B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3 - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (21 reactions) The Net library supports FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. This library replaces the FTP library. Both regular connections and SSL connections are supported.
SMTP - Allows to directly connect to SMTP mail servers and send mails, including Html messages and attachments.
POP3 - Allows to directly connect B4A Tutorial [B4X] Net library (FTP, SMTP, POP) with Wait For - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (16 reactions) Starting from v1.70 of Net, jNet and iNet libraries the asynchronous methods return a 'sender filter' object.
This object can be passed as the sender filter parameter in a Wait For call.
This makes it simpler to manage multiple requests.
For example:
'ftp was previously initialized and its event n B4A Library xSQLCipher for Android Sqlcipher 4.5.4 - tummosoft (first post)    Mar 02, 2024 Yes, the library has namespace is net.zetetic.database.
Many users are experiencing issues with this library. Unfortunately, no readily available solution seems to exist. I've even attempted the author's recommended approach involving the relinker library, but the problem persists. B4A Question Messenger Tool - DonManfred (first post)    Jun 20, 2016   (1 reaction) the net library
the net library. Yes, it´s like an FTP-Client
it is saved on the path you define where to save...
Reading the file, changing it, save back...
See the beginners guide and usersguide. All file methods are described here B4A Library AndroidNetUri2 (Uri wrapper) - Ivica Golubovic    Dec 05, 2023   (6 reactions) This is a new and complete wrapper of the android.net.Uri class and the android.net.Uri.Builder subclass, as well as the android.content.ContentUris class that contains static methods. This library will be used in the development of all my future libraries if they require "Uri". All static methods B4A Library [B4X] .Net Framework implementation of B4XSerializator - Erel    Mar 20, 2020   (24 reactions) Including combinations of these types (lists of maps with custom types for example).
- It depends on SharpZipLib. It is included in the zip file. License (allows commercial usage): http://icsharpcode.github.io/SharpZipLib/
- The c# code is included. B4A Library GPSGNSS Library - Ivica Golubovic    Nov 01, 2023   (5 reactions) The METHODS contained in the GPSGNSS and NETPOS classes are:
GetCurrentLocation (new method) - This method asynchronously determines the current location. At the end of the procedure, the "CurrentLocationResult (Location1 As ALocation)" event is activated.
Initialize (the same as in GPS library).
I B4A Question Net library conflicting with the Network library - Erel (first post)    Aug 31, 2016 Two libraries that include this class. The Net library is one. NetExtras is another one. B4A Question Where can we find the Net - v1.77 Library? - Erel (first post)    Jun 19, 2018 Please see the forum guidelines. You can make a feature request. However you aren't allowed to repeat it multiple times.
Future posts will be deleted.
The Net library is not an internal library. You did well by searching for Net and found the relevant thread: http B4A Question Net Library - Using SMTP to send an email message. - rleiman    Oct 28, 2020 Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires TLS: Yes (if available)
Requires Authentication: Yes
Port for SSL: 465
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 58
It seems I'm missing the authentication settings in my code so I attempted to set the authentication method but I didn't see any s Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |