B4J Tutorial [B4X] Custom Views with Enhanced Designer Support - Erel    Jul 04, 2019   (31 reactions) https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2016-01-14_16.16.18.png
Custom views are implemented as B4X classes or in a library.
A custom view includes a set of properties that can be set from the visual designer.
Note that the visual designer will show a box instead of the actual view.
Using cust B4A Tutorial [B4X] How to get <custom view here> from <CLV or any other container> - Erel    Sep 10, 2020   (21 reactions) This is a common question and for a good reason.
Custom views classes are not views by themselves.
The views tree only holds views.
This means that this code cannot work:
Dim B4XFloatTextField1 As B4XFloatTextField = CLV.GetPanel(x).GetView(y)
The actual view that is added to the views tree, with B4J Library [B4X][CustomView] xInstrumentationStateIndicator - rwblinn    Dec 04, 2021   (8 reactions) is an open source B4X Library. The (Custom View) purpose is to display a device state or to set a device state via touch or mouse click. A device could be basically anything which can have a state true or false. 121680 See code example below. Features Define one or more indicators - one for each B4A Question Native Input Dialogs Android (No B4XDialogs) - Cableguy (first post)    Dec 26, 2020 Just search for custom view dialog... A custom view is basically the mix of 2 or more views to achieve a "missing" behaviour in B4X... The one you are aiming can be achieve by creating a customviem and add a Label to display the warning and an inputTextView to enter the text and a couple of button Wish Custom Views File FieldType for DesignerProperties - Cableguy    Dec 19, 2020   (2 reactions) Hi @Erel
Picking up from this wish I further explain the possible usage and why it should have already be implemented...
A custom view is, most of the times, a mix of functionalities from several other views, like the some text input fields mixed up with buttons, or combo views...
In some more co B4A Question [B4X] BBListItem - BCTextEngine inside CLV (Help please) - William Lancee (first post)    Oct 21, 2023 Custom views are objects but not views. The view is stored in the tag of the base of the object. See: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-how-to-get-custom-view-here-from-clv-or-any-other-container.117992/ Other Custom View - Changing name of a key of Props. - LucaMs (first post)    Jun 29, 2022 It was the case just during the development of a new custom view (it was a question today in the Italian forum)
It is not very important; it was enough to explain the reason for the error received and how to fix it. B4A Question Get Custom View - Erel (first post)    Aug 06, 2018   (1 reaction) This will not work. The custom view class is not a view by itself.
A simple way to solve it is by setting the Tag property of the base panel or in the case of AutoTextSizeLabel the Label (the base panel is removed) to the class instance in DesignerCreateView:
mLBL.Tag = Me
This allows you to get Wish Official Custom Views - Visibility. - klaus (first post)    Sep 29, 2024   (1 reaction) I agree with you, for newcomers it is not easy to distinguish between standard views and CustomViews which have no direct access to the most standard properties like Left, Top and even Width and Height as you report, but more specialized properties which need to get used to them, using the indirect B4J Question Retrieving the "Name" property of a custom view - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Apr 17, 2023 When you create the custom view, you can save a reference to the view. You can then put this in a map where the key is the name you would want to use.
You can create the view either programmatically or via a layout (recommended) using this sort of technique
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