B4A Library [class] ContactsUtils - Provides read / write access to the stored contacts - Erel    Aug 26, 2016   (13 reactions) ContactsUtils is a class based on ContentResolver library. ContactsUtils allows you to read all kinds of information from the device stored contacts and also to modify the information, add new contacts and delete existing contacts. Most of the methods expect a contact id. You can get this id by calling one of the Find methods. All the Find methods return a List that holds cuContact items. The cuContact object holds the contact name and id. With that id you can get more information, add or... B4A Library android_contact_picker - somed3v3loper    Sep 4, 2016   (12 reactions) A wrapper for this project https://github.com/codinguser/android_contact_picker Easily display and retrieve contact information on Android ContactsPicker Author: SMM Version: 0.02 ContactsPicker Events: _result (result As intent) Methods: Initialize (EventName As String) SelectContact Permissions: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS It seems that this library uses appcompat so I got....codinguser.android.contactpicker.ContactsPickerActivity" />) ... B4A Question Accessing contact list with library ContactUtils - walt61 (first post)    Aug 20, 2021   (2 reactions) And with some extensions, here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4a-class-contacts-wmcontactsutils-enhanced-contactsutils.130274/... B4A Question Where are you Contacts library? - susu    Dec 23, 2010 Now we got Camera lib, BlueTooth lib, Twitter lib... even the TTS lib but where is the Contacts lib??? :BangHead:... B4A Library fgContacts (Contacts-Library) - MODERN TALKING (first post)    Oct 18, 2017 Thank you so much Filippo :)... B4A Question ContactsRawConstants library - Erel (first post)    Sep 1, 2022 You can find all libraries with the site search: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/pages/results/?query=ContactsRawConstants&prefix=1,2,3,17,24,29
If you don't find a library then it doesn't exist, like in this case.... B4A Library [Lib] Contacts (OPEN SOURCE) - Serjoscha Bald    Aug 26, 2016   (10 reactions) Hi everyone, here is my first library "Contacts", written in the great B4A editor. It's a redesign and enhancement of the great "ContactUtils" class from Erel. What can you do with this library: With this library you can add / remove / find / edit contacts. In the contacts you can: - add / get / remove address entries - add / get / remove email address entries - add....READ_CONTACTS") AddPermission("android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS") 'if write access... B4A Library AndroidProviders (Calendars, Contacts, Calls Log, Telephony, SMS, MMS and more - DonManfred    Mar 14, 2016   (22 reactions) ContactsProvider Methods: Initialize IsInitialized As Boolean Permissions: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS Properties: Contacts As Cursor DictionaryProvider Methods: Initialize... Contacts. ALL other Providers can be used similar. Sub Globals 'These global variables... from this module. Dim contp As ContactsProvider End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean... As Cursor c = contp.Contacts If c.RowCount > 0 Then For i = 0 To c.RowCount-1... B4A Library Beta Demo: Contacts and SMS backup library - thedesolatesoul    Dec 9, 2012   (9 reactions) I wrote this library to back up SMS messages and contacts.
It uses Content providers. I think... hard.
This library will backup SMS/Contacts to a CSV file. (so you can use this backup on your PC... apps use this same method to do the backup.
You can use it as a contacts creator library too, if... B4A Class Contact Picker - Pooya1    Aug 16, 2018   (7 reactions)   tags: Contacts Hi I convert all code about select contact to single class easily This class need to ContactUtils. Example : Dim a As ContactPicker a.Initialize(Me,"contact") a.ShowPicker Sub contact_contactchooser(contact As Contact) Log(contact) End Sub... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |