The official "Project" sale Market..


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Very cool concept. This game seems to have a lot of potential. Why you selling it and for so little?

thanx wazumbi, this is the purpose of this thread, create simple nice games/apps and sell them for a little amount so people can afford it, and they will change a little the game.

There is not only one license for sale, everybody can buy it (projects incl. graphics and source code) change some graphics and publish his own creation with minimum work...

I have used purposely lots of very importent libs like Admob, Animation, LibGDX so other could learn from it, (great for newbies...)
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Ouch. Beware...

Most markets expressly forbid this practice.
Indie developers should be careful of reposting duplicated code that is not their own whether or not some simple things are changed (such as graphics and sound effects).
I get emails and solicitations almost every day to purchase pre-defined code.
Google and SlideMe will not be happy.

I believe this may cause a problem. From Google Play Developer Program Policies:
Apps that are created by an automated tool or wizard service must not be submitted to Google Play by the operator of that service on behalf of other persons.

I have many versions of some of apps on Google but the code and design is all my own.

I'm just saying they may suspend your account as well. Be careful...


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Q, what are the limits of this purchase?: A, you may not sell the source code or give it for free to third party or publish it in any forum/blog (incl. B4A), you may use it, change it and publish it as your own game (also if you dont change anything but again i have published the same game so you better change something like this there wont be 2 same games in Google Play)

as i said, its better to change some graphics so there wont be same games in the market, if google will suspend every game that has the same princip then why you got 500+ flappy birds, 500+ timberman, 500+ Currency Convertors, 500+ Sopping List App, etc...,

if you change the name of course, some gaphics then there should not be any problems, otherwise you can close Google Play because the Market has maybe few 100's of apps in 1.000.000 different look, :)


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Google did in fact suspend hundreds of Flappy bird wannabees.
(They even took down my Flappy Beiber:()
300+ different curency converters is one thing.

That is just good old fashioned market place competition. The best will survive.

300 of the same apps with the same code flooding the market? They will consider it spam.

Google is Allmighty Android King and they have no mercy and give no second chances to developers unless it is clearly in their best interest....


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i dont think that they put down your game because its the same concept of flappy bird, i think because you use a FAMOUS Person in your app, there are lots of flappy bird clones its very easy for google to take them down but they dont want to because they make money from them (Admob)
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This is an interesting concept. The main issue is just copying the whole game, not adding to it or changing it and just uploading a new version with slightly different graphics (this process is called reskinning). This happened a lot with flappy bird clones and I agree with google that they should remove those games.

What should happen is you buy the code for a game, then use parts of that code in your game (such as on screen controls, high score table, animation code)etc... but I think it's wrong to buy a game, then just publish a direct copy of it to the play store.


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i agree with you that to publish a same copy is wrong but change the whole game like graphics, font, backgrounds, then i dont see any problem with that, developers have found out that its better to sell some copies of their source code then publish a free copy and hope people will click on their ads and they will make some money from that and pray that no one will copy their idea (yeah keep praying...)

so today you will find lot of developers make lot of money by selling their projects than make money via ads, take for example you, how much did you make with ads? i belive if you would sell the source code of cloney bird, invaders, and the fruit game you did for about 20-30$ you would make much more then with ads, and this would give you more motivation to make more apps/games and sell them, like people sell LIBRARIES (ULV,...)

today everybody want to be a developer and this is the time to sell source code... (i think :) )
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Somebody who purchases a completed app, changes a few things, and then slaps their name on IS NOT a developer in any sense of the word.
A distributor maybe?

I think all of us here take certain pride when we create an app all our own whether or not it's simply a clone or look alike.
I have an app called Skateboard Bird. It operates much the same as Flappy Bird but with a few subtle change. It is, however, not Flappy Bird and is most definitely my own code, design, and development.
Take 'Don't Tap the White Tile'. I saw that and tried something similar. Somehow I came up with Smack A Smiley.

That's what it's all about. Sometimes I see an app and wonder if I can do something similar. I wonder how long it will take and how difficult it will be to implement.

Buying your way into this field without actually creating something and calling yourself a developer is just wrong.


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still you need to be a developer to understand the code and make a uniq game from it
of course the purpose is not to buy the code and publish it as it is, you need to make some changes
but i can tell you that i learned a lot from the source code from andymc (cloney bird).
and that's all about to buy the code and learn from it, understand it and make something new from it

you dont need to agree with me but i think we are talking about the same thing, so again in a short sentence

buy code, study it, make from it your own...

i can tell you that the market is full of clones from bought source code...


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(again available)


HI, i am selling a LibGDX Game called Space Jumpers !!!

Q,What is for sale?: A,The whole Project File, including graphics
Q,What lib is this App using?: A,

Admob Lib : v2.00 - link
Animation lib: v1.02 - link
Core: v3.80 (build in)
LibGDX: v1.00 - link
RandomAccessFile: v1.65 - link
Reflection: v2.40 (build in)
mwAdmobinterstitial2: v2.00 - link

Q, App size: A,about 4MB
Q, App using Ads?: A, Yes, Admob 2.0+ (Smart Banner) and Admob 2.0+ Interstitial Ads (Full Screen!!)
Q, Is the App well documented?: A,YES !!!
Q, Will there be any Support?:A,YES, (I will do my best to answer your questions)
Q, Can i download the app before i buy it?: A, Yes, here is the link
Q, May i use the app as it is and publish it?: A, Almost, you need only change some graphics, sound and name...
Q, How can i pay the price?: A, via Paypal
Q, What are the limits of this purchase?: A, you may not sell the source code or give it for free to third party or post it in any forum/blog (incl. B4A), you may use it, change it and publish it as your own game (you need only change some graphics, sound, name...)

The reason for the low price is to sell as much copies as possible, so people can publish very fast their own game with minimum work (change admob key, package name,graphics...) Free assets <----

Game Ideas: Jumping Dog (over cat), Jumping Cat (over mouse), Jumping Human (over zombies), jumping granma (over robbers) ...

PRICE: only 39,- EURO !!! (Project+graphics)

Paypal link: BUY NOW <--------

Delivery of the game can take up to 24 hours after payment (should be much faster) but some days i am not online like saturdays so please be patient


  • 4s.png
    10.5 KB · Views: 727
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I am interested in selling a bunch of apps, so I can concentrate on fewer ones
The following apps are for sale:

MegaPuzzle (a jigsaw puzzle game with add-on theme packs) + 9 theme packs. Please be aware that this is sold without the rights to use the picture and you will have to replace them.

Match the SuperCar (1 picture 4 choices type game, with supercars)

Pairs SuperCars (memory game with pictures of supercars)

Pairs Harley (memory game with pictures of motorcycles)

Descriptions and screenshots can be found at
If you are interested you can get the APK´s here

Please give me a bid

Kind regards
Jakob, MaxApps
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MegaPuzzle (a jigsaw puzzle game with add-on theme packs) + 9 theme packs. Please be aware that this is sold without the rights to use the picture and you will have to replace them.

Downloaded, Installed, Launched, Crashed, Launched, Crashed, Launched, Crashed, Restarted, Launched, Crashed, Unistalled. :confused:


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Mr. Bucket - LibGDX (B4A)


HI, i am selling a LibGDX Game called Mr. Bucket !!!

Q,What is for sale?: A,The whole Project File, including source code
Q,What lib is this App using?: A,

Admob Lib : v2.00 - link
Animation lib: v1.02 - link
Core: v3.80 (build in)
LibGDX: v1.00 - link
RandomAccessFile: v1.65 - link
Reflection: v2.40 (build in)
mwAdmobinterstitial2: v2.00 - link

Q, App size: A,about 4MB
Q, App using Ads?: A, Yes, Admob 2.0+ (Smart Banner) and Admob 2.0+ Interstitial Ads (Full Screen!!)
Q, Is the App well documented?: A,YES !!!
Q, Will there be any Support?:A,YES, (I will do my best to answer your questions)
Q, Can i download the app before i buy it?: A, Yes, here is the link
Q, May i use the app as it is and publish it?: A, Almost, you need only change some graphics, sound and name...
Q, How can i pay the price?: A, via Paypal
Q, What are the limits of this purchase?: A, you may not sell the source code or give it for free to third party or post it in any forum/blog (incl. B4A), you may use it, change it and publish it as your own game (you need only change some graphics, sound, name...)

The reason for the low price is to sell as much copies as possible, so people can publish very fast their own game with minimum work (change admob key, package name,graphics...) Free assets <----

NOTE: The graphics in the package you will get are black/white (not like the original game) because of copyrights.

The Font that is used is "Grobold" downloaded from link (font is free for personal use)

PRICE: only 65,- EURO !!! (whole Project)

Paypal link: BUY NOW <--------

Delivery of the game can take up to 24 hours after payment (should be much faster) but some days i am not online like saturdays so please be patient
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The name "Mr Bucket" is a trademark violation.

Mr. Bucket is a tabletop game and toy published by Milton Bradley and released circa 1992 which was discontinued but re-released in 2007. The game featured a plastic, motorized bucket which ejected different colored balls from its mouth. The player(s) then use plastic shovels to scoop up the balls and place them back inside Mr. Bucket.
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The name "Mr Bucket" is a trademark violation.

Mr. Bucket is a tabletop game and toy published by Milton Bradley and released circa 1992 which was discontinued but re-released in 2007. The game featured a plastic, motorized bucket which ejected different colored balls from its mouth. The player(s) then use plastic shovels to scoop up the balls and place them back inside Mr. Bucket.

ok i will change the name thank you...


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View attachment 29841 View attachment 29842

Hello. I'm selling one of my games "Word Game" source code. My Google Play account was removed so this game removed also. You can publish it after small changes.

It had reached totally 45000 downloads and 5000 active users before it removed.
Admob interstitial, Admob banner, Startapp interstitial, Startapp banner ads installed. You will only replace your ads ID number. Currently it has only Turkish words but any language can be used. I can help to prepare wordlist, translate strings etc.. Please PM me to buy source code.

Price is $40.
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The name "Mr Bucket" is a trademark violation.

is TM not forced into some kind of segments?

This (the boardgame and app) is gaming area, if I name my business Mr Bucket because I sell metal & plastic buckets would that stil violate the Trade Mark ?

And are Trade Mark global or maybe only regged in the US ?


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is TM not forced into some kind of segments?

This (the boardgame and app) is gaming area, if I name my business Mr Bucket because I sell metal & plastic buckets would that stil violate the Trade Mark ?

And are Trade Mark global or maybe only regged in the US ?

According to US Patent and Trademark law.. it depends on the classes that the trade mark holder claimed in his application.
When applying for a trade mark you must specify the business classes it will cover and pay for each class. for example, if you are a carpenter and applied for a trade mark called "Windows", then USPTO will look into Microsoft application file and see if it covers the carpenter business, if Microsoft didn't include carpentering then they will issue you the patent, but you can not use it for any class applied for by MS, like software...etc. or any other company.
Some companies apply for the text and not just the trade mark, so even though MS didn't include carpenter but applied for the text "Windows", then USPTO will not issue a TM for you.
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