B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD XUIScrollView2D - Star-Dust    Apr 30, 2024   (16 reactions) EventName As String, PanelParent As B4XView, Width As Int, Height As Int) Invalidate LoadLayout (LayoutFile As String) NumberOfViews As Int Parent As B4XView RemoveAllViews RemoveViewFromParent RequestFocus ScrollPositionX (X As Float) ScrollPositionY (Y As Float) SendToBack SetBitmap (bmp As B4XB B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib] SD_ShopListView - Star-Dust    Aug 31, 2023   (20 reactions) EventName As String) IsInitialized As Boolean LoadLayout (LayoutFile As String) NativeObject As Object NumberOfViews As Int Parent As B4XView RemoveAllViews RemoveViewFromParent RequestFocus SendToBack SetBitmap (bmp As B4XBitmap) SetColorAndBorder (Backgroundcolor As Int, BorderWidth As Int, Bo B4A Question can we generalize 'make CLV move smooth' java object for any other view movement ? - William Lancee (first post)    Aug 05, 2024   (1 reaction) It is simpler. A view as B4XView has a SetLayoutAnimated method. The following moves the button when pressed 300 to the right and 100 down in 3 seconds. (Button1 is declared as a B4XView) Private Sub Button1_Click Button1.SetLayoutAnimated(3000, Button1.Left + 300, Button1.top + 100, Button1.W B4J Question B4XView - It's not SetLayoutAnimated's fault... so what? - stevel05 (first post)    Jan 11, 2021   (1 reaction) To keep it centered, you would also need to change the font size as it shrinks. B4A Question B4XButton SetLayout - LucaMs (first post)    Dec 23, 2020   (2 reactions) ? You should have something like: Sub Process_Globals Private MyButton As B4XView '... End Sub MyButton.Left = MyButton.SetLayoutAnimated( B4A Question How to capture a snapshot of BCTextEngine - Erel (first post)    Oct 18, 2020   (1 reaction) No. No.
Dim v As B4XView = BBCodeView1.ForegroundImageView
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, v.width, v.height)
That's true. Only the text is drawn on ForegroundImageView. The images and other views are added as views to the internal ScrollView. With some work, you can get the views positions and dr B4i Question B4XPages - run a sub on .ShowPage - luke2012 (first post)    Nov 19, 2021 UPDATE: I think I solved it by carefully reading Erel's tutorial (B4XPages).
Private Sub CreateItem (cfv As CardFullValue) As B4XView
Private pnl As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
'pnl.SetLayoutAnimated (0,0,0,100%x, 100%y)
pnl.SetLayoutAnimated (0,0,0,Root.Width, Root.Height)
B4i Question Picture overlay edge transparent - Erel (first post)    Oct 06, 2021 Very bad: #if B4j ImageView1.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,ImageView1.Top,Root.Width,Root.Height-ImageView1.Top) #else if B4i ImageView1.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,ImageView1.Top,Root.Width,Root.Height-ImageView1.Top) #end if Very good: change its type to B4XView. Add: Task.Skip B4A Question How to change text of a Label via animation? - Erel (first post)    Nov 10, 2020   (2 reactions) lbl2.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 100%x, lbl1.Top, lbl2.Width, lbl2.Height)
lbl2.SetLayoutAnimated(1000, lbl1.Left, lbl1.Top, lbl2.Width, lbl2.Height)
lbl1.SetLayoutAnimated(1000, -lbl1.Width, lbl1.Top, lbl1.Width, lbl1.Height)
Make sure to declare them as B4XViews. B4i Question lmB4XImageView Error - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Apr 08, 2024 @LucaMs dont use pane or panel, use B4XView for panels and labels. Only then its 100% B4X. 152533 Because .SetLayoutAnimated on B4I for the Panel has one more paramater. So I don't know why you are turning the B4XView into a panel or pane again. Even if you need to access platform-specific things, y Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |