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Debugging your applications can be done in several ways.
By pressing on the left margin you can choose in which lines will the program stop.
When the program is running you can use Pause to make it pause on the next statement.
Stop button will quit the application.
Once the application is paused (Break Mode), you can see the value of the variables by making the cursor hover over them.
A tooltip will show the data.
Tooltips are limited to regular variables and one dimension arrays with a simple index.
For more complicated values (or expressions) use the watches at the bottom of the screen.
To return the cursor to the line where paused, press Pause again.
To continue running the application use Run or one of the step options.
Step will step to the next statement.
Step Over will not enter a nested Sub. (The application will enter the sub but it will not stop there.)
Step Out will exit the current sub. (Again, it will finish the current sub and then stop.)