Wish "Project Layouts" folder and views auto-increment when using multiple layouts on same project


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Hi EREL...

My wish is a simple one, but complex to achieve, maybe...
Imagine I need a 10 Tabs TabPane... each TabPage needs its own layout, in this case, unique layouts...
If I use 1 button on each layout, I end up having 10x Button1 and to make things worse, if in code I chage any property to the button, it is reflected in all 10! which may not be the desired result!

So, If in the files folder, a subfolder was created for the layouts, then we could have a auto-increment mechanism for all views...
Like the First layout saved (or sorted by layout name) has 10 Buttons, then the next in the list will be Button11, even if its the only button in that layout...

I hope I made myself clear enough...


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if in code I chage any property to the button, it is reflected in all 10!
That's not correct.
The Button1 variable will always point to the last button added named Button1.

I do understand the request however I'm not sure that it will be implemented. Layout files are isolated from each other. You can always add a new layout file to an existing project.

You should change the views names to be more meaningful. Especially in larger projects.