I am working on a little thermometer project for my greenhouse using an ESP8266 and a temperature sensor. You have multiple sensors to choose from such as DHT11/22, BMP180 etc, but no...
Based on SSD1306 module, we can display animated images the same as displaying animated GIF on PC. The animated image is a byte array contains (n) number of frames(bitmap images) they all...
Based on SSD1306 module, we can implement horizontal and vertical progress bars. These bars could be drawn at X1-Y1 to X2-Y2 like drawing rectangles, also we need to pass the full scale...
Programming an ESP-12x module directly is not too difficult. If you purchase an ESP8266 with a built-in USB port like a WeMos D1 Mini or a NodeMCU etc, then you do not need to do this as the...
Here is a very interesting video by the guy in Dronebot Workshop. This board seems amazing. I suppose since it is Arduino compatible it can also work with B4R with the exception of the commands...
This example shows how to send http requests with a GSM shield. I've tested it on a shield with SIM900 module. This can be very interesting for outdoor IoT solutions where there is no local...
When you buy a WeMos it doesn't come assembled with the pins soldered. You will have to solder the pins. In the following schematic and code you will find a way to check the solderings of GPIO...
Here is some code to demonstrate using a single stepper motor, an Uno, the Adafruit Motor Shield and a three-way switch. The middle position of the switch is OFF. One side rotates the motor until...
I use inline C in my B4R projects quite a bit in my projects. Mostly I have some C/C++ code I want to call from B4R subs - that's well documented on the forum (the Inline C intro here)...