B4J Tutorials

[Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - Alerts

Hi Fam

Demo (Open in Telegram Mobile App)

Source Code

In this tutorial we look at alerts. These are internal components built inside Telegram and we are just using an API to execute...

[Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - Back & Settings Buttons

Hi Fam

The back button controls the visibility & navigation when the back button is active. This is like the normal back button in an app.
The settings buttons show on the right menu of the bot...

[Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - Haptic Feedback

Hi Fam

What is Haptic Feedback?

Your sense of touch provides valuable information about the world around you, and haptics mimic these experiences. If you've played a racing video game and...

[Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - BiometricManager

Hi Fam

Demo (Open the bot from your Mobile Device > Sign In (use any details) > Hamburger > Biometrics > Follow the button sequence. When you click Authenticate, it will show the biometrics...
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[Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps with BANano

Hi Fam


Source Code

Let's create some Telegram Mini Apps.

What is TMA?

These are apps that run inside Telegram. They use Bots to run.

Here we go...

Related Content...
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SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS UI Toolkit: Q & A

Hi there

NB: Where possible, please include a simple project that demonstrates your use case.

Do you have any questions about SithasoDaisy UI Toolkit?

You can shoot it here...
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[Web] SithasoDaisy SDUITable Inline Editing - Calculations

Hi Fam


NB: This project is built with SithasoDaisy 2.5 BETA, however the same principles discussed here still apply.

This demo project is about how inline editing works. When...
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B4J app for Raspberry with jdk11

This is my shopping list after various installations on Raspberry:

The Runtime for B4J applications for Raspberry differ in the processor version
If ARM version 7 Use...

Create a crypto trading bot using ccxt


Hello all,

I made a template to save time when creating a crypto trading bot with B4j. I'm posting this "as-is" for now, since I'm currently working on Tradingview's pine...


  • _Bot_Template.zip
    242.9 KB · Views: 223

Pocketbase CRUD REST API & SSE with PostMan and then HttpUtils


CRUD Examples Attached

is an open source backend consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in users management, convenient dashboard UI and...


  • PocketBase.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 142
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[BANano] inline php -> server code

Peter had a great idea for a new feature in BANano:
Kiffi said:
Hello Alain,

So you don't get bored ;), I have an idea for another BANano killer feature: ServerCode :)

Imagine, it would be...
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Consuming http streams

Standard http communication is made of a request being sent from the client to the server and the server response sent back to the client.
As I'm sure you know you should use OkHttpUtils2 for such...


  • MjpegWithOkHttp.zip
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ThingSpeak Data Viewer Tutorial (updated)

I made a few useful (in my biased opinion :) updates to the very interesting project by Mark Read: ThingSpeak Data Viewer
Thank you Mark and thank you Klaus for xChart

ThingSpeak Data Viewer.png



  • ThingSpeak.zip
    54.7 KB · Views: 60
  • Test.zip
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[WebApps] Using Laragon as your development web server

[Web] Mastering Pocketbase: Your Ultimate Guide to a Flawless SQLite WebServer Install on Windows!

Hi Fam


PocketBase is a SQLite Webserver with some powerful functionality. Whilst it provides functionality to be a database, it also has a nice UI to manage that database...
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[Web] Self Hosting Supabase

Hi Fam

I just found this video on YT, have not tried it out. If you do, please share your experience.

Have fun!

[Web][SithasoDaisy] Mashy Teaches Mobile WebApp Development

Hi Fam.



  • The first beta (tryout) version of SithasoDaisy Wireframes it...
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[ABMaterial/ABMServer] Mini Template for absolute beginners (update 2024/05/17)

Hi all,

Since the lockdown everywhere, a lot of B4X users seem to want to learn ABM to make WebApps in B4J. That is great! :)

However, some seem to struggle a lot to get started. I understand...


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Run B4J java and javafx UI Applications on Linux ARM32 & ARM64 Computers

To run a B4J console or GUI Application on any 32-bit or 64-bit ARM computer, follow these steps:

Have tested it on Raspberry Pi 4 and Orange Pi Zero 3, running Ubuntu 21.04 and 22.04...
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[BANano] SupaBase (FireBase Alternative) crud example with SSE


Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. It provides all the backend services you need to build a product. Supabase uses Postgres database with real-time capabilities. Basically...


  • SDUISupaBase.zip
    3.5 KB · Views: 276
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