B4i Library iReleaseLogger - Read the logs in release mode - Erel    Oct 14, 2019   (13 reactions) iReleaseLogger combined with the desktop B4iLogger tool (written with B4J) allow you to monitor... a reference to iReleaseLogger and iNetwork libraries.
2. Add this code to your app (with the desktop ip... B4i Question IreleaseLogger no longer works ? - marcick    Jan 16, 2018 .a(iReleaseLogger.o)
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_B4IUDPSocket", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libiReleaseLogger.a(iReleaseLogger.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker... B4i Question ireleaselogger not getting logs - tufanv    Dec 13, 2016 .
Dim rl As ReleaseLogger
rl.Initialize("", 54323)
I have this in my app... B4i Tutorial Reading the app logs directly on the device - Erel    Jul 29, 2021   (6 reactions) iReleaseLogger was built to allow reading the logs in release mode: iReleaseLogger - Read the logs in release mode It sends the logs to the PC, over the local network. There are however cases... app. It depends on iReleaseLogger, which is based on private APIs so don't submit your app.... Add a reference to iReleaseLogger and iNetwork. 3. Add this code at the end of Main: Private Sub...(TextViewLogs .Text.Length) End Sub #if OBJC @end @interface b4i_main (logger) <B4ILogger> @end... B4J Tutorial [example] [B4X] Control the desktop with your phone - Erel    Dec 2, 2015   (34 reactions)   tags: control desktop android, Article-10, Remote desktop control information related to the firewall: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ireleaselogger-read-the-logs-in-release-mode.51164/#content
An extended version that works over UDP, TCP or MQTT... B4i Question #BridgeLogger in B4I - Alex_197    Nov 21, 2020 Hi all.
In B4A we can user #BridgeLogger: True for logging in Release mode. But what to use in B4I?
I read this thread iReleaseLogger but in Notes I found this
Do not try to upload your app with iReleaseLogger library included to the App Store. It will be rejected.
Does it mean that I need to... Bug? Libraries checkboxes not updated when source is changed on disk - Sandman    Aug 24, 2018 I branched my source and did some small tests, and while doing that I enabled iReleaseLogger and iNetwork. When testing was done I rolled back to an earlier commit, and the source in the IDE changed back to how it was at that time - just as expected. However, iReleaseLogger and iNetwork was still checked in Libraries. So I'm guessing that there's a small bug where that part of the UI isn't updated the same way as the source code is. (I didn't check this in B4a, but I imagine... B4i Question [RESOLVED] App Unexpected Crash, very little to go on - Jmu5667    Oct 19, 2021 Hi
I managed to get this using iReleaselogger, I have KSCrash in the app but when the app is started again, error report count is zero.
SignalHandler 11
Signal - 11
Stack Trace: (
"0 Atlas SOS SignalHandler + 80",
"1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00000001ef828d9c AF56B99B-9ABB-3DC7-B85E-F74352F87B30 + 28060",
"2 Atlas SOS... B4i Question App works in debug mode but not Build Release App - Andrew (Digitwell) (first post)    Jan 13, 2022
1. You can use iReleaseLogger to see the logs: iReleaseLogger - Read the logs in release mode
2. Comment out sections from Application_Start until it no longer crashes.
... B4i Question B4I APP Release crash - Alessandro71 (first post)    Nov 12, 2023   (1 reaction) a couple of ideas from a forum search: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/tip-on-device-logs.156056/#content https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ireleaselogger-read-the-logs-in-release-mode.51164/#content... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |