Share Your Creations

My Launcher - run your apps is available on Google Play...
Hi all, I want to share with everyone my first app, named E-Calendar. It's a 2-in-1 app which...
My code is hideous and needs to be cleaned but I thought to post a demo here as many people want...
In Fast Operations you have thirty secons to make as many math operations as you can! Can you... I show you a simple math game...
hello, here is my 3D application. I went through with my dream with B4A...
Hello all, This is my last app, based on Erel's HttpServer It has only been in two...
Spell 4 You is a spelling application which works with voice recognition. I designed this for a...
This is an upgrade to the original ATOMS posted 17 Jan 2015. Basically the same game with a...
A very simple but fun app , using material design :) Lock/Unlock the screen by waving your hand...
Hello, this is my second app in the play store. SCOPA-PUNTI You can use it as scorekeeper for...
Hi all... Here is my first Game *-* its a CASUAL game, when you lost, want to play agai xD... Tell me what you think....
The attached file is a shell for writing card games. It contains the standard 52 card faces plus...
Tada ! The beta version of my new game is publicly available but only for french-speaking people...
Here is my second app Symple app for voice navigation that suports :google and Sygic This app...
I released my first app to aggregate local news from several sites on the play store...
Edit: please find attached version 1.12; specific notes on post#35 below. Hi all, after much...
A RPN calculator for Android Wear...
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