Searching the internet I found a service that allows you to convert any google sheet into a json api, it has a free version that allows you to consult and add data, connecting to the api is quite simple, as some of us have thought of using google sheet integrated to our developments by I want to show how this tool works.
1. Create a new google spreadsheet
2. They share the spreadsheet and if they want to be able to edit, delete and update data, they enable the permissions on the spreadsheet
3. register for free at Add a new sheet give it a name and copy the link of the shared sheet, and your API is ready to use and test
Se necesitan las librerías JSON y OkhttpUtils2
1. Create a new google spreadsheet
2. They share the spreadsheet and if they want to be able to edit, delete and update data, they enable the permissions on the spreadsheet
3. register for free at Add a new sheet give it a name and copy the link of the shared sheet, and your API is ready to use and test
Se necesitan las librerías JSON y OkhttpUtils2
This is the query code for the api:
sub API
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
j.Download("") 'change the address for your api'
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As List = parser.NextArray
For Each colroot As Map In root
Dim Id As String = colroot.Get("Id")
Dim Age As String = colroot.Get("Age")
Dim Name As String = colroot.Get("Name")
'Dim Created_at As String = colroot.Get("Created at")
lvgeneral.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap(Id, "Name: " & Name & " Age: " &Age , LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"usuario.png"))
lvgeneral.TwoLinesAndBitmap.SecondLabel.TextColor = 0xFF000000
End If
This is the Update code for the api:
sub Update
Dim mylist As List
Dim m As Map
m.Put("Id", lb_id.text)
m.Put("Age", lb_age.text)
m.put("Name", lb_name.Text)
m.put("Created at", "Fernando")
' Cursor1.Close
Dim j As JSONGenerator
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("SendAssets", Me)
Dim text1 As JSONGenerator
Dim SS As String
SS = text1.ToPrettyString(1)
job.PostString("", SS)
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success = True Then
Log("Response Length:" & job.GetString.Length & " bytes")
End If
End Sub