B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] xCustomListView - cross platform CustomListView - Erel    Dec 24, 2023   (46 reactions)   tags: CustomListView, xcutomlistbox card, xuiCLV, CUSTOMLIST, Erel, XUI Update: As several other libraries depend on xCustomListView library, it is no longer recommended... xCustomListView is an implementation of CustomListView based on XUI library. It provides all the features of the original CustomListView and it is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i. https://www.b4x.com... #${i}"$) Don't use the source code. Use the preinstalled xCustomListView library instead.../basic4android/images/SS-2017-12-27_16.20.44.png This class replaces the platform specific CustomListView... B4A Question xCustomListView with Four Columns of Imageviews and many Rows - Mahares    Jan 12, 2019 the list, the xCustomListView works well, but if I move from customlistview item to item in the order...I wanted to accomplish what Erel did in the below link in post #3, but with 4 or multiple columns of imageviews not one imageview column. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/applying-lazy-loading-to-xcustomlistview-with-imageviews-bitmap-files.101299/ I have a list of bitmap files to show in succession on an xCustomlistView that has 4 columns of imageviews and below each row of imageviews... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ViewPager based on xCustomListView - Alexander Stolte    Sep 18, 2024   (49 reactions) ,JavaObject,jPager,jReflection B4a: XUi,Reflection,xCustomListView B4i: iXUI,xCustomListView... B4J: xCustomListView Add GetPanel Add GetValue In B4J, the jPager is now used instead of the xCustomListView Better... getCustomListView As b4a.example3.customlistview getisScrollEnabled As Boolean Checks if... As Int CurrentIndex2 sets the current index - jumps to the item CustomListView As b4a.example3... BugFix xCustomListview Top was always 0 1.09 B4I BugFixes for Release Mode - swiping is now better 1... B4A Library [B4X] CLVSwipe - xCustomListView Swipe actions and pull to refresh - Erel    Apr 1, 2021   (47 reactions)   tags: CLVSwipe, CLVSwipe - CustomListView, xuiCLV, xclv swipe pull, clv, myapp the standard xCustomListView library. It is compatible with B4A and B4i (currently not with B4J). Both..., xCustomListView and ViewsEx v1.30+. 2. Initialize Swipe and pass the CustomListView. 3. In...: CustomListView1.AddTextItem($"Important item ${i} ..."$, Swipe.CreateItemValue("", Array... panel. This is the panel that appears when the user pulls the list. - Set it with Swipe... - Fixes an issue with horizontal swipes when the list is empty. v1.10 - Adds pull to refresh feature... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS WheelPicker - Spinner - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [Payware] - Alexander Stolte    Apr 2, 2024   (20 reactions) -on-aswheelpickeradvanced.141588/ B4j: jXUI,jBitmapCreator,jReflection,xCustomListView,XUI Views B4a: XUi,BitmapCreator,Reflection,xCustomListView,XUI Views B4i: iXUI,iBitmapCreator,xCustomListView,XUI Views... RemoveItemAt Add GetListView - gets the xCustomListView for a column 3.04 (read more) Add Event...)'adds the list to the view and adds a wheel 'gets the item of the first wheel 'use... the view by code, you have less to consider The lists now use LazyLoading Breaking Changes... B4A Library [B4X] PreoptimizedCLV - Lazy loading extension for xCustomListView - Erel    Jan 4, 2022   (41 reactions) This is a cross platform class that extends xCustomListView and makes it "lazier". Lazy... Globals Private CustomListView1 As CustomListView Private PCLV As PreoptimizedCLV Private...) Activity.LoadLayout("1") PCLV.Initialize(Me, "PCLV", CustomListView1) Dim... PCLV_HintRequested (Index As Int) As Object Dim word As String = CustomListView1.GetValue(Index) Return word End Sub Sub CustomListView1_VisibleRangeChanged (FirstIndex As Int, LastIndex As Int... B4A Library [B4X] CLVExpandable - Allows expanding or collapsing xCustomListView items - Erel    Dec 14, 2020   (25 reactions)   tags: Listview, myapp https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/attachments/expander-gif.57508/ This class replaces the custom CustomListView module (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-expandable-list-based-on-xcustomlistview.86449/). It works with the standard xCustomListView library. It is compatible... items where the second item is a view with the arrow (you can easily change this by modifying...-the-list-up-if-expanded-part-is-hidden.125532/post-783871... B4A Tutorial [B4X] [XUI] Expandable list based on xCustomListView - Erel    May 26, 2019   (26 reactions)   tags: Listview, B4X XUI Expandable List, tutorial, XUI This example uses a slightly modified version of xCustomListView to create an expandable list. Each item in the list is made of two panels. One for the title with the arrow and the other... is included in the B4A project. It is based on xCustomListView v1.65. The first line in the class: 'xCustomListView v1.65 - modified version to support expandable items The class is compatible.../b4x-clvexpandable-allows-expanding-or-collapsing-xcustomlistview-items.106148/ Compatible with B4A, B4J and... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS ScrollingChips based on xCustomListView - Display your Hashtags or Categories - Alexander Stolte    Sep 3, 2024   (31 reactions) -categories.139896/ B4j: jXUI,xCustomListView B4a: XUi,xCustomListView B4i: iXUI,xCustomListView... As ASScrollingChips_ChipProperties, Views As ASScrollingChips_Views) As ASScrollingChips_CustomDraw...I removed the old code and took the code from the AS_Chips to make this view even better. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) Without scroll... B4A Library [B4X] CLVSelections - extended selection modes for xCustomListView - Erel    Feb 26, 2020   (16 reactions) This class extends xCustomListView library and adds more selection modes: MODE_SINGLE_ITEM_TEMP - The same as the default behavior. MODE_SINGLE_ITEM_PERMANENT - Single item is selected and... on B4XCollections, xCustomListView and XUI libraries. B4J example is attached. The class is included inside.... the selection mode: CSelections.Initialize(CustomListView1) CSelections.Mode = CSelections.MODE_MULTIPLE_ITEMS Implement the ItemClick event: Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |