B4A Library MaterialCircleProgress - DonManfred    Jun 06, 2015   (12 reactions) For example:
p1.Colors = Array As Int(Colors.Red,Colors.Blue,Colors.Green,Colors.Yellow)
p1.CircleBackgroundEnabled = False
p1.ProgressStrokeWidth = 5dip
p1.Sh B4A Code Snippet Material Design Colors - ivan.tellez    May 12, 2015   (10 reactions) 168, 37), 900, Colors.rgb(245, 127, 23) ))
MaterialColors(13) = A2M(Array As Object(50, Colors.rgb(255, 248, 225), 100, Colors.rgb(255, 236, 179), 200, Colors.rgb(255, 224, 130), 300, Colors.rgb(255, 213, 79), 400, Colors.rgb(255, 202, 40), 500, Colors.rgb(255, 193, 7), 600, Colors.rgb(255, 179, 0), B4A Library Material AnimatedSwitch - DonManfred    Jun 18, 2015   (13 reactions) Activity.LoadLayout("Layout1")
aSwitch1.BallColorPress = Colors.Red
aSwitch1.BallColorRelease = Colors.Green
aSwitch1.BaseColorPress = Colors.Blue
aSwitch1.BaseColorRelease = Colors.Magenta
aswitch2.BallColorPress = Colors.Cyan
aswitch2.BallColorRelease = Colors.DarkGray
B4A Library Material Colors - tchart    May 15, 2015   (7 reactions) 34055
A quick library that allows quick selection of Material Colours. The official colours are documented here (from the Google palette);
All I've done is created a library to allow easy access.
Usage is like this;
Dim mc As MaterialColors
Activity.Color = mc.md B4A Question CLVSwipe icon - Erel (first post)    Feb 09, 2023   (1 reaction) 139082
1. The keys in the Map should be strings, not chars:
Swipe.ActionColors = CreateMap(Chr(0xE3C9).As(String): xui.Color_Red, Chr(0xE3C8).As(String): xui.Color_Yellow)
2. The logs cannot show material icons characters.
Select Asc(ActionText)
Case 0xE3C9:
End Select B4A Library Beauty Material Spinner - Spinner with more custom - hoiketoan95    Mar 12, 2021   (7 reactions) I want to custom more spinner because i dont like default spinner So i wrapper this library to better and nice spinner (https://github.) Features: - Custom font, colors, animation, change arrow down,.... 109508 Activity.LoadLayout("Layout") B4ADropDownView1.FontText=Typeface.CreateNew(Type B4A Library Material Dialogs - Make your dialogs nice - corwin42    Mar 09, 2017   (38 reactions) Using FileChooser, FolderChooser and ColorChooser dialogs:
These dialogs work a bit different than normal dialogs because the events must be handled directly by the activity.
First step is to extend the Activity from de.amberhome.materialdialogs.MaterialDialogsActivity. Then in Activity_Create initi B4A Question FontAwesome and Material Icons on DSNavigationDrawer [resolved] - hanyelmehy (first post)    Mar 04, 2017   (4 reactions) To change Menu icon color and menu text color use
NavDrawer.NavigationView.ItemTextColor=Colors.RGB(255,255,255) B4A Tutorial Material Design 1 - Basics - corwin42    Jul 31, 2016   (34 reactions) The theme declares three attributes:
colorPrimary - This color is the main color for the app and is used for example as the ActionBar background
colorPrimaryDark - This color is used for the StatusBar
colorAccent - This is the AccentColor used for other UI elements like checkboxes, radio buttons et B4A Library Material Date Picker - intellvold    Oct 09, 2022   (15 reactions) Sub Date_OnDateSet (year As Int ,monthOfYear As Int , dayOfMonth As Int)
ToastMessageShow(year&"/"&(NumberFormat(monthOfYear,2 ,0))&"/"&NumberFormat(dayOfMonth ,2 ,0) ,False)
Msgbox(year&"/"&(NumberFormat(monthOfYear,2 ,0))&"/"&NumberFormat(dayOfMonth ,2 ,0) ,"")
End Sub
Sub can_OnCancelDat Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |