Hi there,
I want to share a tactic / a small guard for MySQL/MariaDB DataBases..
Well all we know that having a Database online and not in localhost is difficult to protect from brute force attacks / ransomware attacks...
Well i ll give a little "pebble" to help others to think / different - but have in mind that i personally believe that SQL must stay at localhost/ or if it not possible through VPN at local network logic...
My thought is that... let's say we have a MySQL database at port 3306 (better change that to something else)...
When someone go to access a user with different username/password - then Application events have "Access Denied..." for MySQL... then will block IP to our PC...
It's just simple and you can think more... uses windows applications events / but you can use system events or anything you want...
My first thoughts was using more native commands but there is nothing in my meters.. so using some batch files and windows commands..
Old days i ve made at VB6 a firewall using packetX library / WinPcap... there is no big difference... at idea...
From libraries... using only jshell and wevutil (windows command/app), netsh (ipsec) command of windows (with some changes you can make it for linux/debian systems)...
The code:
here the blockip.bat
here the delpol.bat
don't forget to run this - will reset ipsec policy we've use...
here the ping1.bat
at ping we' ve just pinging domain/ip to resolve ip address...
here the apperr.bat
at wevutil we ve just taking that last windows application error...
And here a special tip - for those who want to unblock ips...
don't forget to run delpol.bat at the end of the Testing purposes... because you will block ip addresses forever
ps: Every time - you rebooting your pc ipsec policy is alive... with delpol.bat - erasing your policy ! - Actually you can do that every 4-5 days if it is a server - pc's with ransomwares keep tries for 3 days... / some trying to 20days :-(
ps-2: For those don't want to use windows events and windows commands - they can open mysql/mariadb logs file... but there require to enable logs first...
in MBB.zip... in folder object... .bat (batch) files are already included!!!
Don't Forget... You can donate me... the code is free to use it...
I want to share a tactic / a small guard for MySQL/MariaDB DataBases..
Well all we know that having a Database online and not in localhost is difficult to protect from brute force attacks / ransomware attacks...
Well i ll give a little "pebble" to help others to think / different - but have in mind that i personally believe that SQL must stay at localhost/ or if it not possible through VPN at local network logic...
My thought is that... let's say we have a MySQL database at port 3306 (better change that to something else)...
When someone go to access a user with different username/password - then Application events have "Access Denied..." for MySQL... then will block IP to our PC...
It's just simple and you can think more... uses windows applications events / but you can use system events or anything you want...
My first thoughts was using more native commands but there is nothing in my meters.. so using some batch files and windows commands..
Old days i ve made at VB6 a firewall using packetX library / WinPcap... there is no big difference... at idea...
From libraries... using only jshell and wevutil (windows command/app), netsh (ipsec) command of windows (with some changes you can make it for linux/debian systems)...
The code:
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 300
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Public timer1 As Timer
Dim shl As Shell
Dim errsource As String
Dim errdate As String
Dim errdesc As String
Dim rulecount As Long
Private Label1 As Label
Private Label2 As Label
End Sub
Sub AppStart (form1 As Form,Args() As String)
DateTime.TimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"
DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
MainForm = form1
MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("a1") ' Or you layout
MainForm.Title="BB for MySQL/MariaDB" 'just want a name Block BruteForce...
shl.Initialize("sh1","delpol.bat", Null)
shl.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp
End Sub
Sub timers1_tick
'Log("search for new events...")
shl.Initialize("sh1","apperr.bat", Null)
shl.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp
Dim inp As InputStream
inp = File.OpenInput(File.DirApp,"apperr.txt")
Dim b As Int
Dim my_buf(inp.BytesAvailable) As Byte
b = inp.ReadBytes(my_buf,0,inp.BytesAvailable)
Dim data As String = BytesToString(my_buf,0,b,"cp1253") ' might be cp1253
Dim inp As InputStream
inp = File.OpenInput(File.DirApp,"apperr.bak")
Dim b As Int
Dim my_buf(inp.BytesAvailable) As Byte
b = inp.ReadBytes(my_buf,0,inp.BytesAvailable)
Dim data2 As String = BytesToString(my_buf,0,b,"cp1253") ' might be cp1253
If data<>data2 Then
If errsource="MySQL" Then
If errdesc.StartsWith("Access denied for user")=True Then
Dim checkip As String=errdesc.SubString2(errdesc.IndexOf("@'")+2 , errdesc.LastIndexOf("'"))
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub getip(ip As String) As String
shl.Initialize("sh1","ping1.bat",Array As String(ip))
shl.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp
Dim newip As String=File.ReadString(File.DirApp,"ip.txt")
If newip.indexof("[")>1 Then
Return newip.SubString2(newip.indexof("[")+1,newip.indexof("]"))
Return ip
End If
End Sub
Sub checkandblock(ip As String)
Dim whatip As String=getip(ip)
Dim stream As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(File.dirapp,"accessdenied.log",True)
Dim LogString As String
LogString = DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now) & " | " & DateTime.time(DateTime.Now) & " | " & whatip & " | " & errdesc.Replace(Chr(13)," ") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Dim Data() As Byte
Data = LogString.GetBytes("UTF8")
If IsNumber(whatip.Replace(".",""))=True Then
Label2.Text = rulecount 'You can.. Remove if you want to be silent...
End If
End Sub
Sub blockipsec(ip As String, rule As Int)
'MBB 1
Dim r As String
' use ipsec
shl.Initialize("sh1", "blockip.bat", Array As String(r.trim,ip.trim))
shl.WorkingDirectory = File.DirApp
End Sub
Sub shl_ProcessCompleted (Success As Boolean, ExitCode As Int, StdOut As String, StdErr As String)
If Success And ExitCode = 0 Then
Log("Error: " & StdErr)
End If
ExitApplication 'here you can handle with different way if you want...
End Sub
'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
here the blockip.bat
netsh ipsec static add filter filterlist=MBB_%1 srcaddr=%2 dstaddr=Me
netsh ipsec static add filteraction name=MBB_ACTIONFOR_%1 action=block
netsh ipsec static add policy name=MBB_POL_1 assign=yes
netsh ipsec static add rule name=MBB_%1 policy=MBB_POL_1 filterlist=MBB_%1 filteraction=MBB_ACTIONFOR_%1 activate=yes
here the delpol.bat
don't forget to run this - will reset ipsec policy we've use...
netsh ipsec static delete policy name=MBB_POL_%1
here the ping1.bat
at ping we' ve just pinging domain/ip to resolve ip address...
ping -n 1 %1 >ip.txt
here the apperr.bat
at wevutil we ve just taking that last windows application error...
copy /y apperr.txt apperr.bak
wevtutil qe Application /c:1 /f:Text /rd:true >apperr.txt
And here a special tip - for those who want to unblock ips...
netsh ipsec static delete rule name=MBB_%1 MBB_POL_1
don't forget to run delpol.bat at the end of the Testing purposes... because you will block ip addresses forever
ps: Every time - you rebooting your pc ipsec policy is alive... with delpol.bat - erasing your policy ! - Actually you can do that every 4-5 days if it is a server - pc's with ransomwares keep tries for 3 days... / some trying to 20days :-(
ps-2: For those don't want to use windows events and windows commands - they can open mysql/mariadb logs file... but there require to enable logs first...
in MBB.zip... in folder object... .bat (batch) files are already included!!!
Don't Forget... You can donate me... the code is free to use it...
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