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Minimizes the current application and shows the Today screen.
You can use this method to create background applications.
Note that you must use a timer to run ShowTodayScreen after sub App_Start ends.
Otherwise the form will show.
Syntax: ShowTodayScreen

Sub Globals
      'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub

Sub App_Start
      Form1.Text = "" 'Removes the application from the Running Programs.
      Timer1.Interval = 20
      Timer1.Enabled = true
      AddTimer("endTimer") 'this timer is used to end the application after 15 seconds.
      endTimer.Interval = 15000
      endTimer.Enabled = true
End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick
      Timer1.Enabled = false
End Sub

Sub endTimer_Tick
      endTimer.Enabled = false
      Msgbox("Quitting background application.")
End Sub