Bandcaster is an Independent Artists Database, you can find dozens of musicians (Bands, solo artists, etc) in one place. I wrote this app for a friend of mine who has a daily internet radio show. Requirements: - Internet connection...
The second version of my app will be released soon. Here is the link to a youtube demo video: Djembé Studio 2.0 (in english) Djembé Studio 2.0 (auf deutsch) Many thanks to informatix, warwound, thedesolatesoul, agraham and stevel05. The demo...
I have just found enough time to run up a very simple program as a sort of preliminary to working on the re-write of my much larger B4ppc database program. This one just displays information, and pics if available, about plant varieties -...
Hey all... I realize that there are quite a few of these programs on the market but each one I ever tried never really did the calculations properly. So I figured I would give my hand a try at it and came up with this program. It's called MPG...
NoteScan! Pro converts your photos to electronic text with a so called OCR, Optical Character Recognition program. But there are so many other OCR around the Android Market, why should I buy NoteScan! Pro then? Link here: NoteScan! Pro...
Hello! I published my first application on Google Play. Is a simple mortgage calculator [yes, one more;-)] with which you can perform your calculations for loans and mortgages. The only goal has been to learn to program with B4A and be...
Hello guys. I once posted the Android app created using B4A, Computer Jargon, and here is my latest creation, uploaded on Google Play, and sold for a very low price! Link...
Hello, This is my second app for Android; it's a Groupon like app that offers discount vouchers for local market. The app needs an internet connection. You can grab it from this link:
I finished a commission gig for a dentist in Florida. She will be using cheap android tablets as status boards. So if you are in Exam Room 1 with a patient, you hit the corresponding button and that button lights up on all the other devices on...
Finally, my first Android App is ready enough for a first release! Soon to be released on BlackBerry also. Written in B4A of course. Download for Android. Download the maze editor. Filesize too big for the forum.
Hi, I created a very simple flashlight app using the advanced camera lib (uses camera led flash that a lot of android devices have). It is freely available on the market (Hawkstone Flashlight) - it seems to be working for quite a few people ;-)...
Hello folks. Bought the full version of B4A, never regret it. Programmed this app in less than a day. Its a program that displays computer jargons such as USB, AVI, AGP, HDMI etc. You are able to search for a term/definition, email the term...
I was looking at the forum and noticed a NMEA checksum routine in the BASIC4PPC and thought i would create a B4A routine . The code is below and the attached ZIP file is the source. Not sure if it is any use to anyone Enjoy 'Activity...
hi all. Here I present my app, application circuits able to use, run races with these circuits that have been made with the other application version "master" **.
OneMore is a simply but not easy game.You must change all red buttons to blue.Touching a button the four neighboring buttons change color.
VenueSpot - Wifi pass finder powered by foursquare Get Internet access anywhere around the world, using wifi networks from cafe, restaurants, bars, finding their passwords from the tips left on foursquare ! Browse venues from your home, around...
Ok, this is my second app after learning more and more about the B4A world. With "flitztap for facebook" you can post prepared or custom text and images with a few clicks to your own or friends wall. The app has four pages open at the same...
FancyClock Widget 1.2 - Now with METEO! Hi everybody! Here is my new fully customizable clock, date and battery charge indicator widget! It shows also your preferred location's current weather condition and 4-days weather forecast...
Here is a little mathematical app that approaches the Collatz conjecture (named after the German mathematician, Lothar Collatz). If you would like some input on what he conjectured in 1937, you can read about it here: Collatz conjecture -...