iOS Tutorials

Workaround for strange pause during installation

In the last week or two I encountered a strange pause which happened during full installations.

There were two symptoms:
1. The installation paused for a few seconds after it started.
2. It took...

[example] Coordinates Calculator source code


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B4i Change Log (versions history)

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Some findings about graphics and pixels

I begun 'learning' graphics in B4i, and found some differences between B4a and B4i based on an iPhone 6:

- There are no 'dip' values in B4i (perhaps not yet ?)

- On my iPhone 6...


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Bouncing smilay - Drawing with Canvas

A Canvas object allows you to draw over a view.

Canvas.Initialize expects a single parameter which is the target view.

You can then use the different drawing methods to draw over the view...


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