This is the telephone dtmf beeper, they can also manage multiple devices through the audio output. The scheme is applied. For example, to make a "running fire" press 1,2,4,8 Test for Samsung Galaxy S. Sorry for my bad English.
Hi, I've created an Android app as a pre-interview test for any candidates who want to work for us at Frugal Disruptive. Bit of background: we were being bombarded with CV's over the last few months – so I decided to put an app out there for...
DRIVE - Real-time Transmission Temperature Gauge * Optional Coolant and Intake Air Temperature Displayed * Alert Set Point for Transmission Temperature Overheat * Analog and Digital Gauge for Transmission Temperature * Digital Gauge Color...
Car Gauge Lite/Pro available is available at the Android Market. This app will communicate with your Vehicle's ECU by using ELM 327 BLuetooth Interface(Cheap no brand from Ebay). Good Quality Brand ELM327 Interface is not compatible at the...
Hi, this is another app called DreamElite and based upon an original app of mine, which I have customized for a client and which has just been published in my client's name. It is an app which lets the user control his/her linux based...
New recipe for pizza, focaccia, bruschetta. Italian language. I am looking for a translator for the English version.
Hi, our new game is now ready to download on - Google Play here - Its free 2 play :)
I'm not going to post the apk for download yet, but here is a screenshot: The goal of the game is the same as growing a real tree, except you don't have to have as much patience and there is a point system, bonuses and achievements. You trim...
I have just finished a funny live wallpaper, thanks to B4A...
Hi all, I've been busy coding various projects with basic4android and would like to showcase my latest 2D game programming efforts with a remake of the classic duck hunting game from 1984 - Nintendo Duck Hunt. A video of it working can be...
DOMAI - Beauty of the day (* Warning - contains nudity *) The homepage of this photographer offers an app. Having looked at the app, I decided with B4A I could do better. This is my answer, Which I offer here. The photographer has been informed...
A little fingerboarding game for my four year old. I know it's not quite Touch Grind but he likes it. Anyway let know what you think. I noticed a scaling problem in the Shop screen on my Samsung 10.1", not sure why...
Hi guys after playing with the JSON and HTTP utils (Thanks Erel for all your help :icon_clap:), i have created this little simple app, and thought i would post it on here, i have uploaded to Google Play (take a little while to appear), not sure...
in a few months I made several applications with B4A and this community. First thanks to all and especially to all the people who put these libraries available to all and and selfless effort for answering my doubts (Erel has responded to all of...
Table of Brazilian Soccer League 2012. Google Play Link: Futebol 2012
Hello, Here is the Application for Yukie, a French Manga designer. I use the liveWallpaper librarie. Thx a lot Errel, trebun, and all the community in this forum for your help. I think Basic4Android is amazing...
Here is an app for sports fans. Looking for feedback and suggestions. Link on Google Play: Thanks in advance to anyone who checks it out!
Hi, I have been playing with HTTP Utils and thought i would upload what i have done, the code is VERY messy as i have been making it up as i go along without a great deal of thought put into streamlining and making it neater, i will have a...
Swombies (Zombies in the Swamp) v4.0 Hi All, Here is the updated, and probably final, release of a simple 2D game that I have been writing over the last three weeks. My main goal was to learn more about B4A programming, so I have done...
Hi this is my first widget. Show some information about the moon and sign. It is a standalone application, which it does not need internet It changes every day automatically.Many icons. It takes only 1 cell I wanted to thank here for help from...