B4i Library [class] SearchView - Erel    Feb 01, 2016   (6 reactions) This class is similar to B4A SearchView class. It allows the user to filter a list of items based on a term (prefix matches first followed by other matches).
It uses the new RichString class to highlight the matching terms. Note that the scrolling and filtering performance in release mode are very B4i Question Slow launch - Erel (first post)    Jun 29, 2015   (1 reaction) SearchView builds an index that maps between short strings and the matching values. This allows it to very quickly find relevant results.
MIN_LIMIT is probably the one that makes it quicker. It means that it will only start searching for results when there are at least MIN_LIMIT characters. The lar B4i Question iTableView - yves67 (first post)    Feb 22, 2017 Hello,
OK, I have read a lot all the questions on the forum about iTableView and SearchView but I am lost...
let me explain my concern:
iTableView is to display a table with iUI8
and Searchview is to find an occurence in a list (items)
now how can I display a table with a textfield to search in thi B4i Question Similar to searchview ( with pic ) - Erel (first post)    Apr 10, 2018   (1 reaction) It shouldn't be complicated to do it. You will need to make a few changes in SearchView code.
The indexing and search speed will not be affected. Make sure not too show too many items at once and avoid loading large bitmaps.
The items are added in AddItemsToList.
You can create a global map that B4i Question Searchview question - tufanv    Jun 22, 2015 Hello
I am using searchview as a textbox to list some items while typing. my problem is while i ca select from the designer a normal textbox's keyboard type as : ascii capable and returnkey as DONE , I cant select anything for searchview's textbox as it is not listed in the visual designer. How can B4i Question Searchview alpha - Erel (first post)    Jan 11, 2016   (1 reaction) Press ctrl + p (clean project) after you make the change and it will work fine. B4i Question searchview visible or removeviewfromparent - Erel (first post)    Jan 19, 2016 SearchView is added to a panel. You can hide or remove the panel to hide SearchView. B4i Question Autocompletetext - Erel (first post)    Feb 25, 2015   (1 reaction) Use SearchView: SearchView B4i Question Searchview Scroll to top - tufanv    Jun 28, 2022 Hello, I want the list to scroll to top everytime searchview is loaded. In searchview module, I tried to set lv.scrollto but it needs a section (and row) to scroll to but I don't use sections there. Is there an easier way to scroll to top for this? Best, edit: I have managed to use this sub to ca B4i Question about searchview - Erel (first post)    Oct 29, 2015 Yes. Make sure to save the file encoded in UTF8 (or use File.ReadString2 with the correct encoding). Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |