B4X | EditText/Textview | AS TextFieldAdvanced - Title, Information, Counter, Password, Button [B4X] [XUI] | With this view you can quickly and easily add good looking text fields, with title and or bottom text. Additionally you can make the TextField a button, so that you can open menus, but still keep the design of the text fields. The view speeds up development because you don't have to worry about almost anything, it looks nice by default and is functional. |
With this view you can quickly and easily add good looking text fields, with title and or bottom text. Additionally you can make the TextField a button, so that you can open menus, but still keep the design of the text fields. The view speeds up development because you don't have to worry about...
B4X | EditText/Textview | AS TextFieldAdvanced Text Validation/Required Fields Example [B4X] | AS TextFieldAdvanced Text Validation/Required Fields Example [B4X] |
This is a exmaple project to show the required field feature in the AS TextFieldAdvanced https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-textfieldadvanced-title-information-counter-password-button-prefix-suffix-icons-multiline.141337/
B4J | Drawing | Bifurcation Map [Java-Logistic-Map] | Bifurcation Map [Java-Logistic-Map] |
A shortcut warp to kick-start this Github project from B4J. Copy attached Jar to your additional libs folder. Run the attached B4J project Check this YouTube Video - it is related to what is explained in the video Change the values for A, 1st Initial Value, 2nd Initial Value From the...
B4X | Keyboard | SD CustomKeyboard [B4X] | SD CustomKeyboard [B4X] |
THIS version is no longer updated and supported. You can continue to use it if you want. Or try the new version with rewritten methods and new features IMPORTANT depends on SD CreativeBackGround (0.06+) library which must be downloaded MaterialIcon font for special characters must be loaded...
B4X | Google | GSheet Library [integrate google sheets into your B4X apps easily] | GSheet Library [integrate google sheets into your B4X apps easily] |
Gsheet Author: Fernando Arevalo Version: 1.0 Functions: Process_Globals As String B4A, B4I Initialize (ClientId As String) B4J Initialize(ClientId As String,ClientSecret As String) B4X SpreadsheetsId As String The ID of your document. This is the big long aplha-numeric code in the...
B4A | Maths | B4XEval class [modified by RB Smissaert] | B4XEval class with error handling |
Posted this in the questions group, slightly altered this class (posted originally by Erel) so that it will handle any (?) faulty input string and not produce an unhandled error. Requested to put this in this group and attached a simple B4XPages project demonstrating this. Posted by zipping the...
B4I | Picker | InputList | InputList for B4I |
For my application I needed the InputList command, like in B4A. In B4J I managed to build it. In B4I there is an ActionSheet which achieves almost the same result. I say almost because it doesn't return the position but only the selected text. I needed exactly like in B4A, i.e. that I get the...
B4J | OS | SD_NativeAccess [jna] | With this library you can obtain the Handle of the applications that run on your Windows PC, both visible and invisible ones. A bit like you would with the task manager. From the Hande you can get the name of the window, the coordinates and dimensions and finally the file name and path of the app. |
This library allows access to the jna to use some functions for managing windows and applications. You need to get these JARs and include them in the additional libraries folder: jna-5.0.0 and jna-platform-5.0.0 With this library you can obtain the Handle of the applications that run on your...
B4J | Menu | B4J - Menu | Another way to create your own menu with an added icon and shortcut. |
Hi, Another way to create your own menu with an added icon and shortcut, Based on the contents of the "MyMenu.css" file, attached to the thread. Private MenuBar1 As MenuBar Private Sub CreateMenu MenuBar1.Menus.Clear MainForm.Stylesheets.Add(File.GetUri(File.DirAssets,"MyMenu.css"))...
B4J | BCTextEngine/BBCodeView | Documention of BBCode Variant of BBCodeView Using BBCodeView Itself [B2X] | Documention of BBCode Variant of BBCodeView Using BBCodeView Itself [B2X] |
The recent addition of the anchor tag in BBCodeView opens up an efficient and effective way for creating documentation that works on a desktop and devices. This tag allows you to scroll to any section of a (possibly lengthy) scrollable BBCodeView. BBCodeView has grown with leaps and bounds over...
B4A | Notifications | Notifications permission with targetSdkVersion = 33 | Notifications permission with targetSdkVersion = 33 |
There is a new "dangerous" (runtime) permission On Android 13+ devices required for showing notifications. When targetSdkVersion < 33, the OS will show the permission dialog automatically before the notification is displayed. Once we switch to targetSdkVersion=33 we are responsible for...
B4R | B4R clock | Reading & Writing Time of DS1307 With ESP32 Using rWire | Reading & Writing Time of DS1307 With ESP32 Using rWire |
#Region Project Attributes #AutoFlushLogs: True #CheckArrayBounds: True #StackBufferSize: 600 #End Region 'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As Serial Private Wire...
B4X | Picker | SD ProductPicker [B4X] [XUI] | SD ProductPicker [B4X] [XUI] |
SD_ProductPicker Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.07 DiskImagePicker Events: BallClicked (Index As Int) BallLongClicked (Index As Int) ChangeIndex (Index As Int) CloveClicked (Index As Int) Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As...
B4A | Comms & Network | Start Local Hotspot | Starting from Android 8 there is a public API for starting a local hotspot. Notes:
- The hotspot doesn't allow internet connection.
- The password and SSID are chosen randomly and cannot be changed.
- Debug it with USB debug mode as it will break B4A-Bridge connection. |
Starting from Android 8 there is a public API for starting a local hotspot. Notes: - The hotspot doesn't allow internet connection. - The password and SSID are chosen randomly and cannot be changed. - Debug it with USB debug mode as it will break B4A-Bridge connection. Updates: - Project...
B4X | Table/Grid | SD FlexGrid [B4X] [XUI] | I created a new library to show a table (or grid) similar to the one in EXCEL. There are already excellent classes that allow many to accomplish things, such as xCustomListView (by Erel) and with the FlexibleTable (by Klaus). I wanted to make something slightly different suited to my needs. |
I created a new library to show a table (or grid) similar to the one in EXCEL. There are already excellent classes that allow many to accomplish things, such as xCustomListView by @Erel (B4X) and with the FlexibleTable by @klaus (B4A). I wanted to make something slightly different suited to...
B4X | Action Bar, Drawer, etc | B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel [B4X] | I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested. |
I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested. I spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of...
B4J | Drawing | Double Pendulum - just for fun | Double Pendulum - just for fun |
It is a B4J shortcut to kickstart this project. Copy attached Jar to your B4J library folder and then run the attached B4J project (chaos theory). Adjust the sliders....
B4X | OAuth | Google OAuth2 [class] [B4X] | It is no longer possible to use WebView to implement Google's OAuth2 authentication.
The solution is to open the default browser and set the redirection uri in such a way that the browser will redirect the response back to our app.
GoogleOAuth2 class takes care of several tasks:
1. Opening the browser and getting the authorization code.
2. Getting and saving the access token and refresh token from the authorization code.
3. Getting a new access token when it expires using the refresh token. |
GoogleOAuth2 class is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J (new). It is no longer possible to use WebView to implement Google's OAuth2 authentication. The solution is to open the default browser and set the redirection uri in such a way that the browser will redirect the response back to our app...
B4A | Service/Receiver | Start receiver at exact time | Start receiver at exact time. The standard StartReceiverAt is inexact, in order to allow the OS to make optimizations. |
The standard StartReceiverAt is inexact, in order to allow the OS to make optimizations. Worth reading: https://developer.android.com/training/scheduling/alarms Exact scheduling: 1. AddPermission(android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM) 2. Private ion As Object - class global 3. Private...
B4R | B4R sensor | Inertial Measurements (MPU 6050) and Magnetometer (HMC5883L) | Inertial Measurements (MPU 6050) and Magnetometer (HMC5883L) |
With big help from Erel here are two examples of connecting two boards by the I2C/TWI (A4 and A5 pins), using the rWire library. Inertial Measurements (mpu6050) : ' MPU 6050 board - Inertial Measurements ' connect SCL to A5, SDA to A4, 3.3V and ground #Region Project Attributes...
B4J | SithasoDaisy | SithasoDaisy: Create Google Calendar Events via Zapier Web Hooks | SithasoDaisy: Create Google Calendar Events via Zapier Web Hooks |
Hi Here we convert the events from our app to google calendar events To fix: time-zones...
B4J | SithasoDaisy | SithasoDaisy: Send Emails via Zapier Web Hooks | SithasoDaisy: Send Emails via Zapier Web Hooks |
Hi there Today we will send emails using Zapier Web Hooks and gmail. We build an app where one can enter the email to send to, the subject and message. We then send this via a hook.
B4X | EditText/Textview | AS TextFieldAdvanced Password Strength Indicator [B4X] | AS TextFieldAdvanced Password Strength Indicator [B4X] |
This is a Example project for the AS_TextFieldAdvanced, to show the password strength indicator. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-textfieldadvanced-title-information-counter-password-button-prefix-suffix-icons-multiline.141337/ Have Fun :)
B4J | SithasoDaisy | SithasoDaisy: Create Google Sheet Email Collection via Zapier Web Hooks | SithasoDaisy: Create Google Sheet Email Collection via Zapier Web Hooks |
Hi there I got the opportunity to explore Zapier today for workflows. What we do here is create an app that enables us to store our email collection. The email collection will contain just a name and email address of the person. This email collection will be stored as a list on a Google Sheet...
B4A | B4A | UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier | UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier |
Hi every body, As I worked on ContactsUtils library and enhanced it, I needed to see the contents of some URI like "content://com.android.contacts/data" or "content://com.android.contacts/groups" for instance. I developed a small application based on B4XPage for that : As I am not convinced...
B4X | Date/time | AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X] | AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X] |
This is a date and time picker in IOS picker design. This library is based on the ASWheelPicker, without it the library will not work. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-wheelpicker-spinner-a-modern-single-multiple-choice-picker-view-based-on-xcustomlistview-payware.127505/...
B4A | List- and scrollview | Programaticaly suppress divider in customlistview | Programaticaly suppress divider in customlistview |
Hi everybody I wasted time unsuccessfully to suppress divider seted in designer for customlistview : I wanted the last items to be without. And finally the solution is quite simple. As I am not the only one to search for, here are the 2 «magic» lines where clv is the name of your customlistview...
B4X | Progress/Gauge/Loading | SD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI] | SD LiquidProgress [Bar] [B4X] [XUI] |
Made entirely with B4X with XUI SD_LiquidProgress Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.13 LiquidProgress Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String Base type must be Object Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As...
B4X | BCTextEngine/BBCodeView | BBCodeView Anchors Example [B4X] | BBCodeView Anchors Example - jump to a position in the BBCodeView text |
A small, cross platform, example of using the new anchors feature of BBCodeView. It reads a CSV file with information about US politicians. The data is used to populate a BBCodeView and B4XDialog+B4XSearchTemplate. The bbcode looks like: For Each pol As Politician In politicians...
B4X | B4X | CreateB4xlib | With this small Windows application you can easily create a B4xlib library. |
Hi, with this small Windows application you can easily create a B4xlib library. You can save the application "CreateB4xlib.exe" wherever you want. The best way is to create a shortcut to the application and save it under this path: C:\Users\your-username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo...
B4X | Menu | AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI] | AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI] |
The last custom view, for this year, a month ago, I felt like creating this view, but had been reluctant to publish it because there is still too little space used for the tabs. I spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high...
B4X | B4X | Massimo Meli Overview | Massimo Meli Overview |
B4A-B4J-B4R Libraries, Classes, Code Snippets Not all, but most of my B4A-B4J-B4R libraries are fully open-source and I will post one or more demo projects with inline classes you can recompile directly to a library. I will release the open-source code on B4X Forum and github repositories...
B4J | ABMaterial | ABMaterial | ABMaterial is a new framework combining a tuned Materialize CSS with the free programming tool B4J. It allows creating WebApps that not only look great thanks to Googles Material Design, but can be programmed with the powerful free tool from Anywhere Software without any knowledge of HTML or CSS. |
TIP: For absolute beginners with ABM, Get started with the Mini Template TIP: Get started with 'ABMaterial For Dummies' by Harris here! (lessons) TIP: My mini course on Youtube by MichalK73 ABMaterial is a framework combining a tuned Materialize CSS with the free programming tool B4J. It allows...
B4X | Preferences | AS Settings [B4X] [XUI] [Beta] | AS Settings [B4X] [XUI] [Beta] |
Introducing a new library that allows you to create your own settings page with minimal code. This library comes equipped with automatic saving and loading features, making it incredibly easy to manage your settings. It supports booleans, free text, numbers, comboboxes, action buttons and more...
B4X | Preferences | AS Settings with PlusMinus [B4X] | AS Settings with PlusMinus [B4X] |
This is an extension for the AS_Settings library, if it activates this extension, then you can select settings via a new type. Guide Download AS_PlusMinus Copy it to your additional lib. folder Check the AS_PlusMinus in the lib. list in your project Click in B4J, B4A or B4I Project -> Build...
B4X | Preferences | AS Settings with SegmentedTab [B4X] | AS Settings with SegmentedTab [B4X] |
This is an extension for the AS_Settings library, if it activates this extension, then you can select settings via a new type. Guide Download AS_SegmentedTab Copy it to your additional lib. folder Check the AS_SegmentedTab in the lib. list in your project Click in B4J, B4A or B4I Project ->...
B4J | Comms & Network | SD_Wacom | Connect to Wacom devices for signing. |
I was asked by a customer to connect to wacom devices for signing. At first I thought some wrapping would be needed and not being java savvy I would commission someone capable to do it for me. At the end of last month I found myself with a few more coins in my pocket and I bought a wacom on an...
B4A | AI/ML | TensorFlowLite -Update- an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper for B4A | TensorFlowLite -Update- an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper for B4A |
Hello, This is to complete an old discussion of TensorFlowLite started in this link https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/tensorflowlite-an-experimental-machine-deep-learning-wrapper.96410/page-3#posts which had been posted by moster67 @moster67 --> Thanks for the initiative to develop...
B4X | TabStrip | AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI] | AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI] |
New year, new ASViews :) I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal or with a coffee. :) NEW PaddingSelectionPanel - Picture Value: 5 NEW...
B4X | Strings | B4XFormatter - Advanced number formatter [B4X] | B4XFormatter is an alternative to NumberFormat / NumberFormat2 keywords. It is implemented in B4X and it is cross platform. |
B4XFormatter is an alternative to NumberFormat / NumberFormat2 keywords. It is implemented in B4X and it is cross platform. There are two types in the library: B4XFormatter - The main class. B4XFormatData - A type with various configurable fields. The formatter holds a list of format data...
B4X | BCTextEngine/BBCodeView | BCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View [B4X] [BETA] | This is a cross platform library with several features:
- Text drawing engine.
- Text layout engine.
- BBCode parser.
- A custom view that connects everything. |
Be open minded. This is a cross platform library with several features: - Text drawing engine. - Text layout engine. - BBCode parser. - Two custom views that connect everything: BBCodeView - multiline, scrollable with support for embedded views. BBLabel - lightweight label. - NEW...
B4A | File handling | File GetCreationTime alternative | File GetCreationTime alternative |
This function is working great in recent android versions. But in older ones not working, I googling and find this working in all android versions: Public Sub GetCreationTime (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Long DateTime.DateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd" DateTime.TimeFormat="HH:mm:ss"...
B4J | Barcode/scan | Scan 1D / 2D barcodes with your Laptop's WebCam | Scan 1D / 2D barcodes with your Laptop's WebCam |
Go here...... Take note of this in case you want to compile it to a standalone package. Sample Code #Region Project Attributes #MainFormWidth: 600 #MainFormHeight: 600 '#MergeLibraries:True #AdditionalJar : webcam-capture-0.3.12 #AdditionalJar: core-3.2.1...
B4X | Calendar | AS Scheduler - MonthView and DayView [Week] [Payware] [B4X] [XUI] | The AS Scheduler is a B4X library for displaying and interacting with appointments. |
The AS Scheduler is a B4X library for displaying and interacting with appointments. You want to try the views out? Then click here This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views. https://payhip.com/b/nrtw5 Thanks for your understanding. :) The...
B4J | Translation/localisation | B4J - GoogleTranslateDB | Translating applications into other languages |
Hello to all forum users, I am pleased to present my next project "B4JGoogleTranslateDB". It was created for my own needs of translating applications into other languages. Surely you will find many similar solutions on the forum, mine is as follows: Required Libraries: and a text file that...
B4J | Firebase | jSupport - A utility library used for jServer system processing [Firebase] | jSupport - A utility library used for jServer system processing [Firebase] |
Allow me to introduce you to the library that I am developing for use in our clients' web app projects. Currently, the library is still under development, but I will introduce a few small components first and will gradually update them in the future. Part 1: Firebase Services class for jServer...
B4R | Home automation | Home Control 4 | Home Control 4 |
Hi guys I want to share my project on this great community (source code free no donation) I think it may be useful to someone in the source code I commented out the functions it should be simple enough to figure out. hardware: Module Elegoo 4 Relays 5V NodeMCU ESP8266 wifi (chip 2102 drive)...
B4J | Database | JQuiz - API Server / Web Service for B4XQuiz [with SSL] | JQuiz - API Server / Web Service for B4XQuiz [with SSL] |
This is the full source code for B4XQuiz server. SQL script to generate database in post #2 For B4XQuiz client app, please check: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4jquiz-desktop-app.124202/ Update It is now easier to create Web API Server using B4X Template Check...
B4J | Database | Web API Template 2 [Beta] | Web API Template 2 |
Version: 2.08 Description: Create Web API Server using B4X project template Database: MySQL, SQLite Sample project: Support Ticketing System If you don't want to connect to any SQL database, see MinimaList API Server For older version, see Web API Server (v1.16) Template: Web API Server...
B4J | Table/Grid | B4xTableView - userfriendly config | B4xTableView - userfriendly config |
Hi, I want to share my extension of Tableview which include user friendly dynamically layout configuration, saving, reordering, and exporting. I created solution based on standard Tableview (not on b4xtable) because this was good base with all needed functionalities (mostly was decisive function...
B4X | Picker | AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI] | AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI] |
This view is oriented to the ios stepper view. I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) AS_PlusMinus Author: Alexander Stolte Version: 1.00...
B4J | Print | Printer Example - Print text with the jFX8 Printer library | This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects. |
This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects. By parsing the text and measuring and creating text classes per line as required by wrapping it creates multiple pages and prints them to one print job. There are also options to break on...
B4A | Social | Share a PDF with a specific WhatsApp number. | Share a PDF with a specific WhatsApp number. |
Hi everyone, i've been working with B4A since 2016 or maybe 2015 and today, after a request from a client. I needed to send a PDF to a specific number in whats app. After two days, i finally figure it out Im sharing this here with you all, because is this forum what keeps B4A alive. Im using...
B4R | B4R LCD/TFT | ESP32 WITH LCD [20x4] Interface Using I2C | ESP32 WITH LCD [20x4] Interface Using I2C |
#Region Project Attributes #AutoFlushLogs: True #CheckArrayBounds: True #StackBufferSize: 600 #End Region 'Ctrl+Click to open the C code folder: ide://run?File=%WINDIR%\System32\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects\Src Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As Serial Private wifi...
B4A | Permissions | PermissionsManager | PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the settings application. |
PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the settings application. This library...
B4I | Encryption | RSA - Encryption and key generator [GPT-4 Experiment] | RSA - Encryption and key generator [GPT-4 Experiment] |
Disclaimer: This post was written entirely with GPT-4 model Version: 0.1 Greetings, The absence of an RSA library in B4i, particularly for generating RSA key pairs and adjusting encryption key size, has been a personal challenge for me. Despite not being well-versed in Objective C, I was...
B4J | Google | Upload a File at GoogleDrive [and re-upload] - works for 2023 - 0$ [B4J] | Upload a File at GoogleDrive [and re-upload] - works for 2023 - 0$ [B4J] |
Hi there... It is not my source code but is my way to give a sample how you will use right the code... because i felt too "dumb" when i ve tried to use ready examples... This is working good only for "DESKTOPs" (for sure at Windows) - to make it work at other platforms may be need more...
B4A | GPS/location/maps | FusedLocationProviderGMS [Latest] | This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS) |
This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS). Unlike the old version of the FusedLocationProvider library, this version uses the FusedLocationProviderClient class in place of the deprecated FusedLocationProvider class. The...
B4A | Strings | RegEx.Matcher2 and getting first and last words of String | RegEx.Matcher2 and getting first and last words of String |
This example not only retrieves the first and last word of a String, but also sets a Label with the first letters of both the first and last words. I use it to populate a CustomListView with Account Names and the Ltr1 & Ltr2 in a Label that is positioned to the left of the Account Name. This is...
B4J | Database | Web API 2 Tutorial | Web API 2 Tutorial |
Note: This tutorial is based on Web API Server v2.02 and is deprecated. Please refer to (B4J Tutorial) Web API Server v3 Note: Please do not post your question in this thread. Start a new question and tag with [Web API Server v2] in the title.