UPDATE - Objects in B4a - No problem ;-) - O yes, and a simple 2D game engine ... Hi, thank you for everyone that tested (and found a few issues) - here is a new version with some fixes (added some more fixes, thanx to agraham for his help on...
A "fun-fact" odometer monitoring the motion of the moon in the form of a 2x2 home screen widget. Besides ephemeris data, such as moon age, phase, size and magnitude, the widget measures the moon's current orbit velocity, radial velocity...
Hi All, This is just a funny little app that I made to get started with programming. I did you TextToSpeech but it didn't seem to work on quite a few peoples phones. Hope it makes you laugh, Neil
My first app on B4A...:sign0060: download link: https://market.android.com/details?id=rps.b4a.vpoker&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsInJwcy5iNGEudnBva2VyIl0
You can scroll horizontally within panel content. Two panels used in this sample.
Hi, This is my first attempt at programming in over 10 years - mostly QuickBasic. Also, I just got a site and am learning the language - DroidCardGames.com. You'll need to go there to see it since I couldn't upload my 160x240 pictures here - too...
LCARS (Star Trek TNG UI) clone For those of you who who don't watch Star Trek, shame on you, and here's what I'm talking about: LCARS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'm almost done it actually. Supports blinking elements, red alert...
This is my first app. I'm at the very beginning stages of learning how to develop so this one is real simple...it will take you to web views of a couple of weather websites. https://market.android.com/details?id=anywheresoftware.b4a.quickweather
Trader Pulse is an app to track the Stock Market and get financial information. It's FREE, you can get Trader Pulse from The Android Market. Any comments (positive and negative) are welcome.
Based on Novaseers great Touchstone app this GPS app records your current location to a DB, gives compass direction, distance and speed (why speed? because it can) back to that point. Here it is in the market...
This is the first alpha version of my little weather app. If you are coming from Windows Mobile you may remember WeatherPanel from Marsware. I think WeatherPanel was the best weather program available on the Windows Mobile platform and I was...
A Jovian moons monitor in the form of a 4x1 phone home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and observation planning. The widget provides the positions of Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto relative to Jupiter, plus Jupiter's central meridian...
A world flag browser in the form of a 2x2 phone home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and education. The widget provides capital cities and their geographical coordinates plotted on a world map, as accurate as possible on a widget of...
Starfield Hi all I am very tired it's 4.49 , i have worked about 6 hours to do the legendary AMIGA starfield on B4A.. You can improve it with starfield colors, it's not hard, OK Done; Let's begin like AMIGA Lea $30000 :) 'Activity...
An Apollo mission browser in the form of a 2x2 home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and education. The widget provides data, enlargeable images of landing sites, crews and mission patches, as well as an audio of Neil Armstrong's voice...
Here is my absolutely minimalistic clock widget. Written down in about one hour (or less). It shows just a simple digital clock with white numbers on a transparent background. No configuration options, no other GUI, just the simple widget...
My shell game "Becherspiel-Mafiaboss" is a simple game of skill without trick. The three cones are to each other at a speed dependend from the stake postponed. The player must watch the process and then select the hat in which he has the ball. If...
A simple app to show different map views for a gps location, it can show a street view for your current location or one whose coordinates you manually enter and can also give you driving or walking directions from your current location to a...
My second app is up :-) This simple app uses the Lemond system of calculations to best fit your seat height, handlebar length, and bike size to you. It set up for road bikes, as the body is lower over the length of the bike, but will also work...
This is the free version of CardShark Spades. The final version will have many playing levels and styles, but this version only plays at the expert level. It has many features for learning to play like an expert which can be seen in the options...