Ola Version 1.01 released with speed improvements due to BANAnoSQL bulk inserts This is just to showcase one of the projects we will be doing in class @ https://classroom.google.com/c/MzI1MDg2MTMwODc1?cjc=clzmpm3. This features.. 1...
Ola Access WebApp The Nobel Prize Organization has a nice API to query the Laureates . So I started to play around... The WebApp itself is response. This is how it looks on mobile. Then on medium and large devices... Within the...
Ola Download NB: All UX screens have been created via the Abstract Designer This is just sharing my curiosity about AngularJS wrapped around BANano. So started this morning to answer myself this question. Can I AngularJS with BANano? Well, so...
Ola Download Paypal to : anele@mbangas.com What is Database.Show? Database.Show is a database schema viewer and database schema documentor for your MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite back-ends WebApps. I'm still not sure whether one can access an already...
Ola Go Live Download So i decided to take a break from Database.Show for a while an found a rather impressive github repo for our country. One of the nice features of the data is that one can plot anything on a map, and we will explore that...
Ola If you remember Microsofts Northwind database when we started learning MS Access. The next challenge is creating a web app based on their schema. Nah... the databse schema for Northwind does belong to Microsoft, so that's not included in the...
Hi there UPDATE: A BANano based WebApp is now available for this (also accessible from mobile device) here, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/walts-b4xgoodies-explorer-using-bvad3.130096/ Download This app was born out of the need of...
Ola In this 10 part series, we create a BANano Web App and then create a desktop app for it using BANano Electron. Front-end - BANanoVueMaterial Back-end - Google Firebase / FireStore BANano Electron Tutorial Creating the MealPrep App YouTube...
Ola Follow along as we create a MealPrep App with BANano and Vuetify.
Ola We are creating a framework to create Responsive Emails... check it out now.
Good day Well, I decided to start with this app first before I do anything with this framework going forward. This has been based on my Bible.Show app from the Android Play Store. This has been based on the experience I have gained learning the...
Ola **NB: BANanoPostProcessor: The BP used in some of the examples is an updated version of what Kiffi did in the forum. The examples are old and have not been maintained due to time challenges as the focus has been to maintain the core library...
Ola.. Download We created the library. We also played around how the library works using BANano LiveSwapping Follow the tutorial here now...
The intension of Pen & Paper is the creation of ABMaterial WebApps as depicted in the drawing above. This was developed as a pet project out of a personal need to create ABMaterial WebApps. So far everything has gone well with the outputs. 1...
Ola THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED UPDATE: You might want to also check the BANano Custom View Creator MashSkeletor Download I have wanted to do this for like forever. MashSkeletor is a class / custom view/sqlite helper tool that...
For more details, see Example 5, of this library: All source code available. BANanoVueMaterial
Ola 2020-03-19 : This is now part of the BANanoVueMaterial open source library. This project is based on a functional BANanoVueMaterial library I am working on. An extension of the BANanoVue project I explored here. Ever since I started...
Good day everyone. It is with pleasure to annouce that 'The Spiritual Gift Discovery Guide WebApp' is ready for you to help you understand your spiritual gift. This WebApp has been inspired by Wagners Modified Houts Questionaire. You go through...
Hi there... For a while now Facebook has been working on ReAct, their flagship javascript library to create UIs. There is a variant of this called ReAct-Bootstrap but however I just wanted to try and test if I was going to be able to do this...
Hi there NB: This is an OpenSource project, anyone can contribute to it and enhance it. I happen to have some time challenges on my side and due to the sheer size of this thing, I might not fully be doing it. My BANano Related Projects CRUD...