Tutorials & Examples

Android development starts here. Please do not post questions in this sub-forum.

CuteR - with inlne Java Code


  • CuteR.zip
    313.2 KB · Views: 435
  • core-3.2.1.zip
    483.9 KB · Views: 624

Simple time calculation based on EditText

On your form you use an EditText to input time. If you want to calculate with this, may be the following example will help:

Sub AddTime(OriginalTime As EditText,HoursToAdd As Int,MinutesToAdd...

ScrollCoins - Using GameView to implement a scrolling grid



  • ScrollingCoins.zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 1,326

Using App Deeplinking in your app (based on json Config file)

In this tutorial i will show a way of using MobileDeepLinking in your app.

To use App deeplinking in your app to you need to setup your manifet to do so

Lets start with it:

Edit your...


  • MobileDeeplinkingExample.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 783
  • libMobileDeeplinkingV1.0.0.zip
    11.9 KB · Views: 853

[IoT] XBee (ZigBee) Communication between Android and Raspberry Pi

Digi XBee modules are a great solution for wireless communication. Using two or more XBee modules you can create a wide area wireless network. The maximum range depends on the antenna and...


  • RPiXBee.zip
    2 KB · Views: 1,448
  • AndroidXBee.zip
    10.6 KB · Views: 1,897

RDC: How to load blob and fill in to the imageview

Hi All,

With RDC i try to load blob and fill in to the imageview, but not success. Can anybody help me to find what is wrong wih my script :

        If Job.JobName = "DBRequest" Then...

Praise to the data type Map.

As you know, Map is a kind of list of pairs of data; each pair is composed of a key and a value which can be of any type.

An example that I believe can be useful:

You have a beautiful table...
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Mashy's Overview

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INFO: AdMob v6.4.1 deprecation from 15th September 2016

Some more information regarding the deprecation of the AbMob SDK v6.4.1:

The email you have gotten about the SDK needing to be higher than v6.4.1 refers to a legacy, standalone Mobile Ads SDK...

For vs. While

While usually interchangeable, we should all be aware of one very important difference between these two cycles.
The For...Next cycle caches the "goal", the Do...Loop does not...

Automatic backup of source files to zip after each compilation with Custom Build Action and 7zip

Here' s a batch file that will back up all your source files and zip it with 7zip with the datetime stamp on each successful compilation. Only external prerequisite is 7zip which is free.



  • Auto7Zip4B4A2016-08-31.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 445
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Protect your Android application with the Licensing library

The licensing library allows you to use Android market licensing service to verify that the user is allowed to access your application.

Your applications sends a request to the local market...
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Slide Switch - On / Off

This is a very, very simple project implementing a slide switch with B4A code only. Track flag1 and flag2 to know the state of the two switches (i.e are the switches on or off)...


  • JHSswitch.zip
    12.4 KB · Views: 1,062
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Localize your app using AndroidResources

Here's a short tutorial showing how you can add support for multiple languages to your B4A application using my AndroidResources library.

Native Android applications have built in support...


  • Localization.zip
    7.6 KB · Views: 1,592

Bluetooth Printing to HP Deskjet 100 Mobile

I took the BTPrint.zip and modified it to print to my HP Deskjet 100 Mobile using Bluetooth

Attached find a new Zip BTPrint-2.zip (did not want to confuse it with the other one) and a PNG files...


  • BTPrint-2.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 997
  • PrintOutExample.png
    38.1 KB · Views: 876

FileTransfer - Send and receive files with AsyncStreams

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B4A Book Updated

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B4XObject - B4A /B4J / B4i objects serialization

The RandomAccessFile libraries (B4A, B4J and B4i libs) include two new methods: WriteB4XObject and ReadB4XObject.

These methods are similar to WriteObject and...
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Large & Searchable List with SearchView + B4XSerializator


  • B4J_IndexBuilder.zip
    57.9 KB · Views: 1,711
  • LargeSearchView.zip
    733.6 KB · Views: 2,824
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Modules Attributes

Basic4android v2.50 includes a new method for handling project and modules settings.

These settings are now set in the code itself. The menu items were removed...
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