B4A Question SLC Tool and Structures - Alberto Iglesias    Sep 17, 2015 I normally use the SLC, but with with library I need to use the .so files embedded in this library, I don´t know if with SLC is it possible, then I take a look in eclipse way. What you recommend with this scenario? B4A Library + libxxxxxx.so How to compile with SLC? And where is .so file is saved? The structure for that?... B4A Library [Tool] Simple Library Compiler - Build libraries without Eclipse - Erel    Sep 27, 2024   (52 reactions)   tags: library, Lib, SimpleLibraryCompiler The purpose of Simple Library Compiler (SLC) is to make it easier to build libraries. SLC... to use Using SLC is quite simple. The main project folder should include a folder named src and...-02_10.01.50.png V1.14 - Fixes an issue with running SLC from command line. V1.13 - Added a field to....0_211\bin\javac.exe V1.12 (B4A) - source and target raised to Java 8. V1.11 - SLC tools compiled with .Net...: www.b4x.com/android/files/SimpleLibraryCompiler.zip You should use Java 8 with SLC (at least when... B4A Question Doesn't SLC tool support void method and no parameter method? - teddybear    Feb 7, 2022 I'm learning slc tool, according to SLC FirstLib example it works well. I want to add a member and 2 methods-set ,get. SLC compiled is successfully, but the xml seems to have some problems... B4A Question [Tool] Simple Library Compiler (SLC) - Version 1.13 wrong XML file directory - MicroDrie    Aug 6, 2024 be found.
Only SLC version 1.13 no longer takes over the defined location like "D:\Data\1 B4X\MyDir....xml.
What I also noticed is that SLC didn't work with the given maven reference, I had to put... Wish [SOLVED] SLC & support for comment blocks (with /** ... */) - tchart    Jun 11, 2024 I know that SLC supports multi-line comments using // but it would be great if it could also... using block comments ie /** & */ which SLC doesnt process - example below.
154538... B4J Question [ JServer 4 ] How do I recompile jserver 4 with SLC? - Waldemar Lima    Nov 14, 2023 Hello, I currently noticed that it is possible to recompile some libs with the Simple Library Compil... B4J Question How to fix SLC "error: BA is abstract; cannot be instantiated" - MicroDrie    May 12, 2023 I have installed the 64 bit version 9.40 of B4J. Because I also want to create the JavaDoc with SLC... routine with SLC gives the following error:
Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.8.0_361
D... B4J Question SLC BADoclet.writeClass java.lang.NullPointerException - MicroDrie    Apr 16, 2023 When I try to create a jar file with SLC, this part goes to creating the xml documentation file. I have the latest software version of both the SLC program and the C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8... Java Question SLC unmappeable character - DonManfred    Mar 25, 2016 .put('#', new TransformPattern("", false, false)); But when i compile with SLC it is changed to the above (only for slc. if i open the file in eclipse or even Notepad++ i see... the code as it is not a comment What can i do to bring slc to compile this library? Or: where is my... Java Question SLC .aar lib and .so file - warwound    Nov 22, 2016 I'm wrapping part of the GoogleVR SDK and have a problem with the VrVideoView class: https://developers.google.com/vr/android/reference/com/google/vr/sdk/widgets/video/VrVideoView I started with the working demo project and created a wrapper. The demo depends on 3 .aar libs from the GoogleVR SDK: common.aar, commonwidget.aar and videowidget.aar. videowidget.aar contains a native .so library file and i'm unable to get this library to compile into my .apk (i'm using SLC to compile my... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |