B4J Tutorials

Xampp + Bluestacks on IP Address

Hi there

I happen to be back to my B4A days lately however just found this out on stack overflow.

Seems with as IP address on bluestacks, one can experience their localhost...

[BANano]: Creating a CRUD app with LocalStorage Backend

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[B4X] Additional libraries folder

The additional libraries folder can be organized in a way that allows sharing cross platform libraries between B4A, B4J and B4i.

From now on, the recommended way to organize the additional...
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Open external documents

jFX.ShowExternalDocument method allows you to open external documents with the default installed app.

It expects a single parameter which is the document or resource Uri (link).

You can use...

[Websites] Create a Login page with UOENow+BANano


The Creative Tim Now UI Kit comes with 3 example pages. By using the UOENow library we have tried to replicate the features to come as close to the provided examples as much as possible...

[Websites] Create a profile page for your website using UOENow+BANano

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[BANano] Create a Landing Page for your website using UOENow+BANano

Hi there..

UOENow, introduced us in terms of the various components of the Now UI Kit from Creative Tim that we can use to develop our websites. What we will do today is to extend on that and...
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B4J Code Execution FlowChart with UOEProcess.Show



As per subject matter, this intends for anyone to be able to do an analysis of their code execution using UOEProcess.Show.

By simply logging and then pasting the...

[BANano] Exploring Using PHP & SQLite for your WebApp


  • BANanoSQLiteCode.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 525
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[ABMaterial] New component ABMSmartWizard

I'm finishing up ABMaterial 3.00 Chipmunk and a new component that has been introduced is ABMSmartWizard.

ABMSmartWizard is a flexible step wizard component. It is easy to implement and...

[server] Run a Server on Azure as an App Service

Since Azure supports Jetty, a B4J server app can also run on azure.

1. Search jetty in the marketplace and create a web app service...


  • search.png
    41.4 KB · Views: 1,551
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[ABMaterial] ABMPivotTable new functionalities (2.50)

The ABMPivotTable component has been extended with some extra functionalities:

1. Collapsable/Expandable rows and columns
2. Presetting table type and aggregation type + values
3. Show readonly...

Install OpenJRE8 with OpenJFX on Ubuntu (Linux)

Hey, i had some trouble with OpenJRE8 and this was the solution.

This Tutorial help you, if you have for example this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError...

[BANano] Bidirectional communication between B4J and BANano


I found something interesting from Daestrum and tried it out to see if it could be used for BANano.

With this code it is possible to establish a communication between a B4J WebView...


  • B4JWebView.zip
    3 KB · Views: 623
  • BANanoWebView.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 678

[ABMaterial]: Understanding Events with Helper Classes


Why this? I want to think of a Events Helper Classes as something that could help other B4J ABM users with the transition to ABM. Please note, this is NOT how ABM WebApps are developed.



  • ABMActionButton.bas
    3.7 KB · Views: 457

[BANano] Creating the PhotoNinja Website with UOE

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[B4x] RSA example (asyncstreams)

- Changed to B4x as the subs can be used in B4A, too
- "Send File" added (new Button to send a file to the other client)

This tutorial is based on Erel's Asyncstreams example...


  • RSAExample.zip
    5.9 KB · Views: 543
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[BANano] Working with promises

BANano 2.19+ has a new object: BANanoPromise. It allows you to easily use Javascript Promises.

A promise can be useful e.g. if you want to upload/download files, which can take some time to do...
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B4J HowTo's

Dear All,

While learning and exploring B4J, captured B4J HowTos. The B4J HowTos are either from own experience or inspired by hints from the B4J forum (Thanks to All!).

Please note, due to...
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Creating a hotel reservation app with BANanoJQM

Hi there

First and foremost, thank you for making a decision to view and even read this thread. Whilst not being an expert in BANano and still learning the ropes, the article is mainly about the...
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