B4i Library iComboBox - Easy way to put combo in your B4i apps


Installation instructions:

- Copy the *.a and *.h files into the folder "Libs" in your MAC or in your MAC HOSTED by AnywhereSoftware, normally in "B4i-MacServer\Libs" folder

-Copy the iComboBox.xml to your custom libraries folder in B4i

Version history:
V1.0.0 (First public release):
- Initial version

- New method to move combo after initialized (.moveCombo(x,y,width,height)

- New methods:
* SetText
* SetPlaceHolder


Obs: From this version is not necessary replace the libraries to convert to the FULL VERSION, now by simply put your license in the LicenseKey and LicenseEmail in appropriate properties.

- New methods:

* ColorBackground
* SetTextWithColor
* SetPlaceHolderWithColor

* LicenseEmail
* LicenseKey
* LicenseShow


Alberto Iglesias (alberto@visualnet.inf.br)
Version: 1.0.2
  • iComboBox
    • onInitialized (EventName As String)
    • onSelected (itemName as String )
    • AddSection (SectionName As String, MenuItens As Array)
      Add a section to combo with itens
    • ColorHeadSection (Rt As Int, Gt As Int, Bt As Int, Rb As Int, Gb As Int, Bb As Int)
      Set the colors of Head Section
    • Initialize (EventName As String, defaultPlaceHolder As String, x As Int, y As Int, width As Int, height As Int, expandHeight As Int, allowFiltering As BOOL, iconArrow As NSString*)
    • moveCombo(x AsInt, y AsInt, width AsInt, height AsInt)
      Initializes the object.
    • Show (Parent As B4IPage*)
      Show the Combo
    • Author As String [read only]
      Author of this Library
    • DebugMode As BOOL
      Enable/Disable Debug mode from Library
    • LastItemChoosed As String [read only]
      Last Title of Item Choosed
    • LastSectionChoosed As String [read only]
      Last Section Name Choosed
    • NameIdentifier As String [read only]
      Name of Combo Identifier
    • SectionTitleEnable As BOOL
      Enable/Disable Title of Section
    • UUID As String [read only]
      UUID Identifier
    • Version As String [read only]
      Library Version
    • borderWidth As Int
      Width of Combo border




  • Example1.zip
    23.6 KB · Views: 118
  • Example2.zip
    49.4 KB · Views: 100
  • Example4Move.zip
    67.4 KB · Views: 47
  • iComboBox103.zip
    282.5 KB · Views: 63
  • iComboBox v1.0.4.zip
    229.2 KB · Views: 105
  • ExampleWithLicenseKey.zip
    50.3 KB · Views: 67
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I am testing on local Builder and B4i IDE return this error when compiling... Is not possible to find file c:\program files... \zone.identifier

Captura de Tela 2015-03-30 às 09.33.54.png


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Sim. Sou Brasileiro Alberto. Você é também ? será que não é um problema com o xml ? Porque quando uso Test Compiling não da erro. Os outros projetos estão compilando normalmente.


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Sim esse problema aconteceu nos 2 exemplos que vc postou. Mas já consegui resolver. Eu criei outro projeto em branco no B4i e copiei o código exemplo para ele e depois disso compilou com sucesso.

Eu descobri que no arquivo zip que vc postou, tem 3 arquivos : iComboBox.b4i.meta, iComboBox.meta.Zone.Identifier e iComboBox.Zone.Identifier e no outro projeto que eu criei tem somente o meuprojeto.b4i.meta.

Realmente é alguma coisa do B4i IDE.

Uma sugestão para seu combobox. Caso o usuário não queira escolher nenhuma opção da combo, se ele tocar em outra parte da tela a combo voltar ao estado anterior antes da escolha visto que o iOS não tem um botão voltar como no Android. Isso tira a sensação de obrigar o usuário de escolher algo. Ou eu que terei que fazer isso no meu código se usar sua biblioteca ? O que acha ?
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Ou senão tocar no próprio botão que abre a combo para ela fechar e deixar a tela livre sem que uma escolha for feita. Mas valeu só uma sugestão, desculpe a intromissão. Boa sorte e sucesso nos seus projetos.


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Longtime User
Hi Alberto,

i love your Combobox. Now I wanted to use your Combobox together with the AnotherDatePicker-Class from Erel. But if i show the DatePicker, your Combobox overlapped. See the Picture please.

How do I get your combo box in the background?

Thanks for your answer.


  • image1.PNG
    66.2 KB · Views: 80

Derek Johnson

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A great implentation of a combobox, just one thing I noticed though.

When you use:

objCombo.SectionTitleEnable = True

it is possible to type a name into the combobox.

However when you hit ENTER, this does not raise any event. So it is not possible to detect that this has happened.

It works just fine as a drop-down list selector though.

(I like your nag-ware feature too - will have to make a donation soon!)


Derek Johnson

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Thanks for the fast response!

If you are making some changes, I would like to suggest that you add another property:


This should control whether this is a true combo-box or just a drop-down list. At the moment it is controlled by the property 'SectionTitleEnable', this does not seem quite correct.

(Just a suggestion) :)


Derek Johnson

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I think that I may have a problem testing this - I use the hosted builder and this is an updated library, so it would require Erel to host the modified library, or perhaps some other helpful user can test this.
