...Well there are many reasons an antivirus can have false positives... but ofcourse is not a reason to uninstall..
99% of antivirus...for example: understand robot-apps as malware-virus... all commercial greek software for "tax-accounting" using robot-send-keystrokes to use/send/write automatically all the data like a human sitting in front of a pc-browser (yes they are not having everywhere APIs

that's another story)...
All the good antivirus have sensitive-ransomware-protection / cyber capturing / sensitive-shield... and app-firewall too...
So all the good antivirus identify them as malware-virus... the only solution (not working ofcourse anytime)... to have it as
exception (you can have a folder, or the app itself)... or to inform the Antivirus Company (this is the right way - must have a certificate for your apps too) that your app is not a virus...