Just for fun I created a fortune teller app. It has animation and text to speech. I tried my hand at rolling text also. It is at 160 resolution. Have fun.
Hi, Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but the showcase section said I wasn't allowed to start a new thread there. I wrote a simple program called SensoMin that I thought would make a useful example for some people of how to use the...
I had nothing to do the other day, so I programmed this slot machine game. Not very heavy duty but fun to program. It has a resolution of 160 (working on 240). I added some sounds and cleaned up the screen.
I could not wait to put up an app. This is based on an app I created in b4ppc to solve a problem I once had in an ER when a relative was admitted and I had no idea what meds they took, I hope it is not too buggy... I tested it and it seemed to...
Hello, This is a program that shows bird names is various languages. The search language can be changed. Tested on a HTC Hero and Desire. All comments are more than welcome. Helen.
A simple fun little app that is based on the magic 8 ball idea. Press down on the ball (or stroke your finger across it) while thinking of a question and the ball will give you an answer to it :) Has traditional 8 ball replies and also some...
My first B4A app :) This will show you exactly where you are on a hybrid satellite map (as a blue marker labelled Y) and underneath the map it will give you a postal address including post code for your current location. There is only one...
I was playing with the new 1.3 release and the ability to load phone icon resources, so decided to put together a simple listview/imageview combo to browse all the icon resources that can be loaded and display them. Hope this is useful to...
Here is the Android version of the probability calculator (see the Basic4PPC forum for the Widows Mobile version). This program calculates the p value (probability of a more extreme result) for the Z, t, F, and Chi Square distributions. It...
Hi...I am almost finished with my conversion to Android of my Pairs game... I've given it a new graphical interface, and added some simple animations... Also a Score table was added... I am posting here the apk, with just the easy level enabled...
Ok this is a beta but it works well. Cercatel is an engine, written for my Italian project Cercatel: ricerca elenchi telefonici., whose aim is looking for/finding people, companies and relevant phone numbers and addresses. I'm posting some...
This is the classic mathematical puzzle. You move rings from one tower to another in the fewest number of moves. Since I am new it was a challenge. To move a piece click on the top ring and then click on the destination ring. I was trying to...
Click it Game This is my version of the moveable tiles game. The code is not very elegant since I am new to the game. I had to click/touch the tiles to move them. I could not figure a way to slide them. Any suggestions? Please test on any...
Hi, Wondering whether someone would like to volunteer in beta-testing a simple application at his/her own risk. Primarily, I am concerned about the screen layout on various devices and would appreciate a few brief feedbacks from the B4A...
Hi Sky Atlas is not planetarium software but a reference atlas for the purpose of looking up celestial objects. Please check Requio Web Design Mobile for further details and screen snaps. Please try it if you are interested in astronomy...
Can you complete all 5 rounds? PM me if source file required
I'm pleased to mention that I have (via my little Droiddd.com operation) released three small apps to Android Market: Angel Choir Birdsong Crickets These are very simple "background sound" apps... trial balloons, you might...
Hola, Este es básicamente el juego del ahorcado. Simplemente tienes que adivinar la palabra añadiendo letras antes de que el personaje quede ahorcado en la soga. El juego tiene tan solo 10 palabras en español diferentes que se eligen al azar...
Hi This an app I wrote in order to help me learn a foreign language (Czech) It's relatively straight-forward to use. Just feed it with pairs of words (one being your native word, the other being the foreign word) Use the menus to change the...
With Basic4android, Erel and his company have developed an invaluable environment for Android programmers eliminating need for learning Eclipse and Java. During two days of getting familiar with the concept, I realized the tremendous work...