Games [XUI2D] Example Pack - Erel    Oct 2, 2022   (33 reactions)   tags: example games, XUI2D Games Updated thread based on X2 v2.0+: Examples: - Hello world (based on Tiled) - Clumsy bird - Mario - Space Invaders - Walking Character - Tiles Map - Joints 1 - Tank Attack - Monster Truck - Ilan's First App - Drawing lines - Newton's Cradle - Collisions - Hello World with tiles based background - Floating Bodies - Mouse... packed as a single b4x lib. 300267245 The examples pack is a single zip with all the XUI2D examples... B4A Library [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs - Erel    Dec 12, 2023   (82 reactions)   tags: B4X XUI Views Dialogs, xui, XUI Views 311915599 XUI Views is a b4x library ( End Sub Private Sub Application_Background Dialog.Close(XUI.DialogResponse_Cancel) End Sub... = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK And Dialog.Close(XUI.DialogResponse_Cancel) Then Return True Return... Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) Dialog.Close (XUI.DialogResponse_Cancel) End Sub B4J: Sub...: (instructions - B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] xCustomListView - cross platform CustomListView - Erel    Dec 24, 2023   (46 reactions)   tags: CustomListView, xcutomlistbox card, xuiCLV, CUSTOMLIST, Erel, XUI xCustomListView is an implementation of CustomListView based on XUI library. It provides all the features... items: Libraries such as XUI Views depend on the library and will not work properly with the module... Games [XUI2D] X2 v2.0 - 2021 - Erel    Jul 22, 2022   (24 reactions) - Touchy - - Tank Attack - - Collisions - - LargeBackground - - Breakout - Games [XUI2D] Cross platform tips - Erel    Dec 19, 2018   (17 reactions)   tags: b4x folder structure XUI2D allows us to develop games that run on B4A, B4J and B4i. This tutorial will explain... they will be updated automatically when we run the project. Tips - B4A and B4J XUI2D library is based on jBox2D. B4i iXUI2D is based on the C++ box2d. In most cases the behavior will be the same. However... on all platforms. Especially when you test performance. - B4A is the only platform where XUI.Scale.... Not just XUI2D.... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [XUI] CustomListView - lazy loading / virtualization - Erel    Nov 16, 2023   (38 reactions)   tags: customlist view card, CustomListView, Virtualiza, XCustomListView, xuiCLV, B4X = xui.CreatePanel("") p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, CLV1.AsView.Width, 280dip....Text = cd.Title lblContent.Text = cd.Content SetColorStateList(lblAction1, xui.Color_LightGray, lblAction1.TextColor) SetColorStateList(lblAction2, xui.Color_LightGray, lblAction2.TextColor) ImageView1.SetBitmap(xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, cd... SetColorStateList(lblAction1, xui.Color_LightGray, lblAction1.TextColor... Games [XUI2D] To Collide or Not To Collide - Erel    Sep 12, 2018   (6 reactions)   tags: Box2d Collision pack: B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ViewPager based on xCustomListView - Alexander Stolte    Sep 18, 2024   (49 reactions) to change the page. On B4I you need the GestureRecognizer class. Download it down below. B4j: jXUI,JavaObject,jPager,jReflection B4a: XUi,Reflection,xCustomListView B4i: iXUI,xCustomListView... B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xChart Class and b4xlib - klaus    Jul 10, 2024   (103 reactions)   tags: Klaus, B4X xChart Class : xChartMini. Learning B4XViews and XUI, I wrote this CustomView xChart Class. It is an evolution... Close values are above or below the Low and High values. It must be a xui.Color value, FF0000FF (Blue) = default value. Example code: CandleChart1.CandleWickColor = xui.Color_Black CandleWickWidth... ChartBackgroundColor As Int sets the ChartBackgroundColor property the color must be an xui.Color Example code: <code>xChart1.ChartBackgroundColor = xui.Color_RGB(207, 220, 220)</code> ChartType As String... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Scheduler 📅 - MonthView, DayView (Week), AgendaView and CalendarView [Payware] - Alexander Stolte    Apr 2, 2024   (31 reactions) : B4j: jXUI,jDateUtils,xCustomListView,ASViewPager,jSQL B4a: XUi,DateUtils,Reflection,xCustomListView,ASViewPager,SQL B4i: iXUI,iDateUtils,xCustomListView,ASViewPager,iSQL Make sure you are using ASViewPager V1.31...>ASScheduler_DayView1.API.CreateAppointment(ASSchedulerUtils.CreateASScheduler_Appointment(0,"Test Item 1",xui....CreateASScheduler_AppointmentRecurring(0,"Test Item 1",xui.Color_ARGB(255,45, 136, 121),False,,DateTime... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |