B4A Tutorial BLE - Heart Rate Monitor - Erel    Feb 29, 2016   (13 reactions) HeartRateMonitor class searches for peripherals with the heart rate service (0x180D).
Once a peripheral device is found and connected then a notification is set for the heart rate measurement characteristic (0x2A37).
The DataAvailable event is raised whenever the heart rate changes. The heart rate Wish BLE(Bluetooth low Energy) Lib for B4J - MList    Oct 24, 2022   (1 reaction) I would really appreciate a BLE Library for B4J. Or any possibility or example how to work with BLE data in B4J Thanks a lot Marion B4A Question BLE device not found - JohnC (first post)    May 31, 2020   (1 reaction) The "LE" is BLE means "Low Energy".
BLE devices are typically devices that run on a battery for many days, so they don't do a lot of intense computational or wireless communications (like phones/Bluetooth headsets do) because that would eat up the battery life too quickly.
For example, the electro B4A Question BLE - Communication with HM11 or HM10 - DannyMarom (first post)    Jun 04, 2024 Thank you
I tried it and data indeed reached the HM11. However:
1. Pairing took place without any authentication, name or password.
2. The example dose not include data transfer from the HM11 to the handset, I think I will manage with this.
BLE has got quite a few new terms. Mastering them is not B4A Question (BLE) Small difference between B4a and B4i in Event bleManeger_Disconnected. - Erel (first post)    Nov 28, 2022   (1 reaction) You should use the Disconnected event. The underlying SDK doesn't provide any explanation about the disconnection. B4A Question BLE - "Error starting scan" only on WIKO brand - Erel (first post)    Feb 19, 2018 The first error is not related to BLE. It looks like you are not creating the layout correctly. B4A Question Android-Bluetooth-Adruino communication (BLE) - stari (first post)    Mar 08, 2022 Android side:
Arduino side i make in MicroBasic PRO for AVR from MikroElektronika. Share My Creation BLE water meter and water leakage sensor - alexhi    Jan 04, 2021   (9 reactions) The device connects to water meters with pulse output and transmits data via BLE. The controller is powered by a 3.6V battery, which lasts for 3 years. The program receives data and displays it on the smartphone every 4 seconds. The device also contains a water leakage sensor with sound notification B4A Question Sending large data(BLE) - Erel (first post)    Jun 18, 2021 What is the output of:
Sub Manager_Connected (services As List)
End Sub
Have you set the event name to Manager? B4A Question Bluetooth (BLE) - Project needs development - Harris    Nov 28, 2022 For savy (Android / other) developers, please follow the link to Job Offers.
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ble-development-project-developer-required.144434/ Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |