B4A Tutorial Runtime Permissions (Android 6.0+ Permissions) - Erel    Mar 16, 2022   (33 reactions) 1. Edit: In B4XPages the permission result event signature is: Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
2. Important to read: https://www.b4x.-jar-targetsdkversion-minsdkversion.87610/#content
If the targetSdkVersion is lower than 23 then the standard B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Feb 06, 2023   (1 reaction) B4A
PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the sett B4A Library PermissionsManager - Ivica Golubovic    May 15, 2023   (29 reactions) PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the settings application.
This library con French Permission - drgottjr (first post)    Nov 02, 2020   (1 reaction) l'acces aux
messages et contacts est tres dangereux, evidemment...
le runtime permis s'effectue moyannant un petit morceau de code, dont un tas d'exmples sur le forum
voici un lien traitant des runtime permissions https://www.b4x.-permissions-android-6-0-permissions.67689/#content
bonne chance. B4A Question Permissions listed in Play Store but not declared in code - Alessandro71    Nov 26, 2022 These are the permissions of my app as shown in the Play Console app bundle detail:
androi B4A Library Simple WIFI library Updated V. 3.07 09-05-2018 - Marcob (first post)    Sep 05, 2018   (2 reactions) I guess the sentence "the permissions are included in version 3.05" means here that you don't need to add them with manifest editor but of course your app still needs the user to grant them at runtime. B4A Code Snippet AddPermission - A list of permissions in Android - DonManfred    Dec 21, 2017   (26 reactions) Subname: Addpermission Note: This is not really an Sub. It´s more an overview of permissions available Description: A list of all permissions usable in Android (B4A). Every permission is one line of the following list. To use this permission in your app you need to add the line you need in the B4A- B4A Code Snippet Draw on top of other apps permission - Erel    Sep 05, 2023   (16 reactions) Starting from Android 6 a special permission is required if you want to use the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. This permission is not related to the runtime permissions. B4A Question Can't read or write from DirAssets - Computersmith64 (first post)    Dec 13, 2018   (3 reactions) The runtime permissions tutorial (https://www.b4x.-permissions-android-6-0-permissions.67689/#content) provides all the information you need to be able to write the code yourself. If there are other things that aren't clear to you, then search the forum for the specific issue you are having & if you B4A Question Application Crashes On First Time Permission Ask - BillMeyer (first post)    Dec 18, 2017   (1 reaction) Permissions.CheckAndRequest(Permissions.) Permissions.CheckAndRequest(Permissions.PERMISSION_READ_PHONE_STATE) Permissions.CheckAndRequest(Permissions.PERMISSION_CALL_PHONE) Permissions.CheckAndRequest(Permissions.PERMISSION_RECEIVE_SMS) Permissions.CheckAndRequest(Permissions. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |