B4J Tutorial [server] Run a Server on Azure as an App Service

Since Azure supports Jetty, a B4J server app can also run on azure.

1. Search jetty in the marketplace and create a web app service.


2. Use git to clone the repository. You can find the link in "Properties".

3. Place your .jar at someplace in the repository and edit web.config.

change this:

                             -jar "d:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\jetty-distribution-9.1.2.v20140210\start.jar""

to this:

                             -jar "d:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\start.jar"

The server needs to set its port based on the argument. The b4j code:

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Dim port As Int
End Sub

4. Then use git push to make deployment.

Here is an example: https://b4jserver.azurewebsites.net/hello

More detailed instruction by tchart: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...on-azure-as-an-app-service.98277/#post-638780


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Hi xulihang, this looks awesome. Could you provide more details on how you do the git clone and jar replacement? I'm a bit stuck.


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Site is not running

You should find your own link as shown in the picture.

Use the command below to clone it (install git first and replace the link with yours):

git clone  "https://$basiccat-server:apikey@basiccat-server.scm.azurewebsites.net/"

Then do the following step 3 and step 4.


Well-Known Member
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I got mine running.

I haven't had time to write the steps up yet.

I did note that the latest version of Java they offer wasn't a JDK and app wouldn't start. I set it to the lowest 1.8.x and that worked.


Licensed User
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I got mine running.

I haven't had time to write the steps up yet.

I did note that the latest version of Java they offer wasn't a JDK and app wouldn't start. I set it to the lowest 1.8.x and that worked.

Great! Thanks for the heads up on the JDK!


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Ok here goes.

1) I found the easiest way to start off was actually from the github site and to press the "Deploy to Azure" button at the bottom - URL is https://github.com/azure-appservice-samples/JettyTemplate

2019-01-14 19_50_30-Window.png
2) Complete the details of your app in the wizard

2019-01-14 19_51_10-Window.png

3) Wait for it to deploy. You will find the app wont actually start correctly

2019-01-14 20_00_19-Window.png

4) Under application settings adjust Java version - use 1.8.0_25
2019-01-14 20_01_13-Window.png

5) Jetty will now start correctly
2019-01-14 20_02_06-Window.png

6) Now set up your jServer project as per xulihangs instructions

2019-01-14 20_05_10-Window.png

7) Set up FTP to your site and upload the new JAR file (stop the app first). FTP credentials are under Deployment Center.

2019-01-14 20_13_36-Window.png

8) Now edit the web.config file under wwwroot

2019-01-22 19_19_51-_site_wwwroot_web.config.png

9) Now start up the app and it should be good to go

2019-01-22 19_21_15-2019-01-14 21_43_39-Window.png ‎- Photos.png


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Very detailed step by step instruction! FTP may be a more appropriate way to deploy B4J apps than git.


Well-Known Member
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Very detailed step by step instruction! FTP may be a more appropriate way to deploy B4J apps than git.
Agree, I only use git for the template, the B4J app is deployed over FTP. I'm sure the steps could be streamlined but I haven't had another look yet .


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Just an FYI, if you deploy on the free tier for the app service that your service will be shut down when idle. This means if you have any background jobs that execute on a timer that they may not run.


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Also, I have created a template based on B4J Server which works out of the box. Workflow is the same as above but the website works straight away with a B4J server app which you can replace with your own. To update the JAR via FTP you first need to disconnect from the GitHub project in Deployment Centre - havent figured out how to do that via config yet.
