B4A Class Open Street Map viewer - GPS - spsp    Mar 17, 2021   (61 reactions)
- Button Menu
- Grid
- Center
- GPS position and bearing
Event :
- ready
- Lat/lng changed
- Zoom...
- Button Menu clicked
- Scale clicked
- Compass Clicked
- GPS Clicked
Tile Server
2 new properties... for the compass and gps
How to use it :
- Just add the cvMap custom view with the designer... B4A Tutorial GPS tutorial - Erel    Dec 13, 2019   (22 reactions)   tags: gps, Erel This example shows how to work with the GPS library. 45297 The GPS object is declared in the Starter service. It is easier to put the GPS in a service and not in an Activity as the services life... Activity_Resume If Starter.GPS1.GPSEnabled = False Then ToastMessageShow("Please enable the GPS device.", True) StartActivity(Starter.GPS1.LocationSettingsIntent) 'Will... As Boolean) If Result Then CallSubDelayed(Starter, "StartGPS") End If End Sub If not... Share My Creation [B4X] ShareYourSpot (GPS, FLP, MQTT) 0$ - Magma    Jun 27, 2024   (27 reactions) 135074 Hi there, another simple app for learning purposes created... ShareYourSpot it is working at B4J and B4A... At B4J i haven't any USB GPS to get location (not including code how will do that, maybe using jserial and reading nmea strings) - so location giving with mouse click..... sharing them with MQTT Broker with AES Encryption... What Exactly do that APP ? - Get GPS... B4A... as i know "nowdays" you can make one for both... Using a lot of libs... FLP, GPS, B4XEncryption... B4i Tutorial Location & GPS - Erel    Feb 16, 2022   (5 reactions) The iLocation library allows you to get the current known location and to monitor location updates. You can also monitor the device heading direction. As the location is considered a private information, you can only get the location if the user has allowed you to get the location. This type of authorization is different than Android permissions system. At runtime the user can decide whether to a... B4A Question [SOLVED] - Android 10 - Background GPS/Ble scans stop getting data after 1 hr - Jmu5667    Jan 19, 2021 . Hello All I have a gps service and a ble service. They run every 5 minutes from a main service.... Both the BLE and GPS do not give any results for their scanning i.e No Beacons found and No GPS.../>) AddManifestText(<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.location.gps"/>...(), tmrServiceHelper_tick, STARTING svc_gps SERVICE *** Service (svc_gps) Create *** 01/08/2021 10:12:19.412 - Atlas SOS - svc_gps(), Service_Create ** Service (svc_gps) Start ** 01/08/2021 10:12:19... B4A Library GNSS library - an updated GPS library - agraham    Sep 15, 2022   (41 reactions) The GNSSS library is an updated GPS library that allows you to get information about visible... on when they were designed. Devices from 2019 and later will probably recognise all four of the GPS... the original GpsStatus event. To access additional data on the satellites a new GnssStatus event... of the original GPS library and can be used as a drop-in replacement for the GPS library merely by deselecting the GPS library, selecting the GNSS library and changing the GPS type to GNSS in the code. In... B4A Question Continous background GPS tracking - Mike1970    Oct 18, 2019 Hi everyone, i'm coding an app for quite a whille (before the update), and i quitted beacuse the SO kill my foreground process while the app is in background, so after an random period of time it stop working. I wish to know if there is a way with the new update to prevent the OS to kill my process/service (I already tried the Erel's example of gps tracking, my phone kill even that after a while. My phone: Meizu m5c)... B4A Question How to calculate distance between 2 GPS coordinates? - incendio    Mar 24, 2020 Hi guys, I'm newbie in this GPS things. Suppose, there's 2 coodinates, A & B. A : LAT 35:24, LON 36:20 B : LAT 30:10, LON 25:04 How to calculate distance in meters between A & B?... Share My Creation GPS Example - klaus    Apr 5, 2024   (27 reactions)   tags: gps more restrictive. Here is a GPS Example program with following functions: Connect the GPS Get and display GPS information Save a GPS path (program internal GPP format and Google Earth KML format) Display the available satellites Display Google maps Display a GPS path on the map Shows current GPS... always visible. Image GPS_3. Touching a button changes it's color and shows a tooltip on top... a button function without executing it. Image GPS_4 Touching some buttons displays 'subbuttons... B4A Class [B4X] GPSPolyMap - check if GPS location is inside a polygon - Biswajit    May 11, 2020   (19 reactions) With this class, you can check if the GPS location coordinate is inside a polygon. You can use this class to check whether the user is inside a building, shopping mall or any custom shape. This class is only for B4A and B4I. Here is how can you get the coordinates of an establishment (school, office, shopping mall or your own house): Open google map. Search for the establishment in which... GPS1_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location) Log(gpm.isInside(Location1.Latitude,Location1... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |