this is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView.
This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views.
Thanks for your understanding. 
B4I-Preview - looks nicer and smoother in real
B4I-Preview - the WheelPicker in the use in an app
NEW Seperators with text or without text
NEW Next- and Previous-Item - scrolls to the next or previous item animated and male rounded corners
Based on ASWheelPicker:
On B4I you need the GestureRecognizer or download a version without errors down below. No longer needed V1.06+
Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 3.01

this is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView.
This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views.

AS WheelPicker
This is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView.https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-wheelpicker-spinner-a-modern-single-multiple-choice-picker-view-based-on-xcustomlistview-payware.127505/#content

B4I-Preview - looks nicer and smoother in real
B4I-Preview - the WheelPicker in the use in an app
NEW Seperators with text or without text
NEW Next- and Previous-Item - scrolls to the next or previous item animated and male rounded corners
Based on ASWheelPicker:
[B4X] AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker
This is a date and time picker in IOS picker design. This library is based on the ASWheelPicker, without it the library will not work. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-wheelpicker-spinner-a-modern-single-multiple-choice-picker-view-based-on-xcustomlistview-payware.127505/...

B4j: jXUI,jBitmapCreator,jReflection,xCustomListView,XUI Views
B4a: XUi,BitmapCreator,Reflection,xCustomListView,XUI Views
B4i: iXUI,iBitmapCreator,xCustomListView,XUI Views
B4a: XUi,BitmapCreator,Reflection,xCustomListView,XUI Views
B4i: iXUI,iBitmapCreator,xCustomListView,XUI Views
Add 2 Wheels with a list of maps:
Dim tmp_lst As List : tmp_lst.Initialize 'Create and Initialize the list
'Fill the list with dummy items
For i = 0 To 50 -1
'text - the text to display in the wheel
'value - any value you want to identify the text E.g. a id
tmp_lst.Add(CreateMap("text":"Test " & i,"value":i))
ASWheelPicker1.AddWheelAdvanced(tmp_lst)'adds the list to the view and adds a wheel
Get the Selected Items:
'gets the item of the first wheel
'use this function when you have added the wheel with AddWheelAdvanced
Dim tmp_m As Map = ASWheelPicker1.GetSelectedItemAdvanced(0)
Log("Text: " & tmp_m.Get("text"))
Log("Value: " & tmp_m.Get("value"))
'use this function when you have added the wheel with AddWheel
Log("Text: " & ASWheelPicker1.GetSelectedItem(0))
Author: Alexander Stolte
Version: 3.01
- ASWheelPicker
- Events:
- BaseResize (Width As Float)
- ItemChange (Column As Int, ListIndex As Int)
- ItemSnapped (wheel_index As Int, list_index As Int)
- WheelReachEnd (wheel_index As Int)
- Fields:
- InactiveDuration As Int
- mBase As B4XView
- Tag As Object
- Functions:
- AddItems (Items As List) As String
Normal Text Item
<code>Dim tmp_lst As List : tmp_lst.Initialize
For i = 0 To 50 -1
tmp_lst.Add("Test " & i)
Item Object Example:
<code> Dim Items As List : Items.Initialize
For i = 0 To 50 -1
Dim Item As ASWheelPicker_Item
Item.Text = "Test " & i
Item.Value = i
Items.Add(ASWheelPicker1.CreateASWheelPicker_Item("Test " & i,i))
ASWheelPicker1.AddItems(Items)</code> - Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- CreateASWheelPicker_Item (Text As String, Value As Object) As ASWheelPicker_Item
- CreateASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties (TextColor As Int, TextFont As B4XFont, TextAlignment_Vertical As String, TextAlignment_Horizontal As String, BackgroundColor As Int) As ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties
- CreateASWheelPicker_SeperatorProperties (Width As Float, BackgroundColor As Int, TextColor As Int, TextFont As B4XFont, TextAlignment_Horizontal As String, index As Int) As ASWheelPicker_SeperatorProperties
- DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
Base type must be Object - getBase As B4XView
gets the base view (mBase) - getBottomFadePanel As B4XView
- getEvents As Boolean
- GetIndex (wheel_index As Int) As Int
gets the selected index - getItemTextProperties As ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties
gets or sets the global Item Text Properties - getNumberOfColumns As Int
the number of wheels you have - getNumberOfSeperators As Int
the number of seperators - GetSelectedItem (Column As Int) As ASWheelPicker_Item
Returns a string with the item text of the selected index of a wheel
<code>Log("Text: " & ASWheelPicker1.GetSelectedItem(0))</code> - getSelectorPanel As B4XView
- getSeperatorProperties As ASWheelPicker_SeperatorProperties
gets or sets the global Seperator Properties - getTopFadePanel As B4XView
- Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - NextItem (wheel_index As Int, animated As Boolean)
scrolls to the next item, jump to the first item if the next item is out of index - PreviousItem (Column As Int, Animated As Boolean)
scrolls to the previous item, jump to the last item if the previous item is out of index - Refresh As String
- RemoveColumn (Column As Int) As String
removes a wheel
<code>ASWheelPicker1.RemoveWheelAt(0)</code> - RemoveSeperatorAt (Column As Int) As String
removes a seperator
<code>ASWheelPicker1.RemoveSeperatorAt(0)</code> - SelectRow (Column As Int, Row As Int, Animated As Boolean)
scrolls to an item on a wheel - setBackgroundColor (clr As Int) As String
sets the background color - setCornerRadius (Radius As Int) As String
sets the corner radius of the view - setEvents (Enabled As Boolean) As String
Enables or disables the events
Default: True - setFadeColor (clr As Int) As String
- setFadeEnabled (enable As Boolean) As String
set it to false to disable the fade effect on top and bottom - setHapticFeedback (enabled As Boolean) As String
- setHapticFeedbackOnSnapIn (Enabled As Boolean) As String
- SetItems (Column As Int, Items As List) As String
Normal Text Item
<code>Dim tmp_lst As List : tmp_lst.Initialize
For i = 0 To 50 -1
tmp_lst.Add("Test " & i)
Item Object Example:
<code> Dim Items As List : Items.Initialize
For i = 0 To 50 -1
Dim Item As ASWheelPicker_Item
Item.Text = "Test " & i
Item.Value = i
Items.Add(ASWheelPicker1.CreateASWheelPicker_Item("Test " & i,i))
ASWheelPicker1.SetItems(0,Items)</code> - setRowHeightSelected (height As Float) As String
sets the Selected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height + selector - setRowHeightUnSelected (height As Float) As String
sets the Unselected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height - setSelectionBarColor (clr As Int) As String
- SetSeperator (Column As Int, Width As Float, Text As String) As String
wheel_index - after wich wheel do you want to show the seperator - set it to -1 to place it before the first wheel
width - the width of the seperator
text - if you want text, then set the text here - SetWheelWidth (Column As Int, ColumnWidth As Float) As String
Sets the width of an wheel
Only working if you set the Width Mode to Manual - Size (wheel_index As Int) As Int
gets size of a list
- AddItems (Items As List) As String
- Properties:
- BackgroundColor
sets the background color - Base As B4XView [read only]
gets the base view (mBase) - BottomFadePanel As B4XView [read only]
- CornerRadius
sets the corner radius of the view - Events As Boolean
Enables or disables the events
Default: True - FadeColor
- FadeEnabled
set it to false to disable the fade effect on top and bottom - HapticFeedback
- HapticFeedbackOnSnapIn
- ItemTextProperties As ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties [read only]
gets or sets the global Item Text Properties - NumberOfColumns As Int [read only]
the number of wheels you have - NumberOfSeperators As Int [read only]
the number of seperators - RowHeightSelected
sets the Selected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height + selector - RowHeightUnSelected
sets the Unselected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height - SelectionBarColor
- SelectorPanel As B4XView [read only]
- SeperatorProperties As ASWheelPicker_SeperatorProperties [read only]
gets or sets the global Seperator Properties - TopFadePanel As B4XView [read only]
- BackgroundColor
- Events:
- ASWheelPicker_Item
- Fields:
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - ItemTextProperties As ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties
- Text As String
- Value As Object
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties
- Fields:
- BackgroundColor As Int
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - Left As Float
- TextAlignment_Horizontal As String
- TextAlignment_Vertical As String
- TextColor As Int
- TextFont As B4XFont
- Width As Float
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- ASWheelPicker_SeperatorProperties
- Fields:
- BackgroundColor As Int
- index As Int
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized. - TextAlignment_Horizontal As String
- TextColor As Int
- TextFont As B4XFont
- Width As Float
- Functions:
- Initialize
Initializes the fields to their default value.
- Initialize
- Fields:
- 1.00
- Release
- 1.01
- Adds the Type ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties - hold the style propterties for the wheel text
- Adds get ItemTextProperties - change the properties before you add a new wheel
- Adds set RowHeight - changes the row height of the items and the selector
- Adds UpdateStyleOfWheel - update the style of a particular wheel - changes the style to the properties of this: ItemTextProperties
- Adds UpdateStyleOfAllWheels - update the style of all wheels - changes the style to the properties of this: ItemTextProperties
- Adds RemoveWheelAt - removes a wheel
- Adds the Type ASWheelPicker_ItemTextProperties - hold the style propterties for the wheel text
- 1.02
- Adds FadeEnabled - set it to false to disable the fade effect on top and bottom
- Adds RowHeightSelected - sets the Selected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height + selector
- Adds RowHeightUnSelected - sets the Unselected RowHeight default is 30dip - and changes the wheel items height
- Removed RowHeight - use RowHeightSelected and RowHeightUnSelected
- 1.03
- Add get Base - gets the base view (mBase)
- Add Scroll2Index - scrolls to an item on a wheel
- Add get Index - gets the selected index
- 1.04
- Add Size - gets size of a list
- the index of a list now starts at 0
- 1.05
- Add AddSeperator - adds an seperator after a wheel. IF you want a placeholder before the first wheel, then set the index to -1
- seperators can display text
- seperators can be customized
- Add RemoveSeperatorAt - removes a seperator
- Add AddSeperator - adds an seperator after a wheel. IF you want a placeholder before the first wheel, then set the index to -1
- 2.00
- Better Handling if you set an invalid wheel_index as parameter to the functions
- Add get TopFadePanel
- Add get BottomFadePanel
- Fade Panels are now above and under the selector panel
- Add Next - scrolls to the next item, jump to the last item if the next item is out of index
- Add Previous - scrolls to the previous item, jump to the last item if the previous item is out of index
- Add set CornerRadius - sets the corner radius of the view
- Add Designer Property CornerRadius
- SnapIn Improved - Immediately snaps into place without moving again
- BugFixes
- new depency: XUIViews, is needed for the HapticFeedback
- 2.01
- Add get NumberOfSeperators - the number of seperators
- BugFix View Resizing
- 2.03
- Add Event BaseResize - Triggers as soon as the width in the view has changed
- Add Event ItemChange - Triggers when an item reaches the center while scrolling, so you can display the results e.g. in a label instant
- B4I Item snap is now smooth
- 2.04 (read more)
- Complete rework of the wheel sizing
- Add Designer Property WidthMode - Default: Automatic
- Automatic - You don't have to worry about anything, the view calculates the right size for all wheels
- Manual - Set the wheel sizes you need via "SetWheelWidth"
- Add WheelWidth to ItemTextProperties - This allows you to set the width of a wheel manually, only working if WidthMode = Manual - Default: 0
- Add SetWheelWidth - Sets the width of an wheel, only working if WidthMode = Manual
- Add get and set Events - Enables or disables the events
- Haptic feedback disabled if you call Scroll2Index
- BugFixes
- 2.06
- BugFixes
- GestureRecognizer is now inside the B4XLib
- 3.00
- Complete rewrite of the view
- Designer properties now have all default values
- If you add the view by code, you have less to consider
- The lists now use LazyLoading
- Breaking Changes on properties and functions
- 3.01
- Add GetItem
- 3.02
- Add GetSeperator
- 3.03
- BugFixes
- Add AddItemAt
- Add RemoveItemAt
- Add GetListView - gets the xCustomListView for a column
- 3.04 (read more)
- Add Event CustomDrawItemChange
- 3.05
- BugFixes
- 3.06
- BugFixes
- 3.07
- BugFixes
- 3.08
- BugFixes B4I
- 3.09
- GestureRecongnizer intern renamings
- 3.10
- BugFix - in function GetItem
- 3.11 (read more)
- Add Designer Property TextColor
- Add Designer Property SelectionBarStyle
- Default: Rounded
- 3.12
- Add SelectRow2 - Select a row with the Value, no index needed, just the value
- BugFixes
- 3.13
- If the FadeColor is Transparent, then no fade will be displayed now
- 3.14
- BugFixes
- 3.15 (read more)
- Add EnabledRow - Disable a specific row. When the user goes on it, he is automatically brought back to an item that is active. Events are not triggered when a row is disabled
- Add Designer Property DisabledTextColor
- 3.16
- Add get and set BorderWidth
- Add get and set BorderColor
- 3.17
- B4A Border BugFix
- 3.18
- B4A Border BugFix
- 3.19
- Add RefreshCustomDraw - Triggers the CustomDrawEvent
- Dont forget a Sleep(0) before you call this function
- Add RefreshCustomDraw - Triggers the CustomDrawEvent
- 3.20
- BugFixes
- 3.21
- Add Event CustomDrawItem
- Fade Effect BugFixes
- 3.22
- Important B4I BugFix
- 3.23
- Add Clear - Clears a column
- SetItems already clears the list if you set a new list
- Add Clear - Clears a column
- 3.24
- BugFix If you changed the FadeColor, some of the old color remained

AS WheelPicker
This is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView.https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-wheelpicker-spinner-a-modern-single-multiple-choice-picker-view-based-on-xcustomlistview-payware.127505/#content

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