B4A Library Dialogs2 library - an update to the original Dialogs library - agraham    Oct 07, 2021   (44 reactions) Note the separate download for an updated Dialogs2 class that fixes a bug in the original.
I wrote the original Dialogs library many moons ago and it has suffered with age owing to the changes made to Android and B4A over the years despite the administrations of several other people.
Although moda B4A Library Dialogs library - agraham    Dec 07, 2017   (34 reactions) This library contains several modal, that is blocking, dialogs by which the user can enter data. Presently they are an InputDialog for numbers and text, a TimeDialog for times and and a DateDialog for dates.
Note that modal dialogs can close unexpectedly and not return to your code if the Activity B4A Library SD: Dialogs - Star-Dust    Jun 01, 2019   (17 reactions) (No WRAP, No Java Only B4A)
I finally finished my first Library. I suppose it's full of bugs. I rely on your messages and your benevolence (Do not be too bad with me)
There are already many Dialogs libraries already, but since B4A 7.01 is available, the question arises. How do people who have an B4A Library [Lib] BetterDialogs - Informatix    Apr 11, 2016   (29 reactions) - The BodyWidth and BodyHeight parameters defines now accurately the size of the dialog body.
- I added a "closing" event raised just before a custom dialog is dismissed. You can cancel the closure by returning False.
- I added the "DlgResponse" parameter to the Closing event.
This l Share My Creation GPS Example - klaus (first post)    Apr 05, 2024   (2 reactions) You need the Dialogs library.
Be aware that this program is a very old one and many things have evolved in B4A and GPS.
The program uses a WebView to display the map, this was before the GoogleMaps library was released.
And now, to use GoogleMaps library you need a registration from Google.
I do not B4A Question Dialogs2 library - agraham (first post)    Feb 26, 2022   (1 reaction) No.You could add it yourself to the TimeDialog2 class in the Dialogs demo. B4A Library Material Dialogs - Make your dialogs nice - corwin42    Mar 09, 2017   (38 reactions) I think this library is the third attempt in this forum to wrap the excellent afollestad Material Dialogs library.
The difference to the other library wrappers is that this one is (except of some minor features) a complete wrap including file- and folder choosers, color chooser and a complete wrap B4A Library fgCustomDialog ( Modal-Dialog) - Erel (first post)    Jun 02, 2017   (1 reaction) The Dialogs library is based on the native AlertDialog implementation. The back key is handled by the OS in this case. B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - agraham (first post)    Aug 19, 2021   (7 reactions) Dialogs2 v1.2 posted. FileDialog now has a TextSize property.
Dialogs2 library - an update to the original Dialogs library | B4X Programming Forum B4A Class [B4A] DOListDialog - simple and customisable class - Dave O    May 15, 2024   (9 reactions) DOListDialog is a free class that makes it easy to display a list dialog. Features: - Easy to use: supply a title and a list and you're good to go. - Auto-size the dialog to the minimum width or height needed, or leave it full-size. - Show or hide the Cancel button as needed. - Customize the visual Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |