B4J Library FingerPrint Reader


Currently i am working on a project to capture fingerprint of the employees on a company, I was a bit afraid that because it was a Java library i could lose the project due to my lack of knowledge but with pure javaobject and a bit of inline java i was able to put a working project!

So far, the project shows this image (it is localized for english, spanish french and portuguese):

This form allows you to save finger template that it is translated into bytes so you can store it in your desired format (database, json, etc)

Then you can compare that template with your reader and the project will throw wheter it was a success or a failure.

What do you need?
Digital Persona SDK
U.are.U 4000B/4500 or Later. (i tested against a 4500 model)


The project i am working on has:


private Sub fingerPrint_verified(success As Boolean,key As String)

private Sub fingerprint_enrolled(findexIndex As String,fingerTemplate() As Byte)

With this 2 you can successfuly enroll and verify the fingerprints, because the SDK is technically a 1 vs 1 verification, i had to create a system to verify a set of templates (a map) that is why it is returning a key.

Up to here, its what i need for my project, i may modify it later to wrap more features, but i tried to make it as simple as possible.

I will make the B4J Project donationware!

Whaaaat??? yeah sorry... it took me quite some time to implement and i had to buy the reader.

I can share with you the SDK (it is everywhere on the internet if you want to do it by yourself) the B4J project and may give you some tech support if you get stuck somewhere.

There is only a small glitch even when a fingerprint is succesfully compared the verification widget is shown as unknown, but because the event is raised, you can completly hide the widget and put yours.

Thank you!


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Longtime User
Hi, buenas,

This thread is in the Libraries section, but I cannot find the Library to manage fingerprints and exactly that hardware.

Where can I download the library or use those events that you posted on the first post??

Thank you!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, buenas,

This thread is in the Libraries section, but I cannot find the Library to manage fingerprints and exactly that hardware.

Where can I download the library or use those events that you posted on the first post??

Thank you!
It's Donation Ware! You need to contact Enrique and ... Donate!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, buenas,

This thread is in the Libraries section, but I cannot find the Library to manage fingerprints and exactly that hardware.

Where can I download the library or use those events that you posted on the first post??

Thank you!
Hi enrique1, if you are interested you can contact me via DM. This post is a bit outdated i bought the latest SDK from digitalPersona (2018 SDK) and it is now a fully working solution.


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if you are interested i can give it to you:
the library itself (for windows, linux both normal and arm based)
the b4j wrapper

i include an example on how to do it and a couple of hours for any question you may have regarding the library.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I cant find the sample code in c# for the Digital Persona Reader 5100.
Google search is working. You´ll probably not find any c# code in the B4X Forum.

It is for another model but maybe it helps