with
File.ExternalReadable and File.ExternalWritable.
External storage.
You should use the RuntimePermissions library to get the best folder with:
MyFolder = RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal(SubFolder As String)
Returns the path to the app's default folder on the secondary storage device.
The path to File.DirInternal will be returned if there is no secondary storage available.
It is a better alternative to File.DirDefaultExternal.
On Android 4.4+ no permission is required to access this folder.
SubFolder - A sub folder that will be created for your app. Pass an empty string if not needed.
Acces a file in external stroge devices has become cumbersome in Android.
Erel has written a Class ExternalStorage - Access SD cards and USB sticks to ‘simplify’ the access.
Extract from Erels thread:
Before we start:
1. External storage means a real sd card or a connected mass storage USB device.
2. It has nothing to do with File.DirRootExternal / DirDefaultExternal which actually point to an
internal storage.
3. It has nothing to do with runtime permissions.
4. You can use RuntimePermissions.GetAllSafeDirsExternal to directly access a specific folder on
the SD card.
5. The minimum version for this class is Android 5. It might work with Android 4.4 (change
minSdkVersion if you like to try it).
4.13 Files 118 B4X Language
Starting from Android 4.4 it is no longer possible to directly access external storages.
The only way to access these storages is through the Storage Access Framework (SAF), which is a
quite complex and under-documented framework.
The ExternalStorage class makes it simpler to work with SAF.
1. Call ExternalStorage.SelectDir. This will open a dialog that will allow the user to select the root
folder. Once selected the uri of the root folder is stored and can be later used without requiring the
user to select the folder again. Even after the device is booted.
2. Wait For the ExternalFolderAvailable event.
Now you can access the files under Storage.Root, including inside subfolders.
3. Files are represented as a custom type named ExternalFile.
4. The following operations are supported: ListFiles, Delete, CreateNewFile, FindFile,
OpenInputStream and OpenOutputStream.
See the attached example.
Depends on: ContentResolver and JavaObject libraries.
#AdditionalJar: com.android.support:support-core-utils
4.13 Files 119 B4X Language B4i only
The documents folder should only be used to store user generated content. It is possible to make this
folder sharable through iTunes.
This folder is backed up by iTunes automatically.
The place for any non-user generated persistent files. This folder is backed up by iTunes
You can create a subfolder named Caches. Files under that folder will not be backed up.
A temporary folder. Files in this folder are not backed up by iTunes and may be deleted from time
to time.
B4i Methods to access external resources or share to external apps.
This thread in the forum shows some methods to share files:
List of methods to access external resources or share to external apps. B4J only
Returns the application folder.
Returns the path to a folder that is suitable for writing files.
On Windows, folders under Program Files are read-only. Therefore File.DirApp will be read-only
as well.
This method returns the same path as File.DirApp on non-Windows computers.
On Windows it returns the path to the user data folder. For example:
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\[AppName]
Returns the temporary folder.
4.13 Files 120 B4X Language File exists ? B4A, B4i, B4J
To check if a file already exists use:
File.Exists ( Dir As String, FileName As String)
Returns True if the file exists and False if not.
Note: File.Exists does not work with File.DirAssets !!! Common methods B4A, B4i, B4J
The File object includes several methods for writing to files and reading from files.
To be able to write to a file or to read from a file, it must be opened.
File.OpenOutput (Dir As String, FileName As String, Append As Boolean)
- Opens the given file for output, the Append parameter tells whether the text will be added at the
end of the existing file or not. If the file doesn't exist it will be created.
File.OpenInput (Dir As String, FileName As String)
- Opens the file for reading.
File.WriteString (Dir As String, FileName As String, Text As String)
- Writes the given text to a new file.
File.ReadString (Dir As String, FileName As String) As String
- Reads a file and returns its content as a string.
File.WriteList (Dir As String, FileName As String, List As List)
- Writes all values stored in a list to a file. All values are converted to string type if required. Each
value will be stored in a separare line.
Note that if a value contains the new line character it will saved over more than one line and when
you read it, it will be read as multiple items.
File.ReadList (Dir As String, FileName As String) As List
- Reads a file and stores each line as an item in a list.
File.WriteMap (Dir As String, FileName As String, Map As Map)
- Takes a map object which holds pairs of key and value elements and stores it in a text file. The file
format is known as Java Properties file: .properties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The file format is not too important unless the file is supposed to be edited manually. This format
makes it easy to edit it manually.
One common usage of File.WriteMap is to save a map of "settings" to a file.
File.ReadMap (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Map
- Reads a properties file and returns its key/value pairs as a Map object. Note that the order of
entries returned might be different than the original order.
File.WriteBytes (Dir As String, FileName As String, Data As Byte())
- Writes the given text to a new file.
4.13 Files 121 B4X Language
File.ReadBytes (Dir As String, FileName As String)
- Reads the data from the given file.
Returns: Byte()
File.Copy (DirSource As String, FileSource As String, DirTarget As String, FileTarget As String)
- Copies the source file from the source directory to the target file in the target directory.
Note that it is not possible to copy files to the Assets folder.
File.Copy2 (In As InputStream, Out As OutputStream)
- Copies all the available data from the input stream into the output stream.
The input stream is automatically closed at the end.
File.Delete (Dir As String, FileName As String)
- Deletes the given file from the given directory.
File.ListFiles (Dir As String) As List
- Lists the files and subdirectories in the diven directory.
Private List1 As List
List1 = File.ListFiles(File.DirInternal)
List1 can be declared in Sub Globals
File.Size (Dir As String, FileName As String)
- Returns the size in bytes of the specified file.
This method does not support files in the assets folder.
File.MakeDir (Parent As String, Dir)
- Creates the given folder (creates all folders as needed).
File.MakeDir(File.DirInternal, "music/90")
4.13 Files 122 B4X Language
4.13.2 Filenames
B4X file names allow following characters:
a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9 dot . underscore _ and even following characters + - % &
Spaces and following characters * ? are not allowed.
Example: MyFile.txt
Note that B4X file names are case sensitive !
MyFile.txt is different from myfile.txt
4.13.3 Subfolders
You can define subfolders in B4X with.
File.MakeDir(File.DirInternal, "Pictures")
To access the subfolder you should add the subfoldername to the foldername with "/" inbetween.
ImageView1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirInternal & "/Pictures", "test1.png")
Or add the subfoldername before the filename with "/" inbetween.
ImageView1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirInternal, "Pictures/test1.png")
Both possibilities work.
4.13 Files 123 B4X Language
4.13.4 B4A, B4J TextWriter
There are two other useful functions for text files: TextWriter and TextReader:
TextWriter.Initialize (OutputStream As OutputStream)
- Initializes a TextWriter object as an output stream.
Private Writer As TextWriter
Writer.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirInternal, "Test.txt" , False))
Writer could be declared in Sub Globals.
TextWriter.Initialize2 (OutputStream As OutputStream , Encoding As String)
- Initializes a TextWriter object as as output stream.
- Encoding indicates the CodePage (also called CharacterSet) for text encoding (see next chapter).
Private Writer As TextWriter
Writer.Initialize2(File.OpenOutput(File.DirInternal,"Test.txt" ,False)," ISO-8859-1")
Writer could be declared in Sub Globals.
See: Text encoding
TextWriter.Write (Text As String)
- Writes the given Text to the stream.
TextWriter.WriteLine (Text As String)
- Writes the given Text to the stream followed by a new line character LF Chr(10).
TextWriter.WriteList (List As List)
- Writes each item in the list as a single line.
Note that a value containing CRLF will be saved as two lines (which will return two items when
reading with ReadList).
All values will be converted to strings.
- Closes the stream.
Private Writer As TextWriter
Writer.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirInternal, "Text.txt", False))
Writer.WriteLine("This is the first line")
Writer.WriteLine("This is the second line")
4.13 Files 124 B4X Language
4.13.5 B4A, B4J TextReader
There are two other useful functions for text files: TextWriter and TextReader:
TextReader.Initialize (InputStream As InputStream)
- Initializes a TextReader as an input stream.
Private Reader TextReader
Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal, "Test.txt"))
Reader could be declared in Sub Globals.
TextReader.Initialize2 (InputStream As InputStream, Encoding As String)
- Initializes a TextReader as an input stream.
- Encoding indicates the CodePage (also called CharacterSet), the text encoding.
Private Reader TextReader
Reader.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal, "Test.txt", "ISO-8859-1")
Reader could be declared in Sub Globals.
See: Text encoding
TextReader.ReadAll As String
- Reads all of the remaining text and closes the stream.
txt = Reader.ReadAll
TextReader.ReadLine As String
- Reads the next line from the stream.
The new line characters are not returned.
Returns Null if there are no more characters to read.
Private Reader As TextReader
Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternal, "Text.txt"))
Private line As String
line = Reader.ReadLine
Do While line <> Null
line = Reader.ReadLine
TextReader.ReadList As List
- Reads the remaining text and returns a List object filled with the lines.
Closes the stream when done.
List1 = Reader.ReadList
4.13 Files 125 B4X Language
4.13.6 Text encoding
Text encoding or character encoding consists of a code that pairs each character from a given
repertoire with something else. Other terms like character set (charset), and sometimes character
map or code page are used almost interchangeably (source Wikipedia).
The default character set in Android is Unicode UTF-8.
In Windows the most common character sets are ASCII and ANSI.
ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters, 33 are non-printing control characters (now
mostly obsolete) that affect how text and space is processed.
ANSI, Windows-1252 or CP-1252 is a character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by
default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows in English and some other Western
languages with 256 definitions (one byte). The first 128 characters are the same as in the
ASCII encoding.
Many files generated by Windows programs are encoded with the ANSI character-set in western
countries. For example: Excel csv files, Notepad files by default.
But with Notepad, files can be saved with UTF-8 encoding.
B4X can use following character sets:
UTF-8 default character-set
UTF -16
UTF - 16 BE
US-ASCII ASCII character set
ISO-8859-1 almost equivalent to the ANSI character-set
Windows-1251 cyrillic characters
Windows-1252 latin alphabet
To read Windows files encoded with ANSI you should use the Windows-1252 character-set.
If you need to write files for use with Windows you should also use the Windows-1252 character-
Another difference between Windows and B4X is the end of line character:
B4X, only the LF (Line Feed) character Chr(10) is added at the end of a line.
Windows, two characters CR (Carriage Return Chr(13)) and LF Chr(10) are added at the
end of a line. If you need to write files for Windows you must add CR yourself.
The symbol for the end of line is:
B4X CRLF Chr(10)
Basic4PPC CRLF Chr(13) & Chr(10)
To read or write files with a different encoding you must use the TextReader or TextWriter objects
with the Initialize2 methods. Even for reading csv files.
4.13 Files 126 B4X Language
Tip for reading Excel csv files:
You can either:
On the desktop, load the csv file in a text editor like NotePad or Notepad++
Save the file with UTF-8 encoding
With Notepad++ use Encode in UTF-8 without BOM, see below.
Read the whole file with TextReader.Initialize2 and "Windows-1252" encoding.
Save it back with TextWriter.Initialize with the standard Android encoding.
Read the file with LoadCSV or LoadCSV2 from the StringUtils library.
Private txt As String
Private tr As TextReader
tr.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(File.DirAssets, "TestCSV1_W.csv"), "Windows-1252")
txt = tr.ReadAll
Private tw As TextWriter
tw.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirInternal, "TestCSV1_W.csv", False))
lstTest = StrUtil.LoadCSV2(File.DirInternal, "TestCSV1_W.csv", ";", lstHead)
When you save a file with NotePad three additional bytes are added .
These bytes are called BOM characters (Byte Order Mark).
In UTF-8 they are represented by this byte sequence: 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF.
A text editor or web browser interpreting the text as Windows-1252 will display the characters
To avoid this you can use Notepad++ instead of NotePad and use Encode in UTF-8 without BOM.
Another possibility to change a text from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 is to use the code below.
Private var, result As String
var = "Gestió"
Private arrByte() As Byte
arrByte = var.GetBytes("Windows-1252")
result = BytesToString(arrByte, 0, arrByte.Length, "UTF8")
4.14 Lists B4A, B4i and B4J only 127 B4X Language
4.14 Lists B4A, B4i and B4J only
Lists are similar to dynamic arrays.
A List must be initialized before it can be used.
Initialize Initializes an empty List.
Private List1 As List
List1.AddAll(Array As Int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
Initialize2 (SomeArray)
Initializes a list with the given values. This method should be used to convert arrays to lists.
Note that if you pass a list to this method then both objects will share the same list, and if
you pass an array the list will be of a fixed size.
Meaning that you cannot later add or remove items.
Example 1:
Private List1 As List
List1.Initialize2(Array As Int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
Example 2:
Private List1 As List
Private SomeArray(10) As String
' Fill the array
You can add and remove items from a list and it will change its size accordingly.
With either:
Add (item As Object)
Adds a value at the end of the list.
AddAll (Array As String("value1", "value2"))
Adds all elements of an array at the end of the list.
List1.AddAll(Array As Int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
AddAllAt (Index As Int, List As List)
Inserts all elements of an array in the list starting at the given position.
List1.AddAll(12, List2)
List1.AddAllAt(12, Array As Int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
InsertAt (Index As Int, Item As Object)
Inserts the specified element in the specified index.
As a result all items with index larger than or equal to the specified index are shifted.
List1.InsertAt(12, Value)
RemoveAt (Index As Int)
Removes the specified element at the given position from the list.
4.14 Lists B4A, B4i and B4J only 128 B4X Language
A list can hold any type of object. However if a list is declared as a process global object it cannot
hold activity objects (like views).
B4X automatically converts regular arrays to lists. So when a List parameter is expected you can
pass an array instead.
Get the size of a List:
Use the Get method to get an item from the list with (List indexes are 0 based):
To get the first item use Get(0).
To get the last item use Get(List1.Size - 1).
Get(Index As Int)
number = List1.Get(i)
You can use a For loop to iterate over all the values:
For i = 0 To List1.Size - 1
Private number As Int
number = List1.Get(i)
Lists can be saved and loaded from files with:
File.WriteList(Dir As String, FileName As String, List As List)
File.WriteList(File.DirRootExternal, "Test.txt", List1)
File.ReadList (Dir As String, FileName As String)
List1 = File.ReadList(File.DirRootExternal, "Test.txt")
A single item can be changed with:
List1. Set(Index As Int, Item As Object)
List1.Set(12, Value)
A List can be sorted (the items must all be numbers or strings) with:
Sort(Ascending As Boolean)
List1.Sort(True) sort ascending
List1.Sort(False) sort descending
SortCaseInsensitive(Ascending As Boolean)
Clear a List with:
4.14 Lists B4A, B4i and B4J only 129 B4X Language
4.14.1 Non-dynamic Lists
The code below will not work, it will through an error:
List1 = Array As String("Val1", "Val2", "Val3")
Nor will this code work:
List1.Initialize2(Array As String("Val1", "Val2", "Val3"))
Because the initializations above generate non-dynamic Lists, which cannot be changed.
Be aware that if you want to duplicate a list, the code below will not work either:
Private List1 As List
List1.AddAll(Array As String("Val1", "Val2", "Val3"))
Private List2 As List
List2 = List1
The Log shows:
You see that when you modify something in List1 it is also modified in List2.
This is by design, Lists are passed by reference.
To have an independent copy of a List you need to replace:
List2 = List1
like the code below:
Private List1 As List
List1.AddAll(Array As String("Val1", "Val2", "Val3"))
Private List2 As List
The Log shows: You see that the size of List2 has not changed.
4.15 Maps B4A, B4i and B4J only 130 B4X Language
4.15 Maps B4A, B4i and B4J only
A Map is a collection that holds pairs of keys and values.
The keys are unique. Which means that if you add a key/value pair (entry) and the collection
already holds an entry with the same key, the previous entry will be removed from the map.
The key should be a string or a number. The value can be any type of object.
Similar to a list, a map can hold any object, however if it is a process global variable then it cannot
hold activity objects (like views).
Maps are very useful for storing applications settings.
Maps are used in this example:
DBUtils module
used for database entries, keys are the column names and values the column values.
A Map must be initialized before it can be used.
Initialize Initializes an empty Map.
Private Map1 As Map
Add a new entry:
Put(Key As Object, Value As Object)
Map1.Put("Language", "English")
Get an entry:
Get(Key As Object)
Language = Map1.Get("Language")
Get a key or a value at a given index (only B4A and B4J):
Returns the value of the item at the given index.
GetKeyAt and GetValueAt should be used to iterate over all the items.
These methods are optimized for iterating over the items in ascending order.
GetKeyAt(Index As Int)
Key = Map1.GetKeyAt(12)
Get a value at a given index (only B4A and B4J):
GetValueAt(Index As Int)
Value = Map1.GetValueAt(12)
Check if a Map contains an entry, tests whether there is an entry with the given key:
ContainsKey(Key As Object):
If Map1.ContainsKey("Language") Then
Msgbox("There is already an entry with this key !", "ATTENTION")
End If
4.15 Maps B4A, B4i and B4J only 131 B4X Language
Remove an entry:
Remove(Key As Object)
Clear, clears all items from the map:
Maps can be saved and loaded with:
File.WriteMap(Dir As String, FileName As String, Map As Map)
File.WriteMap(File.DirInternal, "settings.txt", mapSettings)
ReadMap(Dir As String, FileName As String)
Reads the file and parses each line as a key-value pair (of strings).
Note that the order of items in the map may not be the same as the order in the file.
mapSettings = File.ReadMap(File.DirInternal, "settings.txt")
File.ReadMap2(Dir As String, FileName As String, Map As Map)
Similar to ReadMap. ReadMap2 adds the items to the given Map.
By using ReadMap2 with a populated map you can force the items order as needed.
mapSettings = File.ReadMap2(File.DirInternal, "settings1.txt", mapSettings)
4.16 Class modules 132 B4X Language
4.16 Class modules
In B4X, you can use three types of Class Modules:
Standard Class modules standard classes
B4XPages B4XPages
CustomView Class Modules specialized for custom views
In this chapter we will see only Standard Class modules.
B4XPages are explained in the B4XPages Cross-platform projects booklet.
CustomView Class Modules are explained in the B4X CustomViews booklet.
4.16.1 Getting started
Classes definition from Wikipedia:
In object-oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used to create instances of itself referred to
as class instances, class objects, instance objects or simply objects. A class defines constituent members
which enable its instances to have state and behaviour. Data field members (member variables or instance
variables) enable a class instance to maintain state. Other kinds of members, especially methods, enable the
behaviour of a class instances. Classes define the type of their instances.
A class usually represents a noun, such as a person, place or thing, or something nominalized. For example,
a "Banana" class would represent the properties and functionality of bananas in general. A single, particular
banana would be an instance of the "Banana" class, an object of the type "Banana".
4.16 Class modules 133 B4X Language
Let us start with an example, the source code: SourceCode\Person in the / Person folder.
In the Person module
'Class Person module
Sub Class_Globals
Private FirstName, LastName As String
Private BirthDate As Long
End Sub
Sub Initialize (aFirstName As String, aLastName As String, aBirthDate As Long)
FirstName = aFirstName
LastName = aLastName
BirthDate = aBirthDate
End Sub
Public Sub GetName As String
Return FirstName & " " & LastName
End Sub
Public Sub GetCurrentAge As Int
Return GetAgeAt(DateTime.Now)
End Sub
Public Sub GetAgeAt(Date As Long) As Int
Private diff As Long
diff = Date - BirthDate
Return Floor(diff / DateTime.TicksPerDay / 365)
End Sub
Main module.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Private p As Person
p.Initialize("John", "Doe", DateTime.DateParse("05/12/1970"))
End Sub
I will start by explaining the differences between classes, code modules and types.
Similar to types, classes are templates. From this template, you can instantiate any number of
The type fields are similar to the classes global variables. However, unlike types which only define
the data structure, classes also define the behaviour. The behaviour is defined in the classes’ subs.
Unlike classes which are a template for objects, code modules are collections of subs. Another
important difference between code modules and classes is that code modules always run in the
context of the calling sub. The code module doesn't hold a reference to any context. For that reason,
it is impossible to handle events or use CallSub with code modules.
Classes store a reference to the context of the module that called the Initialize sub. This means that
classes objects share the same life cycle as the module that initialized them.
4.16 Class modules 134 B4X Language Adding a Class module
Adding a new or existing class module is done by choosing Project > Add New Module > Class
module or Add Existing module.
Like other modules, classes are saved as files with bas extension.
There are two class module types:
Standard Class
CustomView (XUI)
The CustomView (XUI) is shown only when the XUI library is selected!
If you use the B4XPages template, you can select B4XPage to create a B4XPage class.
4.16 Class modules 135 B4X Language Polymorphism
Polymorphism allows you to treat different types of objects that adhere to the same interface in the
same way.
B4X polymorphism is similar to the Duck typing concept.
As an example we will create two classes named: Square and Circle.
Each class has a sub named Draw that draws the object to a canvas:
Source code Draw in the Draw folder.
The code below is the B4A code.
'Class Square module
Sub Class_Globals
Private mx, my, mWidth As Int
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Sub Initialize (Shapes As List, x As Int, y As Int, length As Int)
mx = x
my = y
mLength = length
End Sub
Sub Draw(c As Canvas)
Private r As Rect
r.Initialize(mx, my, mx + mLength, my + mLength)
c.DrawRect(r, Colors.Red, False, 1dip)
End Sub
'Class Circle module
Sub Class_Globals
Private mx, my, mRadius As Int
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Sub Initialize (Shapes As List, x As Int, y As Int, radius As Int)
mx = x
my = y
mRadius = radius
End Sub
Sub Draw(cvs As Canvas)
cvs.DrawCircle(mx, my, mRadius, Colors.Blue, False, 1dip)
End Sub
4.16 Class modules 136 B4X Language
In the main module, we create a list Shapes with Squares and Circles. We then go over the list and
draw all the objects:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Shapes As List
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private cvs As Canvas
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Private Square1, Square 2 As Square
Private Circle1 As Circle
Square1.Initialize(Shapes, 110dip, 110dip, 50dip)
Square2.Initialize(Shapes, 10dip, 10dip, 100dip)
Circle1.Initialize(Shapes, 50%x, 50%y, 100dip)
End Sub
Sub DrawAllShapes
For i = 0 To Shapes.Size - 1
CallSub2(Shapes.Get(i), "Draw", cvs)
End Sub
As you can see, we do not know the specific type of each object in the list. We just assume that it
has a Draw method that expects a single Canvas argument. Later we can easily add more types of
You can use the SubExists keyword to check whether an object includes a specific sub.
You can also use the Is keyword to check if an object is of a specific type.
4.16 Class modules 137 B4X Language Self-reference
The Me keyword returns a reference to the current object. Me keyword can only be used inside a
class module.
Consider the above example. We have passed the Shapes list to the Initialize sub and then add each
object to the list from the Initialize sub:
Sub Initialize (Shapes As List, x As Int, y As Int, radius As Int)
mx = x
my = y
mRadius = radius
End Sub Activity object B4A only
This point is related to the Android Activities special life cycle.
Make sure to first read the activities and processes life-cycle tutorial.
Android UI elements hold a reference to the parent activity. As the OS is allowed to kill background
activities in order to free memory, UI elements cannot be declared as process global variables (these
variables live as long as the process lives). Such elements are named Activity objects. The same is
true for custom classes. If one or more of the class global variables is of a UI type (or any activity
object type) then the class will be treated as an "activity object". The meaning is that instances of
this class cannot be declared as process global variables.
4.16 Class modules 138 B4X Language
4.16.2 Standard Class module Structure
Default template of a standard class:
B4A and B4i
Sub Class_Globals
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Sub Class_Globals
Private fx As JFX
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Only two routines are predefined:
Sub Class_Globals - This sub is similar to the Main Globals sub. These variables will be the class
global variables (sometimes referred to instance variables or instance members).
In B4J, the fx library library is declared by default. You can remove it if not needed.
Sub Initialize - A class object must be initialized before you can call any other sub. Initializing
an object is done by calling the Initialize sub. When you call Initialize you set the object's context
(the parent object or service).
Note that you can modify this sub signature and add arguments as needed.
4.16 Class modules 139 B4X Language
Example: Person class module
The source codes are in the Person folder.
The code is the same for all three B4X platforms (B4A. B4i, B4J).
'Class Person module
Sub Class_Globals
Private mFirstName, mLastName As String
Private mBirthDate As Long
End Sub
Sub Initialize (FirstName As String, LastName As String, BirthDate As Long)
mFirstName = FirstName
mLastName = LastName
mBirthDate = BirthDate
End Sub
Public Sub GetName As String
Return mFirstName & " " & mLastName
End Sub
Public Sub GetCurrentAge As Int
Return GetAgeAt(DateTime.Now)
End Sub
Public Sub GetAgeAt(Date As Long) As Int
Dim diff As Long
diff = Date - mBirthDate
Return Floor(diff / DateTime.TicksPerDay / 365)
End Sub
In the above code, we created a class named Person and later instantiate an object of this type in the
main module:
Private p As Person
p.Initialize("John", "Doe", DateTime.DateParse("05/12/1970"))
Calling initialize is not required if the object itself was already initialized:
Private p2 As Person
p2 = p 'both variables now point to the same Person object.
5 Find object methods, properties, events 140 B4X Language
5 Find object methods, properties, events
5.1 B4X Help Viewer
The B4X Help Viewer is explained in details in the B4X Help tools booklet.
You can select a platform, a library, an object and display the subject.
It can be downloaded from the forum with this link:
5 Find object methods, properties, events 141 B4X Language
5.2 Hovering over an object
In the code, hover over an object and the in-line help will be displayed, a List in the example.
When you hover over Search Online and click:
You get this page in the forum, hover over List.
And the result.
5 Find object methods, properties, events 142 B4X Language
5.3 Define an event routine.
In the code type Private Sub or Sub and a space:
Then press Tab, you get the list of all obects possible in the project including those of the selected
Select an object, Activiy in the example:
Select the event:
Enter the object name and press Return.
And the result:
6 Code Snippets 143 B4X Language
6 Code Snippets
You can add code snippets to the IDE.
A code snippet is a piece of code that can be added to your code in very few clicks.
The snippet can include any number of variables or placeholders that will be highlighted and edited
right after the snippet is inserted.
These are simple text files with the code.
You can use any number of variables in a code snippet. These variables are between two $
characters like $MyVarable$.
When the code snippet is copied, these variables are copied without the $ characters and
An example is shown in the Code snippet in a b4xlib library chapter.
There is a reserved variable name $end$ which moves the cursor to this location when the code
snippet was copied.
An example is shown in the Simple code snippet in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder
6.1 Copy a snippet in the IDE
In the IDE type co for code.
All snippets begin with Code_.
When you click on them you will see a comment if there is one.
In the example above, you see two snippets.
A code in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder.
A code snippet in the xChartMini b4xlib library.
When you click on Code_MsgBoxWaitFor the code snippet is copied in the editor.
6 Code Snippets 144 B4X Language
6.2 Code Snippet examples
6.2.1 Simple code snippet in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder
Let us make a code snippet for a MessageBox with the Wait / For structure.
The code:
'Creates the code for a MsgBox with Wait For
Private sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("Message", "Title", "Positive", "Cancel",
"Negative", Null)
Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
End If
We save the code in a txt file in the AdditionalLibraries\B4X\Snippets folder with the name
The name of the file is what you see in the IDE after the Code_ prefix.
The comment in the IDE after (code snippet) is the first commented line in the code, this line is not
In the last but one line in the code you see $end$.
This is a special word which sets the cursor directly on its place when the snippet is copied, see
6 Code Snippets 145 B4X Language
6.2.2 Code snippet in a b4xlib library
It is a snippet for the xChartMini b4xlib library to create a line chart.
The code:
'Create a line chart with 3 lines
Private Sub CreateLineChart
' clear previous data
' initialize the line data
$xChart1$.AddLine("Random", xui.Color_Blue)
$xChart1$.AddLine("Cos", xui.Color_Red)
$xChart1$.AddLine("Sin", xui.Color_Magenta)
' set the max and min scale values
$xChart1$.YScaleMaxValue = 10
$xChart1$.YScaleMinValue = 0
' Add the line points.
Dim Val1, Val2, Val3 As Double
For i = 0 To 720 Step 15
' In the case of 2 lines or more we are adding an array of values.
' One for each line.
Val1 = Rnd(-100, 101) / 50 + 5
Val2 = 3 * CosD(i) + 5
Val3 = 4 * SinD(i) + 5
$xChart1$.AddLineMultiplePoints(i, Array As Double(Val1, Val2, Val3), i Mod 90 = 0)
' draw the chart
End Sub
In the code I use a variable $xChat1$, this is used as a placeholder for the xChart object in the code.
When the user copies the snippet in his code, $xChat1$ will be highlighted and the user can change
it. When he changes the first occurrence, all the others will be automatically updated.
The code is saved as a text file in the Snippets folder of the xChartMini b4xlib library with the
name CreateLineChartWith3Lines.
In the IDE we see:
Code_ this is the code snippet prefix.
xChartMini this is the name of the b4xlib library.
CreateLineChartWith3Lines this is the file name of the snippet.
Create a line chart with 3 lines this is the comment, it is the first line in the snippet code above.
6 Code Snippets 146 B4X Language
When we click on:
The code is copied into the IDE and the variable xChart1 is highlighted.
In red in this cas because xChart1 has not been declared.
When we change xChart1 into LineChart1, all xChart1 variables are updated.
LineChart1 has, of course, already been declared in the Class_Globals routine.
xChart1 is replaced by LineChart1, the color of LineChart1 is OK because the variable has already
been declared in the test project.
If the new variable had not yet been declared, the new variable will remain in red.
6 Code Snippets 147 B4X Language
6.3 Locations for code snippets
6.3.1 In a special Snippets subfolder in the AdditionalLibraries folder
The AdditionalLibraries folder structure with the Snippets subfolder:
Folder for B4A additional libraries.
Folder for B4i additional libraries.
Folder for B4J additional libraries.
Folder for B4R additional libraries.
Folder for B4X libraries.
Folder for Code Snippets. A subfolder in the B4X folder.
Folder for B4X libraries XML files.
6.3.2 In a b4xlib library
You can add code snippets in a b4xlib library by adding the snippet text files a Snippets folder in
the b4xlib zip file.
The structure of a b4xlib libraries is explained in the chapter B4X Libraries *.b4xlib.
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided 148 B4X Language
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided
"Code smells" are common patterns that can indicate that there is a problem in the code. A problem
doesn't mean that the code doesn't work, it might be that it will be difficult to maintain it or that
there are more elegant ways to implement the same thing.
Remember that not everything is clear cut and there are exceptions for any rule.
7.1 Initializing an object and then assigning a different object to the
same variable
Dim List1 As List
List1.Initialize '<-- a new list was created here
List1 = SomeOtherList '<--- previous list was replaced
Dim List1 As List = SomeOtherList
7.2 Deprecated methods - DoEvents, Msgbox
These methods are deprecated, so you should not these anymore.
More information here:
7.3 Deprecated methods - Map.GetKeyAt / GetValueAt
Deprecated methods - Map.GetKeyAt / GetValueAt - these methods were added before the For
Each loop was available. They are not cross platform and are not the correct way to work with
For i = 0 To Map1.Size - 1
Dim key As String = Map1.GetKeyAt(i)
Dim value As String = Map1.GetValueAt(i)
For Each key As String In Map1.Keys
Dim value As String = Map1.Get(key)
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided 149 B4X Language
7.4 File.DirDefaultExternal - This is always a mistake.
File.DirDefaultExternal - This is always a mistake. In most cases the correct folder should be
XUI.DefaultFolder (=File.DirInternal). If you do need to use the external storage then use
File.DirRootExternal - It will soon become inaccessible directly. If really needed then use
ContentChooser or ExternalStorage.
7.5 Not using parameterized queries
For database queries, use parametrized queries.
'very bad
SQL.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('" & EditText1.Text & "'") 'ugly, will
break if there is an apostrophe in the text and vulnerable to SQL injections.
'very good
SQL.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (?)", Array(EditText1.Text))
7.6 Using Cursor instead of ResultSet - Cursor
For database queries, use ResultSet instead of Cursor.
Cursor is a B4A only object. ResultSet is a bit simpler to use and is cross platform.
Dim rs As ResultSet = SQL.ExecQuery2(...)
Do While rs.NextRow
7.7 Building the complete layout programmatically
Building the complete layout programmatically. This is especially a mistake in B4J and B4i because
of the resize event and also if you want to build a cross platform solution. Layouts can be ported
very easily.
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided 150 B4X Language
7.8 Repeating the code
There are many patterns to this one and all of them are bad.
If b = False Then
Button1.Text = "disabled"
Button2.Text = "disabled"
Button3.Text = "disabled"
Button1.Enabled = False
Button2.Enabled = False
Button3.Enabled = False
Button1.Text = "enabled"
Button2.Text = "enabled"
Button3.Text = "enabled"
Button1.Enabled = True
Button2.Enabled = True
Button3.Enabled = True
End If
For Each btn As Button In Array(Button1, Button2, Button3)
btn.Enabled = b
If b Then btn.Text = "enabled" Else btn.Text = "disable"
7.9 Long strings without using smart strings
More information: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/50135/#content
Dim s As String = "This is the " & QUOTE & "first" & QUOTE & "line" & CRLF & _
"and this is the second one. The time is " & DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now) & "."
Dim s As String = $"This is the "first" line
and this is the second one. The time is $Time{DateTime.Now}."$
7.10 Using global variables when not needed
Job.Initialize(Me, "") 'global variable
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize(Me, "")
7.11 Not using Wait For when possible
Not using Wait For when possible. JobDone is a good example: [B4X] OkHttpUtils2 with Wait For
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided 151 B4X Language
7.12 Using code modules instead of classes
Code modules are very limited in B4A. In most cases you should use classes instead of code
modules. A code module is a single instance of a class.
7.13 Understanding booleans
'not elegant
Dim result As Boolean = DoingSomethingThatReturnTrueOrFalse
If result = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
' elegant
Return DoingSomethingThatReturnTrueOrFalse
7.14 Converting "random" bytes to strings
The only valid raw bytes that should be converted to a string, with BytesToString, are bytes that
represent text. In all other cases it is a mistake to convert to string. Even if it seems to work it will
later fail in other cases.
If you think that it is more complicated to work with raw bytes then you are not familiar with the
useful B4XBytesBuilder object: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xcollections-
7.15 Generating or parsing XML / JSON by hand.
Generating or parsing XML / JSON by hand. These formats are far from being trivial and with all
kinds of edge cases that no one remembers.
Dim s As String = "{""version"":""" & Version & """,""colors"":[""red"",""green"",""blue""]}"
Dim jg As JSONGenerator
jg.Initialize(CreateMap("colors": Array("red", "green", "blue"), "version": Version))
7 Code "smells" code to be avoided 152 B4X Language
7.16 Assuming that Maps preserve order
(Hash)Maps, unlike Lists or arrays, in the general case do not preserve order. It is inherent to the
way hash maps work and true in all programming languages. There are some exceptions in B4X
which are:
- B4A and B4J regular maps do preserve order.
- B4XOrderedMap from B4XCollections is built as a List + Map and it preserves order. It actually
allows sorting the keys, which can be useful in some cases.
A common case of confusion is JSON object(=Map) parsing and generation. The JSON specs
specifically "does not assign any significance to the ordering of name/value pairs".
8 Features that Erel recommends to avoid 153 B4X Language
8 Features that Erel recommends to avoid
Many things have changed in B4X and also in the underlying platforms. I will try to list here all
kinds of (old) features that have better alternatives.
B4X is backward compatible so these features still work. The recommendations are more relevant
for new projects or when implementing new features.
1. (B4A) ListView xCustomListView.
ListView is difficult to work with and cannot be customized. It is also not cross platform.
2. (B4i) TableView xCustomListView: same as above.
3. CustomListView module xCustomListView library.
Using the module will break other libraries.
4. Sub JobDone Wait For (j) JobDone.
[B4X] OkHttpUtils2 with Wait For
5. Sub Smtp_MessageSent (and others) Wait For ...
6. DoEvents / Msgbox DoEvents deprecated and async dialogs (msgbox)
7. All kinds of custom dialogs B4XDialogs.
B4XDialogs are cross platform and are fully customizable.
[B4X] Share your B4XDialog + templates theming code
8. File.DirDefaultExternal RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal.
9. File.DirRootExternal ContentChooser / SaveAs.
10. File.DirInternal / DirCache / DirLibrary / DirTemp / DirData XUI.DefaultFolder
11. Round2 NumberFormat, B4XFormatter
Most usages of Round2 are to format numbers. Modifying the number is not the correct
12. TextReader / TextWriter with network streams AsyncStreams
Trying to implement network communication on the main thread will always result in bad
13. TextReader / TextWriter File.ReadString / ReadList
Two exceptions - non-UTF8 files or huge files (more relevant to B4J).
8 Features that Erel recommends to avoid 154 B4X Language
14. Activities B4XPages
This is a big change and it is the most important one. It is hard to explain how much simpler
things are with B4XPages. The more complex the project the more important it is to use
B4XPages. This is also true when building non-cross platform projects. [B4X] [B4XPages]
What exactly does it solve?
15. Platform specific API Cross platform API.
This is of course relevant when there is a cross platform API. Some developers have a
misconception that the cross platform features have drawbacks compared to the platform
specific API.
- Node / Pane / Button / ... B4XView
- Canvas > B4XCanvas
- All kinds of platform specific custom views cross platform custom views (such as XUI
- EditText / TextField / TextArea / TextView B4XFloatTextField
- fx (and others) XUI
- MsgboxAsync / Msgbox2Async / (B4i) Msgbox XUI.MsgboxAsync /
16. CallSubDelayed to signal a completion of a resumable sub As ResumableSub.
[B4X] Resumable subs that return values (ResumableSub)
17. CallSubDelayed / CallSubPlus to do something a bit later Sleep(x).
18. Multiple layout variants anchors + designer script.
When Android was first released there were very few screen sizes. This is no longer the
case. You should build flexible layouts that fill any screen size. It is easier to do with
anchors + designer script. It is difficult to maintain multiple variants.
19. Building the layout programmatically using the designer when possible.
If you are only developing with B4A then building the layout programmatically is a mistake
but not a huge one.
B4J and B4i handle screen resizes differently and it is much more difficult to handle the
changes programmatically (there is video tutorial about it).
Most custom views can only be added with the designer (there are workarounds that allow
adding them programmatically).
It is very simple to copy and paste designer layouts between different platforms and
20. Multiline strings with concatenation smart strings.
[B4X] Smart String Literal
21. (SQL) Cursor ResultSet.
ResultSet is cross platform and is also a bit simpler to use.
22. ExecQuery (non-parameterized queries) ExecQuery2.
Making non-parameterized queries is really unacceptable. See point #5 for more
information: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ommon-mistakes-and-other-
It is also true for ExecNonQuery
8 Features that Erel recommends to avoid 155 B4X Language
23. ExecQuerySingleResult when it is possible that there are no results ExecQuery2.
This is a historic design mistake. Nulls and Strings don't go together. If there is a possibility
that ExecQuerySingleResult will return no results (=Null) then don't use it and use
ExecQuery2 instead.
24. Downloading / making http requests with any other library or source other than
OkHttpUtils2 (=iHttpUtils2) OkHttpUtils2.
OkHttpUtils2 is very powerful and can be extended in many ways, without modifying the
source. It is also very simple to use.
25. Shared modules folder referenced modules.
The shared modules feature was useful in the early days of B4X. With the introduction of
referenced modules, there is no good reason to use it. Referenced modules cover the same
use cases and more.
26. VideoView ExoPlayer
ExoPlayer is much more powerful and more customizable.
27. StartServiceAt / StartServiceAtExact StartReceiverAt / Exact
With a few exceptions, it is no longer possible to start services in the background.
9 Tips 156 B4X Language
9 Tips
These are Erels’ tips for B4X developers ([B4X] Tips for B4X developers).
9.1 Separate data from code
Putting the data directly into the code makes your program unreadable and less maintainable.
There are many simple ways to deal with data. For example you can add a text file to the Files tab
and read it to a List with:
Dim data As List = File.ReadList(File.DirAssets, "SomeFile.txt")
9.2 Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY principle).
If you find yourself copying and pasting the same code snippet multiple times and then making a
small change then it is a good idea to stop and try to find a more elegant solution.
Repeated code is difficult to maintain and update. The Sender keyword can help in many.
9.3 Map collection
All developers should know how to use a Map collection. This is by far the most useful collection.
Tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/map-collection-the-most-useful-
9.4 New technologies and features.
Don't be afraid to learn new things. As developers we always need to learn new things. Everything
is evolving whether we want it or not. I will give MQTT as a good example. I wasn't familiar with
this technology. When I started learning about it I was a amazed to see how easy and powerful this
solution is.
B4X specific features that all developers should be aware of:
- Smart strings literal: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/50135/#content
- For Each iterator: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/loops.57877/
- Classes: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/18626/#content
9.5 Logs
You should monitor the logs while your app is running. Especially if there is any error. If you are
unable to see the logs for some reason then take the time to solve it. Specifically with B4A-Bridge
the logs will only appear in Debug mode. If you encounter an issue that only happens in release
mode then you need to switch to usb debug mode.
9 Tips 157 B4X Language
9.6 B4A Avoid calling DoEvents.
DoEvents interferes with the internal message queue. It can cause unexpected issues. There are very
few cases where it is required. This was not the case when B4A v1.0 was released. Since then the
libraries have evolved and now offer better solutions. For example if the database operations are too
slow (and you are correctly using transactions) then you should switch to the asynchronous
methods. Or you should use Sleep or Wait For.
9.7 Strings are made of characters not bytes.
Don't try to store raw bytes as strings. It doesn't work. Use arrays of bytes instead. The proper way
to convert bytes to strings is with base 64 encoding or ByteConverter.HexFromBytes.
9.8 B4A Use services, especially the Starter service
Services are simpler than Activities. They are not paused and are almost always accessible.
Three general rules about global variables:
1. All non-UI related variables should be declared in Process_Globals.
2. Public (process_global) variables should be declared and set / initialized in Service_Create of the
Starter service.
3. Activity process globals should only be initialized if FirstTime is true.
This is only relevant to B4A. It is simpler in B4J and B4i as there is no special life cycle and the
modules are never paused.
9.9 UI Layouts
B4X provides several tools to help you implement flexible layouts that adapt to all screen sizes. The
main tools are: anchors and designer script. Avoid adding multiple variants (two are fine). Variants
were introduced in v1.00, before the other features. Variants are difficult to maintain and can be
replaced with scripts.
Anchors are very simple and powerful.
Don't overuse percentage units (unless you are building a game).
9.10 B4J as a backend solution.
B4A, B4i, B4J share the same language, same concepts and mostly the same APIs. It is also simple
to exchange data between the different platforms with B4XSerializator.
It is easy to implement powerful server solutions with B4J. Especially when the clients are
implemented with B4A, B4i or B4J.
9 Tips 158 B4X Language
9.11 Search.
Use the forum search feature. You can filter results by adding the platform(b4a for example) to the
query or by clicking on one of the filters in the results page.
Most of the questions asked in the forum can be solved with a few searches.
9.12 Notepad++.
At one point or another we need to work with text files. I highly recommend all developers to use a
good text editor that shows the encoding, the end of line characters and other important features.
9.12.1 Encoding
To show the current encoding of a text file, you can load it and then chlick in the menu on
Encoding. The current encoding is checked.
You can select another encoding and save the file.
9 Tips 159 B4X Language
This can be useful when you have csv files generated with Excel, which are encoded with ANSI
encoding, but, B4X uses UTF-8 encoding.
Original file:
Change the encoding and save the file with another file name.
When you reload this file and check the encoding, you will see this: