B4R Tutorial SD cards - Erel    Apr 19, 2016   (9 reactions) The rSD library allows reading and writing to SD cards. The Ethernet shield as well as other shields include a SD slot.
The steps required to work with files:
1. Initialize a SD object. You need to pass the CS pin used. See this link for more information: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SDCardNo B4R Code Snippet SD-card: save log into a limited (looped) log file - peacemaker    Aug 25, 2024 Right logging system must not be overloaded by the log files amount. So, if the storage is limited - any logging must be looped. The system log file name is hardcoded, the max file size also. Actual Arduino's SD-card class can open file only for READ, WRITE or APPEND. No TRUNCATE is possible (i do B4A Question External Sd card access - agraham (first post)    Aug 13, 2023   (1 reaction) I know you meant the SD Card. That's why you need to use the ExternalStorage library. You seem to think that won't work for you but I fail to understand why you think that, particularly as all you want to do is to read the file. You should be able to use Bitmap.Initialize2 to read a bitmap from a fi B4A Question Folder Picker (SD card) - Erel (first post)    Jan 12, 2022   (1 reaction) You can access the secondary storage without any permission using RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal, however it will not help in this case as you want to files to remain after the app is uninstalled.
In that case ExternalStorage is indeed the solution. You will let the user select a fold B4A Question SD Card message during App Install - KMatle (first post)    Nov 24, 2017   (1 reaction) Do you write/read files (from assets maybe?). "SD-Card" doesn't mean the external SD-Card as even the internal memory is handled as/called "SD-Card". Note that you can't access the external SD-card anyway. So there's no issue here. B4A Question How to use the ExternalStorage class to get a complete path - Erel (first post)    Sep 04, 2019 Last attempt here. There is no such path. The sd card on Android 4.4+ doesn't behave like a regular file system. You can only access it with ExternalStorage. B4A Question SD-Card integrated as RAM - KMatle (first post)    Mar 31, 2018   (1 reaction) Probaly you mean to move an app to sdcard. Some devices allow that due to stock firmware or when rooted. This doesn't mean that all apps can run in this environment. It was helpful if you post the logs here. B4R Question SD-card: writing .CSV files - peacemaker    Aug 19, 2024 Hi, All
Just trying rSD lib with ESP32 and SPI card slot.
The main, it's usage "/" root prefix at the file names.
But how to save multiline text .CSV files correctly ?
Such sub...
private Sub Savelog As Boolean
If sd.OpenReadWrite("/log.dat") = True Then
sd.Position = sd.CurrentFile.S B4R Question Manipulating Arrays (SD Card) - Erel (first post)    Nov 21, 2017 There isn't one. It avoids loading the complete array into memory.
You can use a counter to find the correct index or better use B4RSerializator to write and read the data. B4R Question SD card: create a directory tree - peacemaker (first post)    Aug 23, 2024 Such path cannot be created, tested Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |