Android Example double joystick in b4a with bluetooth output

Hi. here is my code. it's a double joystick to can control things trough bluetooth. I made some things in Arduino:

With BT with Arduino, it was fine. Now was the turn of B4A to be able to control through my smartphone. The basic idea is send always the same string, so i can change the control with not change the program of the receiver.

thanks to:

Still i've got one problem. I cant 'reset' to the center one stick when I leave it but still the otherone is moving

Sorry... other thing, i thing i wil see it these days: take out ONE string with the movment of both sticks together

'Still studying, learning, teaching and sharing'

#Region Module Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
    #ApplicationLabel: DosJoys
    #VersionCode: 1
    #SupportedOrientations: Landscape
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    Type PointType(x As Int,y As Int)
    Dim Center1 As PointType
    Dim Center2 As PointType
    'velocidad del movimiento. mas grande, mas lento
    Dim Pixel As Int: Pixel = 1
    'variables de los vectores de cada joystick
    Dim Magnitude1 As Double
    Dim Angle1 As Double
    Dim Magnitude2 As Double
    Dim Angle2 As Double
    'tipo de joystick
    Dim circular As Boolean
    'tamaño del joystick
    Dim Ancho As Double: Ancho = 768
    Dim Medio As Double: Medio = Ancho / 2
    Dim Triple As Double: Triple = Ancho * 3
    Dim Mitad As Double
    'timer para salida de valores
    Dim timer1 As Timer
    Dim timer2 As Timer
    Dim Serial1 As Serial
    Dim connected As Boolean
    Dim TextWriter1 As TextWriter

End Sub

Sub Globals

    Dim bgd As Panel
    Dim G As Gestures
    Dim TouchMap As Map
    Type Point(Id As Int, prevX As Int, prevY As Int, Color As Int)

    'sticks de los joysticks
    Dim sprite1 As ImageView
    Dim sprite2 As ImageView
    'botones en pantalla
    Dim BotonI, BotonD As Button
    Dim ConBT, DesBT As Button
    Dim sw As CheckBox

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    'tipo de joystick
    circular = False

    'inicializacion variables
    Magnitude1 = 0
    Angle1 = 0
    Magnitude2 = 0
    Angle2 = 0

    'Crea un panel para los joysticjs
    Activity.AddView(bgd, 127, 256, Triple, Ancho)
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If

    'Agrega un listener para este panel
    G.SetOnTouchListener(bgd, "Gestures_Touch")
    ' Crea Botón Izquierdo (BotonI)
    BotonI.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonI.Text = "I"
    Activity.AddView(BotonI, 230dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón Derecho (BotonD)
    BotonD.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonD.Text = "D"
    Activity.AddView(BotonD, 315dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    ' Crea Switch (sw) - Joystick Redondo o Cuadrado
    sw.TextColor = Colors.Red
    sw.Text = "[]"
    Activity.AddView(sw, 280dip, 80dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    ' Crea Botón Conectar BT (ConBT)
    ConBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    ConBT.Text = "+BT"
    Activity.AddView(ConBT, 230dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón DesConectar BT (ConBT)
    DesBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    DesBT.Text = "-BT"
    Activity.AddView(DesBT, 315dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    'Centro de Coordenadas de cada stick de cada joystick
    'la distancia en el medio de los dos joystick tiene a proposito el tamaño de un joystick
    Center1.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 0.5
    Center1.y = bgd.Height / 2

    Center2.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5
    Center2.y = bgd.Height/2
    'Sprite de los sticks en los Joystick
    sprite1.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")

    sprite2.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")
    'Setup Timer
    'Cambiando el Intervalo, cabia la velocidad de los Sprites
    'posiciono al sprite de la palanca en el medio del joystick
    'lugar del joystick + mitad del ancho del joystick - mitad del ancho del mismo sprite
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)

    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5)  - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
    Mitad = bgd.Left + (bgd.Width / 2)
    If FirstTime Then
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    If Serial1.IsEnabled = False Then
        Msgbox("Activa el Bluetooth.", "")
        'Serial1.Listen 'escuchando comunicaciones de entrada
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Gestures_Touch(View As Object, PointerID As Int, Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    Dim p As Point
    Dim px, py As Int
    Dim cp As Int
    Select Action
        'movimiento en el panel
            p.Id = PointerID
            TouchMap.Put(PointerID, p)
        'sin movimientos
        Case g.ACTION_POINTER_UP

        Case g.ACTION_UP

            'fin de este gesture
    End Select

    cp = TouchMap.Size - 1' un touch
    If cp > 0 Then
        cp = 1 'no mas de dos touches
    End If
    For i = 0 To cp
        'lugar donde se mueven los stickes
        p = TouchMap.GetValueAt(i)
        px = g.GetX(
        py = g.GetY(

        If px < Mitad Then 'joystick izquierdo
            'If (cp = 0) Then p1_Touch(2,0,0)
        Else    'joystick derecho
            'If (cp = 0) Then p0_Touch(2,0,0)
        End If

    Return True
End Sub

'joystick izquierdo
Sub p0_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center1.X - X
    dh = Center1.Y - Y

    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If

    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude1 = 0
        Angle1 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude1 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle1  = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw > 0) Then Angle1 = Angle1 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude1 > Medio) Then Magnitude1 = Medio
        End If
    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'Activity.ACTION_DOWN
            timer1.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'Activity.ACTION_UP
            timer1.enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite1.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
            sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)
            Salida (0,0,5)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Sub p1_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center2.X - X
    dh = Center2.Y - Y

    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If
    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude2 = 0
        Angle2 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude2 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle2  = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw > 0) Then Angle2 = Angle2 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude2 > Medio) Then Magnitude2 = Medio
        End If

    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'ACTION_DOWN
            timer2.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'ACTION_UP
            timer2.Enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite2.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) - (sprite2.width / 2)
            sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
            Salida (0,0,5)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

'boton 1
Sub BotonI_Click
    Salida (0,0,3)
End Sub

'boton 2
Sub BotonD_Click
    Salida (0,0,4)
End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 1
Sub Timer1_Tick
    Dim vx1 As Int
    Dim vy1 As Int

    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick izquierdo
    vx1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Cos(Angle1)
    vy1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Sin(Angle1)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick izquierdo
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2) + vx1 - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy1 - (sprite1.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx1,vy1,1)

End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 2
Sub Timer2_Tick
    Dim vx2 As Int
    Dim vy2 As Int
    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick derecho
    vx2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Cos(Angle2)
    vy2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Sin(Angle2)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick derecho
    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) + vx2 - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy2 - (sprite2.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx2,vy2,2)

End Sub

'tipo de joysticks: redondos o cuadrados
Sub sw_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
    If Checked Then
        circular = True
        sw.Text = "()"
        circular = False
        sw.Text = "[]"
    End If
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If
End Sub

Sub Delay(milis As Long)
    Dim ini As Long
    Dim fin As Long
    fin = DateTime.Now + milis
    ini = DateTime.Now
    Do While ini < fin
        ini = DateTime.Now
        If fin < ini Then
        End If
End Sub


Sub ConBT_Click
    Dim PairedDevices As Map
    PairedDevices = Serial1.GetPairedDevices
    Dim l As List
    For i = 0 To PairedDevices.Size - 1
    Dim res As Int
    res = InputList(l, "Seleccione un dispositivo", -1)
    If res <> DialogResponse.CANCEL Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Serial1_Connected (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        ToastMessageShow("Conectado", False)
        'Timer3.Enabled = True
        connected = True
        connected = False
        'Timer3.Enabled = False
        Msgbox(LastException.Message, "Error de conexion.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub DesBT_Click
    connected = False
End Sub

'Salida por el bluetooth del string
Sub Salida (cx As Int, cy As Int, joy As Byte)
    'forma del string de salida
    Dim vx As Int
    Dim vy As Int
    Dim sal As String
    vx = 1000 + 1024 * (cx + Medio) / Ancho
    vy = 2024 - 1024 * (cy + Medio) / Ancho
    'control de limites
    If (vx > 2023) Then vx = 2023
    If (vy > 2023) Then vy = 2023
    If (vx < 1000) Then vx = 1000
    If (vy < 1000) Then vy = 1000

    Select Case joy
        'palanca izquierda
        Case 1
            sal = "+IV" & vy & "IH" & vx & "PDV1512DH1512DN-"
        'palanca derecha
        Case 2
            sal = "+IV1512IH1512NDV" & vy & "DH" & vx & "DN-"
        'boton 1
        Case 3
            sal = "+IV1512IH1512PDV1512DH1512DN-"
        'boton 2
        Case 4
            sal = "+IV1512IH1512NDV1512DH1512DB-"
        Case 5
            sal = "+IV1512IH1512NDV1512DH1512DB-"
        'cualquier otra cosa (no deberia llegar a aqui
        Case Else
            sal = "+IV1512IH1512NDV1512DH1512DN-"
    End Select
    'mando por bluetooth el strig formado
    If connected Then
        sal = ""
    End If
End Sub
Last edited:

Xakko Gris

Licensed User
Some changes: I go out with one short string with data of just one joystick, not one large with data of both joysticks.
I put four sticks lockers.

'Still studying, learning, teaching and sharing'

#Region Module Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
    #ApplicationLabel: DosJoys
    #VersionCode: 1
    #SupportedOrientations: Landscape
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    Type PointType(x As Int,y As Int)
    Dim Center1 As PointType
    Dim Center2 As PointType
    'velocidad del movimiento. mas grande, mas lento
    Dim Pixel As Int: Pixel = 1
    'variables de los vectores de cada joystick
    Dim Magnitude1 As Double
    Dim Angle1 As Double
    Dim Magnitude2 As Double
    Dim Angle2 As Double
    'tipo de joystick
    Dim circular As Boolean
    Dim fliv, flih ,fldv, fldh As Boolean    'bloqueadores de joysticks
    'tamaño del joystick
    Dim Ancho As Double: Ancho = 768
    Dim Medio As Double: Medio = Ancho / 2
    Dim Triple As Double: Triple = Ancho * 3
    Dim Mitad As Double
    'timer para salida de valores
    Dim timer1 As Timer
    Dim timer2 As Timer
    Dim Serial1 As Serial
    Dim connected As Boolean
    Dim TextWriter1 As TextWriter

End Sub

Sub Globals

    Dim bgd As Panel
    Dim G As Gestures
    Dim TouchMap As Map
    Type Point(Id As Int, prevX As Int, prevY As Int, Color As Int)

    'sticks de los joysticks
    Dim sprite1 As ImageView
    Dim sprite2 As ImageView
    'botones en pantalla
    Dim BotonI, BotonD As Button
    Dim ConBT, DesBT As Button
    Dim sw As CheckBox    'cambia entre tipos de joysticks
    Dim liv, lih ,ldv, ldh As CheckBox    'bloqueadores de joysticks

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    'tipo de joystick
    circular = False

    'inicializacion variables
    Magnitude1 = 0
    Angle1 = 0
    Magnitude2 = 0
    Angle2 = 0

    'Crea un panel para los joysticjs
    Activity.AddView(bgd, 127, 256, Triple, Ancho)
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If

    'Agrega un listener para este panel   
    G.SetOnTouchListener(bgd, "Gestures_Touch")
    ' Crea Botón Izquierdo (BotonI)
    BotonI.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonI.Text = "I"
    Activity.AddView(BotonI, 230dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón Derecho (BotonD)
    BotonD.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonD.Text = "D"
    Activity.AddView(BotonD, 315dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    ' Crea Switch (sw) - Joystick Redondo o Cuadrado
    sw.TextColor = Colors.Red
    sw.Text = "[]"
    Activity.AddView(sw, 280dip, 80dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Switches bloqueadores de posicion
    Activity.AddView(liv, 70 + Ancho * .5, 80, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(lih, 10, 130 + Ancho / 2, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(ldv, 70 + Ancho * 2.5, 80, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(ldh, 120 + Ancho * 3,  130 + Ancho / 2, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón Conectar BT (ConBT)
    ConBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    ConBT.Text = "+BT"
    Activity.AddView(ConBT, 230dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón DesConectar BT (ConBT)
    DesBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    DesBT.Text = "-BT"
    Activity.AddView(DesBT, 315dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    'Centro de Coordenadas de cada stick de cada joystick
    'la distancia en el medio de los dos joystick tiene a proposito el tamaño de un joystick
    Center1.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 0.5
    Center1.y = bgd.Height / 2

    Center2.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5
    Center2.y = bgd.Height/2
    'Sprite de los sticks en los Joystick
    sprite1.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")

    sprite2.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")
    'Setup Timer
    'Cambiando el Intervalo, cabia la velocidad de los Sprites
    'posiciono al sprite de la palanca en el medio del joystick
    'lugar del joystick + mitad del ancho del joystick - mitad del ancho del mismo sprite
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)

    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5)  - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
    Mitad = bgd.Left + (bgd.Width / 2)
    If FirstTime Then
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    If Serial1.IsEnabled = False Then
        Msgbox("Activa el Bluetooth.", "")
        'Serial1.Listen 'escuchando comunicaciones de entrada
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Gestures_Touch(View As Object, PointerID As Int, Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    Dim p As Point
    Dim px, py As Int
    Dim cp As Int
    Select Action
        'movimiento en el panel
            p.Id = PointerID
            TouchMap.Put(PointerID, p)
        'sin movimientos
        Case g.ACTION_POINTER_UP

        Case g.ACTION_UP

            'fin de este gesture
    End Select

    cp = TouchMap.Size - 1' un touch
    If cp > 0 Then
        cp = 1 'no mas de dos touches
    End If
    For i = 0 To cp
        'lugar donde se mueven los stickes
        p = TouchMap.GetValueAt(i)
        px = g.GetX(
        py = g.GetY(

        If px < Mitad Then 'joystick izquierdo
            'If (cp = 0) Then p1_Touch(2,0,0)
        Else    'joystick derecho
            'If (cp = 0) Then p0_Touch(2,0,0)
        End If

    Return True
End Sub

'joystick izquierdo
Sub p1_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center1.X - X
    dh = Center1.Y - Y

    'joystickes bloqueados
    If (liv.Checked = True) Then dw = 0
    If (lih.Checked = True) Then dh = 0
    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If

    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude1 = 0
        Angle1 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude1 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle1 = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw >= 0) Then Angle1 = Angle1 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude1 > Medio) Then Magnitude1 = Medio
        End If
    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'Activity.ACTION_DOWN
            timer1.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'Activity.ACTION_UP
            timer1.enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite1.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
            sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)
            'reseteo del joystick
            Salida (0,0,1)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Sub p2_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center2.X - X
    dh = Center2.Y - Y

    'joystickes bloqueados
    If (ldv.Checked = True) Then dw = 0
    If (ldh.Checked = True) Then dh = 0

    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If
    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude2 = 0
        Angle2 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude2 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle2 = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw >= 0) Then Angle2 = Angle2 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude2 > Medio) Then Magnitude2 = Medio
        End If

    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'ACTION_DOWN
            timer2.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'ACTION_UP
            timer2.Enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite2.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) - (sprite2.width / 2)
            sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
            'reseteo del joystick
            Salida (0,0,2)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

'boton 1
Sub BotonI_Click
    Salida (0,0,3)
End Sub

'boton 2
Sub BotonD_Click
    Salida (0,0,4)
End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 1
Sub Timer1_Tick
    Dim vx1 As Int
    Dim vy1 As Int

    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick izquierdo
    vx1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Cos(Angle1)
    vy1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Sin(Angle1)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick izquierdo
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2) + vx1 - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy1 - (sprite1.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx1,vy1,1)

End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 2
Sub Timer2_Tick
    Dim vx2 As Int
    Dim vy2 As Int
    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick derecho
    vx2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Cos(Angle2)
    vy2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Sin(Angle2)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick derecho
    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) + vx2 - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy2 - (sprite2.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx2,vy2,2)

End Sub

'tipo de joysticks: redondos o cuadrados
Sub sw_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
    If Checked Then
        circular = True
        sw.Text = "()"
        circular = False
        sw.Text = "[]"
    End If
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If
End Sub

Sub liv_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
    fliv = Checked
End Sub

Sub Delay(milis As Long)
    Dim ini As Long
    Dim fin As Long
    fin = DateTime.Now + milis
    ini = DateTime.Now
    Do While ini < fin
        ini = DateTime.Now
        If fin < ini Then
        End If
End Sub


Sub ConBT_Click
    Dim PairedDevices As Map
    PairedDevices = Serial1.GetPairedDevices
    Dim l As List
    For i = 0 To PairedDevices.Size - 1
    Dim res As Int
    res = InputList(l, "Seleccione un dispositivo", -1)
    If res <> DialogResponse.CANCEL Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Serial1_Connected (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        ToastMessageShow("Conectado", False)
        'Timer3.Enabled = True
        connected = True
        connected = False
        'Timer3.Enabled = False
        Msgbox(LastException.Message, "Error de conexion.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub DesBT_Click
    connected = False
End Sub

'Salida por el bluetooth del string
Sub Salida (cx As Int, cy As Int, joy As Byte)
    'forma del string de salida
    Dim vx As Int
    Dim vy As Int
    Dim sal As String
    vx = 1000 + 1024 * (cx + Medio) / Ancho
    vy = 2024 - 1024 * (cy + Medio) / Ancho
    'control de limites
    If (vx > 2023) Then vx = 2023
    If (vy > 2023) Then vy = 2023
    If (vx < 1000) Then vx = 1000
    If (vy < 1000) Then vy = 1000

    Select Case joy
        'palanca izquierda
        Case 1
            'sal = "+IV" & vy & "IH" & vx & "PDV1512DH1512DN-"
            sal = "+IV" & vy & "H" & vx & "N-"
        'palanca derecha
        Case 2
            sal = "+DV" & vy & "H" & vx & "N-"
        'boton 1
        Case 3
            sal = "+IV1512H1512P-"
        'boton 2
        Case 4
            sal = "+DV1512H1512P-"
        Case 5
            sal = "+NV1512H1512P-"
        'cualquier otra cosa (no deberia llegar a aqui)
        Case Else
            sal = "+NV1512H1512P-"
    End Select
    'mando por bluetooth el strig formado
    If connected Then
        sal = ""
    End If
End Sub


New Member
Some changes: I go out with one short string with data of just one joystick, not one large with data of both joysticks.
I put four sticks lockers.

'Still studying, learning, teaching and sharing'

#Region Module Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
    #ApplicationLabel: DosJoys
    #VersionCode: 1
    #SupportedOrientations: Landscape
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
    Type PointType(x As Int,y As Int)
    Dim Center1 As PointType
    Dim Center2 As PointType
    'velocidad del movimiento. mas grande, mas lento
    Dim Pixel As Int: Pixel = 1
    'variables de los vectores de cada joystick
    Dim Magnitude1 As Double
    Dim Angle1 As Double
    Dim Magnitude2 As Double
    Dim Angle2 As Double
    'tipo de joystick
    Dim circular As Boolean
    Dim fliv, flih ,fldv, fldh As Boolean    'bloqueadores de joysticks
    'tamaño del joystick
    Dim Ancho As Double: Ancho = 768
    Dim Medio As Double: Medio = Ancho / 2
    Dim Triple As Double: Triple = Ancho * 3
    Dim Mitad As Double
    'timer para salida de valores
    Dim timer1 As Timer
    Dim timer2 As Timer
    Dim Serial1 As Serial
    Dim connected As Boolean
    Dim TextWriter1 As TextWriter

End Sub

Sub Globals

    Dim bgd As Panel
    Dim G As Gestures
    Dim TouchMap As Map
    Type Point(Id As Int, prevX As Int, prevY As Int, Color As Int)

    'sticks de los joysticks
    Dim sprite1 As ImageView
    Dim sprite2 As ImageView
    'botones en pantalla
    Dim BotonI, BotonD As Button
    Dim ConBT, DesBT As Button
    Dim sw As CheckBox    'cambia entre tipos de joysticks
    Dim liv, lih ,ldv, ldh As CheckBox    'bloqueadores de joysticks

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    'tipo de joystick
    circular = False

    'inicializacion variables
    Magnitude1 = 0
    Angle1 = 0
    Magnitude2 = 0
    Angle2 = 0

    'Crea un panel para los joysticjs
    Activity.AddView(bgd, 127, 256, Triple, Ancho)
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If

    'Agrega un listener para este panel 
    G.SetOnTouchListener(bgd, "Gestures_Touch")
    ' Crea Botón Izquierdo (BotonI)
    BotonI.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonI.Text = "I"
    Activity.AddView(BotonI, 230dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón Derecho (BotonD)
    BotonD.TextColor = Colors.Red
    BotonD.Text = "D"
    Activity.AddView(BotonD, 315dip, 30dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    ' Crea Switch (sw) - Joystick Redondo o Cuadrado
    sw.TextColor = Colors.Red
    sw.Text = "[]"
    Activity.AddView(sw, 280dip, 80dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Switches bloqueadores de posicion
    Activity.AddView(liv, 70 + Ancho * .5, 80, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(lih, 10, 130 + Ancho / 2, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(ldv, 70 + Ancho * 2.5, 80, 10%x, 20%y)
    Activity.AddView(ldh, 120 + Ancho * 3,  130 + Ancho / 2, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón Conectar BT (ConBT)
    ConBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    ConBT.Text = "+BT"
    Activity.AddView(ConBT, 230dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)

    ' Crea Botón DesConectar BT (ConBT)
    DesBT.TextColor = Colors.Red
    DesBT.Text = "-BT"
    Activity.AddView(DesBT, 315dip, 130dip, 10%x, 20%y)
    'Centro de Coordenadas de cada stick de cada joystick
    'la distancia en el medio de los dos joystick tiene a proposito el tamaño de un joystick
    Center1.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 0.5
    Center1.y = bgd.Height / 2

    Center2.x = (bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5
    Center2.y = bgd.Height/2
    'Sprite de los sticks en los Joystick
    sprite1.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")

    sprite2.Bitmap= LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"Dot2.png")
    'Setup Timer
    'Cambiando el Intervalo, cabia la velocidad de los Sprites
    'posiciono al sprite de la palanca en el medio del joystick
    'lugar del joystick + mitad del ancho del joystick - mitad del ancho del mismo sprite
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)

    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5)  - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
    Mitad = bgd.Left + (bgd.Width / 2)
    If FirstTime Then
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    If Serial1.IsEnabled = False Then
        Msgbox("Activa el Bluetooth.", "")
        'Serial1.Listen 'escuchando comunicaciones de entrada
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Gestures_Touch(View As Object, PointerID As Int, Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) As Boolean
    Dim p As Point
    Dim px, py As Int
    Dim cp As Int
    Select Action
        'movimiento en el panel
            p.Id = PointerID
            TouchMap.Put(PointerID, p)
        'sin movimientos
        Case g.ACTION_POINTER_UP

        Case g.ACTION_UP

            'fin de este gesture
    End Select

    cp = TouchMap.Size - 1' un touch
    If cp > 0 Then
        cp = 1 'no mas de dos touches
    End If
    For i = 0 To cp
        'lugar donde se mueven los stickes
        p = TouchMap.GetValueAt(i)
        px = g.GetX(
        py = g.GetY(

        If px < Mitad Then 'joystick izquierdo
            'If (cp = 0) Then p1_Touch(2,0,0)
        Else    'joystick derecho
            'If (cp = 0) Then p0_Touch(2,0,0)
        End If

    Return True
End Sub

'joystick izquierdo
Sub p1_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center1.X - X
    dh = Center1.Y - Y

    'joystickes bloqueados
    If (liv.Checked = True) Then dw = 0
    If (lih.Checked = True) Then dh = 0
    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If

    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude1 = 0
        Angle1 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude1 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle1 = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw >= 0) Then Angle1 = Angle1 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude1 > Medio) Then Magnitude1 = Medio
        End If
    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'Activity.ACTION_DOWN
            timer1.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'Activity.ACTION_UP
            timer1.enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite1.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2)  - (sprite1.width / 2)
            sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite1.height / 2)
            'reseteo del joystick
            Salida (0,0,1)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

Sub p2_Touch (Accion As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim dh, dw As Double
    'ubicacion relativa del lugar pulsado con respecto al centro del joystick
    dw = Center2.X - X
    dh = Center2.Y - Y

    'joystickes bloqueados
    If (ldv.Checked = True) Then dw = 0
    If (ldh.Checked = True) Then dh = 0

    'control de bordes de joystick cuadrado
    If (circular = False) Then
        If (dw > Medio) Then dw = Medio
        If (dh > Medio) Then dh = Medio
        If (dw < -Medio) Then dw = -Medio
        If (dh < -Medio) Then dh = -Medio
    End If
    'control minimo
    If (dw = 0) And (dh = 0) Then
        Magnitude2 = 0
        Angle2 = 0
        'radio. distancia al centro del joystick
        Magnitude2 = Sqrt((dw*dw) + (dh*dh))
        'angulo al centro del joystick
        Angle2 = ATan(dh/dw)
        If (dw >= 0) Then Angle2 = Angle2 + 3.14159
        'control de bordes de joystick redondo
        If (circular = True) Then
            If (Magnitude2 > Medio) Then Magnitude2 = Medio
        End If

    End If
    Select Case Accion
        'si se esta pulsando, habilito el timer
        Case 1 'ACTION_DOWN
            timer2.enabled = True
            'si no se esta pulsando, desactivo el timer y 'vuelvo' al centro al joystick
        Case 2 'ACTION_UP
            timer2.Enabled = False
            'vuelvo al sprite del stick al medio del joystick
            sprite2.Left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) - (sprite2.width / 2)
            sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) - (sprite2.height / 2)
            'reseteo del joystick
            Salida (0,0,2)
        Case Else
    End Select
End Sub

'boton 1
Sub BotonI_Click
    Salida (0,0,3)
End Sub

'boton 2
Sub BotonD_Click
    Salida (0,0,4)
End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 1
Sub Timer1_Tick
    Dim vx1 As Int
    Dim vy1 As Int

    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick izquierdo
    vx1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Cos(Angle1)
    vy1 = (Magnitude1/Pixel) * Sin(Angle1)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick izquierdo
    sprite1.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) / 2) + vx1 - (sprite1.width / 2)
    sprite1.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy1 - (sprite1.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx1,vy1,1)

End Sub

'movimiento en el joysick 2
Sub Timer2_Tick
    Dim vx2 As Int
    Dim vy2 As Int
    'ubicacion del stick en el joystick derecho
    vx2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Cos(Angle2)
    vy2 = (Magnitude2/Pixel) * Sin(Angle2)

    'posiciono al sprite del joystick derecho
    sprite2.left = (bgd.Left) + ((bgd.Width / 3) * 2.5) + vx2 - (sprite2.width / 2)
    sprite2.Top = (bgd.Top) + (bgd.Height / 2) + vy2 - (sprite2.height / 2)
    'saco los valores al bluetooth
    Salida (vx2,vy2,2)

End Sub

'tipo de joysticks: redondos o cuadrados
Sub sw_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
    If Checked Then
        circular = True
        sw.Text = "()"
        circular = False
        sw.Text = "[]"
    End If
    If (circular = True) Then
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor1x2.png"))
        bgd.SetBackgroundImage( LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"cursor2x2.png"))
    End If
End Sub

Sub liv_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
    fliv = Checked
End Sub

Sub Delay(milis As Long)
    Dim ini As Long
    Dim fin As Long
    fin = DateTime.Now + milis
    ini = DateTime.Now
    Do While ini < fin
        ini = DateTime.Now
        If fin < ini Then
        End If
End Sub


Sub ConBT_Click
    Dim PairedDevices As Map
    PairedDevices = Serial1.GetPairedDevices
    Dim l As List
    For i = 0 To PairedDevices.Size - 1
    Dim res As Int
    res = InputList(l, "Seleccione un dispositivo", -1)
    If res <> DialogResponse.CANCEL Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Serial1_Connected (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        ToastMessageShow("Conectado", False)
        'Timer3.Enabled = True
        connected = True
        connected = False
        'Timer3.Enabled = False
        Msgbox(LastException.Message, "Error de conexion.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub DesBT_Click
    connected = False
End Sub

'Salida por el bluetooth del string
Sub Salida (cx As Int, cy As Int, joy As Byte)
    'forma del string de salida
    Dim vx As Int
    Dim vy As Int
    Dim sal As String
    vx = 1000 + 1024 * (cx + Medio) / Ancho
    vy = 2024 - 1024 * (cy + Medio) / Ancho
    'control de limites
    If (vx > 2023) Then vx = 2023
    If (vy > 2023) Then vy = 2023
    If (vx < 1000) Then vx = 1000
    If (vy < 1000) Then vy = 1000

    Select Case joy
        'palanca izquierda
        Case 1
            'sal = "+IV" & vy & "IH" & vx & "PDV1512DH1512DN-"
            sal = "+IV" & vy & "H" & vx & "N-"
        'palanca derecha
        Case 2
            sal = "+DV" & vy & "H" & vx & "N-"
        'boton 1
        Case 3
            sal = "+IV1512H1512P-"
        'boton 2
        Case 4
            sal = "+DV1512H1512P-"
        Case 5
            sal = "+NV1512H1512P-"
        'cualquier otra cosa (no deberia llegar a aqui)
        Case Else
            sal = "+NV1512H1512P-"
    End Select
    'mando por bluetooth el strig formado
    If connected Then
        sal = ""
    End If
End Sub

Hello, can you share your B4A code, I tried to copy and paste your code to a new project but it appears many errors.