German SDK-Manager Timeout - DonManfred (first post)    Nov 11, 2024 Nicht bei mir. Hier klappt´s.
Evtl. mal deine Firewall/Antivirus checken... B4A Question To use SDK in .jar file that is dependent with .so files. - locxtronic (first post)    Nov 21, 2024 The SDK is for fingerprint reader, i attached the whole sdk folder i get from the manufacturer. It is intended to be use in android studio, but due to my limitation capabilities in java programming i want to use it in B4A. Spanish [SOLUCIONADO]Impresora ticket - TILogistic (first post)    Dec 15, 2020   (1 reaction) Puedes mirar el SDK (Creo que viene para distintos SO) y ver que hacen la funciones para android. Otra es mirar los APK con Por ultimo Publica aquí los APK, para verlos Saludos, B4A Question dji library - shb777 (first post)    Mar 28, 2018 added this line sdk.Initialize("sdk") also this #BridgeLogger: true #MultiDex: true #AdditionalJar: dji-sdk-provided-4.4.1, ReferenceOnly but I just tested it and I'm still getting the distance and altitude limits. Also, I kept getting check app on remote control. but was connected. B4A Question Problems with WxPay SDK (WeChat Pay) - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 04, 2017   (1 reaction) This is the Android SDK Spanish error SDK [Solucionado] - josejad (first post)    Mar 23, 2021 Lo has instalado en una carpeta con espacios en el nombre?
Prueba tal y como sugieren e las instrucciones en c:/java B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - DonManfred (first post)    Aug 12, 2017   (2 reactions) PhilipsHUE SDK B4A Question DJI sdk : get camera histograms - JordiCP (first post)    Apr 06, 2021   (1 reaction) Try this
Dim callback As Object = myCam.CreateEventFromUI("$HistogramCallback", "histogram",Null) Tool Ready to run SDK - Erel    Oct 07, 2020   (13 reactions) Don't use this. Follow these instructions: 1. By downloading this SDK you agree to Android Command Line Tools license: Terms and Conditions This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement 1. Introduction 1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referre Spanish sdk - freyman    Jun 03, 2015 hola gente tengo un problema y espero me puedan ayudar.
Hace no mucho tiempo comience a utilizar b4a y hay varias cositas que todavía no conozco, una de estas es el importar o agregar sdk de aplicaciones externas, en este caso el de facebook; si alguien sabe como hacerlo le agradecería enormemente
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