Tutorials & Examples

Android development starts here. Please do not post questions in this sub-forum.

A tilt shift Effect

A Tilt Shift effect for Basic4Android! Because of the pictures, the project is to big to attach to this forum but you can download it from my blog...

Help, access to localhost from buildroid virtual device

sorry, I don't see "not post questions in this sub-forum." please any admin can delete this?
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B4A Article in Nuts and Volts Magazine

There is a nice "Getting Started" article in the August Nuts and Volts magazine:

Fred Eady, "Putting Basic4Android in the Driver's Seat", Nuts and Volts, August, 2012 (pp 68-73)


Share files between emulator and PC

The canonical way to share files between emulator and PC is using
adb utility from android-sdk, but is a command line utility and is a little bit hard to use, you have to use adb push and adb...

EXAMPLE - Drag a panel of buttons or EditText

Here is a simple example of how to support dragging a panel of buttons or other views like EditText around the screen.

I extracted the code from one of my apps and added detailed comments. It...


  • PanelTouchDrag.zip
    7.3 KB · Views: 1,312
  • PanelTouchDrag.png
    23.1 KB · Views: 1,682

listview reading second line

I dont know how to get the second line returned from a listview

help is appreciated

reading from the manual:

However you can change it to any object you like by using:

LeadBolt Tutorial

Hi Everyone,

Is there a LeadBolt tutorial?

I just signed up with them and have no idea on how to start and add it to my app.


Completely new to Visual Basic language - How should I proceed?

Hi guys. I'm thinking about stat coding for android using Basic4Android but I've never even saw a code in Visual Basic.

I do code in C/C++, PHP.

How should I proceed? Should I just dive in...

Problems With App Closing On Back Button Press? (Tutorial)

Ok so this was one of the first issues I ran into when first starting in B4A. I want to write this tutorial to help people out that might have the same issues as I did. So lets start.


Class example - Galaxy system emulation

This "galaxy" example simulates planets movements based on the gravity forces.

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the usage of classes in a graphical program...


  • Stars.zip
    8 KB · Views: 1,233

Creating and Using a Virtual SD Card - Tutorial

Creating and Using a Virtual SD Card - A Tutorial

Here is a tutorial for creating a virtual SD-Card, copying your SD-card files and reading them. It includes screen-shots of each stage and a...
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GSMA Doc: Smarter Apps for Smarter Phones

Any threads just for newbies?

Just getting started with BA4 and am very confused. I don't understand many terms and terminology. Have next to no experience with Java though am reasonably proficient with Basic.

A friend sent...

Managing deployment of multiple applications on multiple devices with B4AServer

This is an example of how we can use B4AServer to manage the deployment and updates of multiple Android applications on multiple devices.

It works in the following way:
- The device...

OpenGL 1.7 RayPlane Intersection

So ive been messing round with OpenGL for a while now as discovered that OpenGL ES doesnt include a 'GluUnproject' function, which is rather pivotal for discovering world coordinates with Ray...

Absolute beginners guide to making a Net Server program

I am writing a manual for students using B4A and there seemed to be some people here wanting to connect their programs to a net server with SQL who have never done so before.

So hopefully some...


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Developping using my old netbook

Hi guys,

I thought I wanted to share this with you. I found a perfect way to develop for my Android device.

I used my hardly used Toshiba netbook NB100 and made it dual boot: the second boot...

Intel Atom x86 emulator available

TextPaginator Problem

I am using the PageTurnView library & like it very much.

In my code I would like to destroy & create a TextPaginator object or at least clear the text buffer that was set within this object...

Programmatically Adding UI elements - for .Net users

Here's a little tutorial/sample project for users coming from .net

It shows how you can have one activity show lots of ui elements, some hidden, some not within the same activity...


  • PanelExample.zip
    308.7 KB · Views: 782
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