B4R Tutorials


An inline C wrap for this Github project. Should be able to use it for PID control. It works very well.

Study the code - change your pins to what you need. For the attached project:
A0 =...


  • B4RControllinoPIDtoModify.zip
    5.4 KB · Views: 85

Controllino Mega PLC Examples

Attached is a B4R project (using inline C) to manipulate the ports of the Controllino Mega. In this project we do the following:
1. Toggle the OVL (over voltage) LED of the PLC between on/off...


  • ControllinoPorts.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 90


Today I learned a new thing. Besides I2C there is also I3C which has different key features than I2C but can operate at a legacy mode also. I am under the impression that it is a fairly new thing...

Provisioning: Start Access point, display it's Wifi credentials as a Wifi-QRCode (can be scanned by any phone)

As the title says, a standard WiFi-QRCode ist displayed on a tft screen. This can be scanned by any modern phone to automatically and it connects to the ESP, so you don't need to type any...


  • QRConnect.zip
    3.6 KB · Views: 120

TFT displays: TFT_ESPI (inline C) example


1. Init Display as a separate sub
2. TFT_ESPI as "global"
3. Drawtext as a sub with parms
4. Updated example

Although there is a library and I appreciate the good work, I like to...


  • TFT_B4R.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 146
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For those who like handmade signs

For those who enjoy making their own 8 Relays, DS18b20, Buzzer, Display, LDR Sensor,


  • Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-01-20 à(s) 13.40.35_1218f8de.jpg
    Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-01-20 à(s) 13.40.35_1218f8de.jpg
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  • 20240109_175211.jpg
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  • Casa_Control PCB.zip
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my second project with you

Hey guys, how are you?
I want to share my second project with you
Fan control with timer
I just got the same control back via Alexa and it couldn't work so that you have the best interest. I'm...


  • 20240119_160906.jpg
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  • Backup ESP_Config 2023-09-04 08.55.zip
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  • Backup Casa_Controle_8 2023-07-04 16.26.zip
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Writing & Reading Serial EEPROM 24C512 With Arduino Uno Using rWire

SERIAL EEPROM 24C512 Reading & Writing:
Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private Wire As WireMaster
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart

How to write a Tutorial/Snippets/ShareYourCreations

Hi guys,

I know I am not the most prolific B4R user, but I'm proud to have been the first to post on the "Share Your Creations" of this sub-Forum.
The mentioned sub-Forums have become more and...
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Connecting two Arduinos with rWire library


The rWire supports communication with other I2C/TWI devices.

One device acts as the master and the other devices act as...

ESP32 Camera Picture Capture and Video Streaming! (Updated with code!)


Last December I made a request for support for the ESP32 Camera support. Well, I finally found the time to work on it myself and here's my initial attempt at implementing this with...
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ChatGPT can help designing circuits

There is also an other quite useful capability of ChatGPT. It can help designing circuits by proposing components. The component it proposes is real and I have searched for it in...


Today I was impressed. While being at the university, some 20 years ago I 've had a hard time understanding the principles of Transistors and MOSFETs. That was partly because I was starting...
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MCUs comparison 2023

One popular MCU programmer made an YouTube stream with online testing and comparing the MCUs.
1. pin out high
2. make a test operation: a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b, sin(a), power(a, b), power(b...
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Home Control 4

Hi guys
I want to share my project on this great community (source code free no donation)
I think it may be useful to someone
in the source code I commented out the functions
it should be simple...


  • B4A-HomeControl.zip
    13.4 KB · Views: 323
  • B4J-HomeControl.zip
    4.4 KB · Views: 293
  • B4R-Home-Control.zip
    2 KB · Views: 315

compilation language: arduino-cli config

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2 basic projects on esp : one with MQTT client and one with MQTT broker

it is just 2 basic projects to do some tests with MQTT
we have no personal data in projects, full provisioning is done by a Web server interface

one basic project is with Wifi and MQTT client...


  • ESP_ConfigWifiMQTT_V1.4.zip
    5.6 KB · Views: 245
  • test_rsMQTTBroker.zip
    4.7 KB · Views: 253

ESP32: detailed OTA/Update via WebServer from SPIFFS file system

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AES256 encrypted BLE (ESP32 & B4A) example

I took Erel's BLE example and added (as on the ESP32 side) AES256 encryption. For some reasons I wasn't able to use SPIFFS and/or WiFi parallel to BLE on the ESP32 side. Maybe you find a...


  • B4a-Provisioning.zip
    14.9 KB · Views: 276
  • B4R-Provisioning.zip
    3 KB · Views: 266

Weather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak

This is my humble effort to produce a weather station (based on this project). You will need:

1 x Wemos D1 Mini
1 x BME280 Sensor
1 x TP4056 Li-Ion Charging board
1 x 3.7V Li-Ion Battery
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