Share Your Creations

Just for fun I created a fortune teller app. It has animation and text to speech. I tried my...
Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but the showcase section said I wasn't allowed to...
I had nothing to do the other day, so I programmed this slot machine game. Not very heavy duty...
I could not wait to put up an app. This is based on an app I created in b4ppc to solve a...
Hello, This is a program that shows bird names is various languages. The search language can...
A simple fun little app that is based on the magic 8 ball idea. Press down on the ball (or...
My first B4A app :) This will show you exactly where you are on a hybrid satellite map (as a...
I was playing with the new 1.3 release and the ability to load phone icon resources, so decided...
Here is the Android version of the probability calculator (see the Basic4PPC forum for the...
Hi...I am almost finished with my conversion to Android of my Pairs game... I've given it a new...
Ok this is a beta but it works well. Cercatel is an engine, written for my Italian project...
This is the classic mathematical puzzle. You move rings from one tower to another in the fewest...
Click it Game This is my version of the moveable tiles game. The code is not very elegant since...
Hi, Wondering whether someone would like to volunteer in beta-testing a simple application at...
Hi Sky Atlas is not planetarium software but a reference atlas for the purpose of looking up...
Can you complete all 5 rounds? PM me if source file required
I'm pleased to mention that I have (via my little operation) released three small...
Hola, Este es básicamente el juego del ahorcado. Simplemente tienes que adivinar la palabra...
Hi This an app I wrote in order to help me learn a foreign language (Czech) It's relatively...
With Basic4android, Erel and his company have developed an invaluable environment for Android...