Here's a simple, yet useful, Vector class which stores a 2D vector's magnitude, angle and x,y components.
What are vectors?
Not needed.
You may set your vector components manually or by using its internal functions.
For example:
What are vectors?
Not needed.
'Sets this vector's description and units
vecDescription(Vector_Description As String, Vector_Units As String)
'Sets this vector's directional components, magnitude and angle from an imaginary line between two points in space, given their X, Y coordinates.
vecLine(aX As Double, aY As Double, bX As Double, bY As Double)
'Sets this vector's directional components based on the given size and angle in degrees.
vecAngleMagD(Magnitude As Double, Degrees As Double)
'Sets this vector's directional components based on the given size and angle in degrees.
vecAngleMagR(Magnitude As Double, Radians As Double)
'Sets this Vector's directional components, magnitude and angle in radians based on the given angle in degrees.
vecAngleD(Degrees As Double)
'Sets this vector's directional components, magnitude and angle in degrees based on the given angle in radians.
vecAngleR(Radians As Double)
You may set your vector components manually or by using its internal functions.
For example:
Dim myVector as Vector
myVector.vecLine(0, 3, -1, 39)
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim Description As String
Dim Units As String
Dim Size As Double
Dim AngleD As Double
Dim AngleR As Double
Dim dirX As Double
Dim dirY As Double
End Sub
'Sets this vector's description and units
Public Sub vecDescription(Vector_Description As String, Vector_Units As String)
Description = Vector_Description
Units = Vector_Units
End Sub
'Sets this vector's directional components, magnitude and angle from an imaginary line between two points in space, given their X, Y coordinates.
Public Sub vecLine(aX As Double, aY As Double, bX As Double, bY As Double)
dirX = bX - aX
dirY = bY - aY
AngleD = ATan2D(dirY, dirX)
AngleR = ATan2 (dirY, dirX)
Size = Sqrt(Power(dirX, 2) + Power(dirY, 2))
End Sub
'Sets this vector's directional components based on the given size and angle in degrees.
Public Sub vecAngleMagD(Magnitude As Double, Degrees As Double)
AngleD = Degrees
AngleR = Degrees * cPI / 180
Size = Magnitude
dirX = CosD(Degrees) * Magnitude
dirY = SinD(Degrees) * Magnitude
End Sub
'Sets this vector's directional components based on the given size and angle in degrees.
Public Sub vecAngleMagR(Magnitude As Double, Radians As Double)
AngleD = Radians * 180 / cPI
AngleR = Radians
Size = Magnitude
dirX = Cos(Radians) * Magnitude
dirY = Sin(Radians) * Magnitude
End Sub
'Sets this Vector's directional components, magnitude and angle in radians based on the given angle in degrees.
Public Sub vecAngleD(Degrees As Double)
AngleD = Degrees
AngleR = Degrees * cPI / 180
dirX = CosD(Degrees) * Size
dirY = SinD(Degrees) * Size
End Sub
'Sets this vector's directional components, magnitude and angle in degrees based on the given angle in radians.
Public Sub vecAngleR(Radians As Double)
AngleD = Radians * 180 / cPI
AngleR = Radians
dirX = Cos(Radians) * Size
dirY = Sin(Radians) * Size
End Sub

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