Tutorials & Examples

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receive/send SMS while my phone is off

Hi experts,

This looks silly question but is it possible that I can receive/send a SMS while my phone is off using a program on a computer? And if it is possible what program or how to create a...

How I wrapped a HTML5, JavaScript & Css based Library...

Hi there..

Eye Candy

To be able to do this, you need a good library that you want to wrap. A library like this will run inside a webview as its purely javascript, so some knowledge of...


  • JarFileLoader.bas
    2.3 KB · Views: 709
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Remote Database Connector (RDC) - Connect to any remote DB

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B4A Book Updated to Version 6.50

Android SlidingPanels - Simple way to create sliding layouts

This is an old tutorial. There are now simpler and better ways to achieve this effect.

For example...


  • SlidingPanels.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 10,034
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GameView - Create 2D Android games - Part II


  • Asteroids.zip
    253.3 KB · Views: 4,190
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Google Place

This is a simple tutorial on how to search a place using Google Place API and with you keyword.
Hope this can help for those who are confused... Like ME

First you need an API Key(Browser...


  • Tut.Google.Places.zip
    7.9 KB · Views: 781

Inline Java Code

The next versions of B4A (4.30) and B4J (2.80) will allow you to embed Java code inside your B4X code. B4i supports similar feature with Objective C.

The purpose of this feature is to make it...


  • InlineJava.zip
    12.7 KB · Views: 4,280
  • B4J-InlineJava.zip
    1.2 KB · Views: 2,630
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httputils2: Send a large array as a JSON string via Job.Download2 to a php script

EDIT: Use the PostString method as it can carry more data (5 MB is ok - it's a server parameter). Download2 uses the "get-method" which is limited. To retrieve the data in php use:

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Important: Phone energy settings!

I had some issues with one of my apps receiving FCM messages correctly (when the phone was off and when it was swiped away/killed by the user). The other day I had a problem with my Google...

Using MFColorMatrix (from my MFLib)

A short description using the MFColorMatrix class from my MFLib.

A color matrix is a 4x5 matrix for transforming the color and alpha components of a Bitmap.
The definition of...

Parse JSON Weather Files from openweathermap.org

Android Sip / Voip tutorial

With the new Sip library you can make audio calls using Voip (Voice over IP) services.
Sip features were added in Android 2.3 (API level 9). Note that not all devices above Android 2.3 support Sip...


  • Sip.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 11,253

Material Design 1 - Basics

Note: You should use B4A 6.0 or above for this tutorial.

Android 5.0 (also called "Lollipop") introduced a new design for apps called "Material Design".

With this tutorial series I will...


  • SimpleMaterialExample2_0.zip
    8 KB · Views: 2,136
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App to sync photos using FileObserver library

I will thanks to warwound for FileObserver Library.
Also Thanks to all who share knowledge.

This App receive event when a new file (photo) is created al DCIM folder.
Also You can take photos...


  • JSC_SyncSample.zip
    339.6 KB · Views: 541

Dropbox SDK V2 - Uploading big files to Dropbox

This Tutorial will show you all needed Code to do Uploads to Dropbox.

Requirement for this tutorial: you need to have your App Dropbox-ready (see Tutorial I - Authentification).

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[B4X][OOP] Generic Sorter

The Sorter class uses quick sort algorithm to sort a list of objects.

There are exactly three assumptions about the list items:
1. All the items in the list are of the same type (or each item can...


  • Sorter.zip
    8.2 KB · Views: 659

SQL tutorial here

Alternative to B4A Bridge: USB Cable Connection

Step 1: On your mobile device, make sure you have USB Debugging activated.
- Go to "Settings".
- Scroll down to the bottom and tap "About phone" or "About tablet",
- Scroll down to the...
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Discovering iBeacon devices with BLE2 library

This example uses the BLE2 library to continuously scan for BLE devices, looking for iBeacons.
It never connects to any device. It parses the advertising data and calculates...


  • iBeacons.zip
    11.4 KB · Views: 2,000
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