B4A Library NotificationListener library (NotificationListenerService) - Erel    Jul 07, 2024   (17 reactions) The NotificationListener library allows you to access the device notifications.
With this library you can listen to new notifications and removed notifications.
You can also clear existing notifications.
There are some steps that you need to follow in order to use this feature:
- Make sure that t B4J Question Listening for Events - Erel (first post)    Apr 26, 2016   (1 reaction) NotificationListener is not related.
The "correct" way is to move txtSomeName to the class (as a global variable) and then handle its events in the class code.
A not so simple example: https://www.b4x.-class.36778/#content B4A Question simple notification action - drgottjr    Jul 04, 2017 B4A. just point me, please:
i have a service that streams network audio. when user moves away from main to check email while still continuing to listen to the radio, a notification indicates that if she taps it, the service will stop the audio play (not the service, just the play). whether or no B4A Question NotificationListerner on Android 4 - Azam Memon    Apr 03, 2020 Hi,
I have an optional feature in my app to listen to Notifications, I have used NotificationListener for that, which should be enabled only on API >=19 by the user and this option won't appear on API < 19. But when I run my app on android 4 (API < 19), I am getting an error, which is same on Notif B4i Question How to do Notification Listen from my app - Erel (first post)    Jun 02, 2016 This is not related to the notification messages that the user sees. You cannot listen to those messages. B4A Question Problem with "notification" from a Foreground Service - Alessandra Pellegri    Mar 13, 2018 I put my code: Sub Process_Globals Dim n As Notification End Sub .... n.Initialize n.SetInfo("Trova",DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now),Me) n.Notify(1) .... I can listen the notification sound from the phone but nothing appears in the notification bar. Somebody has an idea ab B4A Question #StartAtBoot: true doesn't work with android 9 - MarkusR (first post)    Oct 14, 2019 the Notification indicate that the service is running #Region Service Attributes #StartAtBoot: True #End Region Sub Process_Globals Dim PhoneWakeState1 As PhoneWakeState Dim PhoneEvents1 As PhoneEvents End Sub Sub Service_Start(StartingIntent As Intent) Dim n As Notification B4A Question android service that turns the screen back on and starts the app - tmtube73 (first post)    Mar 30, 2020 I noticed that if I comment on these 2 lines
'Notification1.SetInfo ("SMS reception", "listening", Main)
'Service.StartForeground (1, Notification1)
the app works and when i receive sms with text "123" I open a teastmessage ("message received", True) but I don't see the icon at the top in the statu B4A Question FCM - how to make Firbase data configurable at run-time? - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Oct 07, 2021 In this case I would have 1 firebase account and use different topics for each customer. So at startup a TOPIC_PREFIX is read. in the send notification code the TOPIC_PREFIX is added to the TOPIC NAME. Each client app listens to their own item with TOPIC_PREFIX+topic. Example Client1 - TopicPre B4A Question Polar H7 Data - Erel (first post)    Jan 05, 2016 You can use Manager.SetNotify to starting listening for notifications. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |